Paint for jeans: how to choose, which happens? How to paint jeans black? How to paint jeans with improvised means?

Paint for jeans: how to choose, which happens? How to paint jeans black? How to paint jeans with improvised means?

Ways to paint jeans at home.

Often, after prolonged socks, as well as numerous washes, jeans lose their color. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon. Therefore, if it is difficult for you to part with your favorite pair of jeans, we advise you to paint them. In this article we will tell you how to do it.

How to paint jeans in a dark blue, black color?

Most often, jeans are painted in dark blue, as well as black. Please note that the most difficult thing is to paint multi -colored jeans or clothing, which is painted in red or burgundy. In this case, you will first need to discolor the fabric. To this end, purchase a special solution for the fabric, carry out discoloration. We do not recommend using the chlorine, because it has a less pronounced effect than that of special fabric products.

Painting jeans
Painting jeans


  • In order to cope with staining, I recommend choosing a deep pan, pour water and bring to a boil. After that, the bleach is spilled out and jeans are placed. It is necessary to constantly stir the product in order to be evenly discolored.
  • Before loading jeans into the pan, it is necessary to wash them thoroughly in the washing machine and remove the spots. After that, you can start bleaching. Please note that jeans will not become white, they can become beige, or some dirty color. This is quite normal and it will be enough for the dye to be well absorbed into the fabric. After that, it is necessary to rinse jeans in warm water and wash in a washing machine with a soft detergent. After that, staining is carried out directly. Buy a dye for black fabric in a given amount.
  • On average, jeans weigh approximately a half -kilogram, respectively, for staining you will need 10 liters of water, a bottle of paint or three bags of powder. Please note that it is best to purchase staining products with a margin. This will make the staining process as effective as possible. Because sometimes colors are not enough, and instead of black you get a dark gray color. After pouring the paint into boiling water, it is necessary to straighten jeans. There is no need to dry them first. Before staining, they should be well -painted, wet. It is worth moving all the creases and immerse the product into a pan.
  • Stir with a large spoon. If you are not entirely sure of the quality of staining, it is best to use a piece of white fabric before loading jeans. To do this, immerse the flap in the solution and look at its color. If it becomes saturated and acquires such a color as necessary, you can stain jeans. If it is light, you can enter another bag of dye into the pan. This will make the solution even darker, and staining intense.
Jeans staining
Jeans staining

Paint for jeans: how to choose, which happens?

You can paint jeans using a variety of dyes.

Types of dyes:

  • The most popular are aniline dyes. They stain in fairly bright colors, but not for long. They are quickly lined.
  • The most persistent are powder dyes, which are used jointly when heated with water in a pan, can be said when boiling jeans.
  • You can also paint jeans with home remedies, such as plants and blue. When stained with potassium permanganate, it is necessary to be as accurate as possible, because it can cause stains on the bathroom, also on clothes. Traces are very difficult to display. The color when stained with potassium permanganate is not very beautiful, but it helps to create the effect of boiled jeans, as well as emphasize fractures and some dentists.
  • Blue - The easiest option for staining, but one of the most unstable. Therefore, periodically you will have to use the dye from time to time in order to update and improve color.
  • Painting jeans using acrylic paint. It is quite persistent, fades only if jeans are blamed. Therefore, with the help of acrylic paint, you can create very unusual color solutions, apply patterns. You can also create real works of art. At the same time, acrylic paint can be purchased at any art store, it costs quite inexpensively. It is quite problematic to paint the jeans with acrylic paint, because the consumption is high and the coloring method is not at all the same as when using powder dyes. You will have to paint with brushes or sponges, applying paint with rubbing movements.
Painting jeans
Painting jeans

How to paint jeans: basic painting rules

Salt solutions, as well as vinegar, are very often used to fix the paint. Please note that for some time after staining, traces on the body may remain, as well as on the upholstered furniture on which you will sit. To avoid troubles, we recommend fixing the paint, thoroughly pissing clothes after staining. For this purpose, a solution of vinegar, as well as citric acid, is often used. It is proven that sour solution helps to fix the paint and prevents it from lining.

Jinging jeans
Jinging jeans

Please note that it is not always possible to achieve such a color after coloring, as immediately after buying clothes. This is due to the use of super persistent dyes, special conditions, high temperature, pressure, as well as quick drying of products. Accordingly, it is almost impossible to achieve such a result in home conditions. Dry jeans in a straightened state, on an old sheet or straightening it on a hanger in order to avoid creases. Because in the place of folds, light spots can form, which will spoil the result of staining.

Ombre staining
Ombre staining

Please note that within a few washes after staining, water can acquire a characteristic shade of dye. Therefore, we do not advise with jeans to throw other clothes for washing in the washing machine. It is best to wash with an old towel or some unnecessary clothing that can absorb the remains of the dye from jeans.

As you can see, the jeans staining procedure are quite simple and affordable. With the help of simple manipulations, you can update your jeans and make them almost new.

Video: Methods of dyeing jeans

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