Beautiful words of gratitude at the wedding to parents, guests from the bride and groom in verses and prose

Beautiful words of gratitude at the wedding to parents, guests from the bride and groom in verses and prose

Beautiful words of gratitude from the bride to the parents of the groom in verses and prose

  • A wedding is always a special and solemn event in the life of parents and their children. Each newlyweds are looking forward to the wedding date, prepare for it with special trepidation.
  • The most pleasant moments for two lovers are: the moment of exchanging rings, the first marital kiss and parents' congratulations at the wedding.
  • With confidence, we can say that parents are those people who wish the newlyweds the most of all the guests present and that is why it is worth devoting a few minutes of time in order to thank their loved ones.
  • Of course, the speech of gratitude can be completely impromptu, but it is much better when all words are harmonious and the main thoughts are collected together.
  • Words should be pronounced with special sensuality, sincerity. So that every guest present at the wedding understands how deep your love for relatives is.

Gratitude speech can be written in advance on a separate sheet of paper (it is best to use the postcard: both beautiful and convenient), or you can memorize the entire text in advance and tell it by heart. You choose a way to express gratitude yourself.

words of gratitude to the groom's parents from the bride

Recommendations for writing thanks for the bride:

  • A thank you is best made to both the newlyweds, both the groom and the bride. When two lovers become one, this implies that they will complement each other and do everything harmoniously.
  • Try to pronounce the words with all your heart, give your parents a sincere smile, if you want to sneak - do not hide your emotions, this speaks of you as a sensual person.
  • It is worth thanks not only to your parents, but also to the parents of your loved one, since only thanks to them you have love in life. At the time of pronunciation of gratitude, it is worth forgetting all possible misunderstandings, quarrels and resentment that could exist between you.
  • When choosing words and phrases for your speech, avoid too pathos expressions, build speech in the right beautiful language, try using quotes of famous people who concern your topic.
  • Gratitude words can be built in prosaic or in poetic form. Prose easily proceeds at the time of improvisation, and poems leave a much strong impression.
words that can thank parents at the wedding

Gratitude from the bride to the parents of the groom in prose

Our dear parents! I want to thank you for giving you one day This world is a good, honest and good person - my husband. I am infinitely grateful to you for accepting me and promising to be a good daughter, always cares about your son, love him and help him in life. Thank you for allowing you to become his soulmate from now on until the end of his life!

Dear (the names of the parents of the groom)! Thank you for not sparing their strength and They raised a good and beautiful person - your son. Having met him, I gained true love, which I will carry through my whole life!

Mother and father! Thank you so much for helping you organize this holiday. Thank you for what you gave the world such a wonderful person. And now, when he became my husband, I promise to carry our love through sadness and hardships, wealth and poverty, tears and joy and never leave him!

Gratitude from the bride to the parents of the groom in verses

It seemed that yesterday we were children,
Shouted, harmed, cried, joked.
Today we took their vow before God
Store love for each other for hundreds of thousands of years.
You do not be sad that the whiskey is covered with gray hair,
For us you are young and very good.
We tied each other with good fate
For this, “thank you” from the bottom of my heart!

A little sad, a little disturbing,
In the hearts, both joy and some kind of sadness,
But we still know the road to the house
She will not hide the memory of the veil.
Thank you for the holiday and care
There is a huge love in my hands.
We both succumbed to the whirlpool
And the feelings covered us with our heads!

Video: " Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding. Bride. Very beautiful"

Beautiful words of gratitude from the groom to the bride's parents

A special place in the wedding celebration is occupied by the groom's gratitude. So, a man with his courage to express personal thoughts and say “thank you” to the bride’s parents shows that their daughter is in reliable strong hands. As expected, a man should own a clear word, compressed meaning, beautiful exact phrases and at the same time not to be too boring and talkative.

In order to prepare in advance for solemn speech, you need to spend a lot of time on the selection of words, read the right literature and statements of famous people on this topic. The selection of ready-made cliches, which can always be diversified in their own way, supplemented with their own words and memories, is much simplified.

words of gratitude from the groom to the bride's parents

Beautiful words of gratitude from the groom's parents in prose

Dear Parents! I want to thank you for being able to raise such Good daughter. (The name of the bride) has all the qualities of a beautiful wife and I was insanely lucky that she chose me. Thanks for the care and help, I promise to protect your daughter from any evil and from any misfortune. I promise to carry my love through all the years of our marital life, to be a faithful and kind husband, to store and idolize! Thanks!!!

(Names of parents)! On this wonderful day, I want to thank you for the fact that you They gave me the opportunity to feel happy, you gave me my beloved. From now on, I promise to keep it as a “apple of an eye”, to protect, to do it happy and fully provide. She entered my life like a fairy tale and still remains her.

Mother and father! You know how good how good you are (the name of the bride)! Thanks that They accepted me with the whole soul and allowed me to love your daughter. I am incredibly happy even from one thought that from now on we are a husband and wife. Be next to us further, without you, we can’t be so happy that everyone see us today!

Beautiful words of gratitude to mom and dad of the bride from the groom in verses

Thank you for the clever man-toast,
She is smart, beautiful and good.
I will say, I did not fall in love with her
And marriage is in my mind, not a game at all!
I will be a faithful and good husband
I will protect your daughter.
I will be those who she need for life
And I will kiss her legs!

On the day of the wedding, parents, you
Huge and low bow.
Believe in spiritual words
The bride is like roses a bud!
I will keep her century
Dreams to make it.
She is my dear person
I have nothing more to look for!

Video: " Parents at the wedding. Speech, congratulations for parents. Mother and father"

Touching words of gratitude to mom and dad from her daughter

  • The touching moment at the wedding is a solemn gratitude speech from the bride for its parents. Such words always touch the hearts and bring to happy tears.
  • It is very important to say “thank you” to parents, the only way you can thank everything that they gave their daughter until this moment: education, life skills, love and the holiday itself.
  • As a rule, women are more eloquent than men. They own words more, know how to hurt the “strings of the soul” and that is why their speech leaves an indelible impression.
  • Such words are very firmly “crashed into memory” and remain in it forever. It is for this reason that the speech should be coordinated, sensitive and rehearsed.

When it is difficult to independently add speech, improvisation is “not your horse”, but from excitement the words often fly out of memory, you need to use ready-made cliches and templates that are always easy to diversify in their own way, supplement with personal moments and memories, pleasant wishes.

words of gratitude to parents at the wedding from the bride

Words of gratitude to their parents from the bride in prosaic form

My dear, mom and dad! I want to separately give you a lot of gratitude per What helped organize this holiday for us. You have helped me become such a person whom everyone knows and see me now: kind, educated, educated, cultural. Thank you for never losing faith in me and always supported in difficult situations. I want to say that I was extremely lucky to be your daughter, to receive your love and affection. I promise not to lose myself and always remember you, help and spend time with you, but now in a different status, in the status of a "happy wife"!

Mommy and daddy! Today is my wedding. I can’t believe that I have matured.It seems to me that I still go to kindergarten, school, discos ... and every time I hear your voice: "Be careful!" Thank you for taking care of me all your life. Thank you for giving me everything they had and even more. Do not be you - not to be such a kind and honest person! Thank you for your help, for this holiday, for gifts, for love and for believe in me. I promise to be a good and faithful wife, to achieve heights and achieve success so that you are proud of me every day!

My dear parents! I want to thank you to all those present Today at our celebration for an excellent wedding, for great help in preparation, for sleepless nights, anxieties, waste and nerves! Thank you for loved and love me every day! Thank you for inspired me to be a good person and constantly kept telling me that I deserve happiness. Today I am completely happy, I found my husband and became my beloved wife. I promise you, parents, do not forget you and always share your joys with you. I want to tell you that you are the best parents in the world!

grateful speech of the bride on her own behalf of parents

Words of gratitude from the bride for his parents in verses

My parents are so expensive,
They gave me their warmth all their lives.
I was not afraid of hardships.
And in life everything turned out well.
Thank you for investing in me,
You did not fill up the nights, did not eat bread.
Your care kept my life,
Love was protecting from all troubles.

Parents, thank you for understanding.
You are what inspires me to live.
You gave me love and upbringing,
I will forever thank you.

May I become my wife and independent,
I remember my father’s house and bed.
I keep my pure memories
And every day I will remember them!

On our wedding day bright
Thank you!
Thanks for gifts,
Ah, how I love you!
Today I do not say goodbye
«See you "only I say
I promise you solemnly
What will I give you grandchildren soon.

Video: "Words to the daughter of parents at the wedding"

Pleasant words of gratitude to mom and dad from her son in verses and prose

The son is the pride of any parents and on such a day as the wedding of the word gratitude from his lips are especially important. Such words must be grateful to parents who gave a magnificent celebration, a holiday and many gifts. As a rule, all newlyweds while they make speech - use improvisation.

It is much better to prepare in advance. Beautiful and pleasant words for parents should sound in a special way: sincerely, sensually and from the heart. Every young men must have thoughts in their heads that can become a beautiful speech. Unfortunately, the excitement and preparation for the wedding often “knocks out of the rut” and prevents him from concentrating.

The assistant in such situations will be a pre -prepared unique template, in which you can add personal experiences and memories, making speech more colorful and richer.

words of gratitude from the groom to his parents at the wedding

Words of gratitude from the groom at the wedding to his parents on the wedding day in prose:

My dear parents! Here I stand in front of you: a beautiful groom, kind anda decent person, and now a faithful and caring husband and all this is your merit. If you weren’t, I would not have become such a person who my young wife loved me. Thank you for the fact that throughout life you gave me many useful lessons and discovered the truths of life. Now I can say with confidence that I was lucky with my parents! Thank you for the support, care and strength that you were not afraid to invest in me!

Mother and father! You will remain close and family people until the end of life. Thank you for giving me life once, spent many sleepless nights, invested in me all my strength and money without a trace. Only thanks to your efforts, I grew up a worthy man and decided to take a responsible step, offering the hand and heart of my beloved. Do not worry, mother, (the name of the bride) will take care of me no worse than you. Do not worry, dad, I will show myself the real master and defender. Thank you, my parents for everything that they did for me for this day!

My beloved parents! On this festive day for us I want to share Your happiness is with you. Thank you for being believed in me from birth and never complained about fatigue, pain and lack of time, putting the best from me. I am madly glad that today we are together and want to tell you that I am infinitely happy to find my beloved wife. I promise to be a good faithful husband, to ensure prosperity to my family and take care of you!

the words spoken at the wedding should be a special pleasant

Words of gratitude from the groom to his parents on the wedding day in verses:

Thank you, parents, because I have you,
Thank you for being present now and here
I am very grateful to you as a husband and son,
For the fact that there was no day in my life,
So that I do not love!
Thank you for taught me good,
Kept saying to wait and believe in a bright dream,
I don't know that I did without the same as you family,
You are the best, my parents!

Mom and dad, my relatives,
Thank you with a pure soul.
You are wonderful such
I love you with my soul and heart!

Gave me warmth, love care,
They believed, sometimes expected without sleep,
It is so important that someone believes
The fact that you can achieve yourself!

My relatives,
You bow low from me
For the fact that the man was raised
And they gave a cozy house.

For the fact that they helped out in trouble
For what in the distance we were waiting.
For the fact that they missed me
And they gave me everything they could!

Beautiful words of gratitude to the son from mom and father, words to children in verses and prose

Popular words of parents on the day of the celebration will be an excellent motivation for the newlyweds. Such words should be special, “cling to the living”, reveal the meaning of family life and inspire confidence.

Suitable words are not difficult to choose when you wish good to your children. The problem becomes only excitement or experience during the wedding, which can become an obstacle to the statement.

Already prepared templates that can always be added to your own experiences, examples and wishes will help to help make speech.

parents at the wedding, beautiful words of mom and dad of the groom, parting words to children

Beautiful words from parents to their children for a wedding, parental parting words:

Dear, our children! We are so glad that you have taken such an important step in your life - Build a family and continue the clan. This symbolizes you as responsible and adults. We are madly glad that you have gained each other. Love is a wonderful feeling, it is the best that we can wish you on this day. Keep it, carry it in decades, instill it in your children and if there is time, do not forget about us!

Our beloved son! You are our pride, our hope and support. We raised you in peace and love and now we hand over your clever man in the hands of your clever. We hope that you will show yourself a good master, defender and self -sufficient man. We wish you to be successful, beloved, happy and ask you not to forget your parents. You respect your choice and promise to love your spouse as a native daughter!

Children, I congratulate you on the long -awaited day,
Let you remember this day!
Let you have everything you want
And a shadow does not fall sorrow.
Each day, let luck rush for you,
Let the trouble with the side,
All good things happen to you
The pain of loss will never come!

Our dear children,
We wish you good!
Let all life sparkle with happiness,
Smiles - always!

Do not be sad for failures
With sadness, do anyone.
The main thing is to keep feelings
And endless love!

Accept my congratulations,
I want to wish you heart
Love, understanding, happiness,
Sadness, no anxiety.
Love endless, endless,
Which will be clean
Trust and understanding,
Wealth, good luck, good.

Pleasant and beautiful words of gratitude to the guests at the wedding in verses and prose

Guests are special people at the wedding. As a rule, guests are close people, relatives and best friends. For them, your marriage is a special date. That is why it is necessary to devote time to them at the celebration without fail.

Each guest, going to spend a lot of effort, time and finance on your celebration, so that your event is perfect. Prepare a pleasant thanksgiving speech in which you will express all your emotions and feelings to loved ones.

beautiful words and gratitude to guests for the presence of a wedding celebration

Choose the most pleasant words for the guests in which you will express your love for them and respect.

Nice words to guests at a wedding in verses and prose:

Our dear guests! Thank you very much for finding the time and opportunity Enjoy at our celebration. This is a special holiday for us and without you, it would not be so fun and solemn. We say with confidence, you are our family and our life. Every person present here is important and we need. Thank you for the gifts, but the most important thing is your attention and pleasant congratulatory words in our honor. We promise to store our marriage and carry our love in a hundred years!

Dear guests! Pay attention to each other: all of you are beautiful, solemn, You smile and rejoice at today. This is a huge joy to have so many people close to the heart and share their happiness with them. We thank you for being able to attend here and now. We promise to store our love, do not forget you and believe in the family!

Thank you, dear guests
What have you come to us today.
You are all for us like "gold"
Others do not need rewards!
Thanks for the nice evening
For dances, songs and words.
We will be glad to meet you
In family life a year later.

Friends, thank you for coming,
They left their worries
Friends, thanks for converging
Today all our roads.
Thanks for shouting you
We are "bitter!" All day and evening
Thank you, guests, for coming
We will wait with you a meeting!

Video: " Gratitude to the sister and guests "

Beautiful words of gratitude for the gifts, how to thank for gifts at the wedding?

  • Gratitude from the newlyweds for gifts during the wedding celebration is an important point that symbolizes the "young" as responsible and serious people. Whatever the gift is a sign of attention and therefore deserves respect.
  • Gratitude for the gifts can be expressed in the form of a postcard that each guest receives by mail after the celebration, but it is much more pleasant to listen to thanks in the moment of the celebration.
  • Gratitude should be pronounced to both newlyweds with sincerity, desire and respect for each guest, even if you do not really need this subject (I mean a gift).
words of gratitude to guests for the presented gifts for celebrations

Words of gratitude for gifts to guests:

Dear guests! We want to thank you for pleasing us like this Many pleasant gifts! We very much appreciate each of them and know that we chose them with special trepidation. We promise each time to remember you and fill your house with commemorative gifts, which will instantly become cozy and beloved. Thank you!

Thank you guests for giving us such an amount with a gift! We promise what We will spend the entire collected amount to “equip our nest” and make it the warmest, cozy and “soft”. By all other gifts, we will fill the voids in our house and will often remember you, your care and attention!

Our guests are dear! Thank you for being able to attend our celebration andwe were able to bestow us with such a large number of useful things. We promise to store every whole happy family life, spend the whole amount “for the future” and not a penny “to the wind”. We are happy that you appreciate and love us. We thank you endlessly and appreciate you! Thank you!

Video: "Words of gratitude at the wedding"

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