Beautiful boxes for gifts with your own hands: ideas, shapes, templates, stencils, diagrams, design, photo. How to decorate a gift for a gift with your own hands?

Beautiful boxes for gifts with your own hands: ideas, shapes, templates, stencils, diagrams, design, photo. How to decorate a gift for a gift with your own hands?

Recommendations for making boxes for gifts to relatives and friends.

If you think that making a gift for a gift is very difficult, then you are deeply mistaken. In order to make the original packaging for the presentation with your own hands, you just need to stock up on color cardboard and patience. If you show at least a drop of imagination, you can please your family and friends with an original packed gift.

Ideas, shapes and photos of beautiful gifts for gifts with your own hands

Gift for gifts with openwork decor
Gift Box: Heart
Square box for a gift
New Year's gift for a gift
Gift box: star

If you want to show your friend or relative all your respect and love, then try to make a gift for a gift with your own hands. If possible, try to show all your imagination and make the most original packaging. If you wish, you can make a box round, triangular and rhomboid or make a packaging visually similar to a flower, house, fruit or even diamond.

Of course, the latest options will demand a little more than the master, but in the end you will receive a unique thing that cannot be purchased at the store. The only thing you should remember is that such crafts love accuracy. In this case, when cutting out the template, you cannot afford to retreat from the line in any way or the other.

You must cut out all the lines as accurately as possible, trying to create perfectly even edges. If this stage of work is carried out not as it should, then with a high probability we can say that in the end the box will turn out not entirely presentable.

How to make a box of cardboard for a gift: a template, pattern

Step No. 1
Step No. 2

If you are a beginner in this matter, then you need to start your acquaintance with a similar type of needlework with the simplest things. Believe me, if you do everything right, then even an ordinary square box will look attractive. Now we will present to your attention a master class, with which you can make a rectangular box for gifts.

For its manufacture, you will need only glue, scissors and special cardboard. If you do not have this, do not be very upset. You can quite calmly take even the one that children use at school lessons, and make the frame of crafts from it. It’s just that in this case, after the box is ready, you will have to decorate it additionally. This can be done using the technique of decoupage or with the help of organza, tulle or satin ribbons.

How to make a small mini-box for a gift from paper: template, pattern

Scheme for work
Gift box
Ready box


Template number 1
Template number 2

If you plan to present a small present to a loved one, then for such a gift you can make a small box. To make such a craft, like the previous one, is best from thick paper. If you make it from a thin one, then there is a probability that it will not keep the desired shape, or simply breaks from the mechanical impact that will have a present on its walls.

Yes, and in this case it is extremely important to be as responsible for the fastening of all lateral parts. Since these crafts do not provide for the presence of secret locks, it will be better if you fix everything with glue or double -sided tape. If the first box seems to you too simple, then below we set up two more quite interesting templates, printing which you easily make rather cute crafts.

How to make a boxing box for a gift?

Template number 1
Box of squares

If you want to surprise your loved one for real, then make a scrapbooking box for him. For its manufacture, you will need both ordinary cardboard and special paper for scrapbooking. From cardboard you will make a strong frame, and with the help of paper give it a festive look. The most pleasant thing is that in this case you will have a huge field for imagination. Since it is assumed that this box will be untied, you can decorate it both from the inside and outside.

Moreover, if desired, you can even in those parts of the crafts that will be thrown back, provide places for small presentations. For example, you can make there places for notes in which write the most pleasant words. But keep in mind that the greeting notes fit well into the overall style of the gift box, they must be designed in the same color scheme as it is.

How to make an origami gift box?


Step No. 1
Step No. 2
Step No. 3

Recently, the origami technique has become so popular that even gift boxes began to make it with its help. In principle, you can make such a craft from any colored paper, but since you still make a product for an important holiday, it will be better if you spend money on scrapbooking paper.

In this case, you do not need additional decoration of the inside of the product as you immediately do it as it should. The only thing you should consider to create a box, the master class of which is placed above, you need to use two square sheets, one of which will be less literally 11-12 millimeters. If you do not take this nuance, then in the end you simply will not be able to connect two parts in one craft.

How to make a box for a gift with a lid?

Recommendations for the manufacture of a round box

A gift box with a lid is an ideal packaging for heavier and weighty gifts. If you make it a little more than shown in the master class, you can supplement the main gift with sweets, buds of fresh flowers and your own hand. As you already, probably, understood to make such a box best from dense cardboard.

If you have the opportunity, then purchase it in a specialized store, or go to the nearest supermarket and take any paper box there. Having brought home, put it horizontally and put it in a heavy way. Leave it in this position literally for an hour, and then move on to drawing the frame of the future craft. Such a little trick will help you smooth out the bends that would surely interfere with you in the process of creating your masterpiece.

How to make a gift box with a surprise?

Box in the form of a piece of cake
Template number 1
Template No. 2

In principle, the box with a surprise can have a completely different shape, color and decor. In this case, everything will depend exclusively on what event you go to. If you go for a birthday to an employee, then it can be a completely standard box of square and rectangular shape, inside which, in addition to the presentation itself, a sheet with wishes will be laid (it should be as long as possible and composed in an accordion).

If you are going to a child for a holiday, then make a gift box for him in the form of a piece of the cake and be sure to install a couple of cartoon characters from cardboard inside. And in order for them to really be a surprise for the baby, fix the figures on flexible springs that will push them out as soon as the lid is removed from the box.

How to make a gift for a gift with wishes?

Master class on making pyramids
Box with congratulations
Recommendations for the manufacture of pyramids

If you want your gift for a gift to be at the same time as a packaging and a congratulatory card, then make it in the form of a pyramid. In the photo located above you can see templates on which you can make a small pyramid. But if you try to increase the scale of the picture, then in the end you can make a pyramid on which you can place wishes.

Remember, in order for such a surprise to look interesting, the scale of the picture needs to be increased at least twice. Only in this case you will have the opportunity to make the pocket of the product on the outside of the product, in which cute notes can be put later. Yes, and remember, it is not necessary to make these pockets out of paper, you can quite calmly use for this, for example, lace. Simply, when you fasten them, use the stapler instead of glue.

How to make a transparent box for a gift?

Rectangular box for a gift
The box is their Butyk
High gift for a gift
Corcan from duck 2
Triangular box for a gift

Above, we have already shown you how to make a gift box of cardboard and ordinary paper, and now you will learn how to make a very cute transparent packaging. The most pleasant thing is that for the manufacture of such crafts you do not have to buy material.

Since it is made of an ordinary plastic bottle, you will have to buy only ribbons and sneakers for decoration. So, take a transparent plastic bottle and cut the neck and bottom from it. As a result, the perfect cylinder should remain in your hands. Then take the scissors and carefully cut it exactly as shown in the figure.

After you finish this, begin to bend the material in such a way that you clearly see all the ribs of the future crafts. If you can’t do it with your hands, then use scissors for this. As soon as you understand that the plastic has become more obedient, you can safely collect a box. For reliability, bandage it with a satin ribbon.

How to make a box for a female gift for March 8?

March 8
Template number 1
March 81
Template No. 2
Template number 3

It so happened, but for some reason, most of the women on March 8 is associated with the delicate twigs of mimosa and scarlet tulips. That is why when making a box for this holiday you must remember that there must be flowers on its outside. They will be drawn or made using application, it is only you to solve. The main thing is that your packaging with all its appearance shows that spring will come very soon.

If you do not want to spend extra time decorating the box, then spend on scrapbooking paper. If you are ready to work hard, then you can download some interesting template on the Internet, make flowers on it and paste it with a finished box with a floral application. Also, if desired, you can just paint it beautifully.

How to make a box for a men's gift on February 23?

Template number 1
For men
Template number 2
Template number 3

If your family has real men, then you simply must do a special day on February 23. The right atmosphere will help you create the right packaging for a gift. In principle, it can be made quite simple. You can make a box for any template or master class that we introduced to you, only taking into account the fact that you are preparing a present for the representative of the stronger sex.

That is, in this case, it is best to forget about flowers, curls and various kinds of female things. It will be better if you make a gift box of paper with a camouflage print, or simply paint the finished product with different shades of green and brown. If you want to pick up a present for an older man in this way, you can try to decorate the box with a red star or any other attribute of the Soviet era.

It can also be drawn, or print the template and make the desired application from the blanks. Well, if you are a lover of everything new, then try to make a box in the form of a men's shirt. You can see how to do it in the figure, which is posted slightly higher.

How to make a gift for a gift for lovers on February 14?


Box for February 14
Template number 1
Template No. 2
Template number 3

Many people think that it is very difficult to make a box in the form of a heart. In fact, such a product is done according to the same principle that all other packages. All that will be required of you in this case just find the right template and with it to glue the box. We decided to facilitate your task and therefore we offer you a choice of several interesting ideas for gift boxes for February 14.

If you decide to do the largest and most voluminous, remember that in this case you also have to make a product consisting of two parts. One part will play the role of a gift for a gift directly, and the other will be a lid. Therefore, when cutting out the frame of the future crafts, be sure to double -check if one of the parts has slightly larger sizes.

As in the case of a rectangular product, this is necessary so that in the end you can easily put the upper part on the bottom. As for the color of the box, it does not have to be red, if you wish, you can make the heart pink, raspberry or even purple-white.

How to make a box for a wedding gift?

Template number 1
Template No. 2
Template number 3
Template No. 4
A gift for a gift with wishes
Template No. 5

Probably, you should not even say that the box for the wedding gift should be special. And the point here is not the shape of the product, but in its decor. Therefore, feel free to choose a template on which you would like to make a similar craft, and then start thinking through what the finish of the finished product will be.

I immediately want to say that in the end you got something truly festive, the decor should be multi-layer. That is, you can create a volume using flowers, leaflets or hearts glued to each other and complement all this beauty with elegant curls laid out of rhinestones and pieces.

Beginning needlewomen are best to opt for crafts of square and rectangular shape. Such products are not only made faster, but also decorated easier. Since you will actually have a canvas, you can first lay out the future picture from the elements, see how all the details will look together, and only after that begin to fix them.

How to make a birthday box?



Template number 1
Template No. 2
Template number 3

The birthday refers to those holidays that everyone is looking forward to. There is no difference how many years the culprit of the celebration was, on this day, he still wants to feel like the most beloved and expensive. And what else can return us to childhood and give excellent memories as not a gift packed in a box imitating a birthday cake. It is easy to make such a craft, most importantly, to show a little patience.

Above you can see the template on which you can make one piece of the cake. If you see that in the end, gift packaging will have smaller sizes, then increase the scale to the desired value, just making sure that all proportions are observed in the process. Then make the right number of pieces, fold them in a circle and measure the diameter of the resulting figure.

But the basis of the data obtained cut off a round stand on which you will put all the blanks. If desired, you can glue its edge with openwork snowflakes or lace. When the stand is ready, fill all the boxes with presentations, form a cake from them and fix everything with a satin ribbon.

How to make a box for a new year?

Template number 1
Template No. 2
Template number 3
Template No. 4
Template No. 5

As you already, probably, understood if you wish with your own hands you can make a box for a holiday of any shape and color. As for the New Year, then in this case you will have something to choose from. If you show a little patience and ingenuity, then with the help of our templates you can make a beautiful snowman, fluffy Christmas tree, house or Santa Claus.

If you print templates on a colored printer using photographs, then you just have to cut the details of the future box for the gift and carefully glue them. If you do not have the opportunity to print templates, you can always make gift packaging from a paper bag and winter application, for example, the heads of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or Snowman.

In this case, the package, depending on the chosen character, will need to be made red, white or blue, and then glue the head, for example, Santa Claus on the upper part of the package. They will need to glue two pieces and be sure to provide from the very top of the holes for the tapes, which will subsequently tie your present.

How to make a cash gift box?

Box for money
Box for money
Template number 1
Flowers for decoration

Now you will not surprise anyone with a gift envelope for money, so most people are trying to present them more original. The best option for such a case will be a cash gift. You can make it according to a fairly simple template. True, in the manufacture of such crafts, you must remember that in this case you will make a box, the inside of which will be advanced.

Therefore, if you see that the side sides of the product are poorly kept in shape, then they must be strengthened. If you do this with a cardboard, then one strip will be enough. If you use less dense paper, then first glue a few pieces with each other, and only then fix this element on your craft. And, of course, remember that until all the details of the product will be finished with each other, it is undesirable to move the inside.

If we talk about the decoration of such products, then it all depends solely on your imagination. You can decorate the box for a monetary gift with all that you have at hand, or try to make flowers from scrapbooking paper. As you can make them can be seen a little higher.

How to make a gift for a gift for sweets?

Recommendations for the manufacture of a box
Surprise 3
Simple box for sweets
Simple box for sweets

In principle, a box for sweets can be any. For example, you can make a cake from the boxes that imitate pieces of dessert (how to do this we told in the previous paragraph of our article) or make something simpler, for example, a round or rectangular box. Therefore, choose what form you like and start making your festive craft. If you do not like such products, then try to make boxes on templates placed a little higher.

But immediately I want to say that no matter what you choose special attention, you need to pay precisely the material from which you will make your craft. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to use thin standard paper as it is unlikely to can withstand the weight of sweets. Therefore, it will be better if you still spend money and find the most dense cardboard in a specialized store, which will not require additional strengthening.

How to make a box for a child?

Template number 1
Template No. 2
Template number 3
Template No. 4

If you plan to make a box for a children's gift with your own hands, then remember that in this case there will be brightness in the first place. Therefore, it will be better if you use to create such crafts paper of juicy and saturated shades.

Also, to create such a masterpiece, scrapbooking paper is suitable, just try to find the material on which the children's drawing will be applied. It can be castles, princesses, cute animals, racing cars or even Lego. But if you can’t even buy something like that, then just turn on your imagination and decorate the product with applique.

How to arrange and decorate a gift for a gift with your own hands?

Paper roses
Lush flower
Corrugated paper flowers
Flowers from fabric
Recommendations for the manufacture of bows
Bant from paper
Craft from the tape
The idea for application
Application for decorating a gift for a gift

If you were attentive, you probably realized that you can decorate the gift box with any decor. Therefore, as a decorative material, you can use even simple colored paper. So, draw a flower of the desired shape on it in different sizes. After this is done, you just have to carefully cut the blanks, and then put them on each other in 3-4 layers.

At the same time, you must ensure that the petals of your flowers are not located opposite each other. It will be better if the petals of each new ball will move slightly. So you can achieve the effect of fluffiness and visual realism of the flower. You can also glue the finished box with hearts, stars, openwork snowflakes, small notes with wishes and various signs.

In addition, from paper you can make bows different in shape and also place them on the craft. And, of course, do not forget that the paper can be quite calmly decorated with crafts of ribbons and fabric. How can you can do them in master classes located slightly higher.

Video: How to make a gift for a gift in 10 minutes?

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Comments K. article

  1. Absolutely, a gift should not only be put in a box, but also decorated it. So everything will look more festive and creative.

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