Beautiful names for girls are rare, popular, modern: Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Bashkir, Tuvan, Kalmyk, Buryat, Crimean Tatar, Kabardian, Chechen, Dagestan, Ossetian, Ossetian, Ossetian

Beautiful names for girls are rare, popular, modern: Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Bashkir, Tuvan, Kalmyk, Buryat, Crimean Tatar, Kabardian, Chechen, Dagestan, Ossetian, Ossetian, Ossetian

In this article I would like to talk about female names. There are a huge number of them, but you can always choose what is needed.

All parents who have a daughter face the problem of choosing a name. Moreover, this choice is often delayed, because there is a lot of female names. Well, let's try to make your task easier.

Top 10 most beautiful names for girls

  • Anastasia - Translation from the Greek language "Risen" in itself is quite beautiful. In addition, a soft sound makes the name ideal for the future lady. The tenderness and beauty of the Nastenek was reflected in many fairy tales
  • Faith - Such a girl will not only be named after a strong feeling, but will also become a real family amulet! Diligent student and mistress, pleasant charming interlocutor - this is true female beauty
  • Darina - A flexible child with a soft character will be a real gift for his loved ones. In addition, Darins are distinguished by real beauty, a sharp mind and an amazing sense of humor
  • Eve - The name of the first biblical woman amazes with its simplicity and, at the same time, femininity. It is translated as “living”, which is not accidental, because such a girl is distinguished by mobility and charm
Eve - Name for an active girl
Eve - Name for an active girl
  • Camilla - Infrequently used, but no less beautiful name. The beauty of such girls lies in their charisma, under the spell of which everyone surrounds. Translated as a "keeper", which is very suitable for a woman

Important: however, when selecting such a name, accuracy should be shown. Despite the goodness of the name individually, it is not suitable for all surnames and patronymics.

  • Milena - "Sweet", "tender." The girl, who is so called, will always be able to become a peacekeeper for others and show true wisdom. But such quality for women sometimes means more than physical beauty
  • Sofia - And this name is translated as "wise." In addition, it sounds gently and perfectly combines with almost any patronymic
  • Ustinya - "Fair." An unusual name pleasant in pronunciation and his owner makes charismatic, strong in character. Ustinya sees people through that he is reflected in psychological deposits
  • Emilia - "Diligent." That type of women who are beautiful both externally and internally. The character of the girl will also be attractive and open
  • Yaroslav - "sunny". The name is beautiful not only in interpretation, but also in sound. The sunnyness of the child will remain in adulthood
The name Yaroslav awards his mistress in a sunny character
The name Yaroslav awards his mistress in a sunny character

The most beautiful Russian name for a girl

One of the most beautiful and harmonious Russian names is Anna. Translated, it means “mercy”, “grace”, which also affects the child well. Modesty, kindness, disinterestedness, goodwill - those qualities that adorn the girl.

Important: however, parents need to keep in mind that the hardness of the name will affect the character - Ani in childhood is often capricious, touchy. But with age, this quality can be smooth.

Anna - the name of the kindness of her owner
Anna - the name of the kindness of her owner

Beautiful old names for girls

  • Aglaya - "Shining." This name shines from ancient times, shrouded in a halo of romanticism. Charming girls who were called so have leadership qualities and have genuine charm
  • Glykeria - "Sweetheart." It used to sound like Lukery, but now it can be reduced as a face. The radiant name always attracted that the girls are good -natured and reliable with him
  • Taisiya - attracted our ancestors with their melody. The ancient Greeks loved this name also because it was dedicated to the goddess of femininity Isis. Girls who are so called have good creative inclinations
  • Ulyana - Although it is considered an old Russian name, but in reality it goes back to the Romans. The name of Julian was quite common in those days, because it awarded its carrier with goodwill, openness
Girls with the old name Ulyana are friendly
Girls with the old name Ulyana are friendly

Beautiful Old Russian names for girls

  • Agnia - "Fire." This name is revered by us from the 4th century, when a girl with him refused to marry a pagan, for which she underwent torment. Since then, it is believed that Agnia is stubborn, firm in their decisions, but at the same time open
  • Olga - According to one version, this Old Russian name was borrowed from the Scandinavian. Helga designated "holy", "wise". This short but sonorous name rewards his mistress with developed intellect, strong will

Important: however, it is worth keeping in mind that Olga is extremely difficult to apologize, even if she is wrong.

  • Bozhana - "Divine." Such a good interpretation contributed to the fact that our ancestors often called girls in this way. In addition, these girls, growing up, have that middle ground for a woman: when necessary - weak and defenseless, but when it is necessary to stand up for themselves
Girls with the Old Russian name of Bozhan are quite observant and wise
Girls with the Old Russian name of Bozhan are quite observant and wise

Slavic names for girls are rare and beautiful

  • Bela -This is a name that translates as “white”, “bright”, has been found among the southern Slavs since 870-911. This girl is soft, the flexor, does not lose heart in difficult situations

Important: however, such a lady is not always enough patience. It can be very emotional, although external coldness is also present.

  • Fun - "delight", "funny." This name is familiar to us from Slavic fairy tales, and it rewards its carrier with activity, sincerity, and the ability to give useful advice. Our ancestors were sure that the amusements were bad and did not know how to instill in vain
  • Peahen - Another familiar name from fairy tales, which is associated with importance, femininity, pride. Oddly enough, but it is translated as “modest”, “small”
Girls with a rare Slavic name Pava grow up feminine
Girls with a rare Slavic name Pava grow up feminine

Names for girls are rare and beautiful Orthodox

  • Agafia - It is related to the semi -columnar stone of Agatha. It translates as "kind", "caring." Saint Agafia is revered by Orthodox people. And now this name brings goodwill, the ability to reconcile others, courage
  • Efrosinia - The reverend with such a name secretly, under the guise of a boy, went to the male monastery, devoting himself to serving God. And now such girls are purposeful, devoted, serious, and distinguished by high spirituality
  • Melania - It is revered in connection with the Monk Melania Roman. Characteristic features - determination, amazing willpower, endurance, courage, the ability to overcome difficult situations

Important: however, a girl should be called melania only when you want her to be a strong personality. But you need to be prepared for the fact that these girls have been opposed to norms all their lives, public opinion.

Girls named Melania often argue with others
Girls named Melania often argue with others

Beautiful church names for girls

  • Anfisa - Suitable for those born in August and September, and means "flowering." In Orthodoxy, the Monk Anfisa-Hygumen and the Holy Martyr Anfisa are revered. Anfisa is extremely witty, mobile, emotional. To attract attention and stand up for yourself are the important things that such girls have been trained since childhood
  • Catherine - Even the Russian queens baptized with this name. Name days are celebrated in December. Girls grow pride, well -trained, successful
  • Elizabeth - Disiently, a nimble, kind, sincere. He celebrates name day in May, September, November and December. Lisa is always friendly with everyone, reserves, unusually appreciated the family, which makes them the ideal of femininity
Girls named Elizabeth sincere
Girls named Elizabeth sincere

Beautiful Kalmyk names for girls

  • Aisa - "Melody." In addition to a beautiful sound and translation, this name is fraught with a reference to the Arab prophet Isa. Parents of the baby should call her so if they want to grow a daughter God -fearing, moral and pious
  • Bair - "joy". These girls are excellent interlocutors with a good sense of humor, giftedness. Parents know that, having called their daughter in this way, they will help her become socially adapted
  • Ilyana - “Open”, “clear”. Extremely charming personalities who become good friends and exemplary wives

Important: the danger of such a name lies in the fact that such girls often see the ideal where it is not. They are excessively demanding to others, which brings many difficulties.

Ilyana Kochneva is an example of a charming winner of a beauty contest with a Kalmyk name
Ilyana Kochneva is an example of a charming winner of a beauty contest with a Kalmyk name

Beautiful names for girls modern Tatar

  • Asel - translates as "honey". Of course, parents want such a gentle characteristic for their daughter as a rewarding of her responsiveness, softness, and talent. Asel is ready to come to the rescue of both people and animals
  • Idelia - Mobile, freedom -loving, attractive. Such girls are very mobile - just from those who are called "Eight"
  • Alsu - "Pink -cheeked." The name is now popular thanks to the famous singer, however, parents liked to call so daughters before. And it is not surprising, because the girls turn out to be inquisitive, able to prove their point of view, but at the same time patient
Alsu is a wonderful representative of one of the most beautiful Tatar names
Alsu is an excellent representative of one of the most beautiful Tatar names

Bashkir names for girls are rare and beautiful

  • Amn “It translates quite interestingly as“ safe ”. Not the most popular name, but in vain, because such girls are very hardworking, reliable

Important: unfortunately, such people are quite severe and cold.

  • Banat - Perhaps thanks to a solid sound and not the most popular name, but this is no less interesting, because literally translates as a “girl”. The banat is always sincere, waste, knows how to listen to his heart
  • Habib - translates as “friend”, “beloved”. Such girls are talented, bright, striving to make everyone around. They easily forgive and captivate
Girls with the name Habib are extremely charming
Girls with the name Habib are extremely charming

Beautiful Tuvan names for girls

  • Aman - The name is not only expressive, but also has an excellent translation. “Prosperous”, “healthy” - just what any parent wishes to his child. So beloved by the child’s nationwide that it is used for both girls and boys
  • Sendy - Small, responsible, decisive people. Such girls have nobility from birth, excellent taste and ability to maintain a conversation. It is not surprising that many parents prefer this name
Girls with the Tuvan name Sendy are little ladies
Girls with the Tuvan name Sendy are little ladies

Kabardian beautiful names for girls

  • Aishat - "Full of life." Of course, a positive and beautiful name that the third wife of the Prophet wore. Aishat is educated, smart. No wonder the name is considered a talisman

Important: Aishat is quite belligerent, so it is not easy to glorify such a girl.

  • Muslim - "Saved." Such girls from childhood learn to take care of their honor, realizing that she is more important than ambition. Perhaps thanks to this they are successful
  • Nafisat - “elegant”, therefore it is not surprising that it is common. Such girls are kind, sincere, fragile. If they are capricious, then they do it so that those around him in a moment forgive all whims
Girls named Nafisat are elegant since childhood
Girls named Nafisat are elegant since childhood

Beautiful Buryat names for girls

  • Dari - This is the name of a child who has become a real gift. Girls themselves grow up hospitable, generous
  • Nomin - Always finds something spiritual in everything that surrounds. This simple name rewards the girls with the same simple, but important characteristics as a sensitive heart, a sharp mind
  • Erzhena - It translates as a “pearl”, which in itself is very beautiful. Erzhena will always find a compromise, softly approached the solution of any problem, tactfully move away to the direction of dispute

Important: however, Erhene definitely lacks perseverance.

The most beautiful Islamic names for girls

  • Achelia - Since this is the name of the flower, such a name is extremely beautiful. It rewards those who wear it, smiling and good nature
  • Salsabil - It sounds really quite attractive and feminine. Especially when you take into account the fact that this was the name of the source in paradise
  • Yasmin - Literally means "one flower of jasmine." It is enough to look at this flower in order to understand what parents who call them want their daughters in this way
Islamic name Yasmin symbolizes beauty
Islamic name Yasmin symbolizes beauty

Modern beautiful Muslim names for girls

  • Aisha - An incredibly common name due to its simplicity, beauty and history. Aisha called the beloved wife of the Prophet, as well as eight associates. The root of the name means "living"
  • Maryam - Popular since ancient times thanks to its beauty. Despite antiquity, it has never been boring. Tenderness, seriousness and softness are amazingly combined in this word
  • Nur - Short and sonorous. Recently, girls are called so especially often, and not only in eastern countries. It is believed that it gives the girls generosity
Nur - sonorous and beautiful Muslim name
Nur - sonorous and beautiful Muslim name

Beautiful Caucasian names for girls

  • Leila - “black -haired”, “night” sounds especially attractive for Caucasian girls. And the romantic story about lovers Majnun and Leila and does not give rest to many
  • Aliyah - “High”, “elevated”. Such girls are educated, obedient, funny, feminine. While they have a rather sharp analytical mind

Beautiful Chechen names for girls

  • Zara - "morning sunrise". A girl with such a name should be not only as beautiful as the dawn, but also independent, responsive, collected. It is inventive, which helps a lot in life
  • Alice -This name sounds very soft, like a woman. Such girls are soft, responsive, contact

Important: however, in everything related to the purity and quality of the surrounding things, Alice is extremely picky.

A girl with the name Alice is very feminine
A girl with the name Alice is very feminine

Beautiful Dagestan names for girls

  • Dinara - The name in which the ringing of gold coins sounds. However, “Dean” also means “religion”, so if you want to achieve a combination of beauty and religiosity in the child, it is worth paying attention to this option
  • Sima - "He heard by God." Such a person will always be devoted, hardworking. Sima does not like to complain and will not, but he is always glad to listen to intuition
  • Yakunt - It translates as “yachont”, although it sounds like. The girl will shine with sincerity, kindness, optimism and creative beginning

Beautiful Ossetian names for girls

  • Rimma - A girl with such a sonorous name will always find a way to make friendship with anyone. She intuitively feel how to behave. Mind, cunning, observation - this is also what is also characteristic of her
  • Feruza -Many parents prefer to call girls so because of the beauty of the name. It is not surprising, because it denotes a semiprecious stone. The girl’s ability will always remain calm, and also from the diaper
  • Zrasse “It is unlikely that any other name will symbolize beauty more than that which literally means“ beauty of the earth ”,“ shining like the sun and moon ”. In addition, that was the name of the heroine of the Ossetian epic
A girl with the name of Zeers is obliged to grow a beauty
A girl with the name of Zeers is obliged to grow a beauty

Beautiful Crimean -Tatar names for girls

  • Mavile - translates as "blue -eyed." Kindness and responsiveness will accompany the girl all her life. Just like thoughtfulness, judgment
  • Emilia - “Diligent”, “strong”. A girl who can always subsides is quite capable of solving her problems. This is a firm and, at the same time, the feminine name is often chosen by the Crimean Tatars

Beautiful names for girls Ukrainian

  • Oksana - Of course, it is difficult to forget about this name, familiar to us from fairy tales. The name translates as “hospitable”, which in general characterizes Ukrainian women. The girl is outwardly calm, but behind this calm is her special world
  • Miroslava - "The glorifying world." Such a girl will always be cute, pleasant in communication, reliable, ready to always give advice. Her intuition works fine for her, which helps to act as a peacekeeper

Important: the main problem of Miroslava is the difficulty of concentration at today's day due to excessive fixation in the future.

  • Zhdana - Dividized, "" long -awaited. " Of course, a girl with this name is simply destined to have positive features - love for animals and people, responsiveness, delicacy
Girl with the name Zhdan is always kind and responsive
Girl with the name Zhdan is always kind and responsive

Beautiful gypsy names for girls

  • Raji - "Hoping." The carrier of this sonorous name will always believe in love, strive for harmony. However, stiffness can even manifest itself - for example, in the issue of religion or other beliefs
  • Gili - This sonorous name translates as “song” and is perfectly suitable for a girl. The mobile Gili always quickly reacts to what is happening around, but she will not occupy her willfulness. The independence of the girl leads to the fact that she tries to surround herself with the same strong people
  • Shukar - What other name will emphasize the beauty so, no matter how “beauty”? This girl will be sacrificial, appreciating love, capable of listening to others
Gili girl symbolizes beauty
The name of a girl with the name Shukar symbolizes beauty

Names for girls twins are beautiful

Twins are children who may be similar, but not identical. And this means that the names are best to choose, Based on the principle of contrast. For example, Alla and Bella, that is, scarlet and white.

However, you can do otherwise by choosing Similar meaning names - Faith and love, hope and faith.

Beautiful names for twin girls

As for identical twins, it will be interesting to sound similar pronunciation names - Alice and Vasilisa, Olesya and Alice, Karina and Arina.

You can, relying on the characteristic, choose options with similar energy - Victoria and Catherine, Alexander and Antonina, Eve and Zlata.

As for twins, then their names should also be similar at least in energy
As for twins, then their names should also be similar at least in energy

Beautiful short names for girls

  • Yana - Despite the brevity of the name itself, the interpretation is quite lengthy. Translated as "mercy of God." Such girls have a well -developed mind, linguistics, independence, hardness

Important: it is better not to pamper little Jan, otherwise she can grow into an egoist.

  • And I - translates as “violet”. It is believed that huge energy is hidden in this name - perhaps the secret is that it does not contain consonant letters. Iya always experiences a storm of emotions that does not always know how to control
  • Zoya - Literally translates as "life." Naturally, such a child will learn from all lessons, can attach importance to really standing things. Her calm can only be envied
Girls named Zoya grow up the embodiment of calm
Girls named Zoya grow up the embodiment of calm

Beautiful double names for girls

It is believed that people with a double name live longer and happier than others. However, sometimes parents can do not give preference to any one option.

Important: psychologists recommend thinking a hundred times before calling the baby in this way - there is a risk that it can acquire a dual nature.

However, if you still decide to name the girl so, Try to achieve consonance -For example, Vera-Nika, Maria-Magdalena, Eva-Evgenia, Lydia Lilia, Larisa-Anthis.

New beautiful names for girls

  • Inessa - translates as "swift." You can’t call it an ancient name, the form of Agnes was previously used. Now the “chaste” Agnes was replaced by a decisive, purposeful other form of the name, which gives its owner leadership qualities
  • Stella - The best suits the requirements that society puts forward to a modern woman. This is independence, the ability to achieve goals, fight for yourself. However, such coldness does not always benefit
  • Justin - A rather bold energy of the name, although, unlike the same Stella, Justin cannot be called an ice. She easily makes dating, has a cheerful manner. However, she is not easy to study due to restlessness
A girl named Justin is an energetic child
A girl named Justin is an energetic child

Of course, the choice of the name of the future daughter is the task not of the lungs. According to the characterization, sound, semantic fullness, they are all different. However, there is always the opportunity to find something of your own.

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