Beautiful and fashionable smart words for conversation and communication: phrases, sentences, expressions with meaning, list, examples. Compliments, proverbs, sayings, phrases from songs, pictures, expressions of wise people with smart words

Beautiful and fashionable smart words for conversation and communication: phrases, sentences, expressions with meaning, list, examples. Compliments, proverbs, sayings, phrases from songs, pictures, expressions of wise people with smart words

The article offers you a lot of smart expressions and quotes of wise people for the development of speech and worldview.

Beautiful and fashionable smart words for conversation and communication about love: in verses and prose

Each person must replenish his “piggy bank of knowledge” and develop speech, adding beautiful and smart words to it. This will help you have a pleasant conversation with a person in any situation, dilute the dialogue and create only a favorable impression on yourself, as a well -read and wise personality.


  • Love also has its own psychology and it is very simple: if you are chasing love, she will always run away from you. However, if you turn your back to love, as she immediately hugs you by the shoulders.
  • Love has power and it is not measured by the number of kisses, gifts and bouquets of flowers, And how many times have you been able to save her and keep her over the abyss.
  • Romance is far from a myth. Romance is a desire to decorate any place and thingwith your loved one.
  • What is the difference between love and love? Everything is very simple: love disappears just as unexpectedlyAs it appeared. Love cannot disappear and every day it becomes stronger.
  • It is not customary to scream about love, it should not be proved. Your eyes and a smile will say about love, but they will confirm business.


Love, like a bud flowering
Under the sunny clear sky.
Love accompanies you
Everywhere, wherever you are!

Keep love in the soul and heart,
Do not dare to share it with friends.
She will give you a chance to warm up
When there will be frost at night.

Love helps to breathe
Love helps to believe.
Ready to give love
All in the world, open all the doors!

Love is your inspiration
She gives life a fairy tale
Creates your mood
And brings affection with him!

Love is great wealth
And there is no need to hide from her!
Love will protect you from evil
Give the light and splendor of good!

Beautiful and smart words about love

Beautiful and fashionable smart words about the meaning of life and life with meaning: in verses and prose

Reasoning about the meaning of life helps every person to form the concepts of good and bad in his soul, to establish spiritual searches, to urgently change the quality of life and completely change the worldview. Such words and lines can be rewritten into notebooks and personal diaries, take quotes and epigraphs, use as life credo or motto.


  • In life, you should never miss the opportunity to learn somethingWhile we are learning, we are a young soul.
  • If you constantly be thoughts and souls in the past, you will never be able to build your happy future.
  • Move towards success without ceasingSuccess has no extreme point!
  • If you can’t achieve what you want “This does not mean that you want too much.” This means that you made too little effort.
  • You can survive any fall, but only when your spirit had not yet managed to fall!
  • Be sure that the meaning of life always exists.If you have not found him yet, you just looked badly.
  • If you want to purchase something and resolve new changes, first get rid of something old.
  • To chase a dream should only thenWhen she is great, you will not lose sight of such a dream and you can catch.


Understand the secret
And to find peace, and the world,
A lot of good thoughts will help
You will become happy in a moment!

Silence and goodness of the whole world
They will give you harmony
Happiness and strength will come to you
And you will find calm.

Love people, love yourself
Try to be happy
And your life will pass loving
All kind and beautiful!

The meaning of life is different for everyone,
Someone is kind, beautiful,
Someone is small and insignificant,
But always a similar dream.

Your happiness is hiding in dreams,
In beautiful and bright dreams,
In the effort to be beautiful,
Veritative and very strong.

Smart statements about life and the meaning of life

Smart words about girls, women, loved ones: in verses and prose

A woman is the magic of the world about which many verses and prose are composed. Women praise and admire their beauty, compare with the deity and compose songs about them. Each woman is unique, but any statement about them is true.


  • Tell a woman that you love her beauty - not properly. You need to love a woman completely and completely: her tears, her sadness and sadness.
  • A woman is comparable to a shadow on a sunny day: If you try to catch up with her, she will confidently run from you. As soon as you leave, as she will follow you.
  • A real woman knows how not only to seem, but to be wise so that a small, illuminated stupidity will seem “a gift” for a man.
  • Understanding a woman is very simple- Just look at her, but do not listen at all.
  • Woman is such an unearthly creatureWhat is worth walking along the street, how she remains in the heart of a man for life.
  • You can understand a woman only by becoming a woman, but if it is impossible to become a woman, her creature can only be accepted.


The woman is humble only to God,
All roads are open for a woman,
Only a man can love her,
That has power, confidence, strength.

A woman is the beauty of the universe,
She is wise, unforgettable
In her eyes of life, meaning
Every life needs it!

The woman has a secret in the eyes
Which is not more beautiful.
But, unable to solve it,
You cannot know him to men!

A woman needs to love
Store a woman in the heart,
In life with you to carry,
She will help on the way.

Women will warm their hands
They will get rid of pain and boredom
They will give warmth and care
The soul will bring freedom.

Smart and beautiful words about women

Smart words to a loved one, son: in verses and prose

For many centuries, humanity praised masculine power and spirit, composing songs and lines about them. Smart expressions, as well as quotes can be found now. In a male being there is confidence, faith and power.


  • The man will prefer only that womanwho is able to believe in him more than he does it himself.
  • The best man can do - To make a woman who is next to him happy.
  • A man should not only be like thatI would like to listen, but also one that I would like to obey.
  • In front of a man, a woman may not break then, when she has a great passion for him, and then, when weakness is great for him.
  • Woman's calm is very often In strong and courageous hands.
  • The secret of the woman’s love is very simple: She loves a man only because he loves her.
  • The strength of the man is how much he is able to take the first step.Unfortunately, not every man is made to understand that the first step is his duty.


A man is a strong figure.
Durable, its nature is strong.
A man needs to submit
To share love and good.

The strength of the man is durable and strong,
Its power is felt from afar.
So that a man can delight the lady,
She should be his wife or mother.

A man is a symbol of the celebration,
His soul, how durable steel!
He is correctly moving towards success,
He is not worthy of lies and laughter!

Being a man is a great burden:
Strong muscles, thick skin,
Being a man is not easy,
But a man is good!

Protect against any rain
And save from any threat,
He is worthy of loving life
Go through storms and thunderstorms.


Smart and beautiful words, as well as statements about men

Smart words about good, happiness: prose and poems

Everyone strives to live in peace and well -being. Only then will he be able to achieve the desired goals when he comprehends the real significance of such values \u200b\u200bas good and happiness. Smart statements that have been created by wise people have been helping him to understand the essence.


  • Happiness without good - Myth.
  • Do not be afraid to give good - It will return to you doubly!
  • Good, like logs, which you put in the center of the relationship. The more firewood, the happier your life will be.
  • Good habit: At the first look at a person, only good to think about him.
  • The greatest wisdomthat a person can comprehend in his life is good.
  • Only that person can be happywho will ask for forgiveness for all his evil.
  • Any ailment is capable of Cure not evil, but good.
  • One who does not see good In others, herself is evil!
  • Being in goodYou forget evil and become happy!


Good and evil are always in the battle
And conquer a person.
Good - soul is a reflection,
And if evil is there - you are a cripple!

Be happy every day
Every day bring only joy
And good is after you like a shadow
Will go, taking fatigue!

Happiness is not difficult to find,
Kind be and everything is possible.
Do not harm others to people
And they will forget your evil!

Drive from yourself you are evil
Fill yourself with good
So that life is good
The soul was happy!

The secret of a happy life -
Good, faithful thoughts
Labor and love big
To everything that surrounds you!

Statements and smart words about good and happiness

Smart words about relationships, friendship and friends: prose and poems

Friendship is an important part of human existence. Each person should have a friend to share his problems, joys and anxiety with him. Friendship compare science and feeling, it does not need to be understood, it should be taken.


  • A good friend gets only to thatWho knows how to be a good and faithful friend.
  • A person chooses friends for himself, But life takes the best.
  • If a friend shares his experiences and difficulties with you, you should not consider that he asks you for help, he just trusts you.
  • If friendship has stopped, it is unlikely that it once began at all.
  • Friendship is food, and a person needs food every day.
  • Understanding friendship as value or treasure. You will never be able to dial it more than you will give.
  • A friend can be called that personwho appreciates you not only good in you, but also knows about the bad and, nevertheless, does not cease to love you!


Friendship, like a sweet fruit,
Not everyone will tear it,
Not everyone touches him
Not everyone will try it.

There is no good good friendship,
Try to go around the whole world
She is in any reflection of the sun
She, like a pure stream in the ground, beats!

Friendship is not easy and not easy
But a person of any age is capable of this.
The main thing is to believe in others and love,
To be conscientious, faithful to them.

Give your friendship to others
And others will give you.
If your friend is not alone,
This feeling decorates you!

Friendship is connected by hearts,
Friendship, like steel, is strong.
A friend will save you from evil
It will bring you good!

Smart words about friendship

Smart words about children and love for children: prose and poems

Children are "flowers of life." Everyone knows this phrase because she gained her popularity for truthfulness and sensuality. Only a child is an not spoiled creature that can carry good and faith, love and inspiration.


  • You should always pamper the childbecause no one knows in advance how difficult and cruel he can have life in the future.
  • An adult should often take An example from a child, because only children can be so sincerely and carefree to enjoy life.
  • Child - The reflection of the father and mother, as a drop of water reflects the sun.
  • The child needs to be loved Not for his advantages, but for the fact that he simply is.
  • The child does not need to be raised, you just need to treat him humanly.
  • No need to try to grow Someone from your child, just help him become himself.
  • Wealth - These are not gold and precious stones, this is a happy and healthy child!


Children are great value,
They give you loyalty
They give you joy
And life is more sweet.

Love the child and value
Give his love to him
After all, after many, many years
He will return that love back.

Only the one who has become happy is happy
The child is important to the parent.
The child appreciate and take care,
All your strength you put into it!

More expensive than wealth and treasures of all
Only a light, happy childish laughter.
You get it and value it,
He is the sweet music of your love!

A child is a gift from God,
Your day and fire is happy with him,
If you were a good parent
And life will be amazing!

Smart words about children

Funny, smart words, statements with humor

Statements, quotes and aphorisms from simple and famous people with a share of humor will always help to understand the truth of life, help draw conclusions in many things and gain wisdom. Jokes or ridicule that may be present in phrases are needed only to point out the mistakes and nonsense that a person can perform.

Smart and funny statements
Statements with humor
Funny aphorisms

Proverbs and sayings with smart words: Examples

Proverbs and sayings have been created for centuries. Each of them will hold back not only smart words, but also a way to influence a person, changing his understanding of the world and his actions. Reading and remembering such proverbs is very useful for humans. So he develops his thinking, worldview and becomes wiser.

Japanese smart proverb
Smart proverbs and expressions
Jewish proverb

Words that you need to know to look smart: examples

If you know that you are not strong and eloquent, you should make a lot of effort and time to fix it. Memorize several “smart phrases or words” in order to skillfully let them into colloquial speech and then the interlocutors will be able to add only favorable impressions of you.

Clever words
Smart expressions
Smart quotes

Compliments for men and women smart words: Examples

The stars of world cinema, pop artists, philosophers and writers for centuries invented wise compliments to representatives of the opposite sex. Some of them were dismantled for quotes and gained eternity. It is useful to read and remember such phrases not only for your development, but also in order to change your attitude towards people for the better.

Statements about men
Compliments to men
Smart phrases for men

Song phrases with smart words: examples, texts

If the smart thoughts of great people did not become aphorisms, they certainly became beautiful spiritual verses or songs. Some of them should be read to “replenish your piggy bank” of spiritual development.

Phrases from songs with smart words
Phrases from songs with smart words: Vysotsky
Vysotsky's texts: smart statements

Pictures from the expression of wise people with smart words

A few more statements of smart people, beautiful and wise phrases full of excellent life conclusions.

A statement about miracles
Statement of life
A statement about people
Statement about peace and war
A statement about women

Polite, kind, good, useful, long smart words with the meaning of communication

“Smart” words will help you improve the quality of your communication.

Smart words for communication

Polite, kind, good, useful, short smart words with the meaning for conversation

Fill your speech with beautiful and polite words so that people are pleased to communicate with you.

Polite and kind words for communication

Video: "Smart thoughts of great people quotes about life"

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