Clothing in children: signs, causes, treatment. How to fix clubfoot in a child: methods

Clothing in children: signs, causes, treatment. How to fix clubfoot in a child: methods

The article will talk about a common orthopedic problem - clubfoot in children. What are its reasons? What should be the treatment of clubfoot?

In childhood, the human musculoskeletal system continues to develop. Therefore, children may have certain orthopedic problems.

They cause incredible anxiety among parents, so they can turn into a significant deterioration in the quality of life. One of these problems, very common, is clubfoot.

Children's Clotter: Signs

Orthopedians say that every third child has problems with gait. Some of them are easily fixed, others are almost not possible.

This may mean disability. As for clubfoot, the sooner it is detected in a child, the faster, easier and more fully treated.

Clothing means deformation of the feet.
Clothing means deformation of the feet.

Pathology is a deformation of the foot (stop), in which it deviates inward and takes the wrong position.

IMPORTANT: Children can be innate or acquired

As a rule, in babies up to a year, an innate clubfoot is revealed by a neonatologist. Further, the diagnosis is confirmed by an orthopedic.

Usually, congenital clubfoot is found immediately after the child is born.
Usually, congenital clubfoot is found immediately after the child is born.

Parents themselves can suspect this problem in the child if:

  • there is a deep transverse fold on the foot
  • the foot is short and chubby
  • the foot is curved in the plantar direction (equinus)
  • the heel looks inside (Varus)
  • the foot is twisted inside, its upper edge looks up (Suppination)
  • in the movements of its sole there are restrictions (adduction)
  • the fingers of his legs (one leg) are bent inside
  • the child’s legs are twisted (Thorsia)
  • his muscles are weak
  • the child’s legs as a whole look underdeveloped

Important: clubfoot becomes very noticeable when the child begins to walk. Its gait is called "gait of Winnie Pooh"

Clothing in children: the causes of congenital and acquired clubfoot in children

The causes of clubfoot in children are different, and they depend on whether the acquired pathology or congenital (laid down genetically).
If the clubfoot is congenital, this means that the child’s musculoskeletal apparatus initially, intrauterine, began to form incorrectly. Deformations were subjected to:

  • bones
  • joints
  • muscles
  • vessels
  • nerves

Most often from birth, both legs begun in children.

Important: Interestingly, the congenital deformation of the feet is more often observed in newborn male

The causes of congenital pathology The development of the foot is not always possible to establish. The most likely doctors call the following pathogenic factors:

  1. Restrictions on fetal movements in the uterus. They can lead to uterine hypertonicity, the presence of partitions or neoplasms in it, the incorrect position of the fetus in the later stages of pregnancy
  2. Genetic disorders. There is a great probability of the birth of a clubfoot baby in a family, where parents or their close relatives also had this problem. A number of intrauterine developmental syndromes include clubfoot
  3. Pathologies of the formation of the nervous and muscle tissues of the fetus. They do not arise due to a malfunction during pregnancy, but because the woman smoked, saw alcohol during pregnancy, took drugs, often nervous, worked at harmful work, took drugs prohibited during pregnancy, and suffered any infectious disease, Other

Acquired clubfoot means deformation of the foot (stop) already in the process of life of the child. It is much less common, usually already in adulthood, and occurs for such reasons:

  • muscle injury
  • elections of the ankle joint
  • incorrectly fused fracture of the bones of the lower leg, ankle joint, foot
  • burn in which muscles and ligaments were damaged
  • diseases of the nervous system
  • muscle paralysis
  • dyplasia of the hip joints
  • spinal diseases
  • tumors of the fabrics of the foot

Clothing for children up to a year

If the dyeing of the baby is severely expressed, parents are alarming and taking the whole complex of measures in order to fix it.

If the pathology was not found in the hospital, but at the next examination of the orthopedist, and the parents did not even understand that it is, you can often hear the opinion that the child will grow the problem. Like, the body of the baby is plastic. But!

If you do not treat clubfoot in children up to a year, in the future the problem is only to aggravate.
If you do not treat clubfoot in children up to a year, in the future the problem is only to aggravate.

Important: even a slight curvature of the feet leads to the incorrect, asymmetric development of the muscles of the child

The overstrain of some muscles and insufficient tone of others in a child with clubfoot is fraught with:

  • ix-shaped curvature of the legs
  • curvature of the spine, in particular, to scaliosis
  • headaches
  • disorders of sleep
  • lag in physical and mental development
  • the formation of the habit of setting the foot is wrong

Important: it is necessary to treat congenital clubfoot precisely when the baby has not yet learned how to walk, otherwise it will be necessary not only to solve the anatomical problem, but also to overbid the habit of rooting in the child

How to correct a child in a child, how to treat?

Tactics for the treatment of clubfoot in children envy that:

  • congenital pathology or acquired
  • what is the age of the child
  • what is the degree of clubfoot

There are three such degrees:

  1. Light - the child’s feet are slightly deformed, the ankle joints are mobile
  2. Average - deformation of the foot and restrictions of mobility in the ankle are expressed
  3. Heavy - the foot of the child is deformed significantly, the joint of the ankle is immobilized

It classifies clubfoot and selects the methods of treatment for a children's doctor - orthopedist. It also determines the approximate duration of therapy, but the real term may differ significantly from the preliminary. Sometimes the correction of pathology requires months and years.

As a rule, light and average clubfoot are treated conservatively. Applied:

  • massotherapy
  • Exercise therapy
  • soft bandages
  • ortroza (removable orthopedic devices)
  • orthopedic shoes
  • physiotherapy

A severe degree of clubfoot in babies has to be treated with operational methods.
Children under 6 years of age undergo an operation to lengthen the tendons by dissection of the ligaments (bungage method). Sometimes you also need to operate the skeleton of the foot. In this case, by age, the patient should be older than 4 years.

Video: Treatment of clubfoot. Ponseeti method

Massage with clubfoot in children

The orthopedist determines how many medical massage courses should be passed to the child with the problem of clubfoot. Sometimes they have to be done more if recovery occurs slowly.

A child with clubfoot needs to do a therapeutic massage
A child with clubfoot needs to do a therapeutic massage

Since the therapeutic massage differs from the general strengthening, it is recommended at least the first course to entrust his specialist.
The session begins with relaxation and warming up the muscles of the lower leg (internal and rear). This effect is achieved using:

  • the use of special tools, for example, massage oil
  • stroking
  • vibrating movements
  • shocking muscles

Further, the movements of the massage therapist become more intense, he proceeds to the warming of the muscles, their rubbing.

Video: Clothing

Exercises for clubfoot in children: exercise therapy

Exercises from clubfoot are the most effective if you start to perform them with a child for 3-4 weeks by family. At this time, the ligaments and muscles of the baby are still very malleable.
Such exercises are performed with exercise therapy:

  • alternating and simultaneous bending, extinguishing the legs
  • landings of the legs
  • fighting the legs in the feet
  • circles in the feet
  • walking with support

After gymnastics, a soft bandage is used-bandaging according to the Finnus-Ettingen method-“boots”.

Exercise therapy with clubfoot.
Exercise therapy with clubfoot.

Gypsum for clubfoot according to the Ponset method

For rapid and effective correction of clubfoot in children of various ages, orthopedists use the Poneto - gypsum method.
The Ponseeti method is in alternating gypsum:

  1. After the manipulations of the orthopedist reaches the relaxation of the muscles of the foot and lower legs, a gypsum bandage resembling a boots is applied to the child’s leg. The child needs to wear it for one week
  2. After removing the gypsum, the doctor fixes the leg in a more correct position, again imposes gypsum
  3. The procedure continues until the result is achieved

Gypsy is supplemented by such procedures: wearing special fixing orthopedic devices, paraffin applications, coniferous baths, kinesitotherapy, other physiotherapeutic methods
After gypsum, to consolidate the result, the baby is shown by wearing orthopedic shoes, exercise therapy and massage courses.

All procedures are carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Gypsum for clubfoot
Gypsum for clubfoot
Changing the foot during gypsum by Ponseet
Changing the foot during gypsum by Ponseet

Shoes with clubfoot

Orthopedic shoes for correcting clubfoot are purchased in a special store. She should have:

  • hard backs
  • suppinators
  • pads providing good fixation of the ankle
Shoes for the prevention of clubfoot.
Shoes for the prevention of clubfoot.

Also, for the treatment of clubfoot in children, complex orthopedic shoes are used - BRESS. These are boots attached at a certain angle to a plastic or metal bar.

Most often, it is used to consolidate the results of surgical treatment of clubfoot or gypsum.
Braces wear this way:

  • 24 hours a day, shooting only for bathing-2-3 months
  • on night and daytime sleep (12-14 hours a day)-up to 3 years

Braces give out for free children for free.


Clotted in children: Komarovsky

Famous children's doctor E.O. Komarovsky shares the opinion of experts that it is impossible to ignore the problem of clubfoot in children, it will not pass by itself.

The advanced pathology is fraught with disorders in the development and functioning of bones, ligaments, muscles, blood vessels, nerves, and great problems for the whole organism.

VIDEO: What is clubfoot and what is a clubfoot?

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