A braid, on the contrary, the French braid: schemes, weaving instructions. Hairstyles based on braids, on the contrary, with ribbons, elastic bands, cankalon, corrugation: photo

A braid, on the contrary, the French braid: schemes, weaving instructions. Hairstyles based on braids, on the contrary, with ribbons, elastic bands, cankalon, corrugation: photo

Schemes, photos of braids of braids, spikelet by all.

A braid is an excellent addition to any image. The most interesting thing is that before such hairstyles were considered ideal for little girls, now the situation has fundamentally changed. Hairstyles of brides, as well as graduates, are decorated with volumetric braids. You can diversify your daily hairstyle, braid a braid. In this article, we will tell you how to weave a braid on the contrary, which hairstyles are decorated with its help.

French braid on the contrary: weaving scheme, instruction

One of the most popular options is the French braid, which weaves standardly, of 3 strands with grabbing and laying additional hair beams on top of the existing base. The result is a pretty braid, as a result of which additional strands are visible, but the base itself is not visible. In the spit, on the contrary, everything is slightly different, although the weaving technique is very similar and the essence itself is exactly the same. If you turn out the standard French braid, you will get a braid on the contrary or a verified option.

Step -by -step instructions for weaving a reverse braid or braid:

  • Take a small bunch of hair in the forehead, divide into three identical strands
  • Now you need to take a lock on the left side, put under the middle, and put the right on top of it
  • The ruling the strand fits under the left, which has now become a middle
  • Now repeat the same thing on the left side, lay the strand under the bottom, adding a small amount of hair that remained free and braids involved in weaving
  • Similarly, do the same on the right side by placing a small strand under the bottom, adding an additional amount of hair that does not participate mainly weaving
  • Continue to weaving in this way, adding locks and directing them to the bottom
  • And in the end, after several turns, you will see that a thick, volumetric braid will be located on your hairstyle on your hairstyle.
  • After you reach the very end to the neck, you can continue weaving a regular three -row braid or diversify the hairstyle with spikelet

Such a hairstyle can be decorated with several options: to stick a braid that remains, that is, a free edge under the bottom of a voluminous braid. You can braid braids on your head with hairpins, decorate with beads or flowers. You can give the volume by stretching the strands, stretching from the side to the side.

Weaving scheme
Weaving scheme
Weaving scheme
Weaving scheme

Hairstyles based on braids, on the contrary, with ribbons, elastic bands, kanecalon, corrugation

Hairstyles based on braids on the contrary:

  • A bundle with a reverse braid. This hairstyle can be done to yourself. To do this, you need to lower your head down. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe back of the head, highlight a small bunch of hair, dividing it into three identical strands. Now it is necessary to weave according to the instructions, that is, direct the locks under the bottom. Thus, a small braid will turn out from above. As soon as you reach the top of the head, fix it with a hairpin. Gather the rest of the hair, fix everything with an elastic band in the crown of the crown in the ponytail. Now take bagels or socks with a cut Mysk, the so -called donut, wind your hair on it. Gently smooth the resulting Babetta, twist, and fix it with the help of studs. The hairstyle is very original, unusual. If necessary, you can make it festive, decorating with flowers, pearls, rhinestones.
  • The braid can be made not quite straight wave -like, zigzag. You just need to unfold weaving from the side. Thus, you will receive an uneven, something like a wave. It is very good to collect such a hairstyle in a wrapped bundle from a braid. After that, it must be laid out in the form of a flower, fixed with hairpins and invisible, after stretching the locks relative to each other. From this hairstyle, options for graduation, weddings are often made. A veil or diadem is perfectly attached to a similar flower of hair.
  • Based on a turned braid, you can create hairstyles several unusual and abstract. To do this, it is necessary to tightly pull the strands relative to each other. It is advisable to make a small pile before weaving to give the hairstyle volume. This kind of stretching is best carried out singlely, that is, stretching each lock and fixing with varnish so that it does not fall in any case. Fixed using studs. Of course, this kind of hairstyle is quite bold, but it is ideal if you plan to attend non -standard measures, in which the pile, Iroquois or this kind of hairstyle will fit.
  • The reverse braid can be made in the form of a hoop, that is, decorate the hairstyle. To do this, you need to select three strands from the temple. The one that is located in the forehead is placed under the middle strand, which is located in the ear. The strands must only be captured from the side of the forehead, directing them under the bottom. There is no need to add strands from the side of the crown, but all the hair beams must also be directed under the bottom of the central strand. You will receive a braid similar to a hoop that will end in the area of \u200b\u200banother ear. It is necessary to fix with an elastic band or studs, and with the help of a curling iron, wind the remaining hair. The hairstyle can even be festive if it is decorated with small flowers attached to the stiletto.
Stretching strands
Stretching strands
Everyday option
Everyday option
A flower from a braid on the contrary
A flower from a braid on the contrary
Spit for a floodplain with ribbons
Spit for a floodplain with ribbons
Reverse braids
Reverse braids
Children's hairstyle
Children's hairstyle
Weaving options
Weaving options
Spit with Kanecalon
Spit with Kanecalon

How to weave a spikelet on the contrary: schemes, photo

Below are a large number of column weaving options inside out. You can familiarize yourself with them and choose the most suitable option for your length and density of hair.

Fish tail
Fish tail
The spikelet is to be turned off
The spikelet is to be turned off

How to weave a braid inside out: tips


  • All weaving must be carried out on dry, washed hair. In no case should you do a hairstyle on dirty hair
  • Before weaving, it is necessary to comb the curls well, it is advisable to moisturize them
  • During weaving, it is necessary to tighten the strands hard in order for the hairstyle to serve much longer, does not fall apart
  • If you plan to go to a long event, we advise you to use a foam for laying a foam, which is applied to clean, dry hair and only then weaving begins
  • The hairstyle is fixed with varnish. In order for the braid to seem even more voluminous, we recommend combing a little strand at the roots
  • You can use the corrugation with small nozzles. No need to make corrugated strands along the entire length. It is advisable to carry out only at the very roots
  • This raises the roots, makes the hairstyle more voluminous. This kind of hairstyle is often combined with other options, simpler, such as a fish tail or horse tail
Tested braid
Tested braid
A braid by all
A braid by all

Using such a weaving technique, you can diversify the everyday version of hairstyles and surprise others. In this case, you can decorate the weaving, weaved ribbons or colored strands. This will make the hairstyle more playful and youth.

Video: Rowlit Spit

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