Of course, however, first of all, of course, in the first place, however, first of all: commas, rules, examples

Of course, however, first of all, of course, in the first place, however, first of all: commas, rules, examples

In this topic, we will consider the rules of punctuation in sentences with the words “of course”, “however” and “first of all”.

Ignorance of grammar rules, as they say, does not exempt from responsibility. After all, the resume with errors has less chance of consideration, and an incorrectly filled out loan application is not subject to further proceedings. Therefore, in our time it is very important to know the main norms of spelling, and especially the arrangement of commas between introductory words.

How to put commas between the words “of course”, “however”, “first of all”?

Introductory words simply throw out of the text without loss of meaning or rearrange to another part of the sentence. Thanks to such constructions, the talking object in the text expresses modality, its attitude to what has been said. Introductory words and phrases are part of the sentence. But with its main members are not in syntactic "kinship". Therefore, sometimes there is a confusion between the correct arrangement of the commas between them.

Important: the words “of course”, “however” are used for more detailed visualization of objects, feelings, situations.

Do not make them in introductory words
Do not make them in introductory words

Commas and the word "of course", "of course"

In almost all in cases, the introductory words “of course”, “of course” are distinguished by commas. Moreover, on both sides and in any part of the sentence.As a small hint - it can be replaced or it matters “of course”, “undoubtedly”, “undoubtedly” or “obvious”. The particle “same” does not affect punctuation marks, it acts as an increasing point.

  • Of course, life is beautiful!
  • I have not yet been able to fully feel the charms of rest.
  • Of course, he will go to the sea with us.
  • Everything will change for the better, of course.
Hint - introductory words are easy to remove from the sentence
Hint - introductory words are easy to remove from the sentence

When “of course” is inside the syntactic structure, only one comma is placed, more often on the left. Such cases include participle or involved turnover, connection, refinement or explanation.

  • In the sun, the girl’s hair, of course, light blond, shimmered with gold.
  • If we hurry, of course, everything together, we will have time to break the camp before sunset.
  • Every year, of course, this year, we will go on a hike with the whole family.
  • Eugene was near the theater with a huge bouquet of flowers, of course in persistent expectation, while a popular dancer comes out.

If “of course” expresses indestructible authority and in terms of meaning is equated with the judgment of “yes”, then no punctuation marks are needed. The situation also concerns the confidence of the replica of the replica.

  • Of course it is! As an affirmative answer to your question about the trip.
  • Of course it is not worth it.
"Of course" and "of course" has only one exception

The insidiousness of the word "however" and commas

To properly arrange commas, it is necessary to decide on the role of this word. It can be interjection, union or introductory word.

When “however” is a water word, then commas are placed on both sides.

  • A taxi in the city, however, has not yet arrived.
  • We all, however, liked the celebration.
  • The wind, however, rose strong, and we had to go to the house.

With cases when “however” can be replaced with similar interjection. For the "shade" of such words, commas are used on both sides and signs of exclamation. Like a small hint - it can be replaced with the word "wow".

  • Strong, however, the wind!
  • However! It's time to have a conscience!
  • However, the jacket looks perfect.

Important: if “however” stands at the very beginning of the sentence, then the comma is not put after it. To strengthen their emotions, an exclamation mark can be used.

At least it does not always act as an introductory word, it is easy to understand punctuation
At least it does not always act as an introductory word, it is easy to understand punctuation

Commas are not placed if an union, which is a synonymous “but” for an example.

  • However, it was too late, so we hastened to return to the house.
  • However, dinner will linger, because we have not yet collected firewood.

And here is a small paradox in the rule, when “however” acts as a “but” particle. But at the same time a comma is needed.

  • How difficult it is to work with him, but productive and interesting.
  • The fisherman gathered his gear, but he was not in a hurry home.

Commas with the phrase "first of all"

Most often, this union does not act as an introductory word, so it does not stand out with commas.He acts as part of speech, as its continuation and often answers the question “how” or “when”. Also as a hint - it is easy to replace it with phrases “first”, “at first”, “first”.

  • I became in the first place. After all, only two cash desks worked.
  • First of all, you need to make a difficult task, because it needs it much more time.
  • First of all, payments to receive beneficiaries and veterans.

But sometimes it is extremely rare and the same expression is considered an introductory word and is replaced by the phrase “first of all”, then a comma is necessary.

  • Most of the errors are primarily associated with the inattention of students.
  • I like to inhale, first of all, fresh air near the sea.
  • First of all, you need to follow the instructions and safety measures.
But "first of all" only in exceptional cases is released by a comma

If “first of all” refers to any turnover or part of the sentence, which is released by a comma, then the punctuation mark is placed only on one side.

  • I became first of all, which seemed shorter to me.
  • It was easy to make an appointment, first of all thanks to common acquaintances.

Important: sometimes the phrase is distinguished by other parts of the sentence. For example: having come home, first of all, a son, a kiss of mom.

How to put commas in such structures as “of course first of all”, “however first of all”?

In such difficult situations, separate knowledge about each part of the sentence is needed.

If the word “of course” is said as an affirmative replica to any question, then a comma is not needed between the phrase "first of all".

  • When will we eat for mushrooms? - Of course in the first place!

In all other cases, the word “of course” is always separated from the phrase “primarily” by a comma. The last expression is distinguished from the entire proposal from the circumstances of punctuation. But a small hint - in such a structure, it often has a semantic load “first”, and not “first of all”.

  • Of course, first of all, we went to the forest.
  • If we went around, of course, the bear would be attacked at first of all.
  • We managed to on the bus, of course, primarily thanks to the comrades who brought us to the stop.
Consider all the nuances
Consider all the nuances

The expression “however” from the phrase “primarily” is exclusively distinguished by commas, depending on the structure of the sentence. Therefore, we take into account the above rules for writing both cases. But even in this case, “first of all” is more often responsible for the priority of the action “first”.

  • However, first of all, they went to the comrades.
  • But a bulky tree, however, first of all, would help us escape.
  • The boat, however, first approached us.

As you can see, if you delve into, it is quite easy to arrange commas between introductory words or too similar to them. The main thing is to remember the basic rules. And do not weight offers in excess of clarifying phrases that have a similar meaning.

Video: How to arrange commas with introductory words?

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