Who is the shaved head? How to shave your head in stages: Instructions. Care for a shaved head: description, review of funds

Who is the shaved head? How to shave your head in stages: Instructions. Care for a shaved head: description, review of funds

The instructions for shaving the head. A review of the care of a shaved head.

The shaved head has become popular for a long time. She gained very popularity in the nineties, during the movement of runners, as well as river. Then this was considered a sign of masculinity. Now, mostly people are shaking their heads who have problems with vegetation, that is, hair grows poorly or there is baldness, as well as those who are not used to bother for a long time in the morning before the mirror.

To whom there is a shaved head: the advantages of haircuts under zero

Advantages of haircuts for zero:

  • Gives some brutality and masculinity
  • Allows you to hide the bald curses, as well as a problem with poor hair growth
  • People with baldness feel comfortable in the summer
  • The shaved head allows you to save on the acquisition of styling, as well as cosmetics for hair care

It is worth noting that the shaved head does not go to everyone. There is a category of people who do not care at all.

Who does not need to shave your head:

  • People who have problems with the relief of the skull. That is, there are many hollows, irregularities on the head. All of them will be visible if you shave your head
  • People who have dermatological problems
  • Seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp
  • Very hard, thick hair. When growing, they stick out very much, and also create the effect of thorns

In other cases, if you have the correct shape of the skull, you can shave your head. At the same time, save a decent amount of funds for hair care and their styling.

Shake your head
Shake your head

How to shave your head in a head: phased instruction


  • Initially, it is necessary to shorten the hair as much as possible. For this, a machine is used, hair is cut up up to one centimeter long
  • An ideal option will be a haircut machine with a nozzle of 10 or 6 mm
  • After you cut your hair as short as possible, you can start shaving directly into the shaving
  • For this, it is necessary to water the hair with warm or hot water for 2 minutes
  • This is necessary in order to make the strands soft, which will greatly facilitate the shaving process
  • Apply a shaving product evenly. It can be a foam or special soap
  • Gently rub. You need to shave hair in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head, also from the temple to the back of the head
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears, it is necessary to shave off the hair with circular movements, while it is necessary to use two hands. Bend the ear with one hand, and the second to remove hair
  • After all the hair is removed, you need to wash off their residues with warm water
  • Next, take a small mirror and see if there are any errors from behind
Brey's head
Brey's head

How and how to shave your head?

Of course, it is best to connect a friend or companion to the shaving process. So that he completely removes all his hair. If this is not possible, perform shaving yourself using a mirror. Of no small importance is what a razor will be removed with hair. You can use an electric brow, but in this case the skin will not be perfectly smooth, but with a small bristle.

You can shave your head using machine tools. Choose a razor with two or three blades, with a floating head. Because on the skull there are many protrusions, irregularities that can be offended when the razor is incorrectly. In these places, try not to press very much so as not to remove part of the skin and not provoke the appearance of wounds and irritation.

After you wash off the remnants of the hair and evaluate the result, if there are any irregularities, repeat the procedure. This must be done pointwise, in the places where the hairs were noticed. Next, the head is again washed off with a large amount of water with soft shampoo.

How to shave your head
How to shave your head

Care for a shaved head: review of funds

Use care products. You can use a tonic or milk for a body. This is done in order to lubricate the head and avoid the appearance of irritation. Please note that the scalp will dry the same way as the face. Therefore, you will have to use sometimes face cream. Now in stores there are special means to care for the bald head.

The use of moisturizers with aloy, as well as chamomile, will be relevant. Hypoallergenic creams, as well as substances against allergies and irritation, are suitable. They will soften the skin. People with oily skin have a face in the face, so sometimes it is necessary to use a talc to remove the shine from the bald head.

You can use napkins to remove excess sebum. If you have dry skin, use masks to moisturize with green clay. Manipulation must be carried out once a week. If the skin is oily, then once a week, apply white clay gruel. It helps to eliminate excessive greasy shine.

Shaving the head
Shaving the head

You can completely forget about the use of shampoo, because it dries the skin. With regular use on a shaved head, you will receive irritation, as well as peeling. Therefore, it is advisable to use baby soap with a normal pH level equal to 7 units. The fact is that in the pharmacy you can purchase special products for washing a bald head. They are created in order to improve blood circulation in the skin, as well as get rid of excessive shine. You can use such means, this will help to avoid irritation, shine, peeling.

Review of funds:

  • Lotion after shaving Clearhead Bump Treatment
  • Headslick cream
  • Refreshing emulsion after shaving Prep after Shave Emulsion
  • Shampoo for men Dove Men+Care
Head shaving tools
Head shaving tools

As you can see, a shaved head is very popular thanks to films with Bruce Willis, Jason Statham. Domestic stars often flash on the screens: Gosha Kutsenko and Fedor Bondarchuk.

Video: How to shave your head?

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