Hippeastrum indoor flower: flower, signs, planting, growing and leaving during and after flowering, during dormancy at home, top dressing, watering, reproduction, disease. How to buy Hippeastrum bulbs by mail in China on Aliexpress?

Hippeastrum indoor flower: flower, signs, planting, growing and leaving during and after flowering, during dormancy at home, top dressing, watering, reproduction, disease. How to buy Hippeastrum bulbs by mail in China on Aliexpress?

Gyppeastrum cultivation at home.

Dedicated to all lovers of indoor plants and just lovers to observe beautiful flowers. Today we will talk about a flower with an unusual name Hippeastrum.

What does the indoor plant look like, the gyppeastrum flower is red, pink, white, where is its homeland, is it poisonous or not?

To begin with, we list peculiarities this plant:

  • The plant has very beautiful flowers that are located on arrows. Because of this, it is considered a royal flower.
  • Hippeastrum grows from bulbs and is a perennial flower.
  • In South America, which is the birthplace of the plant, there are more than 80 species of flower.
  • Leaves Plants grow only when the hippeastrum blooms. The leaves in shape are linguistic, have a bright green color. The length of the leaves can be more than 50 cm.
  • Bloom Hippeastrum can be up to 25 cm in diameter. It has the shape of a funnel. Without smell.
  • With 1 large bulb there are about 2 shooters with 2-4 colors. The color of the hippeastrum flowers can be red, pink or white. There are plants that have two colors of flowers or even striped flowering.
  • Hippeastrum blooms in mainly in the spring or winter.
  • The plant has 7 groups: Tubular, terry, Belladonna, Leopold, orchidy, Regina and miniature hippeastrum.

The plant is poisonous, especially for its bulbs. If you use the plant juice in any way, then you can get diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and kidney problems. Also make sure that the animals do not try a flower or leaf for the same reason for poisonousness.

Hippeastrum indoor flower: flower value, beneficial and magical properties, signs

The energy that the flower shares with the surrounding is so strong that it can nourish the strength of the inhabitants of the house and the housing itself. According to the Fenglass Flower, it saturates people with positive energy and is able to raise their mood with its beauty. Those who study Chinese science claim that it is the plant that blooms that brings people positive attitude and vivid emotions.

In order for the flower to disseminate positive energy, it is important to consider some rules:

  • You need to place a flower only in a certain place in a house or apartment.
  • Do not put it The plant between two doors or between the window and the door. So the energy of the plant will spoil.
  • This plant cannot fail at first glance. Therefore, it is advisable to arrange it in the bedroom or office. So he will give confidence and strength.
  • The flower is secretly called "The power of the heroes"Therefore, it is perfect for people who need to feed energy and a sense of determination. Hippeastrum is considered a fiery plant, so it is perfect for fiery signs.
  • Treat the flower with love and tenderness and then in response you will get wonderful flowering and bright leaves.
  • To saturate the house and its inhabitants with positive energy, place the hippeastrum on the windows, but go around the northern side.
Beautiful flowering
Beautiful flowering
  • Hippeastrum promotes Getting rid of nervousness, stress, gives vigor and optimism.
  • Helps strengthen family relationships and friendship.
  • It is ideal to use flowering as a talisman to those who want to achieve recognition and glory.
  • If writers or artists put the plant in their working room, then the muse will not leave them in creativity. The plant can arrange a person to creativity and fantasy.
  • Also, a great solution would be to arrange hippeastrum in the nursery. So the child will develop creatively - it is better to draw, sculpt more actively and read poetry with pleasure.
  • The plant has no special magical properties, but has a therapeutic effect for people who have psychological deviations. Hippeastrum is good to put in a hospital, prison.
  • You can’t scandalize near the plant, as having accumulated negative information, the plant will give it later. And it is not known to whom this negative will be intended, perhaps even an accidental person.

How to buy Hippeastrum bulbs by mail in China on Aliexpress?

In order to buy plants in Aliexpress need to:

At the moment, the seeds of Hippeastrum are not provided on the site. See the updates periodically, and you will definitely find your flower.

How to plant and transplant hippeastrum: landing depth

If you purchased the hippeastrum onion, it is important to plant it correctly. It is also imperative to transplant the hippeastrum on time. You will learn all the secrets and nuances further:

  • For each onion you need heavy pot. The diameter of the pot should be about 20 cm.
  • In long pots, the bulbs can be planted, given that the distance should be at least 10 cm from each other.
  • You can not plant a plant The pot is too light. Consider the fact that the growing plant will have large flowers and wide leaves. From the wind or from severity itself, a light pot can turn over. This can lead to damage to the plant.
  • The soil There must be drained and with a sufficient amount of humus. Combine turf, leaf, humus and sand.
  • Before planting, remove the dried scales, which is on the bulbs.
  • Clean the onion until you see white or green fabrics. So the plant will be produced by chlorophyll, and remove the focus of rot.
Lumino planting
Lumino planting
  • Treat the bulbs Before planting with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After the onion dries well, you can start landing.
  • On the surface of the soil should be a third of the bulb.
  • Put a pot with a planted plant on a window where there is a sufficient amount of sunlight.
  • Pour the hippeastrum with water at room temperature.
  • If children begin to appear on the bulb, then you need to remove or leave them. If you plan to propagate the plant, then leave them until they grow up enough. If you want to extend flowering, then remove small bulbs.

Small children in plants can appear if the pot is too spacious. And thus the plant plans to multiply faster. It is for this that you need to choose pots with a small diameter.

Varieties of Hippeastrum
Varieties of Hippeastrum

You need to transplant the plant every 2 years. The upper layer of the earth at Hippeastrum is advisable to change annually.

  • No need to cut the root system during transplantation. Remove only the roots that are sick or dried.
  • Sprinkle the places of cuts with chopped wood coal.
  • Gently divide the hippeastrum bulbs from the children. Plant the kids separately, at a distance of 10 cm from each other.
  • Children Hippeastrum begin to bloom 3-4 years after the plant is transplanted.
  • When transplanting, slightly increase the diameter of the pot, but do not plant the plant in a too large pot.
  • Plant transplant should be carried out after flowering, about a month after flowering.

Hippeastrum - departure during and after flowering, during rest at home

Hippeastrum can not only bloom, but is also in the rest period. At this time, the plant needs:

  • Water
  • Be in a cold and dark place
  • You can scatter the bulbs into boxes for 2-3 months
  • Take care of the bulbs from frost. They are unstable even to an easy decrease in temperature
Hippeastrum during rest
Hippeastrum during rest

Hippeastrum flowering takes place under the following conditions:

  • The plant blooms usually from mid -February to the first half of March. But with proper care, flowering can last until May.
  • 3 months before flowering, bring the plants from the rest period in a warm and bright place.
  • Water the plant, depending on how dry the room is, how intensively the leaves and large flowers grow.
  • In order for the plant to bloom actively and beautifully, you need to treat the bulbs in hot water (43-45 ºC). Leave the bulbs for 2-3 hours.
  • Do not water the plant during the rest for 5 months, and then put in a bright place and resume watering.
  • 3 months after flowering, cut the leaves and do not water the flower for a month. With the first watering, add fertilizer to the hippeastrum.
    If the plant does not bloom for a long time, then carefully check for whether you fertilize the plant well enough. And also check if there are pests on the plant. Since the hippeastrum is not able to bloom in the fight against ticks or shields.

When the plant foams, prepare him for rest correctly:

  • Stop watering since September
  • Cut the wilted flower and put the bulb in a dry and cool place
  • So the pot should stand until the beginning of February

Hippeastrum has faded - what to do with the peduncle: pruning

The cord plant has faded, you need to give it the opportunity to gain strength. After all, it is the proper care during rest that the plant will provide an active flowering:

  • When flowering fits, cut the arrows. No more than 15 cm should remain above the bulb.
  • When the arrow dries, gently twist it from the bulb.
  • Leaves can grow 1 pc per month. During this period, slightly water the bulbs.
  • Regularly feed (potassium and phosphorus) as liquid fertilizers. Fertilize the bulb twice a month.

How to feed the hippeastrum for better flowering?

The hippeastrum should be fed when the arrow of the plant is 15 cm high. If in your opinion the plant does not need top dressing, then this process can be postponed.

Blooming hypeastrum
Blooming hypeastrum
Bright plant
Bright plant
Watering is important
Watering is important
A variety of plants
A variety of plants

Feed the hippeastrum should be phosphorus and potassium. It is this that contributes to better flowering and strengthening the plant.

Do not often use nitrogen fertilizers, since in this case a gray rot may appear on the plant. The plant may die.

Hippeastrum: reproduction with bulbs and sheet

You can propagate a beautiful flower with the help of subsidiary bulbs. They should be separated from the mother's bulb and planted in separate pots. Young plants will bloom 2 years after separation from the mother.

If children do not form in the bulb, then this does not interfere with the reproduction of the plant. It must be done as follows:

  • Cut the good onion of the plant with a clean knife into 4 parts, make sure that each share has a donz.
  • Love sections with crushed coal and leave for 3 days.
  • Plant slices in a sand or peat mixture. Do not deepen, but simply put it with the Donets in the mixture.
  • You can not completely cut the bulbs, but only make cuts and repeat the same manipulations.
  • Over time, you will see that children will appear from the cuts.

Hippeastrum can be propagated using seeds. You need to wait until, after flowering, a seed box is formed on the peduncle and collect the seeds. But it is important to consider that in this case the bulb is very weakening.

Plants after propagation
Plants after propagation

Therefore, if you are configured to collect seeds, be prepared for the fact that the flowering of the plant from which the seeds will be collected will be smaller or the plant will not bloom at all. Plant the seeds immediately after collecting to a depth of 1 cm.

You will see the first shoots after 2 weeks. Put the plant on the window and regularly feed with liquid mineral fertilizers.

Hyppeastruma plant leaves does not propagate.

Why does hippeastrum not bloom, only leaves: what to do, how to make bloom?

If you seem to take care of the flower correctly, but it does not bloom, then you need to understand the reasons for such an inaction of the plant. There may be several of them:

  • Young plant. If you have propagated the plant by transplanting the bulbs, then do not wait for flowering in the first year. Small bulbs will begin to bloom from the second year of life. And very small ones can even from 5 years old.
  • A weakened plant. Flowering takes a lot of effort from the plant. Therefore, if you do not feed and do not take care of the Hippeastrum, then the next time it may not bloom.
  • Not nutritious soil. The plant must be regularly transplanted once every 1-2 years. Since during this period the roots absorb all the beneficial substances from the soil.
Proper care is important
Proper care is important
  • Few fertilizers in the soil. In order for the flower to restore strength, you need to feed it correctly. To do this, when the plant blooms, add nitrogen and potassium with phosphorus. During flowering, fertilize only phosphorus and potassium.
  • Light is not enough. Hippeastrum for active growth and flowering needs light. Therefore, if the plant does not pay attention to whether it is on the northern window. If so, be sure to rearrange it to the south.
  • Big pot. In too open a pot, the plant grows in volume, but does not bloom. Therefore, take into account that from the bulb to the edge of the pot should be no more than 3 cm.
  • Incorrect landing. If you plant the plant too deep, then the plant will not bloom. The bulb should be maximum half, and preferably a third is deepened into the ground.
  • Rest mode is broken. If you did not send the plant to rest in the dark room, then Hippeam will not gain strength for future flowering.

Hippeastrum and Amarillis - how to distinguish: Differences

If there are 2 flowers in front of you, then it is not difficult to master the difference. But what if you see each flower separately. Understand how our tips will help you:

  • Hippeastrum's bulb is round or elongated, and in Amarillis pear -shaped shape
  • Hippeastrum can have 4-6 flowers, Amarillis has from 6 to 12
  • Hippeastrum blooms in winter or spring, and Amarillis - in the fall
  • Hippeastrum can have different colors of flowers, but Amarillis only different shades of pink
Differences in plants
Differences in plants

Hippeastrum yells leaves: what to do?

If your plants began to turn yellow, this may mean that:

  • It is preparing for the rest period, this usually happens in the fall
  • There are problems with the root system, possibly not enough power
  • The plant has not been transplanted for a long time and the soil for it is already quite scarce, does not have the necessary substances.
Yellow leaves of hippeastrum
Yellow leaves of hippeastrum

Most often, the first cause of yellowing leaves takes place. Therefore, do not worry. Just transfer the plant to a dark place to relax. Do not water the hippeastrum and immediately cut the shrunken leaves. Already the owls soon your flower will be ready for winter flowering.

Hippeastrum is a red burn disease: how to treat?

The symptoms of a red burden of the Hippeastrum is the presence of red oblong stains on the leaves and flowering of the plant. At first, the affected parts become soft, and then deform and dry.

If you do not take measures in time, then it can get sick and rot the bulb. Then the plant can no longer be saved.

Most often, the cause of such a disease is a poor -quality planting material. Because of this, not only the sore plant grows, but also subsidiaries are affected by burns.

Red burn on bulbs
Red burn on bulbs

And the development of the disease is accompanied by sharp temperature differences and too wet soil. In order not to get a sick onion, carefully inspect the planting material before buying. Process on the bulb with fugincide and dry well for several days.

If the disease nevertheless overtook the hippeastrum, then medical measures should be taken. Take advantage for this:

  • Copper sulfate
  • "Hom"
  • "Abiga-peak"
  • "Maksim"
  • "Roval"
  • "Skor"
  • "Topaz"

If the onion is very affected, it must be cleaned of the sick scales, cut off the affected roots and remove flowering. In no case do not send a sick plant to rest.

Red burn on the leaves
Red burn on the leaves

Treat the plant with the drugs indicated above and let dry for 2 days. Plant and loosen the soil well daily until you see the appearance of new roots.

The plant of Hippeastrum simply fascinates with its beauty. It is absolutely unpretentious and with proper care will delight you with beautiful flowering.

Video: Hippeastrum care

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