Who can be overtaken on the road and when you can overtake: Basic rules

Who can be overtaken on the road and when you can overtake: Basic rules

In this article, we will talk about the rules of overtaking on the road.

Our society is quite developed. Therefore, it is not news that most of the adult population has a driver’s license. All drivers are required not only to know the rules of the road, but also be sure to observe them while driving. Today we’ll talk about one of the very significant maneuvers of the car, namely about overtaking on the road.

When can you overtake on the road and who can be overtaken?

Obvoya belongs to very important maneuvers, which the driver carries out quite often. That is why we want to reveal to you all the basic rules for overtaking on the road. After all, as practice shows, it is during such maneuvering that a large number of traffic accidents occurs.

Important: First of all, the driver must distinguish between concepts as overtaking and bypass. Because the, overtaking -this is a maneuvering relative to a moving car, and detour - Relatively standing.

Across the moving machine
Across the moving machine

First of all, we consider it necessary to highlight the main aspects for you, which the driver should pay attention to just before overtaking.

The driver is obliged:

  • pay attention to whether the driver of the car that moves in front is planning to turn. The flashing lights of turns will indicate this;
  • see if the driver of interference for a car/car moving behind him creates during overtaking;
  • check the freedom of the oncoming lane on which the car will go, just by overtaking. And take into account whether the distance from the oncoming car is sufficient in order to have time to rebuild in your lane;
  • calculate the time during which the overtaking maneuver will be carried out so as not to collide during it with the oncoming car;
  • notice detection on the road;
  • minimize cases of overtaking without need;
  • objectively assess the condition of the car and all other related conditions.
Overall cannot be done when you want
Overall cannot be done when you want

Based on these short but basic rules before overtaking on the road, we also offer you information, when overtaking is strictly prohibited:

  • with poor condition of visibility on the road;
  • if during the maneuver there is a move to a solid line;
  • when there is a constant movement of oncoming cars;
  • or oncoming cars move very quickly;
  • of course, while driving in the tunnel;
  • or moving along the intersection;
  • as well as on a pedestrian;
  • moving the railway crossing, as well as all the way 100 m to such a site;
  • when the previous car began to maneuver to the left, or plans to turn, as evidenced by its on the left turn signal;
It is forbidden to overtake at the transition, even if there are no pedestrians
It is forbidden to overtake at the transition, even if there are no pedestrians
  • it is strictly forbidden to overtake the car along with the overtaking car;
  • or already a maneuvering car;
  • in the case when a sign prohibiting overtaking is placed on the road;
  • with a closed road review;
  • when the left turn signal is not included on your car, which will inform other drivers about maneuvering;
  • if you plan to make a maneuver on the right side relative to the car in front;
  • assessing that there is a real danger during such a maneuver;
  • making a double maneuver of overtaking.
The main dangerous points when overtaking
The main dangerous points when overtaking

Important: Each driver must remember and understand these rules. However, pedestrians should also be familiar with the main points of the Rules of the road, since they are participants in the same road. And many accidents happen precisely through an inattentive and self -confident pedestrian. Therefore, information in our article needs everyone.

A sign of the prohibition of overtaking
A sign of the prohibition of overtaking

Knowing such brief, but the main points about overtaking on the road, we also want to notify you when overtaking can be done. Even if there is a prohibition sign or you are moving a section where overtaking is prohibited.

So, you can overtake:

  • motorcycle without stroller;
  • bicycle;
  • scooter and moped;
  • horse -drawn vehicles;
  • low -cost transport (these are tractors, agricultural equipment, graders, etc.);
    • But only on condition that these vehicles are marked with a red triangle with a yellow or red rim. Such vehicles cannot move more than 30 km/h.
    • However, if the driver meets such a vehicle on the road, but it is not indicated by a sign, although it moves less than the indicated speed, then overtaking must be carried out already according to general rules.
Sign of the low -proceeding
Sign of the low -proceeding
  • moving along the main road at the intersection without traffic lights. But remember, in all other cases, even in the absence of a traffic light at the intersection, overtaking is prohibited.

The above exceptions are due to the fact that the maneuvering car will quickly overtake, and traveling to the oncoming lane is mainly minimal.

Small transport can be overtaken quickly
Small transport can be overtaken quickly

But all drivers must remember that it is completely forbidden to overtake if you go along the continuous, since traveling to this line is strictly prohibited. And there are no exceptions.

Important: Dear readers, we brought you the main aspects according to the rules of the road, when it is possible, or is it completely forbidden to overtake. Remember this brief information. After all, unfortunately, a large number of traffic accidents are quite a lot. And every year it increases, since there are more and more drivers.

It is good that the world moves in a progressive direction, and a significant part of the population drives the car. But understand that the rules of the road are formed and approved not just to exist. On the contrary, they must be observed, since drivers who know the rules of the road become less than traffic accidents. After all, they know what the first needs to pay attention to and how to act in most situations. Manage health, but according to the rules. Take care of yourself and your car!

Video: When can you overtake on the road?

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