When, at what age and in what quantity can the child be given melon? The benefits and harm of melons for children, restrictions on melon use. What to do with an allergic reaction in a child to melon?

When, at what age and in what quantity can the child be given melon? The benefits and harm of melons for children, restrictions on melon use. What to do with an allergic reaction in a child to melon?

In this article we will consider when you can give melon to the child. We also learn about its useful properties and possible negative consequences.

Useful properties of melons
Useful properties of melons

The benefits and harms of melons for the child's body

Along with a watermelon, melon is no less popular. Fragrant and tasty, which melts in the mouth, like sweet cotton wool. Our ancestors also knew that it has a large number of vitamins that are different for the body, contributing to its strengthening. This is especially important for kids who need it.

Note: melon is also considered a berry. She is not as controversial as a watermelon. After all, scientists clearly attribute it to this group. And all because the melon grows in bushes, has juicy pulp and a lot of seeds.

  • In addition to an impressive complex of vitamins and minerals, the melon gives still an imminent body of the baby such important components as folic, pantothenic and nicotinic acid.
  • And also there is a lot of calcium, sodium, cobalt and tripophanes. And they, in turn, participating in the complex processes of the body, serve as the most important support for such vital functions:
    • general strengthening of the entire immune system;
    • support for active and correct functioning of all types of metabolism;
    • disposal of toxins and other harmful substances from the body;
    • favorable effects on the skin and hair;
    • normalization of digestion processes;
    • stimulation of the function of hematopoiesis;
    • strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
    • improving sleep and mood (since the hormone of happiness stands out - seratonin).
  • Do not forget that the pulp of the berries itself has a diuretic effect. Therefore, often experts, along with the main treatment for acute and chronic kidney diseases, advise adding a melon to their diet.
  • It is also necessary to use it if there are problems of the bladder or with the failure of the normal functioning of the liver.
  • Melon seeds also differ in their multifunctionality - they can be used as a struggle against worms or in the form of a decoction to strengthen and health of hair. It is not necessary to eat them intentionally, but the trouble will not happen if the child accidentally swallows them.
Melon is able to cheer up
Melon is able to cheer up

When and in what quantity can you give the child a melon?

If you decide to pamper this yummy of the baby, who is not yet a year old, then on your part it will be negligent and irresponsible. Because the melon contains more rigid fiber (which will be extremely heavy for the children's stomach), and contains more allergens than watermelon.

  • As doctors insist, melon is allowed to children from only 2 years old. And then, only a little bit, increasing the permissible daily norm every year by 50-100 g and no more.
  • For the first time, the baby will be quite enough to try about 5 g of melon. After taking, you need to trace whether the child has allergies to this product. In case of its appearance, immediately stop using melon and contact a specialist.
  • If the allergic reaction is not observed and the baby likes the berry, then the portion must be increased gradually. In order to avoid negative consequences, this must be done for several weeks.
  • Only when the baby is 2.5-3 years old, the dose of melon can be increased to 200 g. Until that time, the most suitable portion is 100–150 g.
  • By the way, it is forbidden to eat melon to children every day. You can enjoy a sweet berry no more than 2-3 times a week.

Melon consumption by children: restrictions and contraindications

The main condition for storing melons is a refrigerator. After all, the season of such a berry is the end of July and the beginning of August. Therefore, of course, that it needs to be put in the refrigerator to maintain benefits and freshness. Especially if you did not have time to eat the whole berry or simply cut it to try. Otherwise, the use of melon, which stood in a stuffy room, is fraught with food poisoning.

  • First you need to make out when it is better to eat melon. You need to enjoy the sweet taste of the berries not as a dessert at the end of one of the meals, but for a light snack. The main thing is not to overeat.
  • It is also worth considering the following factors:
    • child's age under 2 years;
    • the presence of diabetes;
    • or digestive problems;
    • as well as allergies.
  • But it is best to pre -consult your family doctor or specialist. Moreover, heredity plays a significant role. That is, if one of the parents has an allergy, then it is highly likely that it will be transmitted to the baby.
Children need to be given melon with caution and only after 2 years
Children need to be given melon with caution and only after 2 years

What to do in the event of an allergic reaction?

It must be remembered that the melon and watermelon themselves are products related to the categories of “dangerous” and “allergic”. Since they often cause allergies and disorder in babies.

  • If you notice your child even the weakest signs of allergies, in no case do you need to self -medicate! The baby must immediately show a specialist.
  • Timely diagnosis and on time the treatment of allergies will help to avoid such life -threatening reactions as Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.
  • Before the ambulance arrival, you can give any antihistamine. But if you are sure of it. Provide the drink abundantly and peace. And in case of high temperature, try to knock it down.
  • If the baby has a rash, then do not let him comb it. And in order to slightly reduce itching, wipe the affected areas with vinegar solution. To prepare it, just mix cool water with vinegar in equal quantities.

Important: the body of the child, and its digestive system, only by the age of 5 becomes ready to regularly receive a large number of berries such as watermelon and melon.

How much can a child eat a child per day find out from the article: When and in what quantity can the child give watermelon?

Video: Dr. Komarovsky's advice on watermelons and melons for children

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