When to cut your hair for a child for the first time? Can or not to cut a child in bulk, soot? Where to put the first cut hair of the child? Is it possible to cut a sleeping child?

When to cut your hair for a child for the first time? Can or not to cut a child in bulk, soot? Where to put the first cut hair of the child? Is it possible to cut a sleeping child?

The need and features of the first haircut of the child.

There are a lot of traditions that say that a child needs to be trimmed or shaved in a year. In this article we will tell you when it is necessary to cut the child for the first time and how to do it.

When to cut your hair for a child for the first time?

Please note that some children are born with thick hairline, and some have very thin, short hair, there is nothing wrong with it. Scientists have proven that the number of hair follicles, as well as density, are laid in the womb, at 3 months of the fetus life.


  • If the child was born with very long hair that interferes, you can cut them in order to avoid sweating. Nevertheless, the Old Believers do not recommend cutting the child before he turns 40 days.
  • Although among Muslims there is a tradition of cutting a child when he reaches the age of 7 days. Please note that up to a year of a child can roll out, propelled rods in the nape and neck. This is due to the fact that a child under six months of age basically arrives in a lying position all the time. Because of this, the hair on the back of the head rolls and wipes.
  • Do not worry, because in their place new, stronger hair will appear soon. Up to a year, if your child does not interfere with your child, do not cause discomfort, do not provoke a huge amount of sweat and rashes on his head, there is no need to cut the child.
  • Many parents have a question, but is it necessary to shave a child in a year at all? What is this tradition and rite of the first haircut? In fact, this rite was invented as a kind of transition from infancy to childhood. Accordingly, the baby changes, his body grows, he is already beginning to walk.
  • Accordingly, the infant fluff should be replaced by children's hair. Therefore, a haircut is carried out. Many interesting, unusual manipulations are associated with it. Hair is usually not thrown away, but folded and stored. Often used if the child is jinxed or he is sick. There is an opinion that such hair is therapeutic and will help the child to return health.
The first haircut
The first haircut

Should the child be bald, soaked in a year?

Many parents believe that it is necessary to shake the child in a year with the help of a machine or machine.

The expediency of the haircut:

  • In fact, there is no feasibility of such a procedure, because what manipulation in no way will affect the density of the hair. Please note that girls can have a psychological trauma after the baby sees herself in the mirror, after the procedure. Agree, the girls hated baldly are very ugly.
  • At the same time, scientists have recognized this procedure as absolutely useless, it does not affect the amount and density of the hair in the future. There is an opinion that a trimmer, as well as an electric razor for haircuts of adults, is not applicable to children. This is possible due to the fact that the gap between the teeth is very large, and the hair of the kids is thin. They can fall into the space between the teeth, which provokes the occurrence of pain, and can also tear out hair.
  • In addition, a fairly stupid haircut machine can cause cuts, which in the future will lead to the formation of scars. The hair does not grow on them at all, so we advise you to refrain from haircuts of children with the help of a car.
  • If your baby has a significantly grown hair, we advise you to invite the masters at home or take the hairdresser. There are special chairs for babies age 1-2 years with exciting toys that will help cut the child. Most often, babies are cut with safe scissors, with rounded edges, in order not to accidentally cut it. You can cope with the haircut of the house.
  • To do this, moisten the hair with a sprayer. Try not to frighten your child, you can just slightly moisturize your palms, and so wet your hair. With the help of a comb, the hair rises, starting from the back of the head to the crown. In this case, the strand is clamped with the index and middle finger, cut off with scissors. Thus, it is necessary to carry out a haircut. Next, it is worth moving from the forehead to the top of the head, repeating this technique of hair clamping between the middle and index fingers.
  • Experts recommend the first haircut of babies under the age of a year or per year to carry out in the winter so that the changes are not very visible. That is, the hair at this time is under a hat, the child gets used to his new hairstyle and surrounding people pay the least attention to it. We recommend that a short haircut be carried out in the summer. In order to avoid the appearance of a patch in the neck, they cut the hairs in the back of the head.
  • As for girls haircuts, there is no need to cut them at all at the age of one year. If you like your baby’s hair, it is not necessary to cut it. You can just trim the ends or take the form of a hairstyle. There is no need to cut short hair briefly, this will not affect the growth and density of the hair in the future.

Why can't you cut a child up to a year?

According to our ancestors, it was impossible to cut the hair for a child up to a year.


  • This could cause the child’s poverty, his illness. It was believed that parents thus cut the tongue in the child. Basically, the beliefs that the child will talk late, if you cut the hair up to a year, were in Belarus.
  • For many peoples, it was considered a bad sign to cut their hair, because it meant to cut off energy from themselves. Although among Christians they prefer a haircut, because it was with the removal of hair that could cut negative energy.
  • But in almost all countries there is a belief not to cut a child up to 1 year old. If you throw the child’s hairs somewhere on the street, they can choose a bird or rat, sink a nest. As a result of this, the child will have a headache. In fact, this is all beliefs, and therefore it is not necessary to believe in them. It all depends on how a believer you are.
The baby haircut
The baby haircut

Where to put the first cut hair of the child?

What to do with these cut curls? In ancient times, it was believed that with the help of these hair you can make an amulet.

Hair storage:

  • Many mothers simply kept these hairs, rolled them into a tourniquet and kept them in a medallion, creating peculiar amulets for themselves and their children. In Islam, there was a tradition to invest a strand of hair directly into a large thick book.
  • It was believed that in this way you give the mind to the child, help to make him more intelligent. In ancient times, our ancestors came differently with their hair. One of the options was to take, and burn them. If you do not want damage to the hair, or the birds of the nest are rude, we recommend burning or burying your hair.
  • You can drip them in an anthill. It was believed that if you bury the garden, in the forest, in the monastery of ants, then this will help to make the child rich and successful. There is also a belief to bury hair directly at the intersection.
  • But now many mothers do not really follow the old rituals, so her hair retains. Many simply invest in envelopes and store as a family relic. Now in online stores there are even special bags for children's hair. They are stored with the children's album as part of the memories of the child.

Can I cut children up to a year?

The most interesting thing is that in ancient times there was a real rite of cutting a child. Usually scissors were given to the oldest in the family, or a deeply revered and respected guest. Nowadays, many people do not live in the city where they were born, there are no large number of relatives among them. Therefore, they are most often sent to scissors and ask to cut one strand of godfather.

Usually these hair is hidden in a bag and stored with family relics. If you are a believer, you are afraid that someone breaks trouble or speak your hair, you can just burn it. For girls, it was usually considered an optimal haircut from four sides. That is, bangs, nape, and both sides. Girls before and now they are not cut briefly. It was believed that this could interfere with meetings of female happiness.

Despite the variety of signs, modern parents do not really believe in superstition, so they do not adhere to rites. The main thing is to make a haircut for a child safe, least traumatic and perform it when it is really necessary, and not because someone said so.

Is it possible to cut a sleeping child?

Many children do not really want them to be trimmed. Therefore, a certain kind of hysteria may occur. Many mothers have a question, is it possible to cut a child when he sleeps? There is a belief that sleeping children should not cut nails and hair. This is due to the fact that you cut part of the energy. In addition, the child, when he wakes up, can be very frightened by the manipulations that you carry out. We recommend that you persuade the child, distract cartoons or some interesting toy, and in the process to make a haircut.

If your child has beautiful, long hair, they in no way interfere with him, then it is not necessary to cut them at all at all.

Video: baby haircut per year

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