When does the child begin to turn over? Why does the child do not turn over on time: Reasons

When does the child begin to turn over? Why does the child do not turn over on time: Reasons

In this topic, we will consider in what time the child should turn over.

The first year of the baby’s life is the most saturated with exploits. And one of the first skills is turns from the back to the tummy and vice versa. More precisely, this begins the formation of subsequent skills after holding the head. Therefore, in this material we will talk when the child should be able to turn over.

When does the child begin to turn over?

Parents themselves often create time frames, competing the skills of their kids. But it is impossible to let these issues on a gear. Moreover, we repeat when the child begins to turn over, there is a conditional start for his muscle system. And it is important not to miss these time periods.

  • As they say in all medical books, A healthy child begins to turn on his own on his side at 4 months; in 5 - knows how to turn over from the back to the tummy; At six months, a child can usually turn back from the tummy back to the back.
You should not blindly believe the standards of the reference book
You should not blindly believe the standards of the reference book
  • However, do not think that each baby learns something new in clearly set deadlines. All children are individual and develop in completely different ways, because The registered indicators in books on pediatrics are relative.The age frames of the crumbs can shift a little due to how quickly it grows and develops, what its mental and physical indicators.
  • If the child has not learned how to turn over in half a year, do not immediately show the baby to all the pediatricians of the city, trying to understand what is wrong. Dr. Komarovsky loves to repeat often: "Parents, your child owes nothing to anyone."
  • And in this he is absolutely right. After all, it is important to remember that all children develop at different speeds. So why not spend time with benefit and help the child master new skills, instead of exposing huge queues in children's hospitals. By the way, how to develop a baby to accelerate turns, you can read in our article "How to teach a child to turn over?"
  • Therefore, the verdict is this - Until 3-4 months, do not even try to load the baby with turns. But do not panic if this did not happen in six months.Sometimes children, if there are no deviations (and the pediatrician would definitely notice them earlier), they begin to somersault in 7-7.5 months.

The child does not turn on his own in time: when should you wait, and when to contact a pediatrician?

If the child in six months himself did not roll from the stomach to his back, this is normal. Thousands of parents face a similar situation every year. The kid can do many other successes and develop perfectly, without knowing what his peers learned. Again, it depends on how quickly the child develops.

Important: However, pay attention to if your child has not made a single attempt to turn over up to six months, it is necessary to independently, analyze why this is how it turns out. Perhaps you should seek advice.

All children are developing differently!
All children are developing differently!

Hypertonicity or hypotonus of the child's muscles

  • This is one of the most common neurological disorders in the baby. The bottom line is that up to about 3-4 months in infants, muscle tone remains, since they are in constant tension. If by 5 months the crumbs is inactive, but the parents can’t straighten the pens and legs-it is worth contacting a pediatrician.
    • Usually, the pediatrician gives a direction to a special healing massage, which will help reduce muscle tone and straighten the limbs of the baby.
  • If we talk about the hypotons of the baby’s muscles, then this is a more serious problem. Please note that children with hypotons are usually inactive, sleepy and poorly eat. These symptoms can be observed in infants with neurological and chromosomal disorders.

Also, inactive mood of the crumbs can talk about its phlegmatic nature

  • Children who are distinguished by a quiet and calm character can begin to turn over, crawl and walk later the same one. Such babies are not too active, they like to watch more than to move.
    • In any case, the baby will be many times easier to learn something new if young parents will help him in every way in this. It is very important to constantly deal with the child, make all kinds of massages and health gymnastics.
Sometimes excess weight or phlegmatic character becomes the cause of delay
Sometimes excess weight or phlegmatic character becomes the cause of delay

Prematureness or trauma obtained during childbirth

  • If the mother’s pregnancy was not easy and with complications, this could fully affect the health and development of the crumbs. The baby, which was born prematurely, may be a little late for the rapid and stubborn development of his chisels. Do not panic. The baby just needs an additional few months.

Excess weight in the baby

  • Medical practice shows that well -fed children are slightly behind in development. It is harder for full babies to turn over than children with normal weight. Young mothers are worried so that their firstborn eats well, therefore they often overfeed the child. Which becomes the main cause of excess weight. Another reason is genetically due to excess weight.

As you can see, the causes of belated turns are not always indicators for panic. And in no case do not rush your baby. The development of each baby passes individually and may differ from other children of his age. Watch your baby, because he will better tell you about his desires and readiness for a new skill.

Video: when and how to teach a child to turn over?

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