When does the first estrus in dogs begin, at what age? How long does it last in dogs in dogs and how often does it happen?

When does the first estrus in dogs begin, at what age? How long does it last in dogs in dogs and how often does it happen?

Signs of estrus in dogs and behaviors in this period.

Tychka in dogs occurs at different times, depending on the breed and size of the pet. In this article, we will tell you how the estrus of different dog breeds manifests itself, and when it begins, and also ends. 

When does the first estrus start in the dogs?

The most interesting thing is that first of all, estrus appears among pets of small breeds. In some of them, discharge may begin at 6 months. On average, this period is within 6-18 months. However, do not think that the first estrus indicates that the bitch is ready for fertilization and bearing offspring.

When the dogs begin the first estrus:

  • Physiological maturity in pets occurs a little later, on average at the age of 18-24 months. That is, it is best to mate pets in 18-24 months. It is worth noting that the estrus manifests itself in dogs a little differently, depending on the breed and individual characteristics of the animal.
  • Typically, in front of the heat itself there is a separate period called the forerunner. There are no bloody discharge, but there are some symptoms that indicate the approach of estrus. At this time, the vulva, as well as the external genitalia of the bitch, swell, the blood flow is enhanced to them.
  • Minor bloody discharge may be observed, which indicate that ovulation will soon come and the female will be ready for fertilization. At this time, the mood changes, they can worry, as minor discomfort in the genitals is possible. 
The pet is sad
The pet is sad

How long does it last in dogs?

The duration of estrus is 21 days. All this period is also divided into certain segments, which are characterized by changes in the behavior of the pet. As indicated above,the forerunner It is approximately 7 days.

How long does it last in dogs:

  • At this time, the female is not yet ready for knitting, but a pale pink substance is distinguished from the external genitalia. The male reacts very actively to these discharge, since they contain a lot of pheromones.
  • Accordingly, at this time, walks with a pet can be problematic due to attracting a large number of male.
  • The second period is the Tychka itself, during which the bitch is ready for fertilization, it lasts about 7-9 days. At this time, the girl is friendly and friendly with the males, so she reacts very favorably to male.
  • When trying to approach her, she raises her tail and presses on her front paws. It is this period that is the most favorable for fertilization. 
  • The best option for mating of a female, obtaining healthy offspring is 10-17 days of estrus. This is 10 days after the appearance of the first bloody discharge. During this period, the dog becomes friendly, affectionate and ready to mate with males and does not reject their attention.  
Merry walk
Merry walk

Signs of estrus in dogs 

The fact is that at this time it will best limit travel around the city and change the rules of walking. This is especially true for branches of large breeds, since during this period they can become aggressive and not obey elementary commands.

Signs of estrus in dogs:

  • It is better to walk the female on a leash during this period with a muzzle. The dog can react inadequately, to rush even to the kids, who used to be friendly. This is usually noticed at the very beginning of estrus when bloody discharge from the loop occurs. For the female, they are absolutely painless, butbring psychological discomfort. 
  • Typically, the owners of large pets always notice the beginning of the first estrus in bloody traces on the carpet or linoleum. During this period, it is best to remove carpets from the floor and not let the pet on the sofa or bed so as not to dirty them.
  • Try to teach the pet to your personal place, rug or house in advance. The best option is to teach the team a place. As for small breeds, their estrus manifests itself somewhat differently than that of large breeds.
Beautiful dog
Beautiful dog

How does the dog behave during estrus?

The fact is that at this moment they can become absolutely unpredictable. Their mood changes, then funny, then sad.

Dog during estrus:

  • Some small breeds may observe a violation of coordination of movements, the dog can walk crookedly, from time to time falls on the paws.
  • You should not be scared, this is a normal reaction of the pet. This is especially true for small breeds such as Yorik. 
  • They can show rabid joy and inadequate reaction.
Tychka in the dog
Tychka in the dog

How often doogs in dogs?

The frequency of estrus in different breeds differs, including depends not only on the size of the bitch, but also on the age.

How often dogs in dogs:

  • On average, the frequency of estrus is 6-8 months.
  • In older individuals, it can be observed once a year, that is, at 12 months.

What kind of estrus to knit a dog?

Many dog \u200b\u200bowners have a question about what kind of estrus you need to knit the dog.

What kind of estrus to knit a dog:

  • There are a lot of opinions, but there is the only answer that you should adhere to. The bitch is not ready for fertilization purely physically, due to the incomplete development of the genitals, as well as internal organs and systems.
  • This is due to the fact that the female, in fact, is a teenager when the first estrus begins. Therefore, if you make tribal dogs, or want to earn money on this, then you should wait. The question arises, what is the optimal age of the pets.
  • On average, this period is observed at the age of 24-36 months. It is best to mate a female when she is 2-3 years old. Please note that it is worth mating dogs no later than upon reaching a bitch of 4-5 years.
  • This is due to the fact that late birth can cause many ailments.In particular, This is cancer, the inability to independently be born, followed by a Caesarean section, as well as with the problems of the sexual function of the dog. 
Cute dog
Cute dog

How is the estrus of small dogs going?

It is worth adhering to a certain order, and in no case do not try to save the bitch at the very beginning of the estrus. The fact is that inexperienced dog owners have no idea that at the very beginning of estrus, bitches are aggressive to male, and do not let them in.

Features of estrus in small dogs:

  • During this period, despite the appearance of bloody discharge, the female body is not yet ready for fertilization and the appearance of offspring.
  • Only for about 7-10 days, the dog becomes more affectionate and with approval refers to the dogs of the opposite sex. It was during this period that the girl lets herself to herself, and as if he gives the good to knit.
  • Therefore, when the first signs of estrus appear, do not lead the female to the male and strive to knit them. Because at this time the female can behave aggressively and even fight with a male. 
  • Small dogs, chihuahua breeds,toy Terrier, differ from large dogs, including estrus. The first discharge in these dogs can be observed at 8-10 months. Their duration is 14-21 days.
  • Please note that just like large rocks, small dogs during estrus can be aggressive, not obeying elementary commands. It is recommended to withdraw all the dogs on a leash and also in a muzzle, no matter how strange it may seem.
  • It is best, if possible, turn the carpets in the house and let a female on a diaper or a special tray go to the toilet. During this period, it is better to completely refuse walks.
  • Please note that it is unacceptable to walk a pet with a fluorine without a leash, even if there is no one around. During this period, the female becomes aggressive and uncontrollable, therefore, even the dogs obedient in ordinary times can break down and run away in an unknown direction.
  • If you do not want to have mixed offspring, and think where to put puppies from an unknown male, it is best to hold the dog, and refuse here and walking. 
Panties for estrus
Panties for estrus

Why did the estrus of a sterilized dog begin?

Some owners may face the flow of a sterilized dog. No matter how strange it sounds, this is not such a rare situation. What are the discharge of the sterilized female? 

There are several options: 

  • Not completely remote ovarian fabric. Only a few cells may remain, from which after a certain time a small lump or clot growing, producing a small amount of sex hormones. That is why the female has signs of estrus, such as discharge from the loop, anxiety, and aggression. You can cope with this problem with a repeated operation, during which the remains of the ovaries are removed. Many owners have a question if there are discharge from a sterilized dog, can it become pregnant? No, pregnancy is impossible due to the fact that the uterus is removed during the operation, as well as the fallopian tubes. That is, in fact, there is nowhere to bear babies, since this organ is absent.
  • The second reason why discharge is possible in a sterilized dog is a hormone -dependent tumor, or cancer. It often happens that during the period of sterilization the female already has a tumor, and in the process of removal of the uterus, as well as ovaries, metastases in other organs remain. It is they who produce hormones that can cause a situation similar to estrus. That is, there are discharge and other symptoms that are associated with estrus in the dog. In this case, it is necessary to show the dog to the veterinarian and conduct an ultrasound diagnosis to search for pathology or reasons that led to estrus in a sterilized bitch. 
Beautiful dog
Beautiful dog

When the dogs begin the first estrus, is it possible not to notice it?

Many owners are worried that they may not notice the first estrus in the dog.

When the dogs begin the first estrus:

  • It is almost impossible not to pay attention to such important periods in the life of a pet. This is due not only to the fact that bloody discharge from the loop is observed, but also in connection with a change in the behavior of the female.
  • Therefore, most often the owners will learn that the dog has estrus, after spots on the floor with carpets, as well as sofas. Indeed, in the early days of the start of estrus, the owners may not pay attention, but then see the bloody tracks on the bed.
  • This is especially possible if a small female, for example, a toy terrier, so very often such pets are allowed into bed, on the sofa and love to play with them in their own sleeping bed.
  • Therefore, traces of bed will let you know that the dog has an estrus. In addition, at the very beginning, even before the appearance of the first bloody discharge, the genitals of the dog swell and acquire a cyanotic shade. This is possible due to the fact that the blood rushes to the organs, they can be said to swell and is poured with blood.
  • Therefore, you will notice the physiological changes in your pet. Usually this place in bitches causes a lot of anxiety, dogs can lick a long period of time, and they do this not only after the toilet, but just like that. 
Sweet pet
Sweet pet

At what age does the estrus of dogs stop, how to avoid estrus?

There are several opinions in what age the estrus of dogs stops, however, it is worthwhile to be prepared for the fact that discharge from the loop can be up to the death and late old age of the dog. That is, this is the age of 13-15 years. Therefore, it is not worth counting on the fact that the female will stop the discharge upon reaching what age. 

There are several methods with which you can solve problems with the estrus in dogs. 

How to avoid estrus in dogs: 

  • Preparations for regulation of sexual hunting. These are drops or tablets that are hormonal and prevent pregnancy.Besides, reduce the manifestation of estrus.
  • The most extreme method is sterilization, during which the ovaries and fallopian tubes or uterus are removed. However, most often, small dogs already have the so -called “grooms” with whom the owners are collecting. Most often, it is enough to find a partner through the Internet, on special sites or on ads sites. This is not only a way to get puppies, but also an additional source of earnings. 
On the examination by the doctor
On the examination by the doctor

As you can see, the estrus in dogs of different breeds is distinguished by its course, as well as the characteristics of behavior. During this period, you should be very careful and take care of your pets, avoiding their free walks without a leash. 

Video: dogs in dogs

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