When you can give a child cow's milk: we study the composition, benefit and harm to the child's body

When you can give a child cow's milk: we study the composition, benefit and harm to the child's body

This article will be discussed at what age a child can be given cow's milk by dismantling his effect on the children's body.

It would seem that such a product that is valuable since childhood cannot become the center of mass discussions. But now the pediatricians unanimously argue that it is strictly forbidden to give cow milk to the child. No, it is not worth excluding it at all, because there is still benefit. But the age should be suitable. And when the digestive system is ready to perceive such food, we will talk in this material.

When can you enter cow's milk into the child’s diet?

Before setting the exact permitted time, it is worth studying the reasons for this ban. And for this we will draw a small analogy - the cow begins to give milk after the birth of her baby. That is why the composition of cow's milk is aimed at raising a calf. Remember that in a couple of hours, greenhouses begin to run. In people, everything is different, therefore, the needs of the growing organism are different.

What is the difference between cow's milk and mother's?

The kid, when he was born, cannot eat any food, except for breast milk. Since the digestive tract is not entirely formed. Therefore, milk feeding is vital for the baby. All the necessary vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the baby are in mom's milk.

  • If we consider the table of the values \u200b\u200bof the food product, then it is immediately clear that breast milk is much more useful for humans than cow. At least most of the indicators differ.
The usefulness and composition of various milk for the baby
The usefulness and composition of various milk for the baby
Another comparative table
Another comparative table
  • The main difference is cow's milk contains a huge amount of calciumwhich will strengthen the bones of the child. At first glance, this is an undoubted plus.
  • It is also mainly a large percentage of phosphorus. In addition, other minerals exceed the dose than in breast milk. But the catch is that this excess of minerals is excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, cow's milk complicates the work of the kidneys, overloading them excessively.
  • The baby also needs that the nervous system is formed correctly. This is what gives mom's milk. After all in the cow's milk there is a lack of elements such as iodine, copper and zinc.
  • If mom simply does not have milk, and the baby is very small, then you can use milk -based mixtures. They include all the necessary vitamins that are in breast milk. As can be seen from the table, they even exceed the benefits of mom's milk.
  • It is also worth noting that vitamins C and E in cow's milk are much less, And this is a minus for the immune system.
  • And pay attention to how different iron indicators are. A iron deficiency- This is the right path to anemia.
  • It is worth highlighting that In breast milk, 30-40 times more Taurin, cystine and carnitine. And these components are necessary for the normal development of the brain.
Cow's milk for a calf, human cub needs mom's milk
Cow's milk for a calf, human cub needs mom's milk

What is the harm from cow's milk?

  • The first and probably the main threat - this is the development of rickets. It will develop due to a lack of vitamin D. And all because phosphorus, which is more than enough in milk, destroys this very vitamin.
  • The second problem - The development of severe anemia. We repeat that the cow's milk contains a small amount of iron. And besides, it is not absorbed by the childhood with a weak organism.
  • It is worth noting that protein in cow's milk is most of the casein, which creates The load on the children's stomach. Therefore, regurgitation and problems with a baby in a baby are possible.
  • In addition, cow's milk is often It causes an allergic reaction in the crumbs. Moreover, it is worth observing the baby if one of the family members has a tendency to allergies. Since this is transmitted at the genetic level. Even on another component.
  • It is also worth noting that Cow milk does not give the child that necessary water supply, but it will provide not absorbed fats in excess.
Cow's milk will not be able to replace momo
Cow's milk will not be able to replace mom's milk or even an artificial mixture

But there is also the benefits of cow's milk?

  • If cow's milk should not be infants, then this does not mean that it can not be drunk for children at all. Offer the opposite. Children who are 3 years old, it is very useful. Just the body of the baby, which has lived for less than a year, cannot digest so much phosphorus and calcium. We have already mentioned that this is a large load on the kidneys and stomach. And for the older body - this will not be difficult.
  • Milk acts as a source of strong bones, teeth and immunity. After all, an adult organism does not eat mother's milk, and from adult food does not receive those necessary minerals. Moreover, the growing children's body requires them in considerable quantity.
  • For an adult organism with a formed digestive system, the amount of protein is a plus. After all, children will be able to receive important amino acids.
But for children after 3 years, milk is very useful and necessary
But for children after 3 years, milk is very useful and necessary

Time frame for cow's milk and allowed dose

  • You need to accustom the baby to cow's milk starting with cooking cereals based on it. But Dilute milk with water (1: 2), since it is very fat. And for the first sample, it is worth diluting it with three parts of water.
  • If we talk about age, then For artifications - this is 8 months, for infants - 9.
  • And even when the child is a year old, it is still recommended to dilute the milk a little. A after 3 years, as the pediatricians advise, you can safely drink your child with fresh milk.

Important: the concentration of water begin to gradually reduce.

  • Start the sample of the milk itself is worth 1 tsp. After 3-5 days of observation, it can be gradually increased, but not more than 100 ml.
  • To be more accurate, then Up to 3 years, the child can be consumed per day up to 400 ml of milk. This is maximum. After 3 years, the digestive tract is completely formed, which means that milk can be drunk as much as you want. But do not accept these words too literally. Nevertheless, you need to know a certain measure.
  • And, of course, this is if the baby has no negative reaction or allergies.
The first year you can no more than 100 ml of milk diluted with water
The first year you can no more than 100 ml of milk diluted with water

Important: if the baby does not want to drink milk on time, then do not press on it! The time will come, and he will want him. So, his body is not yet ready for such food. Listen to the needs of the child's body - he knows better than any doctors what he needs. A similar situation with late input. Sometimes the children themselves reach for the product, giving a clue to parents that it is time to expand the menu.

Is it worth boiling cow's milk?

  • Many young mothers think that boiling will kill all the vitamins that are in milk. But the answer is quite predictable. Boiling does not affect the benefit of milk, but even vice versa.
  • It will help to kill all microbes that can be there. Yes, some vitamins can leave the steam, but they are not so important. So this will not affect the benefit of milk.
  • It is worthwhile to touch on the topic - store or home product. Opinions are so divided that we will not even begin to convince you in the opposite.
    • But it is worth noting that the owner of the cow never admits to you that the animal hurt something or hurt. Here, by the way, is another plus of boiling.
    • Shop milk gives a greater guarantee of quality and processing, although the dubious naturalness of the product. But manufacturers assure that the product simply undergoes pasteurization, which is aimed at destroying microbes.

In conclusion, we can say that the addition of cow's milk should be approached very seriously to the diet. After all, your baby’s health will depend on this. And already decide only for you - to buy store or homemade milk. But in any case, choose only a proven product, as which you can be confident.

Video: The harm and benefits of cow's milk for the baby?

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Comments K. article

  1. In the city, this is easier, there is no milk and there is no desire to give it. But the village, everyone wants to drink daily milk, but I did not give it before. My daughter’s daughter had a strong allergy to lactose. In general, I try to adhere to the complementary foods of the WHO recommendations and I give a multi-erotic tank-site Baby so that there are no problems with the tummy.

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