When is the name day of Julia, Juliana according to the church Orthodox calendar? Day of Julia, Juliana for church calendar: Dates by month

When is the name day of Julia, Juliana according to the church Orthodox calendar? Day of Julia, Juliana for church calendar: Dates by month

From this article you will learn about when it is customary to celebrate names to women named Julia and Julian in Orthodoxy.

The names of Julia and Julianna, although they sound like, are completely independent. “Julia” came from “Julian”, also a synonymous name is Ulyana, but it is completely independent. According to one version, the origin of the name Julia is associated with the name of the month of July, that is, "July". According to another version, the roots of the origin of this name, Julia is the original Greek name. According to the third version, the name of Julia is considered primordially Russian, Orthodox.

The name Julia has many related names, especially in other languages. These include: Julia, Julien, Julie, Hulia, Jill, Gillian. Brief forms of the name Julia and Julian: Yulek, Yulka, Yulenka, Julyash, Yula, Liana, Julia.

A brief description of the character of a woman and a girl named Julia
A brief description of the character of a woman and a girl named Julia

Nameday Julia, Juliana in January

In this month, in Orthodoxy, the name day of women and girls named Julia (Juliana) does not celebrate.

Nameday Julia, Juliana in February

In this month, in Orthodoxy, the name day of women and girls named Julia (Juliana) does not celebrate.

Nameday Julia, Juliana in March

In this month, in Orthodoxy, the name day of women and girls named Julia (Juliana) does not celebrate.

Name Day of Julia, Juliana in April

In this month, in Orthodoxy, the name day of women and girls named Julia (Juliana) does not celebrate.

Names of Julia, Juliana in May

31.05. - Memorial Day of Corinsfa (Ankirskaya) Julia.

Nameday Julia, Juliana in June

In this month, in Orthodoxy, the name day of women and girls named Julia (Juliana) does not celebrate.

Nameday Julia, Juliana in July

07.29. - Memorial Day of Julia Carthage.

Names of Julia, Juliana in August

In this month, in Orthodoxy, the name day of women and girls named Julia (Juliana) does not celebrate.

Names of Julia, Juliana in September

In this month, in Orthodoxy, the name day of women and girls named Julia (Juliana) does not celebrate.

Names of Julia, Juliana in October

In this month, in Orthodoxy, the name day of women and girls named Julia (Juliana) does not celebrate.

Nameday Julia, Juliana in November

In this month, in Orthodoxy, the name day of women and girls named Julia (Juliana) does not celebrate.

Names of Julia, Juliana in December

In this month, in Orthodoxy, the name day of women and girls named Julia (Juliana) does not celebrate.

Julia Chicherina- famous Russian pop and rock singer, songwriter
Julia Chicherina- famous Russian pop and rock singer, songwriter

Video: Meaning of the name. Julia

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