When is Nina's name day for the church Orthodox calendar? Nina's Day for the Church Calendar: Dates by month

When is Nina's name day for the church Orthodox calendar? Nina's Day for the Church Calendar: Dates by month

An article about when the day of the angel of a woman and a girl with the name Nina is celebrated.

Nina's name is quite common in Russia. It is noteworthy that it has no short shape. It turns out that the form "Nina" is both a short and complete version.

The origin of the name Nina is associated with the founder of ancient Assyria. If you believe myths, then this person was the name - Ninos, and Nina appeared in the next centuries. A similar name was also in Georgia and Russia.

Sablely affectionate forms are: Ninochka, Nikus, Ninusya, Nusya, Ninusha, Ninuly, Ninka.

A brief description of the character of a woman named Nina
A brief description of the character of a woman named Nina

Nina's name day in January

27.01. - In the Orthodox Church, Nina's Day of Equal -to -the -Apostles, Georgian Enlightener.

Nina's name day in February

In this month, Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the name day of women and girls named Nina.

Nina's name day in March

In this month, Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the name day of women and girls named Nina.

Nina's name day in April

In this month, Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the name day of women and girls named Nina.

Nina's name day in May

In this month, Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the name day of women and girls named Nina.

Nina's name day in June

In this month, Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the name day of women and girls named Nina.

Nina's name day in July

In this month, Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the name day of women and girls named Nina.

Nina's name day in August

In this month, Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the name day of women and girls named Nina.

Nina's name day in September

In this month, Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the name day of women and girls named Nina.

Nina's name day in October

In this month, Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the name day of women and girls named Nina.

Nina's name day in November

In this month, Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the name day of women and girls named Nina.

Nina's name day in December

In this month, Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the name day of women and girls named Nina.

It is interesting! A woman with the name Nina is distinguished by strong leadership qualities, she wants to be “not like everyone else”, to be better, to be one step ahead. Nina, as a rule, loves themselves very much, sometimes this love can border on selfishness. And this is one of the reasons for the unsuccessful marriage of Nin. Another reason is the direct and uncompromising character of the owners of this name. Nevertheless, with children, friends and work, Nin usually develops well, which cannot but rejoice.

Video: The meaning of the name Nina is character and fate

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