When is the name day of Mikhail according to the church Orthodox calendar? Mikhail's Day by church calendar: Dates by month

When is the name day of Mikhail according to the church Orthodox calendar? Mikhail's Day by church calendar: Dates by month

When the day of the Angel of Michael.

From this article you will learn when the name of Michael is celebrated according to the church calendar.

When is the Day of Angel Mikhail according to the church Orthodox calendar?

The name Mikhail - ancient Jews is endowed with a huge energy potential. It is believed that Mikhail is the owner of a special force. There are two options for translating this name. The first interprets the name as "equal to God", the second - "asked for God." In European countries, men are called analogue names. Among them, the following are most famous: Michael, Michelle, Miguel, Mikhai. In Australia, Mitchel is considered a derivative of Mikhail.

  • A man named Mikhail is endowed with his abilities bringing him closer to the creator. The Orthodox especially revere the main of the seven archangels - Michael. It is believed that Mikhail is able to fight with evil spirits, considered a source of various ailments. Enoch's book tells that the Archangel Michael patronized the Israeli people.
  • Boy Misha captivates others with his tenderness, greed to affection. The child uses beauty, insight to achieve his goals. He is not indifferent to the beautiful and tries to surround himself from childhood with beautiful things, among which it is often possible to find objects of art.
  • Having become adults, Mikhail strives to please everyone who is next to him, because it is important for him to be in harmony with others.
A man named Mikhail is endowed with his abilities bringing him closer to the creator

When Mikhail’s name day according to the church calendar, in the Orthodox faith: in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Nameday Mikhail (Angel Day) - Dates by month:

Some saints are revered only once a year. Name - Michael does not apply to this. Saints with that name 92 times a year. The main date for every Mikhail is the Day of Angel.

Nameday Mikhail in January

  • January 3 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Archpriest, torment. Mikhail Kiselev
  • January 8 - veneration of the memory of the righteous municipal. Mikhail Smirnova, holy martyr, deacon
  • January 13 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Berezin, Priest
  • January 14 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Blave, Archpriest
  • January 21 - veneration of the memory of the righteous municipal. Mikhail Novoselov
  • January 24 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Klopsky Novgorod
  • January 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Samsonov, Archpriest
  • January 31 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Kargopolov

Name Day of Mikhail in February

  • February 16 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Agayev
  • February 17 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Rybin
  • February 18 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Amelushkin
  • February 26 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Popov
  • February 27 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny
  • February 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Pyataev
Becoming adults, Mikhail strives to please everyone who is nearby

Name Mikhail in March

  • March 2 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Nikoologorsky
  • March 7- veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Gorbunov
  • March 8 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Razhkina
  • March 12 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Markov
  • March 14 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Bukrinsky
  • March 16 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Stroyev
  • March 22 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Maslov
  • March 23 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Mavrudis Solunsky
  • March 26 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Okolovich
  • March 27 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Rostislav (in the baptism of Mikhail) Mstislavich Kievsky
  • March 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Theological

Name Day of Mikhail in April

  • April 11 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Viktorov
  • April 29 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Wurliot
  • April 30 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Novitsky

Name Mikhail in May

  • May 15 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Boris (in the baptism of Mikhail) Bulgarian
  • May 24 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Belossov

Name Day of Mikhail in June

  • June 1 - day of icon veneration of memory much. Mikhail Deineka
  • June 3 - day of icon veneration of memory of much. Mikhail Murom
  • June 4 - day of icon veneration of memory much. Mikhail Borisov
  • June 5 - day of icon veneration of memory much. Mikhail Savvait
  • June 16 - Day of veneration of memory of Much. Mikhail Markov
  • June 18 - Day of veneration of memory of Much. Mikhail Votyakova
  • June 20 - Day of veneration of memory of Much. Mikhail Denisov
  • June 28 - Day of veneration of the memory of Mikhail Kievsky
  • June 29 - Day of honoring the memory of Mikhail Makarov
Archangel Michael
archangel Michael

Name Day of Mikhail in July

  • July 13 - Day of veneration of Memory Much. Michael
  • July 16 - Day of veneration of Memory Much. Michael
  • July 17 - Day of veneration of memory of Mikhail Afinsky
  • July 22 - Day of veneration of Memory Much. Michael Dream
  • July 25 - Day of veneration of Memory Much. Mikhail Malein

Named after Mikhail in August

  • August 4 - day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Okashchenkova
  • August 11 - day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Savvait
  • August 17 - day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Zhuk
  • August 20 - day of icon veneration of torment. Mikhail Plyshevsky
  • August 25 - day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Garedzhiysky
  • August 31 - Day of icon veneration torment. Mikhail Eregodsky

Namedays of Mikhail in September

  • September 4 - Church honors Memory Much. Mikhail Lyubertsev
  • September 9 - Church honors memory of Much. Michael Voskresensky
  • September 13 - The Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Kosukhin
  • September 15 - Church honors Memory Much. Mikhail Trubnikov
  • September 16 - The Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Sushkova
  • September 17 - Church honors memory of Much. Mikhail Bogorodsky
  • September 19 - Church honors Memory Much. Michael
  • September 20 - Church honors Memory Much. Mikhail Tikhonitsky

Nameday Mikhail in October

  • October 1 - Church honors Memory Much. Mikhail Skobelev
  • October 3 - Church honors Memory Much. Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny
  • October 10 - Church honors Memory Much. Mikhail Platonov
  • October 13 - Church honors Memory Much. Mikhail Kyiv
  • October 14 - The Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Zoviysky (Sevastian)
  • October 15 - The Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Kazan
  • October 17 - The Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Tverdovsky
  • October 27 - Church honors memory of Much. Michael Lecture

Nameday Mikhail in November

  • On November 2, the memory of Mikhail Isaev is revered
  • On November 20, the memory of Mikhail Gusev is revered
  • On November 21, the memory of Mikhail is revered
  • On November 23, the memory is revered. Mikhail Arefiev
  • On November 27, the memory of Much is revered. Mikhail Nekrasov
  • On November 29, the memory of Much is revered. Mikhail Abramov
  • On November 30, the memory is revered. Gobron (in the baptism of Mikhail) Kakhetinsky

Namedays of Mikhail in December

  • On December 2, memory is revered. Mikhail Kvanin
  • On December 5, the memory of Mikhail Yaroslavich Tver is revered
  • On December 7, the memory of Mikhail Bogoroditsky is revered
  • On December 9, memory is revered. Mikhail Zelentsovsky
  • December 20 is revered by Memory Much. Mikhail Uspensky
  • On December 23, memory is revered. Mikhail Yakunkina
  • On December 31, the memory of Mikhail Singella (Assistant Bishop) is revered

You will also learn a lot of interesting things about a man named Mikhail from the video.

Video: The meaning of the name Mikhail

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