When is the name of the Alexander Orthodox Calendar? Day of the name of the name of Alexander by church calendar: Dates by month

When is the name of the Alexander Orthodox Calendar? Day of the name of the name of Alexander by church calendar: Dates by month

When is Alexander the Angel Day?

The name Alexander consists of two Greek words, one of which means “defender” (Alex), and the second (Andros) is a man.

  • As a child, little Sasha can be a painful child, but in adolescence he begins to get involved in sports, he is interested in hardening. In adulthood, this is no longer a weak boy, but a strong and persistent man.
  • A man named Alexander achieves his goal. As a rule, at work, he holds the position of boss and skillfully runs his team. Those who are subordinate to Alexander speak of him as a fair person.
  • Alexander can be addicted to alcoholic beverages. Being drunk, he loses control of himself, trying to be the first among partners in the feast. Only serious events taking place in the life of his relatives can turn Alexander from alcohol.
  • Alexander sees himself in dreams in love with a romantic in love, but in reality his dreams remain dreams: he perceives women as a hobby, trying to be friendly and charming with everyone. Ladies hear a lot of compliments from him. But if Alexander swore in love to one woman, then, having met another, he gives himself with the same ardor and faith feelings for the new chosen one.

Nameday Alexander (Angel Day) - Dates by month

Nameday Alexander in January

  • January 8 - veneration of the memory of the righteous municipality. Alexandra Krylova and Much. Alexandra Volkov
  • January 10 - the Church venerates the righteous Alexander Ciceronov and Much. Alexander Dagaev
  • January 14 - veneration of the memory of the righteous municipal. Alexandra Trapitsyn, Much. Alexandra Organov
  • January 17 - the veneration of the memory of the righteous men. Alexandra and Much. Alexander Skalsky
  • January 30 - The Church venerates the memory of the righteous Much. Alexandra Rusinov
The patron saint of Alexander Rev. Alexander Svirsky
The patron saint of Alexander Rev. Alexander Svirsky

Nameday Alexander in February:

  • February 7 - veneration of the memory of the righteous municipal. Alexandra Roman, son of the mts. Filts of Roman
  • February 17 - veneration of the memory of the righteous municipality. Alexandra Pokrovsky and Much. Alexandra Sokolov
  • February 19 - The Church venerates the righteous Much. Alexandra Telemakova
  • February 20 - veneration of the memory of the righteous municipal. Alexandra Talyzin
  • February 21 - veneration of the memory of the righteous municipal. Alexandra Abissov

Nameday Alexander in March:

  • On March 6, the church honors memory of Much. Alexander Vislyansky
  • On March 8, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander of Constantinople
  • On March 10, the memory is revered. Alexandra Vinogradov
  • On March 14, memory is revered. Alexandra Ilyenkov
  • On March 17, the memory is revered. Alexandra Likharev
  • On March 22, the church honors memory of Much. Alexander Sevastiysky
  • On March 25, the church honors memory of Much. Alexander Derzhavin
  • On March 26, Memorial Day is revered. Alexandra Pidnsoy
  • On March 28, on this date, the Church celebrates two days of such saints: Alexander Sidsky (Pamphilian) and Alexander Egyptian, Caesarea
  • On March 29, Memorial Day is revered. Alexander I Rimsky
  • On March 30, Memorial Day is revered.
When Alexander's name for the Orthodox calendar
Angel Day Alexander

Nameday Alexander in April:

  • April 9 is revered by the Memorial Day of St. Alexander Vochsky
  • April 23, the day of memory is revered. Alexander African
  • April 27, the Memorial Day is revered. Alexandra Orlov
  • On April 28, the Church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Eluvushev
  • On April 30, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander Svirsky

Nameday Alexander in May:

  • On May 3, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander Oshensky
  • On May 4, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander Sinai
  • On May 24, the church honors the memory of St. torment. Alexander Petrovsky
  • On May 26, the Church honors the memory of the holy martyrs: Alexander of Rimsky, Alexander Zaozersky, Alexander Tiveriac
  • On May 27, the church honors memory of Much. Alexandra
  • On May 29, the church honors memory of Much. Alexander Jerusalem

Nameday Alexander in June:

  • June 1 Day of the icon veneration of such holy martyrs: Alexander Saulsky, Alexander Eroshov
  • June 2 day of icon veneration torment. Alexander Aegean
  • June 8th day icon veneration torment. Alexandra
  • June 11th day icon veneration torment. Alexandra Alexandria
  • On June 20, the day of the icon reading of such holy martyrs: Alexander Preobrazhensky, Alexander Zetrov, Alexander Makhetov, Alexander Zuev
  • June 22 The day icon veneration torment. Alexander Prussian
  • June 23 The day of icon veneration of the holy martyrs: Alexander Krodamn, Alexandra Andreev
  • June 26 Day icon veneration of the holy martyrs: Alexander Moscow, Alexander Arkhangelsk
  • June 27 Day icon veneration torment. Alexandra Parusnikov
In childhood, little Sasha can be a painful child

Nameday Alexander in July:

  • July 1 day icon veneration torment. Alexander Krutitsky
  • July 6 Day of icon veneration torment. Alexander Miropolsky
  • July 10 Day icon veneration torment. Alexandra Sidorov
  • On July 16, the day of icon veneration of St. Alexander of Constantinople
  • July 21 Day of icon veneration torment. Alexandra Popov
  • July 22 The day icon veneration of the torment of Alexander Egyptian
  • 23 July day icon veneration torment Alexander Nikopolsky

Nameday Alexander in August:

  • On August 2, the Church honors memory of Much. Alexander Arkhangelsk
  • On August 7, the Church honors the memory of the holy martyrs: Alexander, Alexander Sakharov
  • On August 11, the Church honors memory of Much. Alexandra
  • On August 14, the Church honors memory of Much. Alexander Pergian
  • On August 20, the Church honors memory of Much. Alexander Khotovitsky
  • On August 24, the Church honors memory of Much. Alexander Rimsky
  • On August 25, the Church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Kremsky
  • On August 27, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander Urodov
  • On August 29, the Church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Sokolov
Alexander skillfully manages his team

Nameday Alexander in September:

  • September 3 Day of the icon veneration of the holy martyrs: Alexandra,
    Alexander Elokhovsky
  • September 4 Day of icon veneration torment. Alexander Ratkovsky
  • September 9th day icon veneration torment. Alexandra Kitserov
  • September 12th day of icon veneration of the holy martyrs: Alexander Nevsky, Alexander of Constantinople, Alexander Svirsky
  • September 13 Day icon veneration torment. Alexandra Lyubimova
  • On September 17, the day of the icon veneration of the holy martyrs: Alexander Blokhin, Alexander Nikolsky
  • On September 20, the day of the icon veneration of the holy martyrs Alexander Perevetov, Alexander Medvedev
  • September 22 The day of icon veneration of the holy martyrs: Alexander Vinogradov, Alexander Ilatov
  • September 26th day icon veneration torment. Alexandra Aksenov

Nameday Alexander in October:

  • On October 3, the church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Tetyuev
  • On October 4, the church honors the memory of the holy martyrs: Alexandra Fedoseeva
  • On October 5, the church honors memory of Much. Alexander
  • On October 8, the church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Smirnov
  • On October 9, the church honors memory of Much. Alexander Levitsky
  • On October 11, the church honors the memory of the holy martyrs: Alexander, Alexander Kalutiysky
  • On October 13, the church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Orlov
  • On October 14, the church honors the memory of the holy martyrs: Alexander, Alexander Agafonnikov
  • On October 24, the church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Grivsky
  • On October 25, the church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Pozdeevsky
  • On October 30, the church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Schukin
Nameday Alexander by month

Named after Alexander in November:

  • November 2 day of icon veneration torment. Alexandra Orlov
  • November 3 day icon veneration torment. Alexander Epiphany
  • On November 4, the day of icon veneration of the holy martyrs:. Alexander Lebedev, Alexander Adrianopolsky, Alexandra Andreev
  • November 5th day icon veneration torment. Alexandra Solovyov
  • November 12, icon veneration day torment. Alexandra
  • November 13th day icon veneration torment. Alexander Vozdvizhensky
  • November 14th day icon veneration of the holy martyrs: Alexander Smirnov, Alexander Shalai
  • November 16, the day of icon veneration of the holy martyrs: Alexander Parusnikov, Alexander Zverev
  • November 17 Day of icon veneration torment. Alexander Petropavlovsky
  • On November 20, the day of the icon veneration of the holy martyrs: Alexander Krylov, Alexander Ilyinsky, Alexander Kurmysky
  • November 22 The day of icon veneration torment. Alexander Solunsky
  • November 23 The day of icon veneration torment. Alexander Medem
  • November 25 Day of icon veneration torment. Alexander Arkhangelsk
  • November 27, the day of icon veneration torment. Alexandra Chekalov

Nameday Alexander in December:

  • On December 2, the day of memory of the holy martyrs is revered: Alexandra Mishutin, Alexander Serebrova
  • On December 3, the day of memory is revered. Alexandra Sakharov
  • On December 6, the day of memory of the holy martyrs is revered: Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Vskusov
  • On December 7, Memorial Day is revered. Alexander Korinfsky
  • On December 8, Memorial Day is revered. Alexander Vershinsky
  • On December 17, Memorial Day is revered. Alexandra Posokhin
  • On December 22, the Church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Buravtsev
  • On December 23, the church honors the memory of the holy martyrs: Alexander Tuberovsky, Alexander Shklyaev
  • On December 25, the Church honors memory of Much. Alexander Jerusalem
  • On December 26, the church honors the memory of the holy martyrs: Alexander Pospelov, Alexander Yuzefovich
  • On December 28, the church honors memory of Much. Alexander Rozhdestvensky
  • On December 29, the church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Kolokolov
  • On December 30, the church honors memory of Much. Alexandra Saveelov

You will learn about the secret and meaning of the name Alexander by watching the video.

Video: Secret and meaning of the name Alexander

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