Coffee Latte: types, best recipes. How to drink Latte coffee correctly, in which glass to serve? How to cook an Ice Latte, Latte Machiato, with ice cream, cinnamon, syrup, pumpkin-spicy, ginger, caramel, cheese, banana: recipe

Coffee Latte: types, best recipes. How to drink Latte coffee correctly, in which glass to serve? How to cook an Ice Latte, Latte Machiato, with ice cream, cinnamon, syrup, pumpkin-spicy, ginger, caramel, cheese, banana: recipe

If you like to drink a cup of an invigorating drink in the morning, read the article. It has many recipes for making delicious Latte coffee.

Latte coffee is an Italian drink that was invented in the middle of the last century. Many people mistakenly consider it ordinary coffee with milk.

  • Latte coffee is based on a bitter espresso, but air milk is added to it.
  • With its help, a beautiful “hat” is made - tasty and appetizing.
  • This drink is served not in an ordinary cup, but in Irish Stakan-this is a high glass glass with a handle.
  • Try to make coffee light at home, and our recipes will help you with this.

What is Latte coffee, what are the species?


The technological map for the preparation of Latte prescribes such norms of products per portion: ground coffee - 10 grams, water - 50 grams, 3.2% milk - 150 grams. From these products you will make a delicious coffee lanta with air foam.

In the recipes that will be described below, it will be implied that this amount of products. If another amount is needed, then this will be indicated. If you need to add syrup to the recipe, then pour no more than 20 ml, otherwise it will be too sugre.

There are many types of this drink:

  • ice Latte
  • machiato
  • classical
  • with ice cream
  • cinnamon
  • vanilla and mint
  • pumpkin-spicy
  • ginger
  • caramel
  • cheese
  • banana
  • lavender
  • on almond milk
  • peanut
  • walnut
  • coconut

To prepare each type of drink, you will find a recipe in this article below. Cook it for yourself, your family and friends and enjoy the unique taste of Italian coffee.

How to beat milk for Latte coffee?


To cook impeccable and tasty latte, you need to be able to beat milk correctly. This is an important component, without it, Latte will be a completely different coffee drink. How to beat milk for Latte? This can be done with a coffee machine and a mixer.

Here are some tips on how to beat milk in a coffee machine to get a foam:

  • Heat milk and pour it into a small metal mug or other similar container.
  • Turn on the device and activate the steam tap for a few seconds.
  • Dear the steam frame in the liquid and turn on the "steam" mode for 3-5 seconds.
  • Perform 3-4 circles like that. Raise the right tank from the bottom up and back for 10 seconds.
  • Substitute a mug with milk under the slope and perform steam feed for 1-2 seconds.

Turn off the steam frame when the desired amount of foam forms in the circle. The whisk of the mixer can also beat milk into the foam:

  • Turn on the “turbo” mode, but with a low amplitude.
  • Pour warm milk into the mug.
  • Lower a mixer whisk into it. Tilt a mug with milk a little.
  • Start whipping the foam, moving the whisk in different directions.

It is advisable to use a high metal glass or mug so that the milk does not spray from whipping with a whisk. Now you know how to do milk foam. You can start cooking coffee.

How to cook an Ice Latte: Recipe

Coffee Ice Latte
Coffee Ice Latte

Ice is ice. Coffee will be with ice and drink it well in the summer when it is hot. Recipe for how to cook an Ice Latte:

  • You will need a shaker. If you do not have it, then you will have to buy.
  • Fill a shaker for 1/4 part with ice.
  • Boil the espresso and pour the drink into the shaker. Pour also milk and vanilla syrup, but not more than 20 ml.
  • Wipe the shaker until pieces of ice are dissolved.
  • Then pour the drink into the glass.

Such coffee on a hot day perfectly invigorates and cools. Summer morning, such a cocktail is a great start to the day.

How to cook Latte Machiato: Recipe

Coffee Latte Machiato
Coffee Latte Machiato

Machiato - coffee with a spot in the middle. The coffee speck lies on a stable foam and sprinkled with cocoa powder, grated on a fine grater with chocolate tiles or cinnamon. Here is a recipe for how to cook Latte Machiato:

  • Boil coffee expresso in a Turk of 1 teaspoon of ground coffee and 50 grams of water.
  • Strain coffee through a special strainer.
  • Heat milk with a fat content of at least 3.2%. It should be hot, but you do not need to boil - it is important.
  • Pour milk with foam into a high glass in which you will serve the drink on the table. It will turn out 2 layers in a glass: milk and foam. Now between these layers you need to pour coffee.
  • The filtered coffee again heat to a boil.
  • Gently, with a thin stream, begin to pour coffee into a glass. If it is hot milk, then it will take its place - between milk and foam. Therefore, it is important not to forget to heat coffee after filtering.
  • Coffee passes through the foam "hat" and leaves the spot.
  • Sprinkle the drink on top with ground cinnamon, fine choks of chocolate or sifted cocoa-powder-without lumps.

Serve this coffee immediately as you cook.

How to cook Latte classic?

Latte coffee is classic
Latte coffee is classic

Latte Classic is preparing quickly and simple. This is a great option for morning coffee when there is no time to make breakfast, but you need to cheer up.

  • First cook coffee.
  • Then beat the milk, previously heating it.
  • Warm up another portion of milk and pour into a glass, then behind it - coffee and milk foam.

Such coffee is very tasty. This is a wonderful start of the day.

How to cook latte with ice cream?

Creaming latte-coil with ice cream is no longer coffee, but a real dessert that will help to cool on a summer hot day.

  • Boil coffee in the usual way.
  • Beat hot milk into foam.
  • Pour coffee into a large glass, then milk with foam and lower the ball of the cold dessert “Creamy fillir” on top.

On top of a glass of such a drink, you can pour chocolate grated on a fine grater - this is a delicious final chord, which will give the drink of originality.

How to cook Latte with cinnamon?

Coffee with cinnamon
Coffee with cinnamon

Cinnamon adds coffee with a spicy note of a unique taste. Coffee Latte with cinnamon almost does not differ from the Classic recipe. Cooking it is also quickly and simple. Boil the usual Classic-Latte by the recipe described above, and sprinkle the milk foam slightly with ground cinnamon.

How to cook vanilla and mint latte with vanilla and mint syrup?

Coffee Latte "Vanil" is suitable for consumption in the summer. But you can cook it in winter, if you need to cheer up, and there is no time to drink hot coffee. Recipe for how to cook vanilla latte with vanilla syrup:

  • Put several ice cubes in a high glass.
  • Boil coffee, as usual, and beat hot milk into the foam.
  • Now pour milk into a glass with ice, then coffee and a little syrup. You can slightly stir.

Mint Latte, unlike coffee with vanilla syrup, is served hot. This is a great way to warm up and warn the appearance of a runny nose and coughing in a cold season. Mint Latte recipe with mint syrup:

  • Boil coffee-expresso, as usual.
  • Heat milk, but do not boil.
  • Pour milk into Irish-Stakan, then a thin stream of coffee. At the end, add 20 ml of syrup. Mix slightly.

Remember about the feed temperature - coffee and milk should be hot.

How to cook Latte pumpkin?

Latte coffee is pumpkin
Latte coffee is pumpkin

Spicy coffee is nice to drink, as the taste is unusual and original. Add a pumpkin to such a drink and it will become a loved one for you and your guests. To prepare Latte pumpkin-spicy, do the following:

  • Bake 50 grams of pumpkin in the oven. Then make mashed potatoes out of it.
  • Brew coffee in the form of an ordinary espresso.
  • Heat 150 ml of milk and add a little cinnamon, grated ginger root and muscat-noresh to it. Put the milk on the stove again and warm it up again without bringing to a stormy boil. Bubbles appeared a little, remove from the stove.
  • Combine milk with spices and pumpkin mashed potatoes. Mix. Add 20 ml of vanilla syrup, mix again.
  • Pour coffee into a glass. Add a milky-tone mixture, and decorate with whipped cream on top.

Such coffee delights everyone who tries it. People at first cannot guess what kind of drink it is. The milk mixture, with the smell of spices and the taste of pumpkin, is very pleasant and unusual in taste.

How to cook Latte ginger-straight?

Latte coffee is ginger
Latte coffee is ginger

Such a recipe is similar to a coffee drink with a syrup. But in this case, the syrup should be taken not a store, but to cook it yourself. Recipe for how to prepare Latte ginger-straight:

  • Boil syrup: sugar and water in a ratio of 1: 1. To get 20 ml of syrup, take 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water. Stir and put on low heat to cook until golden color appears. How the syrup will begin to turn yellow a little, turn off the gas so as not to burn, and add a pinch of ginger and cinnamon. Stir spices with syrup well.
  • Now cook coffee, heat and beat the milk.
  • Pour milk into a glass, then coffee and spicy syrup. Stir and serve.

Such coffee is fragrant, the aroma will spread throughout the house.

How to cook Latte caramel?

To prepare such coffee, you will need caramel syrup. There are many varieties of this syrup, so choose the one you like to your taste. Prepare Latte Karamel according to the following instructions:

  • Brew coffee.
  • Warm milk and beat to thick foam.
  • Pour milk with foam into a glass, then coffee.
  • Now pour 15 ml of syrup and mix.

Serve coffee on the table with a tube. Such a drink especially likes children. But do not forget that young children under 12 years of age are not recommended to drink coffee.

How to cook Latte cheese?

Coffee Latte is cheese
Coffee Latte is cheese

Velvety texture, cheese-cereal taste, air milk foam from above-this is the chichi-Latte. It’s easy to cook cheese latte:

  • Boil coffee in a Turk with the addition of 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt on the tip of a knife and the same amount of cinnamon. You eat spices, you can also add grated muscat, black pepper or cocoa.
  • Pour 100 ml of fat cream into a high metal container. Heat on fire and add 50 grams of melted cheese to them.
  • Beat cream with cheese.
  • Strain coffee through a strainer and heat again. Then pour it into cream with cheese. Beat again.
  • Pour the drink into a glass and decorate with cinnamon.

To prepare such a fabulous tast of coffee, you can use not only ordinary melted cheese, but also curd mass or masquearpone. There are many options, choose what you taste.

How to cook Latte banana?

Coffee Latte is banana
Coffee Latte is banana

Banans are perfectly combined with milk and coffee. Boil Latte, the taste of which will be unforgettable. The banana is sweet, so sugar and syrup are not needed. Cook Latte Banana according to this recipe:

  • Boil coffee and beat it with a half banana in a blender.
  • Beat hot milk and pour it into a glass.
  • Add coffee with a banana and decorate the foam with coconut.

As a decoration, you can use a circle of kiwi or half a slice of pineapple. Put these fruits on the top of the glass - appetizing and beautiful.

How to cook Latte lavender?

It seems that the combination of lavender and coffee is impossible. But an unusual and original taste will make you fall in love with lavender latte. It’s easy to cook it:

  • Beat hot milk with a piece of black bitter chocolate.
  • Add 15 ml of lavender syrup.
  • Boil coffee in Turk.
  • Pour a milk-lavender mixture into a glass and then coffee.

Good and peppy morning!

How to cook Latte in almond milk?

Latte coffee on almond milk
Latte coffee on almond milk

Such a drink is obtained with a spicy aroma and very pleasant in taste. The piquancy is added by tangerine and ground bitter pepper-chili. An unusual combination of ingredients in this recipe will make each person enjoy a unique aftertaste if he decides to try this coffee. This is a real pleasure - a spicy drink in almond milk. Try and enjoy. How to cook Latte in almond milk? Here is the prescription:

  • Clean one tangerine and divide into slices.
  • In a small metal container, mix 150 ml of almond milk, a little cinnamon, vanilla syrup, ground chili on the tip of a knife. Put on the fire and put the tangerine with the skin. Keep for gas for 5 minutes. Stir, and without boiling, remove from heat. The mixture should be hot.
  • Boil coffee.
  • Strain the milk mixture with spices and tangerine through a sieve. Only the liquid part of this mixture is in coffee - mandarin and zest are not needed. What we need was already falling into milk, and a spacious-cytravas taste was obtained.
  • Beat milk until foam.
  • Heat coffee and pour into a glass. Add milk and serve.

Garnish with the latte with a stick of cinnamon or insert a tube into a glass.

How to cook Latte peanut?

Coffee Latte is arachy
Coffee Latte is arachy

To prepare such coffee, you need to buy peanut paste and chocolate syrup or topic, which is usually used as watering for ice cream. Cook Latte Arachis like this:

  • Put a tablespoon of peanuts in a glass and dilute in 50 ml of boiling water (you can milk). Mix the mass and add chocolate syrup. Take these ingredients (pasta and syrup) in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Boil coffee and mix with an arachis-chocolate mixture.
  • Now pour this mixture into this glass and milk beaten into foam on top.

Decorate Latte with cinnamon or sifted cocoa.

How to cook a walnut latte?

Coffee Latte Orekhovy
Coffee Latte Orekhovy

Walnut coffee is not only tasty, but also hearty. It can be drunk during a pre -eating snack. Latte Orekhovy is prepared as follows:

  • Fry 30 grams of a peeled hazelnut. Grind them in a blender. Leave 1 teaspoon of nuts for decoration.
  • In the stewpan, connect milk, nut powder and 1 teaspoon of condensed milk. Put on the gas and heat, but make sure that the mass does not boil. Beat it and pour it into Irish-Stakan.
  • Then pour freshly brewed coffee and decorate with grated nuts.

Serve the drink on the table with a tube.

How to cook Latte Coconut?

If you can buy coconut milk to prepare this drink, it will be excellent. If not, then use coconut syrup. Coconut Latte Cook like this:

  • Beat 100 ml of ordinary and coconut milk separately to foam. Do not forget to heat both types of milk.
  • Boil coffee and add 15 ml of cedar syrup.
  • Then pour coffee, whipped coconut milk and then ordinary into a glass.

Garnish with coconut chips and grated chocolate.

How to drink Latte coffee correctly, in which glass to serve?

Latte coffee in a glass
Latte coffee in a glass

It is customary to serve ordinary coffee in small cups. But Latte coffee is served in high glasses with a handle, Irish Stakan, or in other large cups. No need to confuse this coffee with ordinary or with cappuccino - these are completely different drinks.

  • The cooks of many cafes do not know how to make a real latte and give guests ordinary coffee with the addition of milk and syrup.
  • But, if the taste did not live up to expectation, then the mood will be spoiled.
  • In this latt, the ratio of coffee and milk is 1: 3. The basis is a freshly brewed espresso. The taste of the real Latte is not bitter, like coffee, but a pale blue with a sweet tint.
  • How to drink Latte coffee correctly? You can after serving this drink, mix all the layers and drink over the edge of the glass. It will also be correct to drink through a tube, enjoying every sip.

Try Italian pride - Latte coffee. Prepare it to your family or friends. Let everyone find out the taste of this beautiful drink, with which you can start your morning.

Video: How to make Latte coffee at home. Really simple.

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