Books for those who fell into depression: name, list, recommendations for exiting depression

Books for those who fell into depression: name, list, recommendations for exiting depression

Depression never arises just like that - this is a spiritual reaction to a certain situation in life. In order to get out of depression, you need to work on yourself, books will help this.

Our life is filled with different situations and emotions: some bring us joy and happiness, others oppress us and select the desire to live. Today, a person’s oppressed state, his lack of mood, his indifference to what is happening and unwillingness to live most often is called depression.

Lotter depression must be treated solely on the recommendations of a psychiatrist, since it is a very serious mental disorder. However, if we are talking about depression, as a state of a person in which he does not want to do anything, “lowered his hands”, does not see the point of continuing to live as he lives now, constantly and groundlessly feels guilty, then they can help him get rid of it Certain books.

Books for those who fell into depression: how does it work?

Since depression is recognized as a mental disorder, most people tend to believe that its treatment is exclusively reduced to taking medications and working with a psychologist, psychiatrist. However, in fact, sometimes you can overcome this condition yourself with the help of the necessary books.

Many people wonder: “In what way are books can make a person out of depression?”, The answer to such a question is very simple:

  • Not all books help to cope with depression. Books have such an effect in which there is a motivating message, books that make a person look at life “from a different angle”, see what he had not seen before, because of any certain circumstances.
  • Reading the right literature, a person is completely immersed in written, draws an analogy between his life and the life of the characters, sees different options for the development of this situation, and finally, in the book, a person can find a way out of his seemingly hopeless situation.
Books motivate and direct
Books motivate and direct
  • Thanks to different, hidden from a simple human eye, psychological techniques a person changes his worldview, begins to sensibly and objectively evaluate situations, his life and everything that happens in it. Also, techniques used in the psychological literature contribute to changing values \u200b\u200bin humans. Often, it is false values \u200b\u200bthat lead a person to a depressive state.
  • Well, and finally, it is worth saying that reading books for those who fell into depression contributes to human development. Reading, we enrich our inner world, find new interests, etc., and after all, a person has interest in something is the key to a successful struggle against depression.

Books for those who fell into depression: List and description

There are a lot of books that can help a person to say goodbye to depression. The most effective and interesting books for those who fell into depression will be described below:

  • Alexander Lowen “Depression and Body”. Alexander Lower is an outstanding psychiatrist, who believes that a person who suffers from depression is in a break with reality, in particular with the reality of his body. In this book, the doctor describes ways to combat depression, teaches to use his inner powers and consciousness for this. Readers and critics note that the book is written in a very simple and affordable language, so even people without special education will be able to easily understand what exactly the author writes about.
From a psychiatrist
From a psychiatrist
  • Sandra Salmans “Depression: Questions and answers”. In his book, the author clearly explains what depression is, teaches to perceive it correctly and draws the attention of all those suffering from this disorder that getting rid of it is quite simple, that everything depends only on our perception of what is happening.
  • Elena Emelyanova "Tell me depression:" Goodbye! " Or how to get rid of problems. " The author describes different, and most importantly simple exercises for exiting depression. The book also describes psychological practices that are used by specialists to get rid of depression.
  • Migrdat Madatyan "Medicine for Depression." A psychotherapist with a huge experience in his book teaches people to diagnose their state of mind, and also offers different ways to solve life problems.
For mental balance
For mental balance
  • Vadim Zeland "Transerfing of Reality". This book is very unusual and what is being discussed in it can shock. The author proposes to use different methods of improving your life, teaches to manage reality, to get from life exactly what you want.
  • Servo-Shreiber David "Antistress. How to defeat stress, anxiety and depression without drugs and psychoanalysis. ” The book teaches the reader to manage his life and get maximum pleasure from it. The author of the book for those who fell into depression The work presents the most effective methods that can help a person learn to control his emotions and feelings.
  • Golan Mitch, Golan Susan "If the one you love in depression." This book is more suitable for those people whose relatives or friends suffer from depression. The book describes signs of disorder, differences in this disorder and others. The author also teaches people to behave correctly with those who are in a depressive state.
  • Martin Seligman “How to learn optimism. Change your view of the world and your life. ” The author of the book believes that depression is born due to pessimism, to which all people are prone. That is why Seligman in his work teaches people how to become optimists and enjoy life.
For optimism
For optimism
  • Paulo Coelho "Veronica decides to die." The book about a young girl who has lost interest in life is decided on a desperate step - suicide. However, doctors save her, and then send it to a psychiatric hospital. Here the heroine learns another life, finds new acquaintances, her love and meaning of life. Everything could end very happily if it were not for the news that a few days had to live due to problems with the heart of the girl. The book teaches to appreciate life, enjoy every day and be grateful for what we have.
  • Jack London "Love for Life." At first glance, it may seem that the book and described in it can hardly help a person get out of depression. However, in fact, this is not so. The main character experiences different situations and emotions - betrayal, fear, pain, hunger and cold, but he does not lose hope and firmly goes to his goal. The book motivates not to give up and look for a solution to problems.
  • O. Henry "Last sheet." An incredible story about a girl, sick with pneumonia and reconciled with the fact that she will die very soon. For a girl, the disease ends with recovery, however, this happens thanks to an artist who at the cost of his life instilled in her faith. The book shows that there are always people nearby who are ready to help, that you can not lose hope and faith.
  • Collard "is easy to be happy! 10 minutes a day for harmony and tranquility. ” The author of the book for those who fell into depression He teaches us to lead a conscious life, not to give situations of assessments, not to divide everything into “good” and “bad”, teaches to thank life for what we have, accept gifts and give them.
For happiness
For happiness

Recommendations for depression

The way out of depression is a long and very laborious process. You need to immediately understand that it will not be so simple to overcome all difficulties, however, the result is definitely worth it, because life will again begin to “play” with all colors.

Following such recommendations, you can quickly improve your life and get out of depression:

  • Let yourself worry everything the feelings you feel. Do not be afraid that you feel, on the contrary, let yourself such a luxury - calmly experience all emotions. This applies to various emotions: irritation, joy, sadness, etc. You can not “bury” emotions and feelings in themselves, because sooner or later they will begin to look for a way out, and often it ends with the same depression.
  • Do not be afraid to look the reason for your depression. It is important to note that you should not only stop being afraid to look for this reason, but also specially start looking for it, because, only knowing why you are bad and why you are in this state, you can decide how to overcome it. Perhaps sometimes you do not see the connection between some events and suddenly surging depression, however, this connection is, because nothing happens just like that. Having found the reason, try to eliminate it or change your attitude to it. If you cannot do this, try to accept the reason and come to terms with it.
  • Constantly control your thoughts. Do not give yourself the opportunity to take any situations too close. If you feel irritability, guilt, anger because of something, try to look at this “something” on the scale of your life, and then ask yourself the question: “Is my health, my nerves, my comfort and happiness of that? ". Most likely, the answer will be negative.
Control thoughts
Control thoughts
  • Do not waste time in vain, develop. Find what will bring you true pleasure and begin to do this, even if this is initially a kind of coercion. The more in your life there will be what pleases you, makes you a happy person, the less negative and that makes you be depressed.
  • Remember yourself, learn be proud of yourself, appreciate yourself. A person who fell into depression is most often a person with low self -esteem. In such a situation, at first it may seem that there is not a single business for which you could praise yourself, but this is not so. Do not be afraid to praise yourself even for the smallest, but good deeds, because you always need to start somewhere.
  • Always learn straight declare your feelings, desires and experiences. Other people cannot always guess what you have on your mind and soul, and, in fact, they should not do it. Do not be afraid to declare that something does not suit you, that you want something. To declare this does not mean to swear, argue and conflict. To declare is to explain your point of view, your position, because you are a self -sufficient person with your views and preferences.
  • Do not be afraid to open to people. Of course, we are not talking about all people, but only about loved ones, friends. You must understand that there are people who love you, they are ready to listen to you and understand. Do not close with your problem in yourself, because so no one can help you. Sometimes it becomes easier even from the fact that a person simply pronounces his pain in a voice, recognizes the reason that drove him into depression, not afraid to openly declare it.
  • Read useful and motivating literature. Books for those who fell into depression, which were described earlier, can really contribute to the speedy exit of depression. In addition, reading such books will develop you as a person.
Read the literature
Read the literature
  • Do not be afraid and feel free to ask for help Those who really can help you. If you feel that you cannot take the first step yourself to get rid of depression, that your negative feelings and emotions prevail over you, be sure to go for help and be ready to get it.
  • Many people are afraid to seek specialized help to psychiatrists and psychologists, however, sometimes it is necessary. If you have a similar fear, build you understand that these people do not want evil to you, it makes no sense to harm you and if you can accept their help, you will soon say goodbye to depression and learn to rejoice at every moment of life.

Depression is not just a bad mood and unwillingness to do anything, it is a dangerous state, without paying attention to which, you can start irreversible processes and self-destructive mechanisms. That is why it is very important to start the fight against a depressive state as early as possible.

Video: 9 books from depression

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