Maple leaf: the value of the symbol for the flag of Canada, in jewelry. Why is a maple leaf depicted on the flag and 5 dollar coins of Canada?

Maple leaf: the value of the symbol for the flag of Canada, in jewelry. Why is a maple leaf depicted on the flag and 5 dollar coins of Canada?

In this article we will talk about the reasons for the popularity of such a symbol as a maple leaf. No wonder our ancestors endowed him with mystical properties.

Did you know that maple was often used by our ancestors in rites for the celebration of the Trinity, on the day of God's body and other revered days? The leaves were decorated with houses, gates, they were used as a talisman. What is so special in maple leaves, why are they used as symbols for a long time?

Why is the maple leaf a symbol of Canada?

Many are surprised why the maple is considered a symbol of Canada, because it grows not only in this country. This opinion is only partially true - on this emblem it features sugar maple. It grows only in North America, being the source of the world famous maple syrup and sugar.

Maple syrup - Favorite treat all over the world
Maple syrup - Favorite treat all over the world

The fact that it is in Canada who arrived there plays no small importance europeans saw maple for the first time in their life. A tree with a lush crown height with a lush crown, with which bright red leaves fall beautifully, could not help but be remembered.

Then the Europeans realized that you can not only admire the tree, but also get profit with it. The experience of local Indians showed that from the maple juice obtained by early spring, you can prepare magnificent syrup. Over time, with iROP won a place of honor in the Canadian kitchen recipe.

Important: it will be a delusion to believe that such an ingredient is part of only sweets. Canadians hunt it to meat, and to beer, and to a lot of other dishes.

Pork baked in maple syrup
Pork baked in maple syrup

In the 19th century, the enterprising population, seeing such a success of the product among fellow citizens, decided export his. Until now, the production of maple syrup is considered a profitable component of Canada's foreign policy. And festivals devoted to this delicacy are organized annually about 20!

There is a legend, according to which the maple leaf became a symbol of Canada thanks to the visit of Prince of Wales Albert Edward. The locals were unusually inspired, and decided to meet the honorary guest with their symbols. As a result, Scottish migrants brought the dumplings of the thistle, English - roses. And only the children of migrants who were born already in Canada had nothing to take. Then the idea came to take maple leaves.

Maple syrup is rightfully considered the national product of Canada
Maple syrup is rightfully considered the national product of Canada

What does the maple leaf on the flag and the 5-dollar coin of Canada mean?

Flag Canada in the form in which he is now, appeared in 1965. But the maple leaf as an emblem has existed even earlier - from the 19th century on coins and brands.

As for the flag, it was originally appeared on it as many as three sheets. However, later they tested the flag in an aerodynamic pipe, where it became clear that the least when exposed to air flows, the image of one 11-pointed sheet is distorted.

The maple leaf on the flag is not distorted with gusts of wind
The maple leaf on the flag is not distorted with gusts of wind

The 11 vertices of the emblem do not carry out.

Important: as for red, many mistakenly think that this gamut is in this case associated with autumn. In fact, red color is national in the UK. And this is logical, since Canada is formally considered a constitutional monarchy. White is the color of France.

Why the maple leaf? Very simple: as we wrote above, canadians are proud that it is their tree that grows. They also consider a maple leaf symbol of the unity of the nation.

The emblem is also immortalized on the coin. Moreover, such a coin is considered one of the most popular in the world. The size of such a coin is 1/10 ouncesthat corresponds to 5 dollars of Canada. It is produced since 1982.

The value of the maple leaf on the coin is the same as on the flag - the personification of good, peace and pride in his country.

Maple leaf on Canada coin
Maple leaf on Canada coin

The value of the maple leaf on the jewelry

It is believed that a person who wore a decoration in the form of a maple leaf is certainly must find related souls among others. Maple seems to absorb energy in order to then distribute it to those who are nearby. It was not without reason that our ancestors considered him a symbol of love.

It is possible that such a ring-killer sheet will help to find a soul mate
It is possible that such a ring-killer sheet will help to find a soul mate

Energy This tree has Tender, soft, contributing to the acquisition of a person of calm. If you wear a maple of maple leaf always with you, then soon you yourself will notice that you have purchased confidence, inner strength, balance.

Important: there is an opinion that such a symbol-reckoning assumes all the negative, which a person can be subjected to. He protects from emotional explosions, releases from severity that can settle in the soul.

Set of charming brooches-red leaves
Set of charming brooches-red leaves

If you are standing in the way of something new, then buying a decoration with a maple leaf is the first step along this path. After all, a sheet of maple he will attract good luck in business, contribute to career growth. It is possible that you are completely unexpected understand how best to declare yourself.

Maybe a brooch-killer will help in business negotiations
Maybe a brooch-killer will help in business negotiations

Our ancestors believed that a five -pointed maple leaf symbolizes five feelings of a person. And if you wear a similar sheet on yourself, you can contribute, as they believed, the full disclosure of these feelings. Why not use the experience of previous generations? After all, it may well be that life will really play new colors, and the surrounding world will become perceived more positively.

Important: it was not for nothing that it was believed that walks along the corridor from such trees gives a person a strong energy potential. Perhaps wearing decorations in the form of a maple leaf will get rid of stress.

Such a broch-heel will certainly give a good mood
Such a broch-heel will certainly give a good mood
Lovely elegant kelens earrings
Lovely elegant kelens earrings
Maple leaves bracelet
Maple leaves bracelet


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