Chinese Puer tea is benefit and harm. How to brew Puer tea in tablets, pressed and scattered? Puer tea effect

Chinese Puer tea is benefit and harm. How to brew Puer tea in tablets, pressed and scattered? Puer tea effect

Puer is the original variety of real Chinese tea. Such a drink has many pleasant taste and has a lot of advantages. He gives a person extraordinary vigor, eliminates diseases and stress.

Useful properties of Chinese Puer tea

It is not rarely called Chinese Puer tea is called “smoked tea”. All because it has a tarry subtle taste. However, tea has many useful properties. Until now, he remains one of the most beloved, but the most expensive drinks.

Nowadays, Puer tea is very easy to purchase in any specialized store, and in different forms: pressed or loose. It is special because it does not require any special storage, tea is able to be stored in a normal state for a long time.

Puer tea has beneficial properties
puer tea has beneficial properties

Tea is popular because it has unique healing properties. In addition to a wonderful tonic properties, Puer is able to invigorate no worse cup of strong coffee.

Puer tea is successfully used for:

  • improving memory
  • better concentration of attention
  • for weight loss
  • body treatment: liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels

It is the ability of tea to maintain a person all day in tone that can develop the ability to concentrate on important things in him, train and improve memory. Regular use of Puer will make you forget about health problems.

Puer tea significantly improves performance and it is useful to drink it before a responsible day, an important task or even an exam.

By the way, tea contributes to qualitative weight loss. Puer has an excellent property of burning fat, as well as to remove toxins and even toxins from the body. Losing weight comes quickly, and the effect is delayed for a long time.

The beneficial properties of Puer help to lose weight
the beneficial properties of Puer help to lose weight

Tea is able to “clean” the liver, and therefore contribute to the overall healing and rejuvenation of the body. Puer removes all the garbage accumulated in the body and thereby improves the quality of life. In addition, it is often recommended for people with blood pressure problems. Puer is actively fighting hypertension and "refreshes his head."

The uniqueness of the puer is that this drink is not only tasty, but also useful for diabetics in that it reduces blood sugar. And Puer tea is often used in order to lead a person from alcohol intoxication.

Damage to Puer tea and tea contraindications

Along with the useful properties of tea, you should know that it has a sufficient number of contraindications. If you do not guess about them and use tea regularly, you can easily achieve harm from the drink.

Puer tea is not recommended in large -scale use during pregnancy. All because in this tea there is such a substance as theophylline. Theophylline is able to increase body temperature, which is not beneficial for women “in position”.

Those who suffer from constant pain in the stomach, ulcers and gastritis should know that the use of Puer tea is prohibited for them or should be limited to the minimum number of cups of the drink with very weak welding. The fact is that the drink contributes to the active production of gastric juice, which leads to heartburn and pain.

Do not give Puer tea to children, since the child's body is quite susceptible and will be able to negatively respond to substances in tea.

It is safe to note that how tea will affect you: with benefit or harm, depends only on the individual characteristics of the body. If you follow all the recommendations and tips on proper brewing, the amount of use per day, you can only wait for the positive effect of the drink.

The effect of Puer tea. How does tea affect the body?

Tea is perhaps the most popular drink of all times and peoples. They drink it always and everywhere. Everyone is known and loved by black and green tea, but not much is known about Puer. That is why many are concerned about the question: "What effect is Puer produces on a person?"

Puer differs not only in the preparation method, over the years of storage it is able to only become better, absorbing new aromas and tastes. Precisely because the tea leaves have been fermented, this drink tends to be prepared for suitability of 10, 20 and 30 years ...

Puer tea in tiles and plates
puer tea in tiles and plates

The effect of Puer tea:

  • There is a common opinion that Puer tea can be compared with drugs. Rumor has it that several cups of tea give a person a feeling of euphoria. However, numerous samples have determined that the drink has no pernicious influence on a person and the maximum that gives a feeling of relaxation or vigor
  • This variety is characterized by a large content of tannin - an invigorating and tonic substance. That is why Puer is not recommended to drink at night, because after one cup you can suffer all night
  • Due to the fact that tea contains antioxidants, it helps to remove harmful substances from the body and gives it the effect of cleansing from toxins. For this reason, Puer is drunk by those who regularly fight overweight and those who want to dispel alcohol intoxication

How to make a puer in tablets correctly?

As mentioned earlier, this tea can be found on the shelves in three main variations:

  • tablets
  • pressed plates
  • scattering

Each species requires careful preparation and proper brewing of the drink. Adhere to puer brewing standards, will preserve all the beneficial substances in it and have the best effect on a person.

Puer tea in tablets
puer tea in tablets

The tablet is the most common variation of the puer on modern store shelves.

  • This form involves brewing tea in the amount of one portion per person. A properly brewed tablet will give a fairly thick saturated tea with pleasant notes of nut, chocolate or caramel
  • Before brewing, the tablet should be kneaded and pour boiling water for a few seconds in the bureaucracy. After that, the first boiling water merges, its target is to clean the accumulated dirt of the tea petals
  • After washing, the tea is poured with a steep boiling water of 95 degrees
  • Holding is infused for about three to five minutes
  • After this time, you can use a puer for a fever, it has a wonderful tonic and soothing property
  • As a rule, one puer tablet is drunk throughout the day. The remaining tea leaves can be poured with boiling water several times and each time the tea will be delicious

How to make a pressed puer correctly?

Another type of Puer tea is pressed. It looks like a neatly pressed tile of different sizes with possible patterns and symbols. Lovers of tea ceremonies claim that pleasure from the use of this type of tea begins from the moment of its acquisition in the store.

Pressed Puer tea
pressed Puer tea

You can brew such tea in different ways:

  • Crush a piece of tiles directly into the cup or in a small tender. Rinse tea with boiling water and drain excess water, pour boiling water again. Let tea brew for several minutes and use
  • Another method does not require tearing to wash that he is ready to use a minute after he pouring it with boiling water
  • If you brew pressed Puer tea several times, with each subsequent additive of water, increase the drink brewing time

How to brew a scattered puer?

Poier tea does not scare away the buyer as tablets or tiles. It is similar to visually the most common, familiar to the buyer tea.

Scatter tea puer
scatter tea puer

The preparation of such tea requires phasing:

  • pour one or two teaspoons of tea into a small clay or glass beamure
  • pour a small amount of boiling water, shake the beard and drain water - this is washing and moisturizing tea
  • pour tea with boiling water and close the lid, tea should be infused for three minutes
  • if you want to get stronger tea, you can insist it a little longer
  • drink tea in a cheat form, without adding sugar and lemon

At what temperature to brew puer?

Since Puer tea is quite unusual and exotic, all the details of its brewing should be fully observed. This will reveal all the taste of the drink from the best side and love it.

Correct temperature for brewing tea puer
correct temperature for brewing tea puer

Puer can be brewed several times. Each time it has pleasant taste. However, it is believed that the drink is best played on the fifth and sixth tea leaves.

The rules of brewing requires not only pouring first tea leaves, but also compliance with the temperature regime. So, boiling water at 90-95 degrees is considered optimal and the best temperature for brewing a puer. The standard cup (about 200 ml) of boiling water should have about 10 grams of tea for full tea leaves, which is insisted no longer than three minutes.

How to brew milk puer?

Like any tea, Puer has several varieties. One of the most popular varieties is the so -called milk puer. He received such a name for original taste qualities, from afar resembling a taste of milk.

Milk puer has not a strong smack of milk
milk puer has not a strong smack of milk
  • This type of tea requires brewing not very steep boiling water, only 60, a maximum of 80 degrees
  • Tea is infused for about a minute, but no more than three minutes, after which it can be safely drunk
  • During the purchase of a dairy puer, it is worthwhile to ask the seller in detail about the welding method, because different Puers have a different degree of fermentation

How long does it take to brew Puer?

Puer tea can be called one of the rapidly brewed teas. In order for him to reveal his taste, he needs from twenty seconds, up to three minutes. The fact is that different varieties require different brewing methods.

However, each puer involves preliminary washing with boiling water, because since the tea leaves tend to be stored for a long time, it accumulates dust and dirt from the environment. A sheet moistened with boiling water in a second tea leaves gives a lot of taste and color.

Puer tea, brewing rules
puer tea, brewing rules

How many times can Puer be brewed?

Puer tea, due to its maturation method, is able to give many pleasant taste qualities for each brewing. The more expensive and better the tea, the more times it can be filled with boiling water.

Do not believe that after the tenth time you will receive transparent tasteless water. Depending on the variety, Puer involves four to twenty full -fledged blocks. Each time flooding with boiling water, you must increase the time of insisting.

How to brew a black puer?

Unlike ordinary tea, green and black puer are not different varieties, but different cooking methods. Green Puer is tea cooked using old technologies, and black puer is new.

Puer tea in tangerine
puer tea in tangerine

Black Puer involves thoroughly cleaning of the dust of a tea leaf with boiling water and only then pouring with boiling water at 90-95 degrees. It is believed that only in this way you can get a thick saturated taste and pleasant sensations from the drink.

How to brew green puer?

The green puer has a softer taste and the point here is not in its color, but in the method of its fermentation. Boil green puer right in a cup or a bug. To do this, it does not need to be washed, unlike black, and the boiling water temperature should be a little cooler - from 60 to 80 degrees.

The green puer is not customary to insist for a long time. It can be consumed after half a minute of brewing.

Than Puer tea is popular: reviews and tea brewing tips

Larisa:“Puer tea is an amateur. At first, as soon as I felt his first notes, I grimaced and thought that nothing good would work out. But after the third tea leaves, she noticed that she began to drink it with pleasure. Moreover, I felt all these tonic properties on myself: there is energy, I don’t want to sleep. Now, he is one of my favorite drinks! "

Evgeniy:“About Puer was heard enough. Someone constantly praised this tea as a way to "break away." In order to somehow diversify my life, I still bought a pill of tea leaves. Even in the store I was smiled at the fact that tea is sold in tablets. However, I did not notice the effect as such. Tea is like tea, a little smelly. I drank and forgot "

Catherine:“I love tea and always try to try something new. In order to keep up with others, I decided to try Puer. His taste is not bad if you drink hot. But the taste of the same type and boring that tea bothers after the third cup. Like a regular drink - it is not for me. As an original diversity, sometimes I allow myself. ”

Video: "Tea Puer is the best stimulator"

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