Chests are edible: benefits and harm to health, how to clean, cook? How to fry edible chestnuts at home in the oven, microwave, slow cooker, in a pan? Recipes for jam, soup, salad of edible chestnuts, turkeys with chestnuts

Chests are edible: benefits and harm to health, how to clean, cook? How to fry edible chestnuts at home in the oven, microwave, slow cooker, in a pan? Recipes for jam, soup, salad of edible chestnuts, turkeys with chestnuts

And this article will find a description of the preparation of an unusual dish for the middle strip - fried chestnut.

What are chestnuts, why are you needed, what kind of fried taste and how they are eaten?

Chests are a breed of trees belonging to the Bukov family. The fruits of chestnuts are considered edible. They are grown in Africa, Europe, Crimea, Transcaucasia, in other words where the climate is warm and there are no low temperatures in winter. There are decorative varieties of this tree, but their fruits are better not to eat.

Sweet chestnuts are considered the most suitable for cooking. This species has been cultivated in the world for a very long time. For the preparation of chestnuts, there are even special dishes in which they are fried. You can use skewers.

It is interesting! On Christmas Eve, European streets fills the smell of fried chestnuts. There it is considered a traditional dish for the holiday.

So the fried chestnuts look like
So the fried chestnuts look like

The taste of fried chestnuts is quite specific. In some ways, these nuts vaguely resemble the taste of potato unfolded in the oven, but with notes of raw nut. You can definitely say that you should try this dish, but there are no guarantees that you will like it. In principle, the same situation with celery, broccoli, colored cabbage, onions - for an amateur.

How do fried chestnuts eat?
How do fried chestnuts eat?

Fried chestnuts are eaten in the following variations:

  • salads
  • soups
  • garriers
  • jam
  • bakery products
  • paste

Also, meat, poultry are prepared with chestnuts, used as a snack and an independent dish.

Baked with chestnuts
Baked with chestnuts

Capacious chestnuts: benefits and harm to health

Chests are a healthy and nutritious product. The calorie content of raw chestnuts is about 170 kcal per 100 g, while their calorie content increases in fried form. Frying chestnuts have calories around 200 kcal.

Chestnuts in any form contain:

  • vitamin C
  • starch
  • tannins
  • fixed oils
  • protein substances

At the same time, of all chestnut nuts are considered the most non -greasy.

The appearance of chestnuts in nature is very unusual
The appearance of chestnuts in nature is very unusual

Cashtan also has the following properties:

  • reduces swelling
  • ligifies blood
  • reduces inflammation
  • roosing the level of cholesterol to normal
  • reduces blood pressure

Very often in folk medicine, the infusions of chestnuts treat joints and varicose veins. Cashtan will also be very useful for people with rosacea, since the regular use of this type of nuts will significantly strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

This is how the chestnut grows on a branch
This is how the chestnut grows on a branch

The harm of chestnut is minimal. However, people with allergies to this product should be excluded from the diet, as well as those who suffer from convulsions, Parkinson syndrome, gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, liver and kidney diseases.

How to clean chestnuts at home?

The easiest way to clean the chestnuts after they have been divided into halves, and then underwent heat treatment. Then the peel descends quite easily.

The video below shows the accelerated process of cleansing chestnuts from the peel at home.

Video: How to clean the chestnuts correctly?

How to fry edible chestnuts in a pan: recipe

Frying chestnuts are the most common dish of chestnuts. Fry nuts are served with sauces, added to salads, soups, used as the main dish. Fry chestnuts in a special way. You can not fry these nuts without performing several preliminary manipulations.

Usually, chestnuts are subjected to cooking before frying. So it becomes softer.

Fried chestnuts can replace seeds
Fried chestnuts replace seeds of seeds

This recipe describes the technology of cooking "fried chestnuts".


  • raw chestnuts - 400 g


  1. Clean raw chestnuts with a knife from the barbed shell.
  2. Cut each walnut with a “cross”, or obliquely. This is necessary so that the nuts do not crack in the future when frying.
  3. Dear the nuts in boiling water and boil for 2 or 3 minutes.
  4. Dry the nuts with a towel so that there is no excess moisture.
  5. Warm up a pan with a thick bottom. Do not use Teflon and ceramic pans. It is best to take cast iron.
  6. Put the nuts in the pan without oil.
  7. Cover the nuts on top with a damp towel.
  8. Frying chestnuts for 3-4 minutes under a towel.
  9. After that, remove the towel, turn the nuts.
  10. Cover the chestnut again with a towel. If it dries in the process, wet again.
  11. In total, the nuts should be turned 3 or 4 times.

When the shell begins to freely leave, the nuts are ready.

When frying, chestnuts can emit a specific smell of burning
When frying, chestnuts can emit a specific smell of burning

From the video below you will learn how professionals are fried.

Video: How are chestnuts fried in Turkey?

How to fry and bake edible chestnuts at home in the oven?

The oven, like the pan, is perfect for baking or frying chestnuts. Usually chestnuts are cooked over an open fire, but baking in a frying cabinet can be a good alternative option.


  • chestnuts - 400 g


  1. Rinse the chestnuts to remove excess contaminants. It is best to take chestnuts already peeled from stabbing skin.
  2. On each chestnut, make diagonal or cross cuts. This is necessary so that the nuts do not burst and do not explode in the process of heat treatment.
  3. Heat to 220 degrees the oven.
  4. Put on a baking sheet with a cut down.
  5. Bake chestnuts in the oven for 15 minutes. Nuts should become soft and the skin is easy to separate. During the baking period, it is better to mix the nuts several times, otherwise they can burn.
  6. When the chestnuts become soft, and the peel begins to easily move, the nuts need to be shifted into a fabric bag, tie it tightly and shake it tightly. The peel will finally separate from the nut, and you will get a finished dish.
You can bake chestnuts on foil, bakery paper, baking she or just on a grille if the nut is large
You can bake chestnuts on foil, bakery paper, baking she or just on a grille if the nut is large

Video: How to cook chestnuts? Baked chestnuts in the oven

How to fry edible chestnuts in the microwave: recipes

In the microwave, you can prepare many dishes much easier and faster. However, the microwave has its own specifics. In order for the food to be tasty, you need to choose the right dishes, and the products are correctly treated before cooking.


  • chestnuts - 250 g


  1. Peel the nuts from the stabbing peel, if any. If it has already been removed, let this step pass.
  2. Rinse chestnuts, remove the accumulated dust and dirt.
  3. It is good to dry the nuts with a towel.
  4. Put the nuts in a glass, suitable for the microwave, or plastic (for microwaves).
  5. Put the bowl in the microwave, turn on the “potatoes in the uniform” mode, if any. If it is not, the cook of vegetables.
  6. Cook in this way for 3-5 minutes. It all depends on the power of your microwave.

Advice! Before putting nuts in the microwave, it is necessary to make cuts along the wide side of the chestnut along the wide side of the chestnut, or with a cross. Otherwise, nuts can be busted.

To prevent this from happening, be sure to make cuts!
To prevent this from happening, be sure to make cuts!

Video: fry the chestnuts in the microwave oven

How to prepare edible chestnuts in a slow cooker: Recipe

The principle of making chestnuts in a slow cooker is very similar to the preparation of chestnuts in a microwave or oven.

Advice! It is important to understand that chestnuts can make sounds of click when frying, but they should not explode and burst.


  • chestnuts - 300 g


  1. Prepare chestnuts as in a recipe with an oven.
  2. Make cuts (mandatory!).
  3. Put chestnuts in a multicooker bowl.
  4. Set the temperature of 180-200 degrees, the mode "cook", "stove", "frying". Time - 20 minutes. Or "soup" - 35 minutes.
  5. Close with a lid to press the "start".
  6. At the end, open the lid and get chestnuts.
  7. Clean them with a peel with a towel, a fabric bag, or just get a spoon.
Before preparing chestnuts, you can slightly wet it with water or sprayed from a spray gun
Before preparing chestnuts, you can slightly wet it with water or sprayed from a spray gun

Video: Home video recipients-fried chestnuts in a slow cooker

How to cook edible chestnuts correctly?

Cooked chestnuts in several ways. Usually, water is used for cooking, but few people know that you can cook chestnuts in ordinary or ghee.

Method number 1.


  • chestnuts - 300 g
  • water - 2 liters


  1. Rinse raw chestnuts.
  2. Put in a pan and pour hot water.
  3. Boil over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Put the nuts on a colander so that the water is glass, and the chestnuts cool slightly.
  5. Remove the peel, which was supposed to be busted during cooking.
  6. Pour already peeled nuts with cold water, cook under the lid for 15 minutes.
  7. Pour the finished nuts with butter, sprinkle with a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg and a pinch of cloves.
This method of cooking chestnuts is called the main
This method of cooking chestnuts is called the main

Method number 2.


  • chestnuts - 300 g
  • water - 1.5 liters
  • milk - 1.5 liters


  1. Rinse chestnuts, pour hot water.
  2. Cook chestnuts for 2-4 minutes.
  3. Put the nuts on a colander, drain the water.
  4. Remove the peel.
  5. Put chestnuts in a pot with a thick bottom, pour cold milk.
  6. Bring to a boil and cook not low heat for 30 minutes.
  7. After preparing the chestnut, pour butter with butter, serve hot.

The advantage of this method is that nuts are much more juicy than cooked on water and have a creamy taste.

Ordinary milk can be diluted with stomped in a ratio of 3: 1
Ordinary milk can be diluted with stomped in a ratio of 3: 1

Contesting brown jam recipes

Did you know that even jam can be boiled from chestnuts? To taste, such a treat will resemble an inflicting apple jam with a nutty flavor. It should definitely be prepared for those who love unusual taste combinations.

Video: chestnut jam

Contact chestnut soup recipe

From chestnuts, the cream-soup is mainly prepared. It is in this form that the taste of the nut is fully revealed, mixed with the rest of the ingredients and creates a unique quintessence of aromas.

Minimalistic option for serving cream-soup from chestnuts
Minimalistic option for serving cream-soup from chestnuts

The recipe for this dish usually includes vegetables, cheese, milk, cheese, herbs, bread, wine.

Video: Turkish paradise recipe from chestnuts

Counting chestnut salad recipe

This salad is especially relevant in late summer and early autumn, since all products used in it are considered the most delicious and fresh during this period. The main components are salad leaves, chestnuts and carrots.


  • raw carrots - 150 g
  • canned chestnuts - 1 bank
  • leaf salad - 4 sheets
  • salt - to taste
  • calvados - 1 tablespoon
  • any vegetable oil with the smell that you like more - 75 ml


  1. Peel the carrots.
  2. Cut the carrots with very thin and long stripes. This can be done perfectly using a special knife.
  3. Salad leaves in cold water for 30 minutes so that all the bitterness to leave them.
  4. Free chestnuts from containers and remove excess moisture.
  5. Dry the leaves of the salad. Tear your hands to pieces of medium size.
  6. Put the leaves on the plate in the following sequence: salad, carrots, chestnuts.
  7. For refueling, combine oil, calvados and salt. You can add acute pepper.
  8. Pour the gas station on top.

The salad is prepared very simply. On top you can also sprinkle with sesame seeds, almond petals or pepper from the mill.

Cashtan can be used not only canned, but also fried.

You will succeed in such a beautiful salad!
You will succeed in such a beautiful salad!

Indian with chestnuts: recipe

And here is another option for preparing an interesting dish - turkey with chestnuts. The taste is very unusual, you definitely have not tried this.

We recommend this video for viewing.

Video: stuffed with chestnuts

Is it possible to eat edible chestnuts raw?

Like any other chestnuts can be eaten raw. But most fully, their taste is revealed only during heat treatment.

How to save chestnuts for the winter?

In the winter, chestnuts can be harvested in the following ways:

  • freeze
  • dry
  • do jam

To dry chestnuts, you need to make several incisions on the flat side and dry them in a dryer for fruits and mushrooms, or in the oven. But with prolonged storage, the nuts prepared in this way lose their aroma. Therefore, we recommend another method - frost.

Chestnuts are recommended to be stored in tightly closed dry containers so that they do not deteriorate longer
Chestnuts are recommended to be stored in tightly closed dry containers so that they do not deteriorate longer

For frost, do as follows:

  1. Wash the chestnuts very well, then dry with a towel.
  2. On the flat side, make several stripes-trifles, better crosswise.
  3. Put the nuts on the oven of the oven and with the door ajar dry them at 180 degrees in 40 minutes.
  4. When the nuts are ready, remove the baking sheet from the oven and peel from the peel.
  5. Cool peeled nuts and put them in special vacuum bags for freezing. However, the most ordinary packages can also be suitable.
  6. Remove bags with chestnuts in the freezer. Chests can be stored from 6 months to a year in this way.

Video: how to fry chestnut: recipe

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