Capsule hair extension at home. Photo before and after

Capsule hair extension at home. Photo before and after

Description of all methods of capsule hair extension. Hair extension methods at home. A large selection of photos before and after capsule extension.

Building will help solve the problem of thin and rare hair. This technology is also used to completely change the image, because in just a few hours you can transform by turning a short haircut into chic long curls.

Ways of hair extension

All methods of hair extension can be divided into 2 large categories: cold and hot methods.

The master performs hair extension
The master performs hair extension

Hot method - This is a procedure for attaching strands using hot resin. This type of extension also has its own subcategories:

  • Italian technique, in which the hair is attached using a heated keratin clamp, which forms a capsule at the junction
  • The English technique - fastening of curls in the occipital zone for tar and glue with the formation of small balls at the site of joints. Such an increase is considered safer than Italian, but has its disadvantages: hairs with mechanical exposure, for example, combing, tend to fall out of balls
  • The ultrasound technique is a hardware method of extension, which does not require very high temperatures, but still refers to hot views

Important: a hardware extension session passes quite quickly, but the procedure itself is considered not environmentally friendly

Hardware hair extension. Photo before and after
Hardware hair extension. Photo before and after

Cold technology It does not use molten tar and is considered more sparing compared to hot.

  • Afroniraling is a technique that came to Russia from African countries. African women who want to have long and even hair, due to the features of the hair structure, are forced to resort to this technology. A thin pigtail is braided around the head, to which donor curls are attached. This, unfortunately, is a short-lived method that allows you to enjoy a long hairstyle for only 2-3 months. Plus, many styling will be simply impossible. But the technique does not require high temperatures, the procedure for attaching the strands passes quickly and safely
  • The ribbon technique today is most in demand. The entire session lasts no more than 60 minutes. Ready curls, which are located on a special adhesive tape, join their native hair throughout the head. The joints with such an increase are invisible
  • Spanish technology is more often used by blondes. Artificial hair is attached to the present with the help of white glue, which is almost invisible on blond hair, but stands out in a dark hairstyle
  • Methodology ring Star or building on rings. With this technology, metal beads, rings or clips are used for fastening
Donor strands
Donor strands

Capsule hair extension at home. Photo before and after

Capsular building. Photo before and after
Capsular building. Photo before and after
Capsular building. Photo before and after
Capsular building. Photo before and after
Capsular building. Photo before and after
Capsular building. Photo before and after
Capsular building. Photo before and after
Capsular building. Photo before and after

Hot capsule hair extension

Hot capsule building is called Italian technology. For her, ready -made artificial strands are used that are attached to keratin microcapsule. This clip is warmed up to 100 degrees and glued to their native hair 1 cm from the roots. The clip connects donor and real hair, cools down, and after that it is melted with special forceps at a temperature of 180 degrees. Keratin becomes liquid. Failing, he connects artificial and native hairs, forming a reliable and almost invisible capsule.

Important: with the help of Italian technology, you can increase hair both in the zone of the back of the head and temples, and in the place of bangs.

Italian extension belongs to safe methods, since it does not injure natural curls. The capsule is pure keratin, as close as possible in composition to the protein from which the hair is built. Even undergoing high temperatures during attachment, keratin does not harm native strands.

Keratin capsules on the hair
Keratin capsules on the hair

The advantages of the hair executive according to Italian hair technology are that they are:

  • stable both to heat and cold
  • are not destroyed under the influence of temperature extremes
  • do not comb out
  • experienced 4 corrections

Cold capsule hair extension

The Spanish hairdressers created a special glue “Rueber”, with which the overhead strands are mounted to the present. This is a cold technique that does not require high temperature to soften the adhesive capsule.

The clip, to which the already finished curl is attached, is a drop of frozen glue "Rueber". In order to melt it, a special activator is used. The hairdresser does everything manually - and adds the activator, and softens the glue with his hands, and forms thin strips from it. In the future, the master will attach the donor strand in the future.

When glue on the hair freezes, it turns into a tiny capsule. Glue balls do not interfere with either sleep or comb.

Girl with long hair
Girl with long hair

Important: at first, a large number of capsules will create a tangible severity, but it is easy to get used to it.

Capsular building, pros and cons of

Pros of capsule extensions:

  • native hair remains healthy both after cold and after a hot extension of capsules
  • cases of allergies are excluded
  • care for artificial hair is no different from the care of natural ones: they can be painted, stacked, straightened and curled, washed with conventional hair products
  • the time of socks of strands without correction reaches 4 months
  • overhead strands are protected from combing
  • donor curls are removed without much effort and pain
  • the maximum length of the extended hair reaches 70 cm
  • donor strands can be adjusted several times
  • with overhead hair you can visit water procedures, saunas, solariums
Artificial hair externally is no different from real
Artificial hair externally is no different from real

Important: capsule technique is a choice for blondes, since capsules will be quite noticeable on brown and dark hair.

Minures of capsule extensions:

  • the procedure for mounting hair with glue and keratin passes for a long time
  • the session requires extreme accuracy of the master
  • adjust the extensed strands for a long time and difficult
  • capsule technology is suitable only for medium -length hair (10 cm or more)
  • adhesive and keratin balls at the junction can harm your native hair if you do not care for donor curls

Is capsule hair extension harmful?

Capsule technology is harmful only if you do not carefully care for nervous hair or not make correction on time. Then the capsules will begin to deform the structure of the native hair.

Blond hair capsules
Blond hair capsules

Otherwise, the mount with capsules is safe and, with all the painstaking of the work, a painless way to increase. Both keratin in hot and special glue in the cold methodology are close to protein tissue, from which natural hair consists of. The capsule does not destroy native hair, and also does not cause allergies, since in fact it is not a foreign body.

Hair care after capsule extensions

Important: the extensed strands look and are felt as their own, but caring for them should be more attentive and careful.

Donor hair care
Donor hair care
  • Before washing your hair with your fingers, block them, then comb each curl well with a brush
  • Use combs only with sharp teeth. Brushes with rounded ends can deform capsules
  • It is optimal to use detergents specifically for donor strands. But you can use conventional products, provided that they will not have fats in their composition
  • Oils are prohibited for artificial hair. Be careful when buying care products, read the composition on the label
  • Donor curls cannot be lowered in the water for a long time. That is why it is undesirable to take a bath for a long time. It is best to rinse artificial strands under running water
  • Do not comb donor hair after the shower until it is completely dry
  • For hair styling, use any means, but do not apply gels, foams, varnish to the joints
  • Do not touch with warmed ironing and curves of capsules, straighten and curl only the hair itself
  • Use a special spray for donor hair that facilitates combing
Slavic donor strands
Slavic donor strands

Important: go to the first correction 2-3 months after building, when your native hair grows a little, which means that the capsules will move below.

How to remove capsule hair extensions?

In order to remove artificial strands, extended with capsules, go to the master in the hairdresser, he will do the work carefully and painlessly.

There is a method of home removal of capsule extensions. You will need a special liquid for this procedure, but you can use ordinary citric acid. Wet the capsules in the liquid or acid, thereby dissolving them. When the donor strands move away, comb the hair well with a brush with frequent teeth to finally comb the rest of the capsules and extensed curls.

What does the hair look like after capsule hair extension?

The hair after capsule extensions is no different from a conventional hairstyle. These are long and healthy curls, which are also magnificent and thick. With capsule building, you can not only achieve the necessary length of the strands, but also solve the problem of rare hair.

Hair after capsule extensions from the back
Hair after capsule extensions from the back
Hair after capsule building
Hair after capsule building
Attaching donor hair
Attaching donor hair
Hair after capsule building
Hair after capsule building

Capsule hair extension at home: tips and reviews

According to reviews, capsule building is one of the most selected in Russia. Despite the duration of the procedure, which, according to reviews, lasts from 2 hours, this method of extension won the hearts of girls by the fact that artificial hair, subject to timely correction, can be worn up to a year.

Important: with independent selection of donor strands, experts advise choosing Slavic hair.

Women note that donor curls are no different from real hair. In rare cases, there is a deterioration of native strands: the ends are split, the hair breaks and becomes thinner.

Video: Master about capsule hair extension

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