Stone ONICS: varieties, influence and properties, to whom it is suitable for the zodiac sign? How to distinguish onyx from fake: tips, cost. How to care, wear onyx: compatibility with other stones

Stone ONICS: varieties, influence and properties, to whom it is suitable for the zodiac sign? How to distinguish onyx from fake: tips, cost. How to care, wear onyx: compatibility with other stones

In this article, we will study the influence of such a stone as onyx, which even speaks of power and some magical power.

People appreciated this semiprecious stone even in ancient times. They were faced with palaces, tombs and various works of art. Beautiful jewelry was made from it. Onyx was even used as money and used for medicinal purposes. Many recipes and technologies have survived to this day and are widely used in various areas of human activity.

Onyx products and their influence on humans

Onyx is a very beautiful quartz mineral, related to the varieties of Agatha.It is distinguished by the presence of unique strips parallel to each other on a cut, differing in shape, color, location and pattern. These strips are the result of a certain temperature regime in which the stone was formed, as well as its physical and chemical composition.

An abundance of color shades
An abundance of color shades

It is difficult to list all types of products that are today made of this stone. It attracts not only with its beauty and uniqueness of the drawing, but also a variety of useful properties.

Interesting: the “biblical stone” received special significance in temples and sanctuaries, for example, the famous Temple of Solomon was built from it.

  • Therefore, onyx jewelry in the form of rings, earrings, beads, pendants, bracelets are often used as amulets. In addition, they helped to heal Almost all ailments, improve Potency in men and calm the psyche, normalize sleep and drive away depression.
  • And household items - vases, figurines, figures, various decorative crafts - as things that can improve the energy of the room, Create an atmosphere of well -being in the house, as well as drive away bad energy.
  • The healing properties of onyx are also attached to the healing properties of Onyx. It is believed that it favorably affects the nervous system, calms in stressful situations, stabilizes the mood.

Although each of its varieties has its own individual characteristics, which we will talk about a little lower.


Varieties of onyx: magical properties, compatibility with zodiac signs

In nature, there are no two of the same in composition and drawing of onyx stones! Nevertheless, depending on the appearance and some individual properties, the stones are classified by individual varieties. The following groups are considered the most common.

Sardonics or Fiery Onyx

  • It has a silky glass shine and alternation of red, brown and white stripes, forming due to the iron, natural silicates and oxides of non -ferrous metals. Sardonics stones are divided into male and female.Male - a more contrasting and clear pattern, with more stringent lines, female - softer shades and halftones.
  • The color scheme and a variety of iridescent shades of Sardoniks simply amaze the imagination! That is why, despite the very low price of this stone, products from it are in great demand among fashionistas, and masters of manufacturing mosaic paintings use it in creating their unique masterpieces. In rich houses and salons, you can also often find magnificent finishes from Sardoniks.
Incredible beauty
Incredible beauty
  • The healing properties of this mineral were noticed in ancient times, and today they are successfully used in lithotherapy (stones treatment). Its favorable properties are In the regeneration of damaged tissues after fractures, sprains, dislocations.It activates the process of fusion of bones and promotes the healing of wounds and abrasions.
    • In addition, Sardoniks has a positive effect on the function of the thyroid gland and digestive system.
  • Astrologers attribute this stone to the "road" and recommend that you have it with you During travel, trips and long trips.This is especially true for people whose profession or lifestyle is associated with constant trips.
  • It is believed that Sardonics also helps while traveling to astralit illuminates the path and promotes easy return. In ancient times it was used To protect against the influence of black forces, love spells and damage.
  • It was believed that Sardoniks adds self -confidence to its owner and prolongs his life.

This stone has a beneficial effect on many signs of the zodiac, but they receive special protection from it Lions and Virgo.At the same time, the stone in the first case enhances leadership qualities, and in the second - increases sociability and eliminates a certain natural coldness of the sign, especially if their work is related to finances. Also, red shades are well suited to fiery signs in order to calm their ardor. Scorpio, fish and twins He is contraindicated!

Not a single stone looks like another!
Not a single stone looks like another!

Green Onyx

  • The most common and most popular stone, characterized by glass shine and a variety of translucent green shades -From dark amyroud to the light turquoise.
  • Selects this group alternation of brown, green and white stripes,the drawing of which depends on the structure of the stone and the content of iron, copper and magnesium in it.
  • Very beautiful jewelry and decor items are created from green onyx. All of them, to one degree or another, have healing properties. But it is believed that Their healingthe influence directly depends on the number and thickness of the strips on the stone:the strongest effect is have stones with a large number of very thin strips.
  • Green onyx is capable of take pain,normalize calcium metabolism in the body and the digestive system. It also promotes Improving memory and developing intuition.
  • Also constant wearing stone improve Hearing sharpness.

Astrologers believe that the green onyx is not a stone for everyone. Most suits Cancer,since he gives them confidence, protecting from the bad things. He gives spiritual harmony, brings inspiration and luck Capricorn and Virgo, Scorpionswill give calm, but here Geminiit is worth refraining from wearing jewelry from green onyx. Since their energy does not coincide with the energy of this stone and triggers the destruction program.

Hags from onyx

Black onyx

  • This stone is also called "Arabic." It is different saturated black, metalbrilliance and a unique pattern formed by the intersection of thin gray and white lines.
  • It is widely used in jewelry and as a variety of crafts. The process of forming this variety occurs much longer and only in places where there are agata deposits. But it is from it that extraordinary beauty is made by jewelry and souvenirs in the form of various figures, caskets, ashtrays.
  • Contrary to widespread opinion, Purely black onyx in nature does not exist.If you are offered this, this is nothing more than painted agate or another cheap mineral. A real black onyx always has at least minor intersperses.
  • This is a stone of people of mental work and students, It helps in the assimilation of new knowledge, in creativity, in concentration onachieving the goal, in the manifestation of leadership abilities.
  • The healing properties of black onyx are its favorable effects On the nervous and cardiovascular system.
  • He is also good Relieves painlitotherapists recommend that the suffering migraines wear beads of this stone.

Astrologers consider this stone energetically very strong, able to get rid of excess aggression or internal self -doubt. However, it suits almost all signs.

  1. Black onyx is most suitable Libra, Capricorn and Sagittarius!
  2. Leadership skills Lvivhe will complement.
  3. Taurus and Ariesthe stone will help to drive away bad thoughts and become more compliant.
  4. Scorpio -will reveal Virgo - Give love happiness.
  5. But on Fishit has no effect.
  6. Geminiand it’s better to refrain from wearing jewelry from this stone. Since the emergence of a depressive state is possible.

Despite the fact that black onyx is considered the most beautiful variety of minerals, its cost differs little from the cost of other stones and is not high. Black onyx jewelry is available to almost everyone.

But still these are affordable jewelry
But still these are relatively affordable jewelry

White onyx

  • All light opaque stones with a pinkish or pale blue shade and alternation of the same bright stripes Relate to the varieties of white onyx.
  • This stone has more density and is often used in the facing of various surfaces: countertops, window sills, walls, floors. It is believed that a room with a white onyx finish It acquires a special positive energy.
    • But white onyx does not tolerate high temperatures well and, when exposed, can crack and collapse. This should be taken into account when using it in construction.
  • In jewelry, white onyx is called "Bianco" and used for the manufacture of jewelry: beads, bracelets, earrings, which are often used Like amulets.
  • This stone is known for its healing properties - it is able to have a beneficial effect on the nervous, digestive and genitourinary system, And also help relieve inflammatory processes.
  • It is this type of onyx that is capable of Clean our auraand drive away bad thoughts. He also helps to let go of resentment and anger.
  • From white onyx is often done Amulets for good luck.

But astrologers claim that he brings good luck only to those who have a pure soul and bright thoughts. To a greater extent, white onyx is suitable for creative people, of all the signs of the zodiac, he has the greatest beneficial effect on Capricorn, Sagittarius and Virgo,but Cancer and Librathis mineral is not suitable.


Less common stones include the following varieties of onyx

  • Carneol

Outwardly, a very attractive, bright stone, slightly visible, characterized by alternation of red-brown and white stripes. It suits almost all signs, revealing leadership qualities, giving determination and helping to find a common language with others. The exception is Sagittarius, Scorpions and Aries. It will not affect them negatively, it’s just that these are strong representatives to whom he is simply useless.

  • Chalcedony

Not a very bright stone, with the alternation of gray and white stripes. It is also called "milk." It is this species that is most suitable for the treatment of the circulatory and nervous system, as well as all ailments of the eyes and colds. The most suitable for Sagittarius and Cancer, the stone gives confidence. The stone has no contraindications, and the rest of the zodiac signs will be given calm and balance.

  • Three -layer onyx

One of the most beautiful stones, with a unique pattern of elegant multi -colored lines: red, blue, gray and white. He acts as a strong amulet, protecting from large losses and accidents, has practically no contraindications in the zodiac, since it acts as protection. But all the twins and fish should be careful when choosing Onyx jewelry.

  • Marble onyx

This is a translucent stone of green range with calcite and argonite fibers. It has pink, golden, white or light gray stains. This stone is aimed at opening the chakras, especially the third eye and crown. He is also able to strengthen memory and consolidate the knowledge gained.

Important: onyx With blue shades Suitable for air signs, as well as Cancer! It is this stone that gives them confidence, protection against external influence.

Marble stone
Marble stone

Differences of natural onyx and fake

Onyx does not belong to the number of precious stones, so it is extremely rarely faked in order to pass out for a natural mineral. However, in view of a certain demand for facing work, souvenir products and jewelry from onyx, today the production of its artificial substitute is widely established, which without certain preparation and experience is quite difficult to distinguish from the original.

  • Therefore, the first advice for lovers of this stone - purchase products In specialized stores with a mandatory requirement of a quality certificate.
  • In addition, you should pay attention to some important differences:
    • artificial onyx, unlike natural, most often has unnatural bright colors, which fades and fades over time;
    • strips in artificial stone often look very contrasting, like drawn. But sometimes, on the contrary, vague and fuzzy;
    • artificial stone by weight is easier than natural;
    • natural stone is more transparent, with a distinguishable internal structure. In the structure of fakes, it is usually seen only on a polishing layer.
  • We also note that natural onyx is always cool And even practically does not intercept heat from the hands.
  • And a little advice - It is very easy to scratch the fake with a bladea knife or even a nail.
  • The price of a stone cannot be too cheap!

How much does onyx cost and when to buy?

The average price ranges from 10 rubles for 1 g.Yes, it is evaluated in grams, because it is not a precious stone. The most expensive is the white and black onyx.The cost of jewelry is affected, of course, a frame. For example, in silver-from 4 thousand rubles, and for gold-from 12-17 thousand. If you want to buy in simple metal, then the price starts from 1 thousand.

Important: Buy onyx costs on a 5 lunar day, but to wear it - from 19 days. At the same time, Sardonics has its own time - 24 and 10, respectively. But Carneol to buy and wear on 3 and 17 lunar days.

How to care for Onyx correctly?

Onyx storage

  • When storing onyx, it should be borne in mind that this is a rather fragile mineral, it does not tolerate direct sunlight, hot air, too high or too low temperatures.
  • It is also worth excluding contact with other objects, blows and falls.
  • Therefore, the best option for storing jewelry will be a separate soft bag or box with foam.
  • Souvenirs and other onyx products are stored at room temperature. They should be secured from falls, scratches, contacts with other objects.
Requires careful attitude
Requires careful attitude

Onyx cleaning

Caring for this stone should be extremely careful - even a light touch with another object or brush can leave a scratch on it. Basic rules that should be followed when cleaning:

  • the stone should be cleaned Only a soft clothwhich can be slightly moistened with warm water;
  • the use of any detergents in the care of onyx is contraindicated;
  • in no case can I use ammonia, which is used to clean other stones;
  • contraindicing is the polishing of the stone using special polishing napkins;
  • you can not soak the onyx in the water! Due to its porous structure and the ability to absorb it;
  • to clean the onyx, ultrasonic cleaners cannot be used - this destroys the structure of the stone;
  • you can clean the stone crumbs from bread;
  • after washing, the stone should be wiped with a napkin, dried at room temperature and only then send to the storage.
Delicate cleaning
Delicate cleaning

How to wear onyx jewelry?

  • As already mentioned, onyx is a very fragile mineral! Therefore, any jewelry from this stone requires neat use.
  • Protect the products From onyx from blows, falls, scratches, contacts with other objects and means of chemistry - any of them can leave traces on the stone and destroy its structure.
  • Put on earrings, beads or rings with onyx should only After applying makeup, Since any effect and getting on the stone of the cream, spirits, deodorant can also damage the stone.
  • Before washing hands, the adoption of a shower, bathing in a pond, as well as any work on the house of the product from onyx should be removed from yourself. Also It is undesirable to get into the rain or wet snowin jewelry made of this stone.
  • Since the stone is cold, so it is worth Exclude wearing in the summer.
  • The most of all the mineral acts on people of middle age. At the same time, he "works" Only with prolonged, even constant wearing!
Some stones are able to inhibit its energy
Some stones are able to inhibit its energy

Onyx compatibility with other stones

  • Such a magic stone should be worn carefully with other jewelry. Remember - this is a leading stone, the strength and power of which should not suppress. Otherwise, it will be powerless. That's why We exclude contact with ruby, pearls or amethyst!
  • It is also worth it Avoid communication with citrine. This stone interrupts and presses the energy of onyx.
  • Since this is the earthly stone, under the auspices of Mercury and Saturn, we exclude fiery stones:
    • diamond;
    • pomegranate;
    • zircon;
    • red turmaline.

This amazing gem is incredibly beautiful, magically strong and accessible to its owner!

Video: Stone Onyx

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