Which baby stroller to choose for a newborn baby? Which prams are suitable for boys and girls? A photo

Which baby stroller to choose for a newborn baby? Which prams are suitable for boys and girls? A photo

Your baby will be born soon, and you have not chosen yet a stroller? In this article you will learn all the pros and cons of various types of strollers and read practical tips on how to choose them correctly.

Children spend quite a lot of time in a stroller, so the choice of the latter should be treated very carefully. It should be convenient for parents to use. In stores today you can find strollers for every taste and wallet.

But before making such an important purchase, we advise you to find out in advance all the pros and cons of various types of strollers and make a list of features that you need to pay attention to. Then, in the future, your purchase will delight you and your baby.

Types of baby strollers for newborn

There are such types of strollers:

  • classic or cradle
  • universal
  • transformer stroller
  • stroller

Classic stroller or cradle

This type of strollers is suitable for newborn children and up to 6-8 months. The classics can be recognized by a cross -shaped chassis, a highly located spacious, insulated cradle and large wheels. The cradle in such strollers are made on the basis of a hard frame, which of course is good for the health of the baby. pros classic strollers:

  • large wheels that provide good cross -country ability and soft move
  • the cradle is high, which facilitates the task of the mother - when you need to put or get the child, you do not need to bend badly
  • large hard and spacious cradle; it will not be crowded even in the winter overalls
  • excellent depreciation, the baby will not feel all the pits and bumps, and it will be easy to rock it
  • well -closed cradle that perfectly protects the baby from bad weather
  • the cradle can be removed and used separately as a carrier

Minuses classic strollers:

  • light weight, usually 15-20 kg, which significantly complicates the use of such a stroller in multi-storey buildings without an elevator
  • bulky, rather large dimensions; may not go to some doors, for example, an elevator
  • hard to transport

The newborn will be comfortable and comfortable in such a stroller until he wants to consider everything around and sits down. In this case, you can remove the cradle from the chassis and change it for a walking block, which is mainly sold in a set. In it, the child can roll up to 3 years, then the need for a stroller is already disappeared.

How to choose a stroller for a newborn baby 2 in 1?

These strollers are also called 2 in 1 or 3 in 1, because there are 2 or 3 interchangeable blocks or modules, respectively: a cradle for newborns, a walking unit for already sitting children and some manufacturers also offer a car seat of category 0, which can also be attached to chassis.

pros universal strollers:

  • enough for a child from birth to 2-3 years old
  • more compact and light than classic strollers
  • often they are cheaper than classic
  • the cradle can be used as a carrier
  • they are easier to transport in a car
  • large wheels, possibly rotary

Minuses universal strollers:

  • light weight, 10-15kg
  • the chassis is not so strong and durable as in classic strollers, more often break
  • one design for all modules, perhaps monotony will get tired of mom in a few years of use
  • the cradle is less spacious than in the classic

How to choose a stroller transformer for a boy and for a girl?

This type of stroller is called so because it can transform from a cradle for a newborn to a walking stroller for an older age.

The stroller body itself has several conditions, i.e. This stroller has one module, and not somewhat like in a universal one. Transformers are suitable for children from birth to 2-3 years. These strollers are mainly equipped with a soft cradle and sides, which are attached to the body and thus imitate the cradle.

pros Transformer strollers:

  • they are somewhat cheaper than their competitors
  • one stroller for all the required use time
  • easy to fold, because The body has no hard foundation
  • completed enough compact, which is convenient in small apartments, where there are nowhere to store interchangeable modules
  • more simple in transportation
  • such strollers are equipped with a cross -line pen
  • equipped with raincoat and anti -mosquito net

Minuses Transformer strollers:

  • soft frame
  • quite a cramped cradle, especially in winter
  • if you throw the handle, the center of gravity shifts, and it is more difficult to control the stroller
  • pretty bulky, when compared with walking strollers
  • low body landing, mom will have to bend
  • more blown and less protected cradle
  • worse depreciation compared to previous two strollers

These strollers are good for children who were born in spring or summer.

How to choose a walking stroller for a boy and for a girl?

Designed for children who are already able to sit, i.e. from 6-8 months. Usually in these strollers the back drops into several provisions. There are such walking strollers that are laid out almost to a horizontal position. This is very convenient if the baby fell asleep on a walk: you can carefully throw back the back and the child will continue to sleep.

There are two types:

  • books
  • canes

They differ mainly by the mechanism of addition: the former are formed by the "book", i.e. In half, and the second along the “cane”.

Breaking strollers are often heavier, 6-8 kg, thanks to this and more stable. "Books" are most often equipped with larger wheels that are convenient on uneven roads.

The package of such strollers usually includes a table with cup holders, which is very convenient for parents - you can put a drinker with a drink for a child, a bottle of water, a glass of coffee or tea for adults.

“Trosts” are easier, 4-6 kg, easily folded and transported, in a folded state take up very little space. On the handle of such a stroller, you can hang a bag or bag with purchases.

pros Walking strollers:

  • easy to fold
  • compact
  • lungs
  • designed for transportation
  • there is a table with a cup holder in some models
  • often they are equipped with raincoat and anti -muscular nets
  • they have rotary wheels
  • the most budget option of all of the above strollers

Minuses Walking strollers:

  • there is no depreciation
  • not intended for use in winter, because Very blown and "cold"
  • not suitable for newborns
  • small wheels, respectively, poor patency
  • do not have a hard back
  • less durable and very short -lived compared to other strollers

We can conclude that walking strollers are good for the summer, for already grown up children and are convenient for trips.

What to look for when choosing a stroller?

  • The cost of the stroller, what amount you can allow to be allocated from the family budget, may have the need to consider used options
  • The time of the year when the child is born. For winter, you need to choose the most warm and stroller -protected and protected from the weather. For summer, you should dwell on models with ventilation windows
  • It is necessary to take into account the need to transport the stroller, and if it is, choose the most compact and light options
  • Consider the age of the baby
  • Before choosing a stroller, measure the elevator opening and all the doorways through which you pass. If there is no elevator in the house, or it often does not work, pay attention to the weight of the vehicle
  • Do you have a place where you will store interchangeable modules, and where will the stroller itself be standing?
  • The presence of a hard bottom in the cradle, this is very important for the health of newborns
  • Check is it convenient for you to fold and lay out the hood of the stroller
  • A good stroller should have five -point belts for maximum safety
  • Is there a raincoat and anti -muscular mesh in the configuration
  • Pay attention to the shopping basket, it will definitely come in handy in the farm
  • Check the serviceability of all mechanisms, twitch everything, lick, open, close, fold, check the brakes
  • Sway and roll the stroller, check how soft depreciation
  • Look at the wheels, large provides good cross
  • Think whether you need a cross -cutting hand or so that it is adjusted in height, for example, if you and your spouse are very tall
  • You may need a removable cradle, pay attention to the models in which it is possible
  • All tissue elements of the stroller should be easily removed for cleaning
  • And the very last, but probably the most important thing is the appearance of the stroller, he should only please his mother

How to choose a baby stroller for a newborn for winter?

As we have already found out earlier, classic, universal and transformer strollers are suitable for a newborn. However, transformers are quite poorly protected, so for the cold season we advise you to choose from the first two. There is still such a nuance that will help you decide - how much a spacious cradle do you need?

If you have a large child and was born, for example, in the fall, then by the end of winter it will still grow up and plus the winter overalls, it simply may not fit in the cradle of the transformer and not in all universal strollers. Therefore, when choosing a vehicle to your baby, pay attention to this moment.

How to choose a baby stroller for a newborn for spring and summer?

For spring and summer, in principle, any stroller is suitable. But for the newborn there is no - a walking stroller is not the best option.

When choosing a stroller for spring and summer, pay attention:

  • For materials from which the fabric part is made. Of course, preference should be given to natural materials so that in the heat the baby is not so much sweating, which can lead to contact with synthetic tissues. In addition to overheating, this may also cause sweating from the baby
  • For the presence of a wheelchair from a ventilation grid. This is very important, because The cradle are made in such a way as to protect the newborn in bad weather, therefore they are not blown. For the summer, you need to choose a model in which windows for ventilation are provided
  • The size of the cradle does not have to be large, because In the warm season, there are not many clothes on the baby and he will fit in any stroller

Hood VentilationHow to choose the right stroller for newborn boy and girl?

In principle, functionally strollers for boys and girls are no different, the only thing, if you have a large child, pay attention to how spacious the cradle is. Strollers for boys and girls can differ only in color.

What color of the stroller for a newborn boy? A photo

Now manufacturers offer strollers of a wide variety of colors and you will definitely choose a vehicle to your liking.

The boy will do:

  • "Boychuk" colors: blue, blue
  • neutral colors: yellow, green, gray, orange, coral, black, light green, beige, chocolate
  • you can still look for strollers with “boyish” drawings: football balls, cars, rockets, boats.

Will the red stroller suit the newborn boy?

Do you doubt that a red baby is suitable for a male baby? But what about Santa Claus? He is very red to his face! Red is considered a neutral color and is perfect for a newborn boy. See for yourself!

What color of the stroller to choose for a newborn girl? A photo

For a girl, strollers are perfect:

  • "Girls" flowers: pink, purple, bard, lilac
  • universal colors
  • strollers with butterflies, bows, flowers

How to choose the right stroller for twins a boy and a girl?

There are several types of strollers for two children:

  • "Paravozik"
  • "Side by side"
  • "Transformer"

Stroller for twins "Paravozik"

In these strollers, cradles are one after another, in various models they can be a face or back to mom or to each other. In the seats, the back tilt is regulated, they can be located at one or different levels.


  • convenient to use on narrow roads
  • easily controlled
  • not so much attracting attention to children


  • it’s hard to turn around
  • kids may not share who sits in front, and who is behind
  • the baby sitting behind is somewhat closed horizons, cramped to the feet
  • if the front seat is tilted, there is very little space behind
  • often, only one baby is leaning back

Stroller for twins "side oh"

In these strollers, the kids are sitting next to each other, barrels. There are models with independent backs, with separate hoods.


  • good review and a lot of space
  • each child in the field of view of mom at an equal distance
  • big basket for products and toys


  • attracts a lot of attention to children
  • does not go into almost all doorways
  • if there is only one child in the stroller, the center of gravity is broken and they become inconvenient in management

Stroller for twins "Transformer" Lules and walking modules are rearranged in them, kids can sit nearby, or face to face, as well as facing mom or back.


  • only one block can be used if you need to plant one child
  • suitable for children from birth to 2-3 years, while it is needed


  • heavier and more bulky than other options
  • older children cannot sit in a stroller themselves, only with the help of parents

Strollers are made of various colors, and choosing a stroller for twins of different sexes is also not difficult.

How to choose a car chair?

If you have a car and you plan to drive it with the baby, you also need to think about buying a car seare. And you can use car seats, which is included in the package of universal strollers 3 in 1.

The advantage of this chair is that it is attached to the stroller chassis. You will need such a function if the child fell asleep on the road - you can unfasten the seat belts, remove the car seats from the car and fix it on the chassis. The child to continue his dream on a walk, which is more convenient and useful for you and the baby.

How to choose a stroller for a newborn child: tips

The article presents the whole list of important points. which is worth paying attention to when choosing a stroller. Both the age of the child and the time of the year at birth affect this choice. And also many other characteristics from the sex of the child to the taste preferences of the parents.

We hope the article will help you with the choice and the stroller will last you for a very long time.

Video: How to choose a baby stroller

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Comments K. article

  1. A very useful article, you highlighted all the possible advantages and disadvantages of any strollers. I like strollers 3 in 1, reflecting on the pluses and minuses, it still seemed to me that these strollers are the most practical. I want to take ANEX Sport, the design is quite beautiful, not obsessive. I hope he will not get tired of me over the years of use)

  2. After such an extensive article, it is unrealistic to get confused in strollers. Personally, I learned a lot and even made a list of strollers that interested me. I bow to the choice of a girl in a previous comment, the ANEX stroller seemed to me the most rational.

  3. I agree with the previous comments. We have an anx stroller. I tried a bunch of strollers, but our sport is better than anyone. It is very convenient to use, the frame is reliable and strong, and the stroller itself is of high quality.

  4. In all the comments about one stroller, it became interesting to me what she was, that she paid so much attention to herself. Today I went to the store with my husband to look at her. We will take)

  5. I expect my first-born, but I decided to postpone with the stroller, because I found out about the exhibition of strollers “Test drive Babadu”, where there will be excellent discounts and there will be the opportunity to win the stroller as the main prize and I really hope that the stroller will get it. At the exhibition, you can test for free strollers that attracted the most and choose the only one that will seem the most comfortable for your future baby. The exhibition will be held this weekend on October 8 and 9 in Moscow, and where exactly you can find out on the website of the Babada store.

  6. I am waiting for a miracle that at the exhibition of the Babada online store I am lucky to win a stroller, and if not, then I will buy it at an excellent discount and plus everything I can test the stroller.

  7. Thank you for the article and comments, it is just useful for me, since we will soon buy a stroller, while I include the Polish they say high -quality and strong, you also need to look at the anx sport model.

  8. A good selection of strollers, and the choice of mothers is most impressed by me, this is a stroller of anx, now I choose sports and cross -country among models)))

  9. I, too, became the best stroller to the reliable and high -quality ANEX CROSS, she has everything so thought out that she never regretted her choice.

  10. And we have a stroller of anx only 3 in 1. We are very satisfied, for us the main thing was compact and reliability, and it justified my hopes. The frame is very durable, and the cradle is super !!!

  11. I took for the girl the same gray as in the picture. The color of the color is then suitable for the boy)

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