What weight can be raised after myocardial infarction, stroke? Why, after a myocardial infarction, stroke, cannot be lifted by severity? What can not be done after myocardial infarction and stroke?

What weight can be raised after myocardial infarction, stroke? Why, after a myocardial infarction, stroke, cannot be lifted by severity? What can not be done after myocardial infarction and stroke?

Permissible weight standards that can be lifted after a heart attack and stroke.

Many consider myocardial infarction a certain sentence and a matter of time when the next attack happens. In fact, experts believe differently. With proper physical exertion and a certain lifestyle, it will be possible to avoid the next attack.

Why, after a myocardial infarction, stroke, cannot be lifted by severity?

Of course, some time after the heart attack will have to fully observe all the instructions of the doctor. After recovery, when the patient is discharged home, you should also be attentive to his health. But there are no serious restrictions after a heart attack. Most people believe that after this diagnosis it is necessary to completely exclude physical activity and observe bed rest. This is fundamentally incorrect statement and doctors believe that moderate physical activity will help to avoid the next attack.

Reasons why you can’t lift weights:

  • Initially, after discharge from the hospital, the patient is assigned a certain level. Based on it, physical activity is removed. To determine the maximum permissible physical exertion, running on a treadmill, or cycling is used. The patient sits on a bicycle or gets on a treadmill and pedal or runs for 6 minutes. After that, the sensor during this time controls the pulse, pressure and heart function. Based on these loads, recommendations are selected.
  • Immediately after discharge from the hospital, you can’t do running, hard physical labor and even a fairly simple work on the house. But over time, the load can be increased. Doctors recommend performing simple gymnastics throughout the time after discharge. That is, every day you need to do a certain set of exercises. This is allowed to train the heart and avoid attacks.
  • But still there are prohibited actions and prohibited classes on the list. For example, this applies to weight lifting. That is, if you have done heavy athletics before, you will have to say goodbye to this occupation.
Myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction

What weight in kilograms can be lifted after myocardial infarction, stroke?

There is a certain limit on weight lifting. After a heart attack, men should not lift more than 10 kg, and women are more than 5 kg.

In general, the permissible weight is selected in each individual case and depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease. The fact is that there are categories of people who are allowed to lift weights weighing up to 20 kg. This applies to men, for women, 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bis considered the most acceptable weight.

Many believe that after discharge from the hospital it is impossible to do simple homework. That is, you can not remove, wash the dishes, replace, vacuum and wash the floor. This is fundamentally incorrect statement. Because these physical activity are small and acceptable.

Chest pain
Chest pain

What can not be done after myocardial infarction and stroke?

Immediately after discharge, you will have to postpone, and gradually increase physical activity. All this is done under the supervision of a doctor and the patient himself.

Forbidden and allowed classes:

  • The patient must control his pulse and well -being. If the doctor recommended a certain set of exercises, but in the course of their implementation you feel malaise, headache, shortness of breath, then you should urgently stop classes. After that, tell your doctor that the loads were overly complex for you. But most often a month after discharge, most patients can do simple homework. Such as gap washing, house cleaning, as well as a set of exercises that the doctor appointed.
  • Please note that swimming is considered the simplest sport and the most gentle. It is believed that during swimming the load on the heart and muscles are not very large. In fact, this is not so. Swimming is very useful for the spine and for muscles, but harmful enough for the heart. Since when engaged in this sport, the heart is subjected to very large loads. Therefore, swimming after a heart attack or stroke should be completely abandoned.
  • You can not hang upside down or perform exercises in which blood will add to the brain. That is, it is impossible to perform inclinations, a mill and other exercises in which the head is tilted down. Physical work in the heat or cold should be completely excluded. Therefore, if you worked on the street before a heart attack or stroke, you will have to find a new job.
At the reception at the cardiologist
At the reception at the cardiologist

Remember, bed rest, a complete limitation of mobility and a lying lifestyle increase the risk of a second attack. Therefore, the patient is interested not to sit in one place, but to lead a fairly active lifestyle.

Video: heart attack and stroke

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Comments K. article

  1. After a stroke or heart attack, I would not recommend doing any physical exertion at all.

  2. That's for sure!! We must save yourself, even if nothing bothers. I myself left physical activity in the past, as my heart began to bother periodically. For prevention, I accept thrombos Ass and feel great, but I don’t want to take risks.

  3. Prevention is right !! It is better to prevent than to treat such a disease as a stroke. The drugs are so expensive ...

  4. Yes, the medicines are now not cheap at all, and even more so when rehabilitation of a stroke. Although we managed to save on one drug! The doctor said that the drug should be included in the treatment based on choline alfoscerate and recommended not to chase imported, but to buy our domestic cereton, since it is no worse in terms of effectiveness. So they did, bought his grandfather!

  5. I did not put any special restrictions on myself. Gradually, she just began to play sports and that's it. On the advice of the doctor, the medicine began to take the ginkoma. It dilutes blood and prevents thrombosis. This is all excellent prophylaxis of stroke and heart attack in the future.

  6. The doctor said to his brother that after a heart attack about the gym to forget. For six months for sure, and there it will depend on the well -being and results of the examination. So far, it’s too early to talk about this in principle, since the brother is still in the hospital. He feels good, by the way, the improvements began after wow, as Noton began to drip, the Italian drug. Not very cheap, of course, but the doctor immediately warned about the cost, but the cost is not important at all, the main thing is to help.

  7. After such diseases, it is generally better not to lift anything and not to wear hard. And the patients after a stroke, the doctor treating dad said that he must take a drug based on alphas of alfoscerate, he will help to recover faster. I bought Cereton, our domestic drug, which is not inferior to foreign counterparts. Dad is still restored, but positive progress on the face! I hope the information will be useful to someone)

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