What is the smallest musical instrument: top 7, photo

What is the smallest musical instrument: top 7, photo

In this article we will consider the smallest musical instruments.

A person always distinguishes something beautiful and special for himself. Music also refers to this. But often a musical instrument itself is quite interesting, from which a wonderful sound is heard. After all, to realize in the smallest musical instrument a full -fledged set is available only to a few masters. And so we want to provide you with a list of the most miniature versions that really deserve attention and admiration.

TOP-7 of the smallest musical instruments in the world

Fans of music and everything that is connected with it, while having “golden hands”, create masterpieces that are worthy of the attention of society. Such works include miniatures of already known musical instruments. A feature of these incarnations is the following characteristics:

  • some of the tools cannot be seen with the naked eye;
  • almost all miniature instruments can be created by music;
  • miniatures are mainly reproduced ideally by the originals.

Oddly enough, but the smallest musical instruments exist, and today we will introduce you to the most miniature versions of them.

  • On the last seventh place located piano (25 cm in width and 33 cm in length). A tool was created relatively recently - in 2006. Weight is 2.5 kg. The piano exactly corresponds to the original musical instrument. Therefore, you can play it. But to do this is not quite convenient, because one key has only 4 mm, in total there are 88 of them. But it will be possible to listen to music, since 100 melodies are built inside.
You can’t distinguish it from a big copy
You can’t distinguish it from a big copy
  • Sixth place Our top occupies saxophone (30 cm). Miniature was created in the form of a pipe. The sound of the model is characterized by tenderness and delicacy, which is a little like a squeak. The model is also used. Moreover, it is very popular and, if desired, it can be bought for $ 3400.
For comparison - the tool is only a little more than the cutlery
For comparison - the tool is only slightly larger than cutlery
  • Fifth step I took it harmonicawhich is popularly called glubly accordion, and the official name "Little lady" (5 cm).It was created in Germany, and now it is produced as key fobs for $ 23, and therefore is quite common among the masses. Learning to play it is easy enough, you just need to have at least some musical ear. Moreover, there are only one octave and 4 holes.
You can even play on it
You can even play on it
  • Fourth place belongs violin (2 cm). The model was created by the Chinese violinist Chen. The material from which the violin is created is ordinary maple. Specialists can play the tool, and also the violin sounds soft charm. By the way, the Chinese worked on it for 7 years.
    • But this record was recently beaten. In second place was a resident of the Ukrainian Zhmerinka - Mikhail Maslyuk that he was able to recreate a copy of the violin of 9 mm! To make it easier to understand its size, take a coin (1 penny). It’s not her that 5 such violins may fit.
    • But the Kievite Nikolai Skaydisty went even further - 5 mm. It is not just less needle, but even enters her ear. This is a copy of Stradivarre, which consists of 50 details.
Here is such a mini-version can even play

So we approach the most interesting.

  • Third place Top occupies cello (44 millimeters). A feature of the model is that it is an exact copy of the original. The sound of the instrument is completely similar to the sound of an ordinary cello, only a little thinner and more elegant. Playing it, of course, is not very convenient. But there are no more repetitions or such copies!
This is a complete copy of the real model
This is a complete copy of the real model
  • The penultimate the second step I took it balalaika (approximately 2 millimeters). Such a record masterpiece among the smallest musical instruments belongs to a well -known violinist in our top - a lifetime. The tool is made of wood, and designed from 40 elements! The strings of the balalaikas are quite thin, but they can create interesting sounds. The master made the case from two poppy seeds. What is there. He also engraved a portrait of a virtuoso core - V.V. Andreev.
Mini-Balalaika even has a case
Mini-Balalaika even has a case
  • First, a special place in our top takes guitar (10 micrometers). The tool is not visible without auxiliary devices, because its length reaches the value of one blood cell - 0.001 mm. The guitar itself consists of six strings. The model was created by scientists of nanotechnology at the same department of the University of Cornell.
    • Pretty strange, but you can play the instrument. True, only with the help of laser "strings", and if more accurately, then rays. Despite its peculiarity, this guitar does not belong to extremely expensive tools. The championship in the world among the smallest musical instruments is recognized as the Guinness Book of Records. A really unusual tool.
Photos can only be taken under the device
Photo can only be taken under a microscope
  • But we cannot not surprise you. Despite the recognized championship, there is another, very tiny musical instrument in the world. This is a harp, and more accurately nanoarf (1 micron). The model was developed by the same scientists as the guitar.
    • However, not everyone knows about the existence of nanoac. The developers of the tool made it as if for self -improvement, since they did not disclose about their achievement. And they were not submitted to the Guinness Book of Records. Surprise you again, but Nanoarf plays. However, a person will not hear this sound, because he is very high -frequency. Therefore, it is perceived only by special devices.
This tool has no official calling
This tool has no official calling
  • Having examined these two smallest musical instruments, although the latter is unrecognized, we believe that these two models were separated by the first place - and guitar, and nanoarf. Since they both exist and belong to the tiny musical instruments themselves.

In conclusion, I would like to note how developed our world is. Namely, thanks to many scientists and amateur professionals. There are things that a simple person has never heard of. But the fact that people work and create real miracles remain pleasant. Perhaps you will never see them live, but information about their existence is useful for self -development. Interested in the news of professionals and the discoveries of scientists. After all, they give us not only a lot of useful, but interesting things.

Video: How the smallest musical instrument sounds

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