What cognac is the best of inexpensive: rating and top of inexpensive cognacs. Which cognac is better: Armenian or Georgian, Dagestan, Moldavian? Which Russian cognac is better: brands. Advise cognac in the range of 1000, 1500, 3000 rubles: tips

What cognac is the best of inexpensive: rating and top of inexpensive cognacs. Which cognac is better: Armenian or Georgian, Dagestan, Moldavian? Which Russian cognac is better: brands. Advise cognac in the range of 1000, 1500, 3000 rubles: tips

What cognac to choose inexpensive, but good: tips, brands.

Cognac is recognized as one of the best strong alcoholic beverages. It is made of special grape varieties, as a result of which, by fermentation, fortress and taste are achieved. All over the world, cognac is recognized as an elite drink, so it is customary to serve at solemn events, as well as present it as a gift.

Several technologies of its production were used in the USSR. Therefore, they distinguish between Georgian, Moldavian, Dagestan, Armenian and other species, depending on the manufacturing region, as well as the grape varieties used. In order to choose the drink correctly, you need to understand how they differ, and also determine why the price for one bottle of cognac can fluctuate in different cost ranges.

Which cognac is better: Armenian or Georgian, Dagestan, Moldavian?

In regions where grape crafts are developed, as well as a warm climate, they have long been engaged in the production of alcoholic beverages. Cognac, produced in the USSR, was in great demand not only among the inhabitants of the great country, but also far beyond its borders. After all, the recipe for making a drink differed from classical French traditions, but this did not interfere with the release of a high quality drink. Now the production of cognac in these regions continues to delight fans not only with classic views, but also with new ones.

Armenian cognac is distinguished by its sweet aftertaste. For its manufacture, grapes from the Ararat Valley of such varieties are used:

  • Mshali
  • Wax
  • Rkacitators
  • Chilar
  • Guard Dmak
  • Kangun
  • Wax

Armenian cognac has a chestnut or dark bronze hue, and also has a bright and rich aroma of grapes and spices. All types of this drink are divided into different groups, depending on the degree of excerpt:

  • Ordinary - from 3 to 5 years
  • Marych - above 6 years
  • Collection - from 10 years
Armenian cognac
Armenian cognac

Armenian cognacs are customary to serve with:

  • Chocolate
  • Soft and half -soft varieties of cheese
  • Grapes and fruits

Georgian cognac is made using double distillation in special metal devices. The following grape varieties are used:

  • Gurdjaani
  • Rkacitators
  • Chinuri
  • Carelles
  • Sachhera
Georgian cognac
Georgian cognac

They are engaged in production in different regions of the country, but the smell is a distinctive feature of all drinks. Since Georgian cognac in oak barrels is kept, it absorbs the aroma of a tree. It is because of this that it is not recommended to serve with desserts. As a rule, Georgian cognac is consumed in small dosages with sharp meat dishes. Cognac has a darker shade that varies from brown to dark bordard. Also, this drink is divided depending on the time for its exposure:

  • KV (excreted cognac) - from 6 to 8 years old
  • KVVK (surpassed of the highest quality) - from 8 to 10
  • Ks (old) - withstand for 10 - 12 years
  • OS (very old) - from 12 to 23 years old

Dagestan cognac is produced in limited parties, so it is faked most often. The original is characterized by a specific smell, because in the manufacture they use vanilla and sweet types of spices. Insist a drink in wooden barrels using the technology of manufacturing Georgian cognac. Therefore, the classification of excerpts also does not differ. The average strength of the drink can vary from 40 to 45 degrees.

Characteristic shades of Dagestan cognacs: copper, honey, light brown. For manufacture, use such types of grapes:

  • Gyulyabi Dagestan
  • Budai Shuli
  • Bora Cora
  • Make caps

It is customary to use Dagestan cognac with fruits, desserts and chocolate due to a pronounced sweet taste.

Moldavian cognac local residents call "Divin". Its production is similar to the technology of Dagestan and Georgian masters, since they also use wooden barrels and copper vats to prepare and insist the drink. The classification of Moldavian cognac depends on the period of its exposure:

  • DVM - from 6 years
  • DVS - more than 8 years
  • DVV - over 10 years
  • DVFV - at least 20 years
Dagestan cognac
Dagestan cognac

Such cognac has a sweet taste, and the color varies from light brown to amber. Therefore, it is served to desserts, coffee and other sweets. In the production process, the following grape varieties are used:

  • Shahini
  • Rizomat
  • Fromoase Albe
  • Penetroe
  • Jubilee of the crane
  • Yurin

It is impossible to single out only one manufacturer when looking for an answer to the question: "What is the best cognac?" Indeed, depending on the exposure period, production technology, as well as the grape variety used, the taste, aroma and fortress are significantly different. Therefore, each type of drink is suitable depending on a specific event and personal preferences.

Which Russian cognac is better: brands

In Russia, many cognacs are produced under the most famous brands. Some of them retained the old recipe, but it is worth saying that in recent decades have also launched the production of many new drinks under previously unknown brands.

Unfortunately, there is more and more likely to buy a fake. Therefore, in order to avoid surrogate, it is necessary to give preference to those brands that have a positive reputation and an adequate price. Among the best cognacs produced in Russia, drinks of the following brands are called:

  • Kinovsky - was released for the first time in 2005, but has several types of this drink with varying degrees of exposure. The greatest merit of this brand is to obtain an international quality certificate, which confirms the environmental purity of the products used. "Kinovsky" cognac has a sweet taste, so it is a leader among sales
  • "Moscow" - was first released in 1998. The cognac of this brand is characterized by a fruit-naughty taste, as well as a vanilla aroma
  • “Old Koenigsberg” - has a pronounced sweet taste, as well as a rich aroma of herbs, spices and dried fruits. Is a classic version of cognac in our country, so consumers prefer to choose it as a gift
Russian cognac
Russian cognac
  • “Arbat”-cognac has from 3 to 5 years of aging. It is characterized by wood aroma, which is obtained by manufacturing in oak barrels. The aroma has pronounced notes of prunes, vanilla and oak
  • "Derbent"-manufactured at the same plant since the 1960s. Recently, the recipe has improved the recipe through the emergence of new production technologies, as well as the use of more spices and spices that allow you to better emphasize the entire taste gamut of the drink

What cognac is the best of inexpensive: rating and top of inexpensive cognacs

Among the cognacs there are many differences both in taste and exposure criteria, and in cost. Among domestic drinks, you can find not only those for which there are several thousand, but also cheaper options. But in order not to buy surrogate, you need to figure out which cognacs really have a low cost and which are fake. Among the best domestic drinks at an affordable price, they highlight:

  • Ararat has long become a classic. A bottle of 250 ml costs about 400 rubles. The drink has pronounced notes of blackcurrant, peaches and drain. Therefore, it is served to desserts and fruits on almost every feast.
  • The White Stork is one of the best Moldovan cognacs. Its popularity lies in price (about 500 rubles per 0.5 l), as well as taste. Indeed, in the manufacture, a combination of white grape varieties is used, as well as the composition of spices that facilitate the taste, despite the end of 5 years.
  • “V.S.O.p” blades - is considered elite, despite its affordable cost (about 1000 rubles per 500 ml). However, this price is quite justified, because the best grape varieties are used to make this cognac. It is customary to serve the drink with solid varieties of cheese, as well as meat appetizers.
Cognac rating
Cognac rating
  • "Old Kakheti" is one of the most popular Georgian cognacs. Its cost is about 800 rubles, and a rich taste is made by adding dried fruits and white grape varieties.
  • Arkady is a classic Ukrainian cognac, which is produced in the city of Odessa. In the manufacturing process, about 10 types of alcohol, as well as several grape varieties, are used. The price for one bottle with a capacity of 250 ml is about 1000 rubles. This alcohol is customary to serve with desserts, fruits and chocolate.
  • "Lezginka" - is characterized by an affordable price (600 rubles per bottle in a volume of 0.5 l). Cognac has a characteristic chocolate smell. At the same time, the manufacturer uses several levels of protection so that the buyer can distinguish surrogate from the original product.

Which of the Armenian, Georgian, Moldavian, Dagestan cognacs is better to choose and buy?

Dagestan, Georgian, Moldavian and Armenian cognacs were considered a scarce goods back in the days of the USSR. Today they are not inferior in popularity compared to foreign brands. Unfortunately, many of imported drinks are not available to the majority of the population of our country due to high cost.

However, traditional cognacs, the production of former Soviet countries have high quality and now, despite the moderate cost. Among the best Moldovan is highlighted:

  • “Doina” - withstand the process last 9 years, and a huge number of awards confirm the high quality of the product
  • "Bouquet of Moldova"
  • "White stork"
  • "KVINT"

In order to distinguish the original cognac from the fake, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer indicated in the barcode, as well as the labels and quality of the bottle.

Among the Armenian cognacs are best recognized:

  • "Ararat"
  • "Dvin"
  • "Festive"
  • "AIK"
  • "Nari"

The most popular and high -quality cognac producing Georgia:

  • "Legend of Tbilisi"
  • "Anniversary"
  • "Eniseli"
  • "Sarajishvili"
  • "Askanels"
  • Tiflis
  • "Old Kakheti"
  • "Batumi"
The choice of cognac
The choice of cognac

Dagestan cognacs are faked most often. However, in order to determine the authenticity of the drink, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the container and labels. As a rule, scammers do not bother with their design and accuracy of application. Among the best cognac is called:

  • "Sherry"
  • "Madeira"
  • "My Dagestan"
  • "Kizlyar"
  • "Lezginka"
  • "Derbent"
  • "Swam"
  • "Caspian"
  • "Pearl of Dagestan"
  • "Bouquet of Dagestan"

What is the most delicious, cheap, soft, high -quality cognac of inexpensive?

Among the cognacs with a soft taste, there are several dozen options that differ in the degree of exposure and a pleasant fruit tint. However, not all of them have an acceptable price. Among the budget options that have high quality, but at the same time the following cognacs are available for all segments:

  • Koktebel "Three Stars" - produce Crimea on the peninsula. For 250 ml, the price is about 200 rubles. The drink has 40% of the fortress and 3-year-old exposure. It is characterized by the presence of floral and fruit notes, honey and sweet aftertaste.
  • "Noah Arag" is the production of Armenia. It has been withstood for 3 years, the fortress is 40%. For 350 ml, the price is 460 rubles. Cognac has amber color and fruit-chocolate aroma.
Cognac rating
Cognac rating
  • "Zhvanetsky" - withstands for 5 years. Production of Russia (Moscow Region), fortress of about 40%. It has amber color and taste of white cherries. But it is difficult to call the drink light, because too strong taste is more suitable as a supplement for a meal, not a dessert.
  • “Yuzhag” - production is located in Dagestan. The price for 250 ml is about 230 rubles. It has a dark honey taste. The smell and taste contain notes of vanilla, oak, fruits and flowers.
  • “Praskovaysky cognac - manufactured in the Stavropol Territory. 250 ml will cost you 280 rubles. The drink is kept for 3 years. To taste and smell, it is very reminiscent of the Coktebel "Three Stars".
  • “Aur de Balanesht” - is called one of the best cognacs for the production of Moldova. Exposure is 3 years, and the fortress is 40%. The price for a bottle of 200 ml is about 290 rubles. The drink has an oily taste and the aftertaste of vanilla and dried fruits. It goes well with desserts and coffee.

When choosing a drink as a supplement to a sweet table or to serve to light snacks, it is worth choosing either on cognacs, the exposure period of which is 3 years, or give preference to an elite collectible. Since drinks with a period of insisting above 15 years have a lower severity of alcohol and stronger shades of wood and fruits. But in the event that the budget is limited, it is important to consider all tones of tastes and choose cognac made of sweet white grape varieties.

Advise inexpensive, but good cognac in the range of 1000, 1500, 3000 rubles: tips

To present cognac has become a tradition in our country since the time of the USSR. Indeed, at that time, alcoholic beverages were scarce products, so they were given only for special occasions. Now this tradition has been firmly rooted, despite the fact that store shelves are breaking from abundance of both domestic and foreign cognacs.

Among the best cognacs that can be purchased in the range from 1000 to 3000 rubles are called:

  • "Lezginka" - the production of the Kizlyar brandy factory. The exposure period is 6 years, and the fortress is 40%. The price for 0.5 liters is about 2000 rubles. The drink has a dark amber tint and the aroma of forest nuts. There are also notes of vanilla, so you can use as an aperitif.
  • "Ekaterinodar" is the production of Russia. It has a 20-year-old exposure and 40% of the fortress. The price for 0.7 liters is 3030 rubles. We have a dark brown tint, as well as a taste of wood, oranges, vanilla, drain and other fruits.
  • "Tsar Tigran" is one of the best Armenian cognacs. Exposure is 10 years, and the price for 0.7 liters is 2345 rubles. The drink has amber color, as well as the oily taste of forest berries, vanilla and nuts.
The choice of cognac
The choice of cognac
  • Ararat Naiti also refers to a series of Armenian cognacs. Exposure is about 20 years old, and the fortress is 40%. For a bottle of 0.5 l, the price is 3120 rubles. The taste has shades of cloves, honey, cinnamon and fried rye bread. The aroma is very similar to the cedar.
  • "Grandles" - Georgian cognac, with a five -year exposure. The fortress is 40%, and the price for 0.5 liters of 1780 rubles. Almond aftertaste made this drink very popular not only in Georgia, but also far beyond its borders.
  • “Aur de Balanesht” - produced in Moldova using chocolate, flowers and vanilla. The exposure period is 7 years. And the price for 500 ml of 800 rubles. The drink has a sweet taste and amber color.

Before choosing cognac, it is important to pay attention not only to the composition, but also to the quality of the package. In the case of tracking the bastards of a bottle, excess glue and the imbalance of labels, most likely, you have a fake. Regarding the appetizer to such a drink - it is worth abandoning the lemon, giving preference to fruits, cheeses, desserts, meat and chocolate.

Video: How do the best Russian cognac do?

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Comments K. article

  1. the author does not every time represent what he writes.
    “Present as a gift” “Present” \u003d “Gift”
    Give as a gift.
    “Get out the snack as a lemon” ??????????

  2. the author does not every time represent what he writes.
    “Present as a gift” “Present” \u003d “Gift”
    Give as a gift.
    “Get out the snack as a lemon” ??????????

  3. In fact. A real skate can be bought from Grisia, but Tolyeo through friends and according to the form.

  4. The article is useful.

  5. The article is useless. Cognac exclusively male drink. How can a woman evaluate this drink based on someone else's opinion?

  6. Need the best Russian cognac

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