What date is it generous in Russia? Russian folklits for the old New Year: texts of poems and songs for children and adults in Russian

What date is it generous in Russia? Russian folklits for the old New Year: texts of poems and songs for children and adults in Russian

What is "generous" and why is it so popular in Russia? How to sing generously? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

A huge number of customs and traditions are associated with the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. One of them is called "Clothing". In this article, we will talk about how and when to generous, the meaning of this tradition for people.

When, what date is it generous in Russia?

They are generous in Russia, according to tradition, on the Old New Year, that is, from January 13 to 14. A week before the generous, that is, from January 6 to 7, they are carol. The meaning of the generous is to provide a rich crop for next year.

An important point! Only girls and unmarried girls can generous.

Ceremple generous takes its roots from paganism
Ceremple generous takes its roots from paganism

Clothing is as follows: young girls and girls gather in groups of several people, put on festive clothes and go out on the streets to generous - sing songs in front of each house, collecting treats.

The next day, sowers or sowers go home - they could be all the male people from small to great. According to traditions, sowers sprinkled the hosts with grain, wheat, so that the crop would be a success.

Clothing took place on a generous evening
Clothing took place in a "generous" evening

Now let's talk about why and how the name “Clothing” arose. Everything is simple here. The word "generous" comes from the phrase "generous evening." This was called the eve of the New Year according to the old style, or in a modern way of the old New Year. In Russian, this day, depending on the region of the country, was called a rich evening, Malanya, Malank, the day of the Holy Melanie, the rich Kutya, the generous Kutya.

From the history! The tradition went not to generous not from Russia, but from Ukraine and Belarus.

Graduation for the Old New Year: Orthodox traditions

In Russia, as in other countries, they went to generous evening - on the night of January 13-4. For the most part, this tradition was respected in the southwestern, southern and western parts of Russia. In the north and east, this tradition was often not respected.

There was a time when the Russian Patriarch forbade the caroling, generous, celebrate Shrovetide and some other holidays because they took roots from paganism. In general, this ban did not exist for a long time, although to this day the Orthodox Church is not very good about such a pastime.

Many artists devoted whole canvases to be generous
many artists devoted whole canvases to be generous

Russian short generously for the smallest children: poems and songs

Graduation for the youngest children was simplicity and length. As a rule, these were small poems, easily memorable so that the child could reproduce them without any problems. Graduations were learned in advance, a few days or weeks before the treasured holiday.

Here are some generous children.

Vasilieva Mother
I went to generous
Cutting the wheat around the field.
Gene, God, wheat,
Barley, buckwheat.

You will not give me cheesecakes -
Get the top of the head!
Can't give a pie -
I will lead the cow for the horns.

Children generous according to all the rules
Children generous according to all the rules

Give the carol soon!
The legs are chilly
I'll run home.
Who will give
He is the prince,
Who will not give -
That in the mud!

I sow, I sow
Happy New Year!
Rye, wheat, let it be ugly,
Let happiness in the house settle!

Typically, children really like to be carved and generous
Typically, children really like to be carved and generous

Russian folklits for the old New Year for schoolchildren: Poems and songs

For schoolchildren, more complex and long generous are disposed of.

The generously generously,
I spent the night under the window
Chi ram, chi sheep,
Give me a pancake
Do not bite, do not break
Let me be a whole!
Generous evening, good evening!

Little flake
He sat down on the sheaf.
Plays in the pipe
The carol is amazing.
Give me Varenik
A spoonful of porridge,
Ring of sausage.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of fat.
Take it soon
Not frost of children.

According to tradition, girls generously
According to tradition, girls generously

Ilya goes to Vasily,
Bends a zhityanny
Where it waves - rye is growing,
Vroda God rye, wheat
And every arable land.
In the field of the core,
The house is good.
In the spikelet field,
And in the house - a pie.
Hello! Happy New Year,
With Vasily!

The owners certainly had to provide a good treat to guests
The owners certainly had to provide a good treat to guests

Russian folklits for the old New Year for adults: Poems and songs

We sow, we are sowing, we sow
Happy New Year, congratulations!
Though the "old" New Year -
Anyway, good carries!
We wish the old fashioned way
Fertility - a cattle,
Warm booth - a little dog,
Milk saucers - a kitten,
A handful of wheat is a cockerel,
Red girl - friend,
Small children - dad with mom,
Grandmother is small grandchildren!
We sow, we are sowing, we sow
Happy New Year, congratulations!
Open the chest
Get a patch!

Good evening to you
Affectionate owner,
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

We are to you, master
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

With good news
From the Holy Grad.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

Adults took the longest generouss for themselves
Adults took the longest generouss for themselves

For hello, for reflection
You will accept congratulations!

Live together two years old!
Happiness and strong health to you!
With a holy Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year!

The Lord would endure you
And we are living, and we will be
And wealth in everything,
And God forbid you, gentlemen,
Health for many years!

Russian folk arts for the old New Year short

Good evening, generous evening,
Good people to their health.
The falcon flew in
Sat on the window,
True the cloth.
And the remnants of the owners on the caps,
And the cuts and on the belts,
Hello, Happy holiday!

Generous is kind, I'm no worse
Give a pancake that is more!
That the bounty is a donut,
That the generous is dumpling.

We sow, sow!
Merry Christmas to you!
Open the chest
Get a patch!

Folk long generously on the old New Year

We sow, sowing, we sow
Happy New Year, congratulations!
We wish you happiness, joy, health and good luck!
And also Santa Claus
Brought a bag of money!
You will begin to give me, and I will praise you!
Who will give money
He will become rich himself.
You are our owner, you are our kind!
Really you will not give us money, but you won’t give us a glass?

You, the owner, are not Tomi
Give it as soon as possible!
And how is the current frost
Does not tell you to stand for a long time
Orders soon to serve:
Or from the stove pies,
Or money Piglet,
Or a pot of pot!
Give you God
Full yard of the stomachs!
And in the stable of horses,
In the stable of calves,
In the hut of the guys
And in the fragment of kittens!

Funny and funny Russian folklits for the old New Year

I sow, sow, I sow Happy New Year !!!

New Year has already passed, give a ruble I went !!

Our Kozitsya
Already an old bird
Recently from Kyiv,
With long kisama:
- Strong my feet,
horn of chips,
The tail is an estimate!
It is necessary to go to Kozitsi three pieces of fat,
Myu, meow ... Sala!
So that the goat gets up.
Oh get up, goat,
And streaming.
On this house,
By the owner

Graduate, generous
I feel sausage, no sausage
Let's sweets.

Video: A fun and useful tradition - generous!

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