What is the importance of air, oxygen for human life, plants and all living organisms? How many healthy people can a human brain live without air, oxygen? What is the record of a person holding person under water?

What is the importance of air, oxygen for human life, plants and all living organisms? How many healthy people can a human brain live without air, oxygen? What is the record of a person holding person under water?

The value of air for the life of plants and humans.

Air is a mixture of various gases. The composition of oxygen has a lot of nitrogen and oxygen. The most interesting thing is that without these components, life on the planet is impossible. This is due to the fact that these chemicals contribute to the course of various reactions in the body. Without them, metabolism is impossible.

What is the importance of air, oxygen for human life, plants and all living organisms?

This gas is involved in metabolic processes. Thanks to this gas, all living organisms breathe. This applies to both people and plants. Besides. When air inhales, in the body of animals and people there is a process of glucose oxidation. During this chemical reaction, energy is released.

Question 12 What is the importance of oxygen in the life of plants and life? in living organisms during oxidation

Without energy, in turn, it is not possible to carry out movement.

How many healthy people can a human brain live without air, oxygen?

The values \u200b\u200bare ambiguous. It depends on physical health and training. In general, an ordinary person on average can be without air for 4-9 minutes. If you take into account the stay under water, then the ordinary visitor to the beach can be underwater 30-80 seconds. And the girls producing pearls from the water can live without air for 5 minutes. The fact is that without oxygen, energy production stops and the heart stops. Brain cells die without oxygen.

Now many ways to extend the lifeless period have been developed. These techniques practice yogis and famous divers.

Denior breath in yoga
Denior breath in yoga

Why is carbon dioxide accumulate in the blood with blood holding?

This occurs as a result of metabolic processes, or rather during glucose oxidation. With the interaction of glucose and oxygen, water and carbon dioxide are obtained, which accumulates in the body.

Hard of breath in water
Hard of breath in water

How much air, oxygen does a person need per hour, per day?

For each person, these are different numbers. The amount depends on the load.

Sample air consumption data for a moment:

  • Sitting position and state of rest 6 liters
  • Light physical activity 20 liters
  • Fitness, cardio training 60 liters

That is, per day the values \u200b\u200bwill be:

  • 864 l at rest
  • 28800 l at easy load
  • 86400 l during heavy loads
Breathing holding
Breathing holding

The necessary volume of air, oxygen per person in the room: Value

These numbers are guided by the design of ventilation.

The average value is in the range of 30-60 cubes of air per hour in the room.

What is the record of a person holding person under water?

It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records Tom Sitas. This is a freediver, which has 20% more lungs than an ordinary person. His record was 22 minutes and 22 seconds. Breath holding under water. Before the record, the diver breathed oxygen from the cylinder and did not eat for 5 hours.

Friediver breathing hold
Friediver breathing hold

Breathing holding training: Exercises

There are several methods of breathing holding.


  • Walking under the expense. In fact, at the very beginning, training does not need to hold your breath. It is necessary after 10 steps to take a breath and after 10 exhale. Over time, you can inhale and exhale with breath holding intervals.
  • Yoga. Almost all yogis exercises are aimed at increasing the volume of the lungs. You need to do yoga more often.
  • Rinsing. It does not sound paradoxical, but in the dancing of the abdomen this exercise is often used. It is necessary to take a deep breath, and then exhale. After that, breathing holds and push -like stomach movements are carried out.
  • Dog breath. It is necessary to breathe like dogs from time to time during the day. That is, to carry out frequent and short breaths and exhalations.
Training of breath holding
Training of breath holding

Air is the basis of life. Without it, the existence of people and other living organisms is impossible.

Video: breath holding

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