What cookies to choose during breastfeeding? The cookies "Maria" and oatmeal during breastfeeding: benefits. Homemade cookies during breastfeeding: delicious and healthy recipes that you should cook for a young mother

What cookies to choose during breastfeeding? The cookies

In this article, we will consider what cookies you should use at GV, and also offer interesting recipes that will help the young mother prepare a useful product.

The period of breastfeeding for each woman is one of the most important in her life. At this time, the woman’s diet becomes much scare, since many products are strong allergens and they have to be abandoned.

Many young mothers note that the hardest thing during breastfeeding is to abandon sweets. But is it necessary to completely limit yourself in such goodies and what can you afford? This will be discussed later.

What cookies to choose during breastfeeding?

The period of breastfeeding is extremely responsible, especially if we talk about the first 3 months after the birth of a baby. At this time, almost any product can provoke an allergic reaction in the baby, so you should not rush with goodies, if you eat them, it is reasonable and after consulting with a specialist.

  • At first, all chocolate products, waffles, gingerbread, etc. need to be excluded. It is also worth abandoning cookies on Margarine, with different fillers, in the glaze, etc.
  • At this stage, you can pamper yourself with leaning cookies, to which "Maria", "anniversary" and other analogues with the same composition.
  • Another cookie that can be eaten during breastfeeding is oatmeal.
  • The first time after the birth of the baby you need to use only these types of sweets and then in a small amount and in the absence of a negative reaction of the crumbs.
Great choice for breastfeeding
Great choice for breastfeeding

Despite the fact that lean cookies during breastfeeding are allowed to eat, this must be done carefully and reasonably.

  • In the first few months, it is better to limit yourself from taking any sweets. At this time, the baby is still not at all adapted to our food, and even the simplest and without additives can harm him.
  • You need to start introducing cookies into your diet gradually. You can’t start eating cookies at once in large quantities, since you cannot know exactly that the child’s body will not give a response.
  • First, eat 1 cookies in the morning. During the day, watch the crumbs, see how his tummy behaves, whether the chair has changed, whether redness and rash appeared. If there are no such reactions, the next day or every other day eat 2 pcs. goodies in the morning and observe the child again.
  • If in this case everything goes well, feel free to leave the product in your diet. But at the same time, remember that any new cookies will need to be entered into the diet according to the same scheme, since any other component from the composition of the product can harm the child.
  • If the baby’s body reacts negatively, that is, with a rash, constipation, etc., this will mean that it is still too early to introduce such a product into your diet. Paise and try to eat cookies in a couple of weeks, again not forgetting to look at the reaction of the child
  • Even if the baby reacted well to a new product in your diet, this does not mean that now you can eat it as much as you want.
Make sure that cookies do not have preservatives
Make sure that cookies do not have preservatives

As mentioned earlier, not every type of cookie is suitable for consumption during breastfeeding. Therefore, you need to choose such a product extremely carefully.

  • It is important to understand that the health and calmness of your baby, and then yours, primarily depends on the correct choice of confectionery. Therefore, you should not take the first cookies that fall on the shelf, even if it is called “Maria”, “Galetnaya”, etc.
  • The thing is that almost any cookies today add a huge number of different ingredients that can not be eaten by women who feed their breasts.
  • So at first glance, Vanilin harmless adults for us, for a crumb, can be a reason for serious allergies, and it is in almost any pastries. Such ingredients include flavorings, powdered sugar, jam, etc.

Important: it is also important to pay attention, which served as the basis for cookies. For a regular diet, it is not so important to make cookies from margarine, spread or butter, however, for a woman who breastfeeding, the difference is significant. During breastfeeding, it is necessary to give preference to the treat in natural butter.

  • Therefore, choosing cookies for use in such a crucial period, give preference participated, oatmeal, with bran, without any flavorings, additives, etc.

Mary cookies during breastfeeding: benefits

Mary cookies are quite popular. People who follow their figure prefer him, those who cannot afford to use other types of confectionery due to allergies, etc. Why does this cookie are in such demand?

  • The taste of this cookie cannot be called special and this is not very surprising, because it is prepared in a large way from water, flour and sugar. At the same time, the treat is very nutritious, but at the same time small -calorie, and since there are no additives and preservatives in its composition, it also does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Often exactly this cookies give to young children, it is also preferred by women who breastfeeding.
  • It is moderately sweet to the sweet treat that can serve as an excellent snack for breast. At the same time, there can be no talk of any extra kilograms because of the Maria cookies, and this is also important for a young mother.
Useful cookies at GV
Useful cookies at GV
  • However, it is important to pay attention to the Maria cookie label, since different manufacturers use different ingredients to prepare the product. You need to choose such cookies in which there are no additives, preservatives, animal fats, margarine, etc.

Important: the advantage of this cookie can be called its shelf life. Depending on the composition, the shelf life can reach several years.

  • Summing up this confectionery, we can say that Maria cookies are great for eating it during breastfeeding. You can eat it even in the first months of the baby’s life, the only thing that experts recommend is limited to several cookies per day, since even what is useful can harm in large quantities.

Oatmeal cookies during breastfeeding: benefits

Another type of cookie that can be eaten during breastfeeding is oatmeal.

  • This type of goodies is not only tasty, but also very useful, both for mom and crumbs, since its composition contains oats, and therefore fiber.
  • The fiber quickly saturates our body, however, the feeling of satiety after it does not pass quickly, and, therefore, the young mother does not threaten overeating in this case.
  • Fiber is also a substance that is actively fighting cholesterol and other undesirable elements in the body.
  • However, with caution, those women who have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract should be caused with caution, since the fiber significantly slows down the process of digesting food.
  • It is also worth considering the fact that store cookies of this species are not always suitable for consuming it during breastfeeding. It is necessary to give preference to a “clean” liver without chocolate crumbs, confectionery, vanillin, cinnamon, etc. Choosing the right product, you can please yourself with goodies and do not harm your child’s health.
Tasty and healthy cookies
Tasty and healthy cookies
  • It is necessary to introduce such cookies into your diet, as well as the cooking "Maria". That is, first eat 1 small pcs. In the morning, and during the day, observe the reaction of the child. If everything is fine, there are no negative manifestations, increase the amount of goodies in your diet and follow the child again, pay special attention to the crumbs to the stool. If there are no reactions, then you can use this product. If you notice any redness, peeling of the skin, a rash, a stool disorder, then the use of cookies must be stopped temporarily and repeat the attempt after a few weeks, and, then a month.

Important: when using any cookie, whether it is “Maria”, “anniversary”, oatmeal or cereal, you need to know that confectionery can serve as a nutrient snack, but not a complete meal of food. That is, it is impossible to replace a full -fledged meal of food with several cookies, since there is not enough nutrients in them to saturate your body and the child's body.

Homemade cookies for the period of breastfeeding: delicious and healthy recipes

Homemade cookies will always be more useful and tastier than the store, and in our case it will also be safer, since having prepared a treat with your own hands, you will definitely know from which products it is prepared and when.

The first recipe that we want to share with you is the recipe homemade bellies.

  • Wheat flour - 2 glasses
  • Boiled water - half a glass
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Sunflower oil refined - 30 ml
You can prepare a competition at home
You can prepare a competition at home

Cooking cookies very fast and easy:

  • Pour boiled water into the container and pour sugar, stir the liquid.
  • Next, add the oil to the pan.
  • We sift the flour in order to remove all unnecessary lumps and gradually pour into the container.
  • We knead the dough until it becomes elastic and not sticky.
  • Next, roll out the dough and cut out any figures from it.
  • Next, the form on which we will bake the treat is a little grease with oil and send cookies to it.
  • We put the shape in a warm -up oven and bake the bellies of goodies for 5 minutes.
  • If desired, the amount of sugar can be slightly reduced or increased, but you need to remember that this product is not useful, especially for the child's body.
Can be done in different shapes
Can be done in different shapes

Now prepare delicious and healthy cookies according to this recipe:

  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups
  • Boiled water - a little more than half a glass
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 130 g
  • Sugar - 40 g
  • Salt - to taste

The cooking process consists of such stages:

  • We drive the egg into the container and add sugar to it. Beat the mixture.
  • Next, add soft butter to the egg mixture, beat the ingredients slightly again. Notice, you need to take real butter, replace it with margarine, you can’t spread it.
  • In a separate container, connect the water and salt, stirring the liquid, send it to a plate with egg and oil.
  • We sift the flour and gradually insert into the liquid mixture, knead a thick dough and send it for a couple of hours. In a cool place.
  • Next, we divide the dough into pieces, from which we make cookies.
  • Lubricate the baking sheet with butter and put a treat on it.
  • We send the cookies to the warmed oven for 15-20 minutes.
When breastfeeding, it is important to eat properly
When breastfeeding, it is important to eat properly

Another no less tasty cookies can be prepared according to this recipe:

  • Oatmeal flakes - 1.5 cups
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups
  • Boiled water - 100 ml
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Looser - 1.5 tsp.
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Salt is a pinch
Cat cookies
Cat cookies

We prepare goodies in this way:

  • Flakes must be ground with a blender.
  • Sift the flour.
  • Drive the egg into the container and add soft oil. Beat the mixture.
  • Then we send sugar to the container and beat the mixture again.
  • After that, send the specified amount of water and salt to the resulting mixture, mix the ingredients.
  • Next, add the flakes there, mix the mixture.
  • Now add the baking powder and flour, knead the dough.
  • Roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut out the desired figures and transfer them to a greased baking sheet.
  • We send a container with cookies to a warmed oven for 10-15 minutes.

As you can see, even during the period of breastfeeding there are those confectionery products that you can and should be laziness. However, treat the use of sweets responsibly, so as not to harm either the baby or yourself. If possible, bake sweets yourself, so you will reduce the risk of allergic reactions and negative consequences.

Video: Recipe for cookies for nursing mothers and not only

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