Which tool for washing children's linen is better to choose? List and names of the best safe washing powders and liquid detergents for washing children's linen and children's things of newborns and children up to a year

Which tool for washing children's linen is better to choose? List and names of the best safe washing powders and liquid detergents for washing children's linen and children's things of newborns and children up to a year

How to wash children's things and things of newborn: a list of powders and other detergents.

This topic was and will always be relevant, especially among young mothers. Of course, because our children are the most valuable in life, and with washing powder their skin begins to contact from the first days. And many came across an allergy caused by its composition. Therefore, you need to understand this issue in more detail, which powder is most suitable for the child's body.

What kind of composition should a safe children's washing powder have?

Ideally, I want the powder to be at all harmless. But, unfortunately, this is unlikely. Therefore, you need to choose a tool that can cause a minimum of harm and will have the most sparing composition.

First, let's look at the main components that can be part of the children's powder:

  1. Pav. Everyone heard about him for sure. Its main force is aimed at combating spots. And also he fights with our immune system, causing allergic reactions and other malfunctions in the body. It is in almost every powder and cleaning agent.
  2. Phosphates. These are steam assistants, as well as their task to soften water. Their effect on the body is extremely negative (especially, sodium triprophosphate). In America and Europe, such components have long been prohibited. But not all domestic manufacturers adhere to such a rule.
  3. Soap base. In principle, it is considered directly the basis of washing powder or soap. There are plant and animal origin (similar are considered completely harmless). The only thing is the addition of synthetic fatty acids can provoke allergies (if free alkali in the water).

    The composition of children's powders
    The composition of children's powders
  4. Zeolites. They have a volcanic origin and do not have any negative impact on the children's body. They are used instead of phosphates (their role is the same), as well as absorb all the dirt. But, unfortunately, in budget powders they often run to the help of synthetic origin.
  5. Bleach. They are often part of children's powders, since when washing children's things, such components are very necessary. There is:
    • Chemical (chlorine or oxygen)
    • Optical
    • Optical only create the illusion of a white thing, covering it like a white film. And it, in turn, negatively affects the skin of the baby
    • Chlorine bleach also poorly affects both children's and even adult skin
    • Some manufacturers use sodium carbonate peroxide - this is an optical component, but it considers harmless
    • In general, for the children's organism, the most ordinary hydrogen peroxide will be an ideal bleach. He can handle stains and wins microbes
  6. Flavors. Yes, they give a pleasant aroma to things. But any fragrance for the children's respiratory system can be dangerous.
  7. Enzymes. They fight with spots of protein origin. They are considered harmless powder. Provided that they were carried out without the use of GMOs.
  8. Air conditioners and various softeners. They should not be in the composition of the children's powder, since they are not completely raised from the fabric.

These are the main components that can most often be seen as part of children's powder. Now let's see what composition of the powder located at your home? Compared?

What should be a children's washing powder?

  • Lose PAV (any and in any quantity).
  • GOST phosphates should not exceed 5% (ideally, it should not be at all), but look at the composition of the powders on the shelves. What picture is observed? Yes, it significantly exceeds this figure.
  • Optical and chlorine bleach should be excluded. It has already been written above that it is better for children's linen to switch to peroxide.
  • The powder should not have a pungent odor. And even better, at all without flavorings and softeners.
  • Unfortunately, this can only be checked at home, but a good powder should not foam very much (otherwise, this indicates a large number of surfactants), but is obliged to quickly dissolve in water.
  • Of course, there should be a sign of "hypoallergenic" and the footnote - "Suitable for newborns."
Demand for the composition of children's powder
Demand for the composition of children's powder

But, unfortunately, the inscription "for children" does not make the powder for children. To make sure of this, just look at their composition. This does not mean that children's things can be washed by adult powder. No way. Simply, you need to carefully study the composition before buying powder.

Liquid remedy for washing children's linen AQA Baby: Description

Liquid powders are considered significantly better than powder products. After all, they dissolve faster in water, they are better raised, and, therefore, less harmful to the body.

The advantages of such powder:

  • There are no phosphates in their composition. We have already examined its effect on the body. Therefore, this can be called the main advantage of such a powder.
  • There is no chlorine in its composition. And its effect on the child's body is no less negative.
  • Also in it there are no dyes and other aggressive reagents.
  • This item is a little about the component, but such a powder has a very affordable price. And he copes with the spots quite well. Of course, if you immediately soak them, and even better rub with soap.
AQA set
AQA set

Flaws (as without them):

  • The largest minus is the presence of surfactants. The composition indicates a very small, permissible value. But, based on customer reviews, such a tool foams very much. And we have already mentioned that this is the merit of everyone's beloved surfactants.
  • There is a smell, in moderation. But this indicates the presence of flavorings. In principle, meeting a powder without smell is nonsense.
  • There are also preservatives. Without them, of course, the powder simply will not be stored for a long time. But their effect is not very good for the child's body.

Therefore, it is impossible to call such a powder ideal. But, within acceptable limits, it is great for washing children's linen. It really does not cause allergic reactions (only if there is individual intolerance to any components). The only thing is that old spots or very caustic ones does not wash off well enough. Therefore, before washing, it is desirable to soak things.

Burti children's linen washing products: Description

Such funds are also in loose and liquid state. It is worth noting right away that their composition is slightly different. This product of German origin, so yes, is carefully monitored there. But the price, although justified, bites a little. Especially if you take into account the fact that children's things are very often erased.

Liquid agent (pros and cons):

  • Washing the spots with a bang! But the composition contains phosphates and surfactants, which, directly, cope with this task. Their content is minimal, therefore, health risk is significantly reduced. But still there is. As they say, in comparison with other powders, their number is included in the framework of the permissible value.
  • Its composition contains optical bleaches. Which is very lowering such a good description. Given what price category, you can use other, more sparing bleach.
For children's things
For children's things

Washing powder:

  • It does not have phosphates. At all! This is a big plus. Yes, they were changed to other components that do not have such a negative effect on the child's body.
  • But there is a sur. It is within normal, but present. Thanks to this, in fact, it is good to foam and stains perfectly with spots.
  • And most importantly, the composition contains flavorings and substances that retain brightness and slow down the staining process. Agree, for children's powder they should not be at all. They are not completely lined with things, so there is an effect (albeit small) on the child’s body.

Liquid remedy for washing children's underwear Amvei with SA8BABY air conditioning: Description

Studying its composition, you can even be surprised that this is generally possible. The composition is crazy and minimal, and most importantly - safe.

  • Yes, the composition includes surfactants. The fact is that there are several subspecies, and non -ionogenic surfactants are used. They are considered safe for both the environment and for the health of the baby. They fight pollution well, and things after washing become soft and pleasant to the touch.
  • One nuance - with strong pollution, can not always be able to cope. But this cannot be called a disadvantage. After all, spots from fruits or grass, for example, are poorly washed away by any means.
Emway washing sets
Emway washing sets
  • The rest of the components do not carry out any harm to the body. Of course, the list does not indicate which fragrance is used. But, based on the price, it should not be synthetic.
  • Therefore, the price can be considered the only drawback.

Children's washing powder Baby Ambay: Description

Also a German manufacturer, who found many fans. If compared with other, for example, domestic powders, then the composition certainly wins.

  • Nononogenic surfactants are also used, which are included in the limits of the permissible value and are harmless. But their number is very inaccurately indicated. Too big range.
  • I use oxygen, which is a big plus for children's powder.
  • There are no phosphates! This is the main advantage of such a powder.
  • The only optical whitening and fragrance are still better not to use. Although synthetic substances should not be used in German production. But specifically, which are involved, is not indicated.
  • In general, in comparison with other powders, the composition is very good. The effectiveness of the powder is confirmed by many young mothers. Yes, with some spots can be able to cope. But the high price is fully consistent with quality and result.

Children's washing powder PIGEON: Description

Japanese powder, the composition of which is surprising. In the pleasant sense of the word. Now I want to find fault with something, but either natural components or harmless substances are used.

  • The absence of surfactants and phosphates is the main advantage of such a tool. The composition of them is not indicated, and when washing the powder foams very weakly. What is natural proof of this.
  • The main component is soda (as it is called in folk speech). Her cleaning and disinfecting properties has been known since time immemorial.
  • You can talk for a long time about all the advantages of such a powder. In general, the price, although slightly higher than ordinary washing powders, is fully justified by its composition and result.
  • The only thing that contains the flavor and dye. Although the powder has absolutely no smell. Maybe he is just in a minimum amount. It was already possible to do without it, especially without colored granules (as you know, they serve only for volume).
  • By the way, there is not a single Russian word on the package. In order to be able to understand its composition and use, a special sticker with instructions is used. To some extent, this is a confirmation that the powder is really done in Japan and you can be sure of its quality.

Frosch children's linen washing products: Description

A very expensive remedy that many may not be affordable for many. Therefore, let's figure it out in more detail whether he is worth the money.

  • The absence of phosphates is the main plus. In general, even on the package, it indicates that no harmful substances are used.
  • Pavs are present, but they are of plant origin. Therefore, they are quickly rinsed and do not harm the skin of the baby.
  • Some are embarrassed by the smell (flavorings are present). But this is a matter of taste. If you look from the other side, this only confirms that harmful fragrances are not used.
We wash easily baby linen
We wash easily baby linen
  • The formation of a large foam is not such a pleasant signal. This only suggests that PAV is in large quantities. And, you must admit, it is hard to rinse any foam.
  • But on the other hand, such a tool copes with stains remarkably. Of course, it is better to soak too old or complex spots.
  • If we talk about the bleaching effect, the result is noticeable and will not be long in coming.
  • Another, although not the most important plus, can be considered the absence of dyes. They are useless children's skin!

Means for washing children's linen Meine Liebe: Description

Another remedy that has a pleasant composition and is harmless to the child's body:

  • No phosphates! It has already been mentioned that foreign manufacturers have long abandoned this harmful substance.
  • There are surfactants, but in small quantities and, as they write, non -ionogenic. That is, they are harmless to the child's body.
  • A big plus - there are no flavors and dyes. Yes, the gel is completely colorless and has a neutral smell (no frosty freshness or aroma of flowers).
  • He copes with pollution quickly and efficiently. But the old spots, which are displayed only by the stain coir, unfortunately, this tool cannot do.
Washing products
Washing products
  • It should also be noted that such a tool does not have chlorine. This is a big plus. And whiten things well.
  • The only drawback can be considered the price. Although, this is a slightly controversial question. You can buy a less expensive tool, but its composition will be doubtful. Therefore, see what outweigns on your weights - price or safety.

Japanese powders for washing children's linen: Description

Above, one Japanese production powder has been considered. But there are other companies that deserve special attention.

Clean powder KAO "Attack" Bio Ex Japonica:

  • It also goes without phosphates and chlorine, and surfactants are used in minimal quantities. And the composition contains non -onogenic surfactants.
  • The only one includes a fragrance and an optical bleach. Since, we have already figured out their effect on the child's body, it is advisable to exclude their presence. Although, when compared with our usual powders, even such a nuance acts as a plus.
  • The powder contains small colored fillers. This is not scary, but they are needed only for volume. Therefore, you do not need to blindly believe advertising.
  • With spots and pollution of varying degrees, such a tool copes with a wonderful. After the first washing, things become whiter and more pleasant to the touch. True, if you take a kitchen towel for the experiment, then all spots will not be able to do it. But their number will be significantly reduced, and they will become less noticeable.
Washing products from Japan
Washing products from Japan

Another famous brand of Japanese powder is Lion:

  • Well, no phosphates and chlorine - this is a plus. Oxygen bleach is used - this is also good.
  • But the composition contains anionic surfactants. Yes, the cost of such powder will be lower. But the baby’s skin will not affect the best way. Even in minimal quantities.
  • The powder has a slight smell, there are small color additives that do not significantly affect the overall description.
  • In general, he copes well with spots, things will be pleasant after washing. And such a tool can be considered an economical option.

Baby budget powder "Sama Baby":

  • Wipe off well, the color retains quite well. But he fights only with light spots.
  • The price will be a plus, it is more than affordable. But the previous point shows how the price can affect the result.
  • And the main minus is the composition. Pava is used within permissible limits, but the effect on the children's body does not improve.
  • There is also a fragrance, preservative and optical bleach. We already figured out that in children's powder there should not be at all (ideally).

What detergents are best chosen for machine washing of a newborn laundry?

In general, now powders are released, which are suitable for manual and machine washing. If the package indicates only a washing machine, then it is not intended for manual washing (and vice versa).

Above, we examined several options for powders that have a relatively harmless composition. And which tool is better to choose - it depends only on you. Therefore, it is worth giving only some recommendations.

  • On the weight of the scales there is a safe composition and price. Yes, a powder, which does not have a negative effect on the skin of the baby and the environment, costs a lot. Based on a small analysis, you can distinguish the powders of Amvei and PigEon. They have the safest composition.
  • In principle, any powder dissolves well in hot or warm water, especially in the washing machine. Better, of course, gel -like consistency. But be sure to study the components of the powder. After all, a liquid agent does not mean that it is harmless.
  • Many prefer such a tool as "eared nannies." Yes, in our market he has long earned respect among many. But! He has a very dubious composition. Therefore, budget powders must be put on additional rinse. And then there is no guarantee that all substances are completely erased.
  • No need to use too much product. Believe me, a lot of foam will not make things clean, but only leave many unnecessary substances, which will then contact the skin of the child.
  • Even if there is severe pollution and it is indicated to add some grams or milliliters, put a little less. This will not affect the quality of washing, unless the aroma will be less pronounced (and it should not be for children's linen at all).
Means for washing things of newborn
Means for washing things of newborn
  • Do not load the machine to the top. That's right, if there is a place in at least one palm. But, since the children love to be very much soaking, you can at two. More free space (but within reasonable limits), it will affect the quality of the washing itself.
  • Do not add whitters, stain coils and air conditioners! For whiteness, add peroxide, soaking and preliminary manual washing will help from stains, and it is better to take essential oil for smell (tea tree oil will be especially useful, since it also has a disinfectant property).

What detergents are best chosen for manual laundry of a newborn laundry?

It has already been said that powders and gels are mainly released now, like two in one. Therefore, if there is an image of a hand on the package, then the powder is suitable for manual washing.

  • Ideally, it is better to take soap (we consider the options below). After all, their composition is much safer, the substances dissolve faster in water and are easier to rinse.
  • Based on the composition of the powder, select the one that will be as harmless as possible. Things need to be soaked in hot water for at least half an hour. If there are strong spots, then you can longer. Or rub them with soap.
  • It is necessary to dilute in a large amount of water. First in hot, then in cold water. After all, even the most harmless remedy is hard to completely remove with your hands.
  • In general, manual washing is more suitable for pre -washing (for example, heavy pollution). After all, whatever one may say, the washing machine to cope with her task better and the mother will have more free time.

What soap to buy for washing children's clothing and baby underwear?

It is worth noting right away that the composition of any soap for washing linen (including children's things) is much better than washing powder. More precisely, it is less harmful. The main difference is the absence of surfactants and phosphates!

  • We will not disassemble the composition completely and each soap separately, since they, if not identical, are similar.
  • Do not be afraid of incomprehensible names (for example, Sodium something), for soap, as a rule, components of only plant and animal origin are used. They are absolutely harmless to the skin and health of the baby, as well as for the environment.
  • Peg-400 is more, as a binder (so that soap turns out to be solid), it has no negative effects. It is also used in cosmetology and medicine.
  • But choose soap where there are no optical or chlorine bleach, as well as the content of dyes and flavors should be minimal. If the soap has a strong and pungent smell or it has a snow -white color - this is the merit of unnecessary components.

Is it possible to wash baby underwear with household soap?

This remedy has not a very attractive appearance and does not smell like rose petals, but it is the laundry of laundry who deservedly receives the title - perfect! Without exaggeration.

  • Today, this is the most natural washing tool. Its main components are animal fats and sodium salt.
  • This soap copes with any spots perfectly. And also acts as an excellent disinfectant.
  • Therefore, it is not only possible for them, but it is better to wash children's things.
  • For washing machines, it can be grated (only washed at a temperature of at least 60 ° C). Or make a home-made gel-100 g of soap, 100 g of soda (preferably calcified) and 4-5 liters of water. Heat over low heat until the soap is completely dissolved. Add soda at the end.

Video: How to wash children's things? Tips of Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. For a long time I was looking for a powder that I like. Either the spots were not washed, then in children the allergy began. And then at the mamm forum they advised me a reflection and then finally found my powder. Washes everything with a bang and no allergic reaction in children. The composition of the powder is safe, which pleases, especially in the house, children.

  2. Thank you, it was interesting to read. I’m looking for a powder myself that I would suit all the parameters.

  3. My child is quite allergic, and especially reacts to powders, so of course I tried to choose good powders, but if the child’s reaction began to use them immediately. Now I use the Powder Reflect for Children. The child has no reaction, and it is well washed out things.

  4. Olga, thanks for your comment, I have already honestly tried powders, so when I read it, I thought that if I try not to lose my child’s reflex. But you know you decided on it and stop. Now children's things and clean, since the powder is washed well, and plus when children are worn, they do not itch, as it used to be.

  5. Thank you for the article. I'll keep it on mind.

  6. plus, in favor of powder, a children's reflex. You know, I don’t even wash them children's things, but also my own))) I just like how to wash it off, although this company also has other powders, but I think so, why I am spending, since I buy children)))

  7. I use the gel medium ecolife
    This is really a find for washing the child’s linen with atopic dermatitis

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