What is the coldest place on Earth? The coldest inhabited place, point in the world. The coldest, low temperature on planet Earth

What is the coldest place on Earth? The coldest inhabited place, point in the world. The coldest, low temperature on planet Earth

List of the coldest places on Earth.

There are a lot of cold places in the world in which it would seem absolutely impossible to live. But actually it is not. As practice shows, even in the coldest part of the Earth people live. In this article we will talk about the coldest corners on planet Earth.

The coldest, low temperature on planet Earth

The most frosty corner of our planet is the village that is located in Antarctica. This is the Vostok station. The absolute minimum of the temperature, which has ever been recorded on the planet, was found here at -89 s, in August. The rest of the year is the warmest weather. The minimum indicators here are recorded in August, the average temperature is -65 degrees. The warmer in this corner of the planet in January and February. The values \u200b\u200bon the thermometer in these months here increase to -39 C. The maximum indicator that has ever been recorded here is -13 degrees. There are never plus values \u200b\u200bon the thermometer.

In the summer, there are 40 people at the station, and in winter only 20. All products to the station are delivered by aircraft only in the summer. The scientists here are engaged in the study of climate and magnetic field of the Earth.

The worst period for the inhabitants of the Vostok station was 1982. It was this year that a terrible fire occurred at the station, as a result of which the generator failed. Accordingly, the residents of the station were heated not with the help of generators, but drowned the bourgeois for eight months. Almost all the time, certain work, research are underway at the station.

Scheme of Lake Vostok
Scheme of Lake Vostok

The secret of the coldest lake of the East

The fact is that near the East station there is a lake with the same name. It is covered with 4 km of ice, under which the temperature is quite warm and rises to a level of +10 degrees. The most interesting thing is that this lake is significantly different from all those that are available on planet Earth. Accordingly, living organisms live in it are still unknown to humanity. Such an interest in this lake is due to the fact that some planets of the Solar System, as well as one of the companions of the Great Planet Europe, differs in a similar climate. The satellite has a huge thickness of ice. The study of this lake will help to bring humanity closer to the cosmos, and to realize the processes, as well as learn more living organisms that may be on them, despite very low temperatures.

Since the reserves at the station arrive only in the summer, and by plane, at another time you can get here only with the help of sanos-gosenic transport. The closest settlement that is closest to the Vostok station is also the Russian Mirny station.

Despite the very low temperature, these points of the Earth are of great importance for all of mankind. Since they allow us to study and find new living organisms that are still unknown by many researchers and scientists. Perhaps these research will bring us closer to the secrets of space.

Ice Lake
Ice Lake

Life in Lake East:

  • Now there are only 15 people at the Russian Research Station Vostok. This is due to a decrease in financing research since 2015. Now the number of drillers who are engaged in making holes for the research of the lake has been reduced to only several people.
  • Regarding the studies that were conducted on this lake. There are several theories and conclusions: the first American, and the second Russian.
  • The Americans believe that a more difficult life is possible under a huge thickness of ice. That is, ancient fish and mollusks can live there. This is due to the fact that American scientists have found a bacterium that does not live without fish in water. Accordingly, its presence in water may indicate that fish can be found in the lake.
  • At the same time, Russian scientists reject this theory. They suggest that a completely different bacterium lives in the lake, which is in no way connected with all known species available on Earth. The bacterium is similar to an alien, only it was found in an earthly life.
  • Scientists believe that if such a bacterium was found in the conditions of Mars or some kind of space of the cosmos, then she undoubtedly talked about the presence of life. But the fact is that the bacterium was found in this lake, and its DNA is not at all like DNA of any well -known earth bacteria.
  • In addition, a thermophilic bacterium was found in the lake, which lives under 30-70 degrees Celsius. Before that, she was found only in hot springs. Accordingly, many scientists made conclusions that under this huge thickness of ice, in principle, hot springs are possible that warm up water that is closest to the bottom.
Vostok station
Vostok station

The coldest inhabited place, point in the world: Description


  • It is worth noting that the most frosty inhabited corner is the settlement in Yakutia, which is called Oymyakon. But the fact is that it is two villages of Yakutia that share the title of the coldest corners of the planet among themselves - this Oymyakon And Verkhoyansk. These places are called the poles of the cold. Indeed, here the thermometer level drops to a 70 degrees. Officially, the minimum temperature at -68 degrees was recorded in Verkhoyansk, but there is information that during the academician expedition, a temperature of -71 was recorded, and a little later -77. But since no meteorological observation in this village was conducted, respectively, no one can confirm the data, respectively.
  • If we take into account the location above sea level, it is worth noting that the most frosty place on Earth is just Oymyakon. The fact is that it is located above sea level at an altitude of 741 m, despite the fact that the Vostok station, in Antarctica, is located above sea level more than 3 km. If you compare this data, then the lowest temperature is really in the Oymyakon. As for the official data, in this town he recorded at -67 degrees. This is the data of official weather observations.
  • The third most frosty corner on planet Earth is the station North ice, in Greenlandwhich is located in North America. Here the temperature dropped to the level of 66.

  • As for the mainland part of North America, here in the settlement SNAG, in Canada, The temperature was recorded at -63. Here is such a cold temperature that now this village is abandoned, no one lives in it. But sometimes extreme tourists come.

    SNAG, Canada
    SNAG, Canada
  • Another cold corner on the ground is the village Ust Schugorwhich is located in the Komi Republic, Russia. Here the temperature is fixed at -58. The most interesting thing is that only 50 people live in this village.

    Ust Schugor
    Ust Schugor
  • Oddly enough, but it is very cold not only at the North Pole, but also in the southern and rather warm countries of Australia and Oceania, as well as in South America. So, the coldest city in South America is Sarmiento. Here the temperature was recorded at -33. For these places, this is really very cold, because mainly in South America a sufficiently warm temperature, and always very hot summer.

  • As for Australia and Oceania, here the most frosty corner is the city of Renferly. Here the temperature was fixed at -26.

  • As for the hottest place on the planet - Africa, the temperature in Morocco, and was fixed at -24.


As you can see, there are a lot of cold places on the planet. Moreover, most of them are just inhabited. Even at research stations, expeditions live, people.

The coldest place on Earth

Also, one of the coldest places is the former Aismitte station, in Greenland. The temperature here was fixed by the level of -64 degrees. This is exactly the station at which the Vegener expedition was held. The mass of the expedition participants received a lot of frostbite and skin damage. Alfred Vegher himself died from hypothermia.


It is impossible not to include the city of Vorkuta, which is located in the Komi Republic. The fact is that this city is located in the permafrost zone. Because of its subarctic climate, winter is more than 9 months a year. Even in summer, snow and frost is possible. The temperature here can drop below 50 degrees with a minus mark.


Despite severe cold and frost, people live in these cold places. It is difficult to get used to such a climate.

Video: the coldest places on the planet

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