What food is better to feed a cat: the best feeds are the advice of veterinarians. Types of cat feed, dangerous cat food - how to choose a good cat food?

What food is better to feed a cat: the best feeds are the advice of veterinarians. Types of cat feed, dangerous cat food - how to choose a good cat food?

Review of the best cat feed.

Pets for pets should be balanced, as for people. Animals need a specific ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the stern. In this article we will tell you what kind of cat food is the best.

Types of cat food: dry, liquid, damp

It is worth noting that the food of cats is significantly different from dog feed. The fact is that dogs need more carbohydrates and fewer proteins. Since the relatives of the cats are predators, there should be a large number of proteins and meat products in the diet of these feline pets.

Accordingly, the feeds for cats contain many proteins and a small amount of carbohydrates and fats. However, not all feeds that are available on store shelves are equally useful and suitable for your pet.

Types of feed for cats:

  • Dry. These are well -known small balls or records can be sold in the form of peas or oblong sticks. They look like dry snacks of different colors. Contain a lot of protein, as well as carbohydrates.
  • Liquid food Or it is also called preservative. Sold in packages, or conserva.
  • Raw food. This is nutrition for cats, which is as close as possible to what happens in the wild. It is made from products that can be consumed for people. Fresh raw meat, fish, quail eggs, fruits and vegetables can be present, oat bran can be present. So far, there are a small amount on the Russian market in Russia, the main drawback is that they are sold in frozen form. This is a normal practice for European countries, but So far, this way of feeding cats is unusual. 
Food for cats
Food for cats

Which is better, dry food or canned food for cats?

In its composition, both liquid and dry food are almost the same. With the correct choice of feed, it contains almost the same amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, regardless of whether it is dry or liquid.


  • Veterinarians recommend giving preference to dry feed, but somewhere a third of the total diet should be liquid or canned products. Please note that the ideal option for a domestic animal is natural food, which is prepared independently from meat and fish.
  • The ideal option is boiled fish meat cut into small cubes. However, this takes time, and quite expensive. That is why we prefer dry stern or what is sold in the form of canned food.
  • It is worth noting that veterinarians believe that a dry product must be given to animals correctly. There is practically no moisture in it, which can negatively affect the outbuilding system of the animal. That is, if you do not comply with the rules, then your cat will soon begin problems with the kidneys or bladder.
  • Quite often, kidney stones occur due to the use of dry product. This is due to the lack of fluid in the body, which removes salt from the kidneys. Therefore, if you give such food, pour animals a lot of water. In general, veterinarians recommend that there is a third of canned food or liquid goodies for the animal in the diet.
Eating food
Eating food

What food is better to feed a cat: veterinarians' tips

Many of us think that it is very important to pay attention to the consistency of feed, that is, dry or wet. However, in fact, this is a delusion, because the composition of high -quality dry and wet food is almost the same. More attention must be paid to the class class.

Feed quality:

  • Almost all advertising on television is carried out with the aim of promoting cheap goods economy class. There are very few proteins and a high content of carbohydrates in such products. This option is not suitable for constant feeding of animals 3 times a day. It is believed that this is food for stray animals, and its main purpose is to kill the feeling of hunger. That is, to constantly feed your pet that you value, such a product is not worth it. The cheap economy class feeds include Kitekat, Whiskas. Many of the manufacturers of economy class feed take money for the name and promotion of advertising. Although in fact the goods are no better than the less well -known manufacturers of economy class feed. Remember that there are very few nutrients in such a product, there are practically no vitamins. Therefore, we advise you to refuse to use this kind of food. Go to more expensive options.
  • Premium feed. In composition, such products are much better than economy class, because they contain more animal protein, and natural meat is present. The number of offal, cereal, as well as substances that can cause allergies in cats are reduced. Veterinarians recommend feeding cats with products at least this class level. The main advantage is that the price is more or less affordable, although it is much higher than economy class products, but the composition is better than that of cheap dry food. Because manufacturers often introduce natural meat, fruits, vegetables, as well as mineral additives and vitamins. Accordingly, in this way, your cat will live longer, and will be healthier.
  • Super premium class. This species feed is pretty good, which contains at least 50% natural meat, there is practically no cartilage and bone flour. There are also no cereal, as well as substances that can cause allergies in a cat. Products are proven, but cost is quite high. Sold in animal stores, you can also order veterinary clinics. Sometimes such products can be purchased via the Internet. In ordinary supermarkets and grocery stores, there are practically no such products. This is due to the high price and small volumes of production. The product is quite high quality, but has a high price.
  • Holistic class feed. This is one of the best options for cats, because it is created to feed tribal breeds, as well as animals that participate in exhibitions. It contains everything that is most necessary for the animal’s body, including vitamins, minerals and additives. There are no preservatives and dyes. In addition, there are also no allergens. All products are grown without the addition of hormones and pesticides. Accordingly, the allergenicity of such products is minimal. However, the cost is very high for such a food, while it cannot be purchased on free sale, but it is necessary to order via the Internet or bought at special animal exhibitions. Because this type of product is not for a wide level of consumers.
Cat food
Cat food

Best cat feeds: veterinarians' tips - a review of cat feed

According to veterinarians, the best food is the one that contains maximum proteins, a little less fat, and a minimum of carbohydrates. Experts believe that in such a product there should be natural meat and fish, vitamins and minerals, as well as organic components that make up natural fruits and vegetables.

In addition, fiber should contain fiber in order to make feces easily removed from the intestines of the animal. Not all feeds meet all these requirements. Below is a list of the most popular and best, as well as healthy animal feed.


  • Orijen Cats Kitten. The most interesting thing is that this is a cholistic class. Accordingly, he has a rather high price. The composition contains more than 41% of natural meat, there are completely no offal. The composition also contains natural fruits and vegetables, vitamins and trace elements. This feed can be fed kittens, also breeding animals. All products of this brand are produced in Canada and tested in the laboratory. You can give kittens.

    Origin Cats Kitten
  • Now Natural. This feed of American production contains boneless meat, with the addition of prebiotics, natural fruits and vegetables. Ideal for feeding kittens, as well as adults. Refers to the food of the premium class. It cannot be purchased on a retail network, but you can easily order via the Internet.

    Now Natural
  • 1st Choice. This is a line of super-premium class for animals, Canadian production. More than a third of the composition of the feed is natural meat. In addition, fish oil, natural chicken eggs were introduced as proteins into food. Plant components are also present. It does not contain cereals, as well as substances that cause allergies in pets. You can buy via the Internet. Sometimes sold in veterinary clinics, or in animal stores.

    1st Choice
  • Wellness. This is a product of a holistic class, for cats participating in exhibitions. More than 50% of the feed - natural meat. In addition, the composition contains potatoes, tomatoes, cranberries, as well as natural plant components. It does not contain flour, cartilage, as well as preservatives and enhancers of taste. It is produced in the USA and strictly controlled by the laboratory. Holistic class feed can be consumed even by people, because their composition is completely natural, in no way harms the body.


Dangerous food for cats: what should be the composition of the feed for cats?

As you can see, there are a huge number of animal feed, but not all of them are the best, it can be useful for your pet. Please note that for sterilized cats, as well as castrated cats, the content of protein in the stern can be slightly lower than for animals that can multiply.

This is due to changes in the body and its needs. Accordingly, before purchasing any feed, consult a veterinarian. He will adequately assess the condition of your animal, will also advise special types of feed that will suit your pet.

What is the danger of cheap food for cats:

  • High content of preservatives, as well as flavor amplifiers. The fact is that the animal very quickly gets used to this stern, after which it does not want to eat any other. This is done by feed manufacturers in order to plant the animal on this product.
  • Never count on advertising, and do not trust it. Most products that can be seen on television screens do not comply with animal standards. The composition contains a lot of bone flour, cartilage, preservatives, also cereals. Instead of meat, offal are added. That is, it is gibleted, guts, skin, as well as the ears and tails of pigs, cows and other animals.
  • A lot of chicken or goose skin, which differ in high fat content, but a small amount of nutrients. Such food except for obesity, and excessive load on the kidneys does not give anything. Quite often, to increase the content of proteins, so -cheap food is added, and modified. A lot of flour, as well as starch. This is all difficult to call a balanced diet for a cat, and even more so cannot be called useful.
  • We advise you not to purchase food for cats in supermarkets, because economy class products are usually sold here. That is, it is all known to Kitikat, or Whiskas. There are few useful ingredients, and there are practically no natural meat. If you really want to purchase a high -quality and healthy food for your pet, which will contain a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, we advise you to seek help from a veterinarian. Also, high -quality food can be purchased on the Internet, or veterinary clinics.
Feed for cats
Feed for cats

How to choose a good cat food?


  • Try to still adhere to the correct dosing of dry and wet food. It is necessary that at least a third of the entire diet of the cat for a day is wet food. This will help minimize the possible occurrence of kidney problems, as well as the bladder. If you sometimes feed the animal with poor food, that is, economy class, you must introduce additional natural protein, as well as vitamins and mineral components.
  • Because there are practically no economies and vitamins in the composition of economy class feed. Some manufacturers write that the composition of group A B and C contains, however, their insignificant amount, which in no way replenishes the daily norm of these components in the body.
  • What is it worth paying attention to when acquiring food for cats? A prerequisite is the inscription “balanced, optimal balance or nutritious”.Besides, It is also necessary that the percentage of protein in the stern is indicated, and not the total amount,and more specifically By type of meat and food. Because some unscrupulous sellers replace most of the meat with offal, as well as plant proteins.
  • A great option if in the stern of at least two natural sources of protein. That is, it is meat and fish. Please note that the composition may also contain vitamin E and C. Mandatorycheck out With an indicatordigestibility. it means heat Above the digestibility of feed, the less it can be given by domestic animal. Accordingly, the savings of such a product will be observed, and the pet will be faster to eat it.
  • What should not be in the composition of the cat for a cat? Bone ingredient is boneflour.Besides, Do not purchasefeed, where The high norm is indicatedfeeding. That is, to eat an animal needseat very much A lot of such a product. There should be no dyes andflavorings, And also a lot of corn, wheat and cereals. There should be no more than 50%of them. 
Home pet
Home pet

Remember, good food cannot be cheap. This is due to the high cost of meat and fish ingredients. If you do not want your cat to use a lot of wheat and corn to use a lot of food, purchase the feed of trusted manufacturers.

 Video: cat food

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