Conspiracies, rituals and rituals on the waning moon. What conspiracies can be read on the waning moon?

Conspiracies, rituals and rituals on the waning moon. What conspiracies can be read on the waning moon?

The article contains the most effective conspiracies that are pronounced on the waning moon.

The article contains conspiracies that will save from loneliness, from enemies, rivals, will help to reconcile, cure the disease.

Conspiracy on the waning moon from diseases

Conspiracies from diseases are selected depending on what and where it hurts. You need to read the text of the conspiracy on the flawed moon, thereby starting the process of deliverance.

If you started crinking your teeth, read such a conspiracy:

“The lips, teeth of wolves, foxes, hares, marten crumble, break up
Do not touch my teeth. Like a strong stone Alatyr,
So my teeth are strong, so my words modeling and chains.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracies from diseases
Conspiracies from diseases

If you want to get rid of eczema, then read the following words:

There are three dawn in the sky: one clear, the other red, and the third beautiful.
As you shine in the sky, the same slave of God (name), the disease is relieved. Amen.

After reading the conspiracy, the sore spot is sprayed with the stated water. You also need to wash yourself with this water.

If you have flux, then conduct the following ritual to the waning moon:

  • draw a cross on your cheek with your saliva and say these words:

You are my mother, evening star, I complain to you for twelve maiden, Herod daughters. Like all stars in the sky cannot be counted, so my body does not hurt or suffer. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Treatment with conspiracies should supplement the main treatment
Treatment with conspiracies should supplement the main treatment

Conspiracies for trading on the waning moon: Ritual

If the goods purchased with the last money lies with a dead cargo on the shelves, then the conspiracy will help to establish trade and not get into debts.

  • The text of the conspiracy is read to the flawed moon. Before the rite, you need to buy a hinged castle in the morning until the start of the working day.
  • When the working day is over, take a new clean rag, wipe the shelves and window sills, wash the floor with this rag.
  • Close the lock and shut the key in a rag, saying the words:

“Beztorgov, poverty and wretchedness, bypass me (name)  side. Swim to you Do not return to me and to me (name). I will trade well and help out a lot of money. I’m closing my word for the key, which I let in the water. Amen"

Trading conspiracy
Trading conspiracy
  • After the ritual, the rag must be thrown into the pond, and the lock is bury where no one goes and does not appear.
Before reading a conspiracy, wipe the floors with a new rag
Before reading a conspiracy, wipe the floors with a new rag

Another text is read after the same preliminary actions:

“The impoverished, dashingly tedious, dashing loss, do not touch me, slaveGod (name), be quiet, away by swim, do not call me with you. Lie down under the snag, hold the clawsteping cancer, a fool’s fool. In order not to wear Otvyev and do not be the poor forever, so as to sell the goods and do not dig up the goods. Take you off the wave, I am rich and free. I send poverty away, I close the words on the key. Castle in the company, and the key to the water. Amen".

Conspiracy for good luck on the waning moon: rite

After watching the video, you will learn how to properly conduct a rite to attract good luck.

Video: Rite of attracting good luck on the full moon and on the waning moon

Rival conspiracy to the waning moon

This conspiracy is very strong. He will help you get rid of your opponent. Read a magic text on the flawed moon.

Conspiracy from the rival
Conspiracy from the rival

“Go away, the rival is damned, let your love be crucified. Oh moon, Return mine to me, and send someone else to being. I will not give my soul mate either the devil or the worst enemies! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

A conspiracy from enemies waning moon

You can also draw a ritual of unholes from an evil person on a flawed moon.

  • It is necessary to light 3 candles placed in the following order: two low candles - along the edges, and high - between them.
  • Having clenched your hands in front of you in the castle, try to look at the flame of a high candle without blinking and read the conspiracy three times:

As the devil does not take God's gaze, fire - water, body - arrows,
As a blind man does not see, the deaf does not hear, the dead does not breathe,
So that I, the servant of God (name), (name), do not see and did not hear,
I didn’t come close to me, I didn’t create intrigues against me.
I did not crumble, did not swear, did not scold, did not bother, did not talk about me, did not write,
The authorities did not remember. Like our blood dead and ancestors
They are lying in the ground, they do not hear the singing of the church, they do not see the sun of the sun,
They are not baptized, not prayed, they are not home, they are not going to the temple,
They don’t fit in the post, they don’t eat eggs in Easter,
The outfits do not change, they do not remember themselves,
So the servant of God (name) would not remember, did not remember me, did not see and did not know.
If my conspiracy is strong at all times and at any future. Century forever. Amen.

  • After that, you need to leave the candles littered in order to burn out to the end.
  • After such a ritual, an evil person will stop bothering you because of his problems or disappear altogether.
Conspiracy from enemies
Conspiracy from enemies

Loneliness conspiracy on the waning moon

A lonely person can perform magical actions on the flawed moon and find a soul mate, or make faithful friends.

Such rituals are not considered sinful or dark, so do not worry about God's disgrace. Conspiracies that will save you from loneliness are equated with prayers, because they have an appeal to the Lord.

Women should conduct a ritual on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. Before this, you need to fast 3 days (do not eat meat products).

Conspiracy from loneliness
Conspiracy from loneliness

You will need:

  • handkerchief
  • icon with the face of the Virgin
  • holy water
  • cross
  • salt
  • wax from non -church candle

Put the icon on the table. Pour the holy water in a saucer and put a cross in it. Put a saucer opposite the icon. Pour a little salt in a saucer with water and say:

“I’ll go early, holding the cross in my hands, trying on myself. At the church there is an angel It does not let me in. I have an angry seal, fierce sorrow. I’ll go into the field clean, I will find a green oak. There, the Mother of God will meet me, drive my longing. The lonely crown will remove, give grace. "

Such conspiracies should only be resorted to if no other methods help
Such conspiracies should only be resorted to if no other methods help
  • Lower your right palm in a saucer and, having touched the water, spend your hair. Do it three times.
  • Cut the hair curl and put in a spoon with melted wax. Pour everything in a saucer with holy water and put on a scarf.
  • After the rite, bury the wax at the porch and light a candle over this place to burn to the end.
  • Do not take off the scarf during the day and do not eat meat.
  • You can strengthen the action of the conspiracy by visiting the church and putting 12 candles at the icon of the Virgin. Satter something for 7 days: give alms or refrain from classes your favorite hobby.
A conspiracy that will help from loneliness is a simple magic ritual. He is completely safe for the performer, even a beginner in magic can perform it, and he acts quickly enough
A conspiracy that will help from loneliness is a simple magic ritual. He is completely safe for the performer, even a beginner in magic can perform it, and he acts quickly enough

If a conspiracy from loneliness The man will read, then he should wait for a men's day (Tuesday, Thursday or Monday). The head scarf in this case is replaced by the bow, and the icon is not the Virgin, but Jesus or another martyr.

Conspiracies to work on the waning moon

From the video you will find out what conspiracies to work on the damage moon.

Video: Conspiracies on the waning moon, on love, work and wealth

Plot for separation on the waning moon

To separate the husband and wife who loves each other, a very active magical ritual with the use of blood is needed, which is able to break their union.

Even experienced magicians do not advise and do not undertake to fulfill such a rite, because the one who is the performer will experience the consequences of the ritual.

Pursuing a good goal and having no malicious intent in the soul, you can perform a magical action. However, before the ritual, it is necessary to create powerful protection.

Conspiracy for separation
Conspiracy for separation

The positive result of the rite can only be counted if coldness or some indifference already appeared in the relations of the loving.

How to conduct a powerful ceremony for separation?

Read the conspiracy during the flawed moon, opening the window:

“An old swamp, black forest, raw grass, in acute murava, walked The she -wolf is gray, old, and behind it the dog is angry, and behind it a cat is sick. All of them stopped at one place at once, but they walked in a ball. The wool flew from them, and I looked at that fight. So that the servant of God (the name of the man) and you the servant of God (the name of the woman), so to dry, so to tear each other and also fight. So that you love each other, like a wolf a dog, and a dog is a cat. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

The advice of practitioners will help you to light up the quarrel. This magic has the consequences that you need to know about
The advice of practitioners will help you to light up the quarrel. This magic has the consequences that you need to know about

Conspiracy for reconciliation on the waning moon

Say the conspiracy to the flawed moon three times, without taking your eyes off the moon:

“A month leaves the sky, all quarrels and swearing between me and (The name of a person) takes away with him. As the moon from the sky will disappear, and let the quarrel disappear from our life! Amen!".

Important: the text of this short conspiracy cannot be read, but you need to know by heart.

Conspiracy for reconciliation
Conspiracy for reconciliation

Rejuvenation conspiracies read to the waning moon

  • Conspiracy read on the first day of the flawed moon. You need to wait for the sunset, take the most voluminous pan, which is in the house, and collect water into it.
  • Then all spoons are folded and a pack of coarse salt is filled up. The pan is placed on the fire before boiling.
  • Raising his hands over the boiled pan (at a safe distance), the conspiracy is quickly read:

“The fire warms up - the fat boils, the salt is corroded - fat it disappears, water Updates - it helps me. "

After that, you need to turn over the left shoulder and move away from the stove, to which then do not approach the boiling of all the water.

Conspiracy for rejuvenation
Conspiracy for rejuvenation

Then the spoons are washed with the words:

“Evil - Down with. May it be so"

Repeat three days in a row.

Conspiracy from wrinkles and acne

Read the water on the waning moon three times. After that, wash yourself with the spoke water 7 times and not wipe your face until the water dries.

“Water, take all wrinkles (acne, acne) from my face. Amen"

Conspiracy for a beautiful and slender figure

  • The rite is carried out during the waning moon, after it gets dark, without extra eyes. A glass of key water, pork bone is taken.
  • The glass is placed on the floor in the center of the room, the bone is near the glass. The conspiracy is read 8 times, standing above the glass, turning facing the door:

“The servant of God (name) does not get fat, but get slender, do not get clouded, but getting. Get fat A pig in a stable, not a servant of God (name) in the house. Amen"

  • After that, you need to raise the glass from the floor and pour water on yourself, dropping the last drop on the bone, which then should immediately be thrown out the window.

Video: rituals and conspiracies on the waning moon: we get rid of everything unnecessary

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  1. A difficult life situation has developed. The husband changed and went to his mistress. The help of a magician, psychic, clairvoyant was urgently needed. I watched the entire Internet, read a bunch of reviews about magicians. I accidentally saw the Center for Magic for NTV. I called the hotline and talked about the problem. I was appointed a specialist and diagnosed. After the work, the spouse returned on the third day with things. All my problems were removed as a hand. (I don’t want to go into my troubles, all of my own have enough of our problems), first of all, people close to us suffer (in my situation are children), I understood my problems. The only thing I will say excellent specialists, the lowest prices that have encountered during the search, and the prices are all on the site, not like scammers, it is convenient that reception is remote. In my life, everything worked out very quickly, which I did not even expect. Give very good, useful recommendations. The site is called mystic info Especially for those who are very bad or confused in life and do not know what to do. A lot of free rituals and rituals. I hope they will help you!

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