What are the types of cameras? For what purposes can you choose a camera? Camera: which is better to buy at a good price?

What are the types of cameras? For what purposes can you choose a camera? Camera: which is better to buy at a good price?

To get excellent photos, you need to choose a good camera. And how to do this - you will learn from the article.

The camera is an important satellite during each trip and event. The camera makes it possible to capture the most unusual life moments in order to share them with their native people in the future.

Choosing a model of a camera is sometimes a difficult task. There are some important parameters that you need to pay attention to.

What are the types of cameras?

On sale you can find the following types of cameras.


This category includes a fairly wide range of cameras. This included ordinary "soapons" and even professional technology.

  • Budget models.At the moment, this option is considered the simplest and most affordable in price policy. The cameras have a small size, therefore, they are placed in any bags, even in a jacket pocket. To master how a similar camera works is simple. However, the advantages of technology end in this. The main disadvantage of such a camera is the low quality of shooting. Many modern smartphones are sometimes removed better than the cameras themselves. Therefore, if you want to receive professional photos, then it is advisable to refuse you from such a model.
  • Ultrazami. Such cameras also have other names “super -enthusiasts” or “hypersum”. These models, in fact, are very similar to previous options. Only they have a lens that allows you to take good pictures at a great distance. But the cost of these models is much higher.
  • Professional. These cameras are considered universal. They combine a little of functions from any model of cameras. Basically, they have a high -quality fixed lens and a large matrix, thanks to which you can get clear photos. Also, such cameras have lenses with a large zoom. This makes it possible to take photos over long distances. If we take into account the dimensions of such technology, then due to the large size the camera is not placed in an ordinary bag. In addition, the cost of cameras is relatively high.


The camera received the name due to the presence of a mirror, through which the future picture, when refracted, immediately enters the viewfinder. Many people believe that good photos are obtained only thanks to this feature. But this is not at all. The most important and sufficiently important detail, because of which you can take good pictures-the size of the matrix. Using a large matrix, mirror cameras give pictures of high quality.

  • The next feature of such equipment are lenses that can be removed. There is a huge assortment on sale.
  • Acquaintance with such a camera, as a rule, begins with a classical complexion. It includes the body of the camera and lens. This set is called “kit” or “whale”.
  • Professionals prefer cameras that have no lenses. Since they buy them on their own. This species has the name "Body". In our region, it has already begun to call him "carcass".

Mirror cameras also have some disadvantages. Among them, large sizes, high cost should be distinguished. Therefore, not every consumer can acquire such a technique.

Bezle -mirror

Such cameras in the modern market have arisen recently. Cameras also have a large matrix, which is why the photos are of good quality. The size of the cameras is smaller than the mirror models. But they cannot be called compact, because in order to wear them, a special bag is needed.


Of the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting a rapid waste of batteries and high cost.


Such a technique is designed in order to take photos and videos under extreme conditions, for example, under water, when skiing in the mountains and so on.


New action cameras can issue pictures of excellent quality. However, during poor lighting, they hardly work. In addition, this technique has a very high price.

How to choose the right mirror camera?

The main difference between mirror cameras and other models is the ability to use a separate removable lens. Such a camera gives out good pictures even under poor conditions.

How to choose the right model of a mirror camera? It is necessary to study some important criteria.

  • To begin with, keep in mind in what year the selected camera was released. The latest models are considered more advanced, but they can also become obsolete after a while. This, of course, does not apply to rare cameras that do not have age limits. Better choose a new product in digital technique. With it it will be easier for you in terms of repair and purchase of accessories.
  • The number of megapixels. Although many professional photographers do not consider this indicator significant, but during the format printing this criterion can play an important role.
  • Weight, dimensions. These characteristics are not fundamental. But, if you are fond of photos and plan to constantly hold the device in your hands, then choose a more compact camera.
Choosing a SLR
Choosing a SLR
  • The presence of video recording function. Many consumers purchase a mirror camera in order to shoot video. However, not every device in the set contains a microphone. Therefore, during the purchase, ask the seller if this or that model has a recorder.
  • Zom. If your old camera is equipped with a small zoom, during use, you must have encountered some difficulties, since the standard zoom in such chambers is considered only three times.
  • The presence of a complete or crumple picture. For the first option, the cost is much higher. Therefore, if you have extra finances, then give preference to just such a model. If the money is not allowed to make an expensive purchase, then the second option will suit you.
  • An important criterion is also considered to be a brand that lets the cameras. Today in the first position is the Canon brand. After him, Nikon and Sony stood up after him. Try to choose cameras of these companies.

Which camera is better to buy for specific purposes?

Choose the camera, given what exactly the purposes you will use it.

For amateur shooting

For such purposes, get a compact professional camera. It contains all those qualities that allow you to get excellent photos. For the first pictures, you can initially use the automatic mode. After getting to know the equipment more, you can delve into the settings. As a rule, such cameras have a large number of installations for filming in various conditions.

The object is important
The object is important

Are you interested in mirror cameras? Then select a whale model that has the initial level. For home use of the capabilities of such a camera, you will have enough. Do not scare the words "initial". This does not mean that you will get bad photos. Just in such models there are no additional functions that you would not even use.

For professional shooting

Do you dream of conquering the world with beautiful photos? Or maybe you want to open your own photo studio? Then you should pay attention to a mirror camera that has an average or high level. Such a technique is considered reliable tools. The camera of this type will take high -quality photos, it will work with it comfortable.

The capabilities of the whale assembly chamber will not be enough for you soon, so you will want to purchase an additional filter or lens. Do not worry about a large size, since a small camera in the hands of a professional photographer does not look serious enough.


First, get even a mirrorless camera. It takes such a technique no worse than mirror. Also remember that such a camera will require large financial costs.

For traveling

Everyone, when he goes on vacation, wants to bring good photos. Therefore, the camera on the smartphone does not always help.

The travel camera should not be big and heavy, as often the most exotic places can come across during excursions. But wearing a large technique all day is not always comfortable, especially when your journey takes place in a hot country.

Give preference to the camera that is equipped with a viewfinder. In sunny weather, it is quite difficult to consider the future picture on the screen. Also, you do not need to forget about the filters while working with the camera in bright light. Today on sale you can find compact filters that are inexpensive. If your trip is planned by car or train, then there should be a stabilizer on your future camera. Otherwise, the photos turn out to be lubricated and fuzzy.

With a video tape
With a video tape

If you give preference to an extreme vacation, then buy an action camera. Such a technique is easy, not afraid of moisture. In addition, it is considered as high quality as possible.

How to choose a camera so as not to overpay?

Want to buy a good camera, but you are afraid that you can overpay? Then, during the purchase, adhere to such rules:

  • Never go to the store if you have not yet decided which model you plan to purchase. Today, the range of cameras is large enough, and not every buyer can ask for sellers to ask for help. The seller will definitely help you choose a camera, but only you run the risk of paying a large amount for equipment than planning.
  • No need to get hung up on one brand. Each manufacturer has both good cameras, and not very well.
  • Look for a review of several cameras on the network in advance. You can use the services of several sites simultaneously by comparing a variety of models and types of cameras.
  • No need to chase for the number of pixels. Many people believe that the quality of future pictures will depend on this indicator. But this is not so. In fact, the number of pixels can only affect the largest size of photographs. If you take exclusively home pictures, then 20 megapixels will be enough for you. On the trip, such a camera will also be useful to you.
Select a camera
Select a camera
  • Think about whether you need modern functions, for example, built-in Wi-Fi or GPS. Practice shows that almost none of the owners of cameras with these functions use them. So why should you pay extra money then?
  • Lens. He must have the largest aperture. The quality of photos during poor lighting will depend on this indicator.
  • Find out what quality of the video a certain model is obtained. Today, 4K format is considered very popular. Therefore, most manufacturers equip their own products with this quality. But in order to view such video files, you will also have to purchase a TV with a 4K or projector format. So that you get good videos, you have enough Full HD format.

How to choose the right camera, what should be taken into account in the store?

When you decide on the model of the camera, you will have to perform such manipulations:

  • Do not be lazy, take the camera in your hands. Follow whether it is convenient for you to hold the camera in your hands.
  • Learn the appearance of the lens very carefully. See that there were no small scratches on the lens.
  • Check which matrix the camera has. You will also have to check that there are no broken or problematic pixels on the matrix. To do this, remove the plain background first, you can gray sulfur. Then ask the seller to demonstrate the received photos on the computer monitor. Increase the photo to the maximum size. See that each point be of an identical tone.
  • Take a few photos on the camera in various modes. Check for the performance of the zoom.
  • Check how the buttons work, inspect carefully the appearance of the camera.
Choose in the store
Choose in the store

Remember that an important condition for obtaining quality photos will be a good device, plus the correct use of it. Therefore, before use, study the management of the technique. Experiment with settings, use various modes.

Also shoot a lot of photos. Thus, you can quickly understand the functions of the camera, and the number can quickly go into quality.

Video: How to choose a camera?

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