What words you need to say when you give a gift to your sister, brother, girlfriend, friend: words when presenting a gift in verses and prose

What words you need to say when you give a gift to your sister, brother, girlfriend, friend: words when presenting a gift in verses and prose

The article contains the most popular verses and accompanying comments for presenting a gift.

You bought a valuable gift to your sister or brother and do not know how to beat him with words? Or is your friend's birthday soon, and is it difficult for you to find an appropriate commentary on the present? Then this article is for you.

With what words to give gifts to the sister in verses and prose?

Such a difficult matter as presenting a gift to your beloved sister must be approached with all responsibility. And if you want to deliver many positive emotions on your birthday on your native person, then in addition to a valuable gift, think about a small present.

Presentation can be accompanied by a bright congratulatory speech.
What kind of present can it be?

White flower, or tea, or chocolate:

Remove all troubles
And forget about them
It will help a very necessary
And white-white ... stroke.
Forgive me to be sad,
Herself, like snow, is clean,
And you will start life with an untouched
White ... sheet.

When you make money
To a white wheelbarrow,
Glass is useful -
Store a pack by a pack.
According to the documents, you are our expert.

For good news
You are white ... envelope.
So as not to run out of energy
And your strength stream
Accept as a symbol of youth
White ... flower.

To be life
Bright and sweet,
Eat, /name /only
White ... chocolate.
New impressions
Receive more often
And taste Chinese
White tea.

Service gifts
Words for the gift "Service"


It's time to fulfill your little whim,
Give you a new and white ... Service! (real or children's set).


Big a handful of good friends,
A glass of selected day of pet,
A mixture of laughter, joy, fun
Three tablespoons of dancing, a jar of a stump,
Guests without measure and friends,

A bag of beautiful news,
Two pounds of the best congratulations
And two milions of invitations.
And so that the taste is juicy, bright,
Embroider on top we are gifts.

The most important thing in life is health, because I wish you so much health, So that you are accepted into the cosmonauts detachment -( photo of the birthday girl- astronaut processed in Photoshop).

So that the only medicine when going to the pharmacy is only vitamins   (vitamin packaging) .

Love - like in love novels (any love novel).

I want to wish you a bright life on my birthday, delightful emotions, more reasons for joy and great mood. I hope my humble gift will help in this.

Put a small present in addition to the main gift and give it with a comic commentary
Put a small present in addition to the main gift and give it with a comic commentary

With what words to give gifts to a friend in verses and prose?

What to tell a friend during the presentation of the gift? Look at the poems or comments offered here. They can be read or awarded with comic congratulations.

If you give beads:

Though the tastes vary strongly
And do not have to once
Take these beads as a gift! -

No, no, and sometimes they will return
Warm warm, they
Long flushing days !!!

Words for a gift towel
Words for a gift "towel"

If you give towel:

Fluffy and soft,
Your body will tame
When you come out of the shower,
Or you will go to the sauna.
He will embellish your bath,

It will save you from the cold.
Can you even on the beach
Lie on it and sunbathe.
I give you a towel
Let your heart rejoice.


Take a gift from the heart!
I take care of you!
You wear this panama,
On cool days of the year.

Gift words cream
Words for the gift "Cream"


I give you a magical cream -
He is a solution for all problems,
Slide it, and it will become clear to everyone,
What a muse from poems before them!

And with this miraculous cream
You will become more beautiful than everyone around
On envy of the most gifted
And the most beautiful of the friends!


So conceived before
For years, for centuries:
The sea is for the coasts,
For heaven - clouds.
God seems to be not without reason

So created this light -
Everyone was invented by a couple:
There is a guitar for the song,
For a chorus - a verse,
For the wrist - a bracelet.

What is on the hand in winter and summer?
I will give you a bracelet -
Take a good gift!
But only to glisten everything,
It shrugged, sang and flew, -

You’ll take it even longer !!!
The mittens will be warm and lovely.
And this palm is spacious, not crowded.
Everyone can move his fingers.
If you squeeze them, a cool fist will come out.

Words for a gift bracelet
Words for the gift "Bracelet"

To happiness the birthday girlscooped up with a large spoon ( polovnik).

So that there was a pocket More greenery (bunch of parsley).

To grow salary and was calculated by lemons ( a couple of lemons).

With what words to give gifts to brother in verses and prose?

If you are going to congratulate your brother, and you want the presentation of the gift to be unusual, then look for a small accompanying congratulation from this section.

You can emphasize life moments, recall funny situations, or remind you of a cherished dream.

My beloved brother. Today, on your birthday, I want to wish you financial stability, eternal youth, heroic strength, steel nerves, passionate and strong love, devoted friends, clarity in the head and fulfillment of the most cherished dream. Accept my humble gift! Happy birthday!

I want to congratulate my brother happy birthday and wish him Always be healthy, strong, energetic. Never despair, go in life easily and at ease. Let only faithful friends and loving people surround you. We thought for a long time what to give you, and decided that this modest present would be a great gift for you!

But what can be said if you give:

Words for a gift bedding
Words for the gift "bedding"

Bed sheets:

Here is bedding
It is very necessary!
Sweet sleep promises you
Minutes of joy will give!
We wish you on linen
Sleep, but only at dawn ...
There are things more importantly,
More likely, inruffer!

Have you been brought to those, whether those
I give you a gift? -
I give you for bed
A set of luxurious linen!
They got their own
The bed is soon
And my warmth
Warm yourself !!!

Words for a gift of razor
Words for the gift "razor"


I will facilitate your fate
I will give a super -brow.
To shave without problems,
I also give you a cream.

So that the skin becomes like silk,
I want to give a razor
Then you are in society any
You can be irresistible.


For us you will be a paw
When you wear a butterfly.
And you look cool

In a regular turtleneck.
But all for the ladies of the beautiful
The tie is always nicer!

Words for a gift notebook
Words for the gift "Notebook"


Your friends are vast a circle,
Add friends, friends
And just hat friends
You manage to remember everyone!

I didn't go to a cool head,
A simple book is needed
In alphabet, note -
At least, for example, such!


What to give you? Maybe cranes
What are the songs of our songs to the south?
What to give you? Maybe a ball of a ball?
You will quickly turn them into a scarf with knitting needles.

What to give you? Maybe a checkered plaid?
What will warm you at an hour of midnight conversations?

What to give you? Maybe the rain of mushroom
Or after the rain of the sun, the ball is gold?

What to give you? We thought for a long time ...
But why should we be wise on the threshold of spring?
A umbrella autoomat was selected to open with chic
And under the roof of color, boldly go out in the rain!

To be life bright and light (several color balloons).

To be expected in life Only pleasant surprises ( kinder).

Words for a gift umbrella
Words for the gift "Umbrella"

With what words to give gifts to a friend in verses and prose?

The presentation of the gift to a friend may be original if you use the accompanying congratulations given here.

If you give scarf:

Words for a gift scarf
Words for the gift "Scarf"

Happy birthday! I wish you good health, good luck, well -being, goodness, joy, love, happiness, good mood, smiles, vivid impressions and warm days. Let this scarf warm you!

If you give tennis racket:

We present a racket as a gift!
Masha from her heart and what is the strength?
We will only ask you about one thing:
Invite us to the World Cup!


Today I will give a razor to you,
So that you shave it today.
You clean the bristles rather
And meet a new day with a smile.

Baseball cap:

Not a tattoo and a T -shirt,
Not with spirits bubble -
My present to you is a baseball cap
Very long visor!
And protect from the sun and sand,
And without her, life was not b - longing!


To find the keys, you could
We give you a keychain.

Words for a gift of keychain
Words for the gift "keychain"

Video: Unusual congratulations for a friend

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