What words should you say when you give a wedding, anniversary, birthday? Words when handing a cash gift in verses and prose

What words should you say when you give a wedding, anniversary, birthday? Words when handing a cash gift in verses and prose

The article contains the most popular accompanying comments when presenting a gift.

Sometimes it is very difficult to choose the necessary words to the hero of the day, because such a celebration does not happen as often as a birthday. So the accompanying commentary to the gift should be special. What to say to the anniversary? Read this article.

Words when presenting a gift in verses and prose for the anniversary

This section contains words and comments that can be said to the hero of the day. Short verses will tell you which gifts are best handed. Congratulations on the anniversary must definitely surprise the heroes of the occasion, force them to smile

Congratulation for the anniversary of the male:

Our birthday is our beautiful
We came to you with a gift
With a bag is full, big.
What is there? Guess!
You dreamed about that for a long time
And enjoy today!
(With these words to the birthday
present a gift)

Do not part with him now,
Sleep him with you, put it,

Boast of your gift
And love their friends!

(Name)! Congratulations on your anniversary,
We are words (and feelings) for you do not regret!
Your 50 is only the middle,
And there is no serious reason for the unrest.
While we got, they drove a little ...
The road was a road for a long time.
We willingly come here today
And they brought you a lot of gifts.

Here is a box of sweets...
True, there are no more in it.
On the way, we ate them ...
Sorry - did not stop!

Who, tell me, is not taught
Wash with soap with a odorous with soap?
Each hands are ready to wash ...
(Voice from the audience): So that there are no worms!

You noticeably lost weight ...
Maybe you haven't eaten for a long time?

Here in a glass of mustard -
Very tasty little thing!

If soup with calf heart
Not enough
Here you have a bag with pepper -
Disster a bonfire in the mouth!

Since it burns in the mouth, then it is necessary
Drink a glass ... lemonade.
Do not tolerate harsh torture -
Dissat a drink with water.

Birthday is celebrated every year, and anniversaries happen only a few times in their lives

I put on the bottom
And Medozhenko is one ... (rummaged in the basket) -
It, you see, melted,
Only the wand left!

So that the teeth do not hurt,
So that there is no trouble
Toothpick here - from ate:
Better - for meat food!

There is one place in the house
It is called
With a delicate word "toilet".

Here you have a "balloon-tube"!
We do not feel sorry for this Deo:
It will smell like a violet there!

And also an envelope without a brand
Yellow-yellow, bright-bright!
He looks like a simple
And still empty ...

But I want to double this envelope:
You can put 100 euros in it.
I’ll give you a little a little
But the rest - report yourself!

If you give the anniversary wallet:

Buddy, with an anniversary! I'm glad that you are in the circle of my friends - a person with In an incredible sense of tact, merryman, balagur and optimist. Let the zeros are found in your life only in round anniversary dates and on large bills in this wallet.

If the anniversary is a woman:

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and wish to get tired of male Attention, to suffer, not knowing where to spend so much money, get upset only because of bad weather, cry only from laughter, sad only over touching films. And so that you can delight us with your beautiful smile every day, we give you this basket with cosmetics!

On the day of your anniversary, I congratulate you on all my heart round date and wish you happiness! You are now at such an age when a person can say "yes, I know a lot, but I want to know even more." So let the best years await you ahead of you, in which your fulfilling desires will increase, you will make new discoveries and can more than once change your life for the better! And our gift will help you a little! One desire has already come true today: we are handing you (the name of the gift)!

Congratulations on the anniversary! Together with the holiday, you approached to the venerable The age when a person has a solid life experience behind a person, and he has new, surprisingly beautiful roads and new achievements ahead, which, perhaps, he did not dare to dream in his young years! Today I wish you to always keep youth in my heart and faith in your own strengths, as well as smile more and not tired of dreaming! And so that you do not stop smiling and after this beautiful celebration, accept a gift from us: let it remind you of our warm wishes!

On a wonderful feast of the anniversary, I want to congratulate you, and also assure The fact that the years undoubtedly have been friends with you, and even in the fact that I cannot name another of the same cheerful and generous person! With all my heart, I wish you to live happily ever after, never get sick and fulfill all your dreams! Accept our gift, let it remind you of today's bright celebration and the said warm wishes!

Today we drive round round dance around the anniversary and do not give him neither minutesrest - and all because we love him with all my heart! Let the happiness and fulfillment of all desires await you ahead of you, both small and large -scale! Let your life present you with a thousand pleasant surprises, and the new years will decorate your head not only with noble gray hair, but also with new knowledge and wisdom! Take a long -awaited gift from us!

Words when presenting a gift in verses and prose for a wedding

How to congratulate the young when presenting a wedding gift? In order for the wedding to not only sing and danced, but also really pleased the newlyweds, you need real wedding congratulations for presenting gifts. See in this section.

Congratulations to the bride's parents when presenting a gift

Dear (the name of the bride and groom)! We wish you to live together, in consent.May your life interests always coincide. Try to live not everyone for yourself or for yourself, but for each other. You, (the name of the groom), take care of your wife, and you, (the name of the bride), take care of your husband. We lived a long and happy life and gave life (the name of the bride).

There were sorrows and joys, but we always solved all our problems together, and Therefore, our family has always been so close -knit and friendly. Therefore, we always wish you all our problems to solve not one by one, but together. If the family has peace and consent, then you will be happy, and we will be happy for you, and your future children will grow up healthy and happy.

Take care of your love. And we, of course, will always be for you for our parthelp and support you. And to make it easier for you to start a life together, we give you this gift!

Advice to you yes love !!!

Congratulation parents of the groom during the presentation of the gift:

Our dear son! Thank you for bringing this to our house A sweet and wonderful girl, like (the name of the bride). We love her as our daughter, but we are waiting for an speedy addition in your young family. We wish you all the best: love, happiness, joy. And so that your family life was light as fluff, and even as a road with a tablecloth, we give you (the name of the gift).

Congratulations to the grandparents when presenting a gift:

Our lovely grandchildren! We wish you to live together to deep old age and not To lose your love! When we were at your age, we told stories about our love. Everything was in our family life: grief and joy, but there was never betrayal and betrayal! Therefore, we want to wish you to keep your love and not allow anyone to destroy your family happiness! And we also wish you when you live up to our age, so that your love remains just as strong and strong, maybe much stronger and deeper than now! Take a gift from us with our best wishes.

Congratulation sisters or brother when presenting a gift:

Dear (the name of the bride and groom)! Congratulations and want wish you Gather us fifty years later for your golden wedding! I wish you good health, faithful love, good work, and let you always have real friends nearby, who will stand up at your golden wedding and say kind words, wishes for happiness and love! And now my gift!

There are different gifts in this casket for Kovan - red silk, golden of earrings The bride, the horn of abundance to the groom.
Dear bride! Drawing earrings for happiness in the bucket and bad weather, meet the silver and golden weddings in them.
Dear groom! A man is a minister, the breadwinner of the family. Let this horn bring abundance to your house. Let your house be a complete bowl and full of fun, joy and guests. For the happiness of the young!

We give you copper money - so as not to live You are poor (copper Coins are handed), give you silver - so that you have good (silver coins), give you pieces of paper - so that the name of the groom does not run to Masha (or from Masha if this is the name of the bride (we hand over the money).

And you can continue: we will give you pants (handle the sliders) -so that you have boys. We will give another swing - so that you and the girls have. And finally, we will give (theater pause) an umbrella so that your whole life together is accompanied by money rain.

Wanting the prosperity young, give them a box with money!

Bride and groom, with a wedding day
We want to congratulate you today
And a very useful gift
To the words of the wishes to add!
Let it be “bitter” to you at the wedding,
And in life together only sweet!
We wish you love, friendship, happiness,
Success in everything and prosperity!

We give money to the young!
Here's the money copper,
So that you are not poor!
Here is silver for you
To make you good!
Here you have paper money,
To go important!
Tip you and love!

You can even roll up a bank of money
You can even roll up a bank of money

Words when handing a cash gift in verses

It will always come in handy from case to case ...
For a hobby, yourself or just in everyday life.
The necessary amount for financial well -being!
I give you an envelope - for any dream!

Congratulations to you cordially
We wish all kinds of benefits
We hand over the cash envelope,
At least we know - happiness is not in money.

Gift Cash Tree
Gift "Cash Tree"
Let this money perform
Though small, but your whim.
Let him remind for a moment
How good life is.

What is it whose whispering?
Maybe someone will explain?!
This is our gift needed
It is in a hurry to get to you!

No, not a kettle, not flowers,
Not dishes, not cakes.
Well, come on, start

Open our envelope
And the gift is pleasant
Get it as soon as possible!

They wanted to give you a picture
But thought - suddenly there?
Then there were disputes about the car ...
And the proposals cannot be counted!

We decided - enough questions from us,
Already tired of thinking
And we give this money simply
So that you yourself choose everything!

Words for gift money
Words for the gift "Money"

Video: The most beautiful congratulation on the anniversary of 50 years old man

Words when presenting a gift in verses and a birthday prose

A favorable attitude towards the birthday can be expressed not only by a gift, but also with an interesting congratulatory speech or a short comic poem.

If you give a picture:

Only you will touch the gift
You will immediately smile at once.
Looking, you will remember
You are talking about us. And the advantage of dream!

Let your house decorate your house
So that it becomes more comfortable in him.
And let an avalanche
This picture will bring.

If you give money:

Ten this ten
Fifty - that we invited us kindly.
Take a hundredth in replenishment of the budget
You buy a lipstick on a pyathatka!
Let your sponges shine beautifully!
All men and girls are marvelous!
There is still a thousand pounds

Go to the spa,
Rest, relaxing!
But take this bill (you can 5 thousand
Or a dollar, any bill).
Add a little and buy a Zhiguli !!!
Or another Model
You decide it yourself now !!!

If you give a bike:

Your dream is fulfilled
Here is your bike.
Now pedal,
You will see the whole world.

There is no better gift,
I give a bike
To be a help to you
In life on any roads!

Giving a gift is an art that everyone masters by virtue of their imagination

The yard is beautiful,
Birthday, dear, you have
We will congratulate you so much,
And hand over a gift, loving.
We tried so hard to please you
We all went around the shops

Blood, then doused and tears
(jokingly) But we purchased a gift!
We are unable to find out already
After the search, quite long
Will there be a gift to your liking?
If you give a lottery ticket

Happy birthday! I wish you many victories, good luck and happycases. Let every day pleasing, causes a smile and good mood. And today, let your luck smile at you, because we give you a lottery ticket!

Happy birthday! I want to wish you to meet only on my waysincere people, to see in every day new opportunities for development, to realize every ingenious idea that appears. It is for this purpose that we give you a notebook: so as not to forget to record our plans and ideas!

Video: Unusual birthday greetings for mom

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