What edible mushrooms can be collected in the spring and summer at the beginning and end of May, June, July, August: photo, list, name. The earliest edible mushrooms in the spring: photo, list, names

What edible mushrooms can be collected in the spring and summer at the beginning and end of May, June, July, August: photo, list, name. The earliest edible mushrooms in the spring: photo, list, names

The calendar of the mushroom pipe.

To collect mushrooms is a pleasant and useful activity that helps not only diversify the assortment of prepared dishes, but also gives a great opportunity to relax, relax from the usual workdays.

The forest kingdom of mushrooms develops according to its own laws. Each fungus is intended for a certain time of appearance.

Knowing these laws, you can safely go into the forest, not afraid to be left without a crop.

The earliest edible mushrooms in the spring: Names, list

In the conditions of the Non -Black Earth Region, the very first mushrooms appear in April.

To survive the last frosts and please the first mushroom harvest are capable of:

  • Smors (lat. Morchella). They are formed in groups or grow singlely: in gardens, parks, forests. Can be found next to Osina, Topol, Olkha
The first mushroom joys
  • Scarcoscifs. It looks like a red cup or flower. Thanks to its unusual appearance, many folk names have: “Elfova Chalice”, “Babushkino Ear”, “Aloe Smak”, “Rubber”, “Red Pecits”, “Red Six”. Habitat - mixed forests and park, along the road
  • Strogilurus edible. It has a plate structure. He chooses spruce and bore for fruiting, near pines. You can find group and single growth.
Strobilurus evculentus

How quickly edible mushrooms grow after rain in the summer?

Mushroom rain
  • Mushroom growth occurs quickly-1-2 cm per day. The average size of the mushroom is formed in 3-4 days.
  • After rain, you can harvest after a few days.
  • It should be remembered that the growth time of the fungus depends on its variety, temperature, humidity and soil.
  • As soon as the growth of the mushroom ends, during the day, it begins to collapse.

The active formation of mushroom disputes begins in warm weather, during the formation of fog, after the rain.

For example,

  • Trick, fox, honey agaric Appear after 9-10 hours, after the last fallen rain drop. It is better to collect them within 8-10 days after the appearance.
  • Smors and lines decompose after a week.
  • Red -haired, rush, oyster mushroom Almost 2 weeks are preserved well.
  • Varieties White mushroom, bypassing five days after the onset of favorable conditions, grow 9 cm above the ground. Its weight during this time is added to 40 g per day. The maximum term for its collection is 10-12 days.
  • The mushrooms growing in the autumn are formed much more slowly, some of them can only be collected after 4-5 days.

What edible mushrooms appear in May in May: photo list, name

May is not rich in crop. This is a period when natural gifts only gain strength for the summer and generous season.

But, if desired, in the deep forest you can find mushrooms and papers.

  • Orange orange. Orange mushrooms have a small size. The people call them - "Sixth".
    They grow on the basis. You can find them along the forest path and on the forest edge. They grow well on bonfires.
  • Lines.They have a winding hat, a thick gray leg. Rotting stumps and branches, deciduous trees are chosen for growth.
Gyromitra Esculenta
  • Continue to be more actively fruiting, after the first April harvest, smors are of different types.
A cap
  • Dischant is thyroid. The mushroom cup has a brown or pink color, it wrinkles a little in the center. He prefers forest, park and garden moist soil.
Discina ancilis
  • Borovik. The hat is brown or brown. Loves dry and light pine, oak, grab forests.
Boletus Pinophilus
  • Kalocybe. It has a dense and beautiful hat of white or yellowish. You can meet in the garden, lawn, in deciduous forests.
  • Lugovoi honey agaric. It has a smaller hat than other species of mushrooms. In a young mushroom, it is bell -shaped, as it matches, it is leveled, only a small tubercle in the middle remains. Light brown. Grows a bunch.
Marasmius Oredes
  • Field champignon. "Hat" of a white color of spherical or open shape. It is found on lawns or along the road.
Agaricus arvest
  • The pink -plastin is thyroid. The people are crying with a priest. It has not thick plates. It grows in forests.
Entoloma sinuatum
  • Raincoat. The mushroom has the shape of a pear. Painted in gray. The habitat is birch and pine stands.
  • Dovznik is white(conditionally edible) . The color is brownish-red, white, gray or orange. They prefer to grow in groups on Earth, well fertilized manure.
Coprinus Comatus
  • Oyster mushrooms. Painted in brown or gray tone. The head is dense. The main growth is observed in deciduous forests.
  • Deer mushroom.Small convex hats of a gray-luminous or gray color in a young mushroom, with growth turn into a flat hat, with a convex center. Most often, the rotten wood is chosen for propagation.
Pluteus cervinus
  • May mushroom. Usually collected on St. George's Day. Young mushrooms are formed by hemispherical or round in shape. Growing up, the edges become wavy and bend to the sky. The color is yellowish-white. It grows in large groups in the edging, in grassy parks, gardens, and on the edges.
Calocybe Gambosa

Important: the early varieties of mushrooms appearing in the spring are divided into two key species:

  1. The first - are subject to collection only in the spring
  2. The second - the first crop is removed in the spring thaw, then grow throughout the summer, and some in the fall

What edible mushrooms appear in the summer at the beginning and end of June: photo, list, name

Experienced mushroom pickers are looking forward to the June mushroom season. This amazing opportunity, without waiting for an autumn abundant crop, stock up on your favorite gifts of nature.

It is in this summer month, in the presence of appropriate weather with fogs and rain, that the first surge of the mushroom layer has to.


  • Ordinary oils
Suillus luteus
  • Sulfur tower (conditionally edible)
Laetiporus sulphureus
  • Supply
  • Supplies
  • Green mosses
Xerocomus Subtomentosus
  • Collibia is forested
Collybia Dryophila

Continue abundant growth:

  • Meadow tingle
Plastic type of mushrooms
  • Champignons
  • Occasionally meet pigs
Paxillus Involutus

By the end of the month they begin to appear:

  • The first-born chanterelles
Canthallus Cibarius
  • Valuy
Russula foetens
  • Raws
  • Loads
  • White mushrooms
Bear Teddy Bear, Boletus Edulis
  • The main mushroom backbone in June is summer tuft
Kuehneromyces Mutabilis

What edible mushrooms appear in the summer at the beginning and end of July: photo, list, name

July heat does not favors the good growth of mushrooms.

There is no abundant harvest this month. Occasionally, in the presence of rainy weather, you can look for:

  • supply
  • supplies
  • oil
  • raws
  • chanterelles
  • volnushki
  • other mushrooms that appeared earlier

Opens his season - only some loads


What edible mushrooms appear in the summer at the beginning and end of August: photo, list, name

With the onset of August, fogs begin, the loss of dew becomes plentiful. These are excellent conditions for the development of mushrooms.

A huge number of favorite gifts of nature appears in the forest.

  • Redcles - royal mushroom
Refers to the type of lactarius
  • Autumn honey mushrooms - real
Armillaria mellea
  • Polish mushrooms - Pansky
Boletus badius

They begin to bear fruit abundantly:

  • various individuals of loaders
  • oil
  • greenfinch
  • porcini
  • supplery
  • suppline
  • chanterelles
  • raws
  • volnushki
  • different types of mossy

About 120 species of various edible mushrooms grow during this period on various foci of the natural massif.

Be careful when going for mushrooms. Edible mushrooms have a lot of doubles of the gangs. Collect mushrooms in edibility, which are 100% confidence.

  • Mushroom dishes are very tasty and healthy
  • They are the true decoration of any festive table
  • With proper workpiece, they can be stored for a long time
Free information

Video: Mushroom season. Edible mushrooms

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