What are the strongest muscles in the human body: where are they located?

What are the strongest muscles in the human body: where are they located?

Do you know what the strongest muscle in the body? Find out from the article.

What is muscle strength? How to measure it?

Where are the most powerful muscles located in a person?

The answer to these questions can be found in several aspects depending on each other:

  • physiological (muscle parameters, relief, the power of return and the like).
  • neurological (level of cerebral impulse leading to reduction).
  • mechanical (margin of strength - a possible angle of application of muscle strength, its mass, articular features).

Also, do not forget that the muscles are only part of a single whole called the human organism, therefore they do not function on their own, but in conjunction with many other details of this complex mechanism. Therefore, in its pure form, the strength of a separate muscle can be measured only theoretically.

And in total, in our body you can find up to 850 all kinds of muscles, each of which performs its own functions.

Slezelovo muscle

If we consider as the strongest that muscle that can most of all affect a third -party object, then this is chewing jaw muscle. She can influence food with a force of up to 90 kg.

The strongest
The strongest


Powerful muscle

If we consider the power of the muscle depending on the area of \u200b\u200bits cross section, then the record holder can be deservedly considered the femoral quadriceps. It is she who experiences the pressure of our entire weight and is very rarely at rest, continuing to actively function in the process of walking, running, jumping and even sitting.

Another foot the record-support muscle is located on the caviar - It can hold over up to 130 kg of weight.

Stronger than necessary: \u200b\u200bwhat muscles are these?

Experts claim that external eye muscles stronger than necessary for a hundred times. They are responsible for moving the eyeballs, make very quick movements and practically do not rest even at night (after all, even in a dream, a person’s eyes “run” and behind closed centuries).

Constantly in action
Constantly in action

Continuously working muscle

Our body has a continuously working muscle is a heart. This circulatory pump never stops (otherwise a person will die!) And works with a force fluctuating in a range of 1-5 watts.

It works continuously
It works continuously

Of course, the same femoral quadriceps could easily give out a much stronger effect, but on a very limited period. That's why the heart can be considered the most hardy muscle.

The largest muscles

If we talk about the size, then the largest muscles are our buttocks. And the most miniature are located in the ears and attached to tiny auditory bones.

Interesting fact: Many people consider the language the most powerful muscle of the human body. In fact, this is far from muscle, but an entire organ, which includes various muscles.

That's why language can be considered as one of the strongest organs of the body, which is involved in the digestive process, is an active component of the articulation apparatus, serve as a natural filter for a number of pathogenic bacteria and also, like the eye muscles, “does not sleep” at night.

Video: TOP-5 of the strongest muscles in humans

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  1. So that the muscles are strong, you need to train and increase their endurance. I noticed that this is perfectly facilitated by hand -to -hand combat. I have long visited the School "Wall", I see only positive moments. In addition to the acquired self -defense skills, he became more stress -resistant, self -confident, of course, acquired new friends. Now I'm getting ready for competitions.

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