What mistakes in relationships lead to parting? How to understand that the relationship is the end?

What mistakes in relationships lead to parting? How to understand that the relationship is the end?

Relations are very good, but it does not always turn out in the end a happy couple. But why is this happening? And how to understand that it is time to part? Our article will tell.

When we are in a relationship, we somehow do not really think about our actions. It seems to us that we are doing everything right, but at some point we have to part for some reason. Why is this happening and how to understand that the relationship comes to an end? Let's find out.

Errors in the relationship that lead to parting: review

Errors in the relationship
Errors in the relationship

If we talk about the most popular reasons for addressing psychologists, then you can safely name the desire to deal with the opposite sex. No one is safe from quarrels, problems and parting. Each woman has her own story and not even one. That's just the most interesting of all this - when you begin to understand the reasons for everything, they turn out to be similar.

And so you met a good young man and fell in love. But here the first problems arise that will definitely remind of themselves. So, what are the mistakes?

  • An error in a relationship - you adapt

Some women, when they are in search of a life partner, choose an incorrect strategy. For example, you met a man and do not know what woman he needs. First, you will carefully learn all his preferences and bring them to life, that is, you will correspond. So, a man may like girls with short haircuts, extremas and so on. But you yourself can like long hair and in general you are a housewife who likes to cook and needle up.

Where is the mistake? Yes, just in matching the ideal of a particular person. Why do this? After all, then you will constantly have to support your image. Remember that you can never adapt to anyone, because relations are the union of two people with common interests. Moreover, the endless pretense of you and in the end get tired of it.

  • Relationships errors - you haven't completed past relationships yet
You did not part with the past
You did not part with the past

The main rule of success is completeness. In other words, you must complete past relationships and only then plunge into new ones. This applies not only to real parting when you cut off all contacts with the former, but also internal. That is, you must leave all the insults and claims in the past, and with a new person to build relationships on mutual sympathy, and not the desire to take revenge or just distract from experiences.

So, if you do not internally complete the relationship, then when communicating with a new person with you, as it were, someone third. Well, you must admit, it would be unpleasant if your new boyfriend came on a date with the former. But this is exactly what happens when the past has not yet been released and the present worries. Symptoms of such a phenomenon are quite simple and men, seeing them, run away:

  • You compare the former and current man, even in all sorts of trifles. Well, if you do not say this out loud, but in especially difficult situations the girls do this. But nobody likes it when he is compared with someone.
  • You are still overwhelmed by resentment and hatred of the former, and you are not even embarrassed to talk about this new man.
  • You are overwhelmed by sadness that the past man was so perfect, right in everything, and you are constantly trying to “pull out” the new boyfriend to the same level.

This is all very unpleasant for men and they prefer to leave. Well, why such a relationship, when you are constantly compared with someone, some of you are “sculpted” and so on. If you already clung to the former, then the real then you do not need in essence.

  • Relationships errors - formativity

This is the opposite of the first case. That is, having met a man, a woman tries not to change herself, but his chosen one. And he does not even have time to show what he really is. At the beginning of the relationship, we always communicate, look closely and all the time we think whether we want to communicate further. This is an absolutely normal process, but not everyone understands this. Today, the topic of raising millionaires from alcoholics, as well as reviving femininity, is very popular. She suggests that it all depends on a woman who can make anyone from a man who she wants. Indeed, this cannot be argued with this, because women can be inspirers, but they can also de -energize.

Some women are too literally perceived by this concept and then sincerely perplexed that the result is not at all what is expected. And then she sits and cannot understand why he left. After all, she tried so hard - she taught manners, and bought books, and so on. And all because only people with very low self -esteem can endure this. And therefore, a woman receives as a result of an infantile man who cannot even make a decision.

Agree, no adequate man will like that he is forced to live by some rules when he has not yet decided if he needed you. By the way, the same applies to complete control, constant calls, the requirements of explanations about each step and so on.

By the way, too strong care is also control. Do not be a "mommy" for a loved one and patronize him. He is looking for an ally, a life partner, and not a second mother.

If you notice such manifestations for yourself, then it is better to consult a psychologist and think about whether you need to dominate the relationship, and also that prevents you just to become happy.

  • Mistakes in relationships - you are silent about your desires and ignore it
You are silent
You are silent

Sincerity and openness are important in any relationship. They are the foundation, and all relations should begin with them. No need to fully open from the first meeting and talk about all the details of your life.

Although some girls do not understand that they do not need to say everything directly and pour all their problems with a bunch on the first date. This will make a man think that you need a lifebuoy that can solve all your problems. The same applies to talk about a future wedding, gifts and so on. The man will simply run away from such pressure.

Although, it’s worth talking about feelings. And we must also take into account the feelings of the partner. If your man parks in a pool or talks loudly, then it is better to say this calmly. It is easy for adults to agree so that everyone is convenient. Moreover, dialogue is the best way to understand.

You should always remain yourself, because we are all unique and beautiful in our own way. You will definitely meet a person who will accept you as it is, but you yourself must accept him the same.

How to determine that relations fall apart: signs

How to understand that the relationship is the end?
How to understand that the relationship is the end?

No one says the relationship will be easy. There are always difficulties. But the relationship should not reach the endless hell. It is necessary to understand when the relationship is on the verge and reanimate them in time.

  • Resentment

All the time you copy some grievances against a partner, but you prefer to be silent about them. It seems to you that in this way you maintain a relationship, but in fact it only worsens them. After all, when a lot of negativity will accumulate, it will certainly break out.

Resentment does not disappear, especially if the stimulus acts constantly. If the insult does not splash out, then it accumulates inside, and this leads to stress. Of course, relations from this collapse. Slowly but surely.

  • Contempt

If you have a mutual disrespect for each other, then it would be time to say goodbye to your illusions. It is very easy to get rid of attachment when a person does not respect you, and you yourself too.

Yes, people can live on together and not value each other, but why is such a relationship when no one cares about what a partner wants and feels?

  • Contempt

It doesn’t matter what exactly led to contempt-appearance, failure in his career or something else. Partners should support in any situation, because this is important for everyone.

But, if you have become contemptuous of each other and do not get support in relationships, then why is this necessary? Nearby there should be a person who will always understand, and not condemn in any situation.

  • Lies

No, this is not an ordinary deception, but such when, in response to the words of love, you answer the same, but inside you does not “move”. You are afraid to offend a person, but in this way you only do worse. When the truth is outside, then ruin everything. And the insult from this will be even more.

Well, if you try to convince yourself that everything is fine, although you understand perfectly well that everything has already ended, then this means - you are running from reality.

  • Mistrust

If there is no trust in your relationship, then there are good reasons for this. If they are so serious that nothing to do, it is better to part with this person.

  • Clarification of relations in public
Swearing in public
Swearing in public

All the good about your partner can be talked in public. But all the bad is better to find out in a closed room and in private. If you begin to swear at others, you will achieve only a bad reaction.

In addition, cursing with a partner in public, or letting go in his own direction, you hide a great dissatisfaction inside that cannot remain inside and seeks an exit.

  • District

If you try to move away from your partner and avoid all kinds of contacts, then it would be time to think about parting.

You no longer have any special connection with your partner and so you make it clear that the relationship has exhausted yourself. It is better to part in this case, so that there are no problems.

  • You demand evidence of love

This is a very interesting way of manipulation. When you say to your partner - "If you love me, then ...". If you yourself use this or your partner, then you need to think. It is worth eradicating it or it is better to part. Why do you need this? Will you love him more or is he if he does something?

  • Humiliation in public
Public humiliation
Public humiliation

If the partner humiliated you in public, then most likely he will do this constantly. And it doesn’t even matter if he was sober or drank a lot.

Public humiliation can only speak of self -hatred. And even if in response you will give him love, then nothing will change. He will have to correct his self -esteem, and you need to work for a long time and hard. But for starters it is important to at least recognize.

  • Obsession to others

If your loved one likes another person, then it doesn’t even matter if they have a relationship, then this will still lead to parting.

Of course, partners should not communicate only with each other, but emotional attachment cannot belong to the third. If your partner is in love with another, then this will still provoke a breakup.

As a rule, when a person begins to look towards another, then he lacks something. The peculiarity of this is that you yourself cannot give it to him, no matter how hard you try.

  • Obsession with pornography

This is normal when partners watch porn together. This helps to know each other and inspires experiments.

But when only one partner occupies obsession, the second remains unsatisfied. So, if this does not suit you, then you should think about the reasons and try to eliminate them.

  • Emotional infidelity
Emotional infidelity
Emotional infidelity

Most people are monogamous in relations, but not everyone adheres to this principle. So, if your partner has changed simply out of interest, then the relationship can still be saved, and if there is also emotional affection, then everything is bad. If it is present, then you need to end the relationship.

Often, we ask about love for that to another person when we learn about treason. This is due to the fact that just emotions are the center of relations and in their absence, we can talk about the absence of a relationship.

  • Inability to resolve the conflict

When you endlessly prove your case and cannot come to a common decision, then over time this struggle is already becoming useless. You also continue to quarrel, but you do not expect results from this.

Everyone should step on their pride and refuse victory. Otherwise, it is pointless to continue the relationship. It is better to find a general solution, even if it is not entirely pleasant for both.

  • Subconscious

If you are constantly doing some things that spoil the relationship, then your psyche enters into battle, and it dictates what to do. It doesn’t matter in your thoughts. The subconscious mind knows more about you than yourself.

  • Obsession

If your partner has an obsession with alcohol, drugs, shopping, sex and so on, then you will never be in the first place for him. Accordingly, you will not get the desired emotional connection. The same goes for yourself.

Moreover, if you are dependent on your partner and can be called your obsession, then this is also very bad.

Attachment to the former

Attachment to the former
Attachment to the former

If you still have not been able to let go of the former and communicate with him even better than with the current partner, then this is very bad. Yes, you can maintain good relations with the past, especially if you have children, but only the current partner should always remain in the first place. When the situation is the opposite, then a feeling of loneliness appears, as well as jealousy. This destroys the relationship.

  • Threats and emotional blackmail

This is a clear sign of unhealthy relationships. As a rule, emotional blackmail is often represented in the form of great love, but only this is real control. In this case, there will be nothing good. It is better to part and no longer return to such a person.

  • Comparison

If your partner constantly compares you with someone, then it may look like humiliation. For example, he tells you that you are ugly, but Irka from the next entrance looks great. You earn little, but Marina earns more from another department. This should not be in a normal relationship.

Each person is unique and cannot be compared with another. Moreover, what kind of love it is when you are not accepted as it is.

  • Indifference

Here everything is clear. If a person behaves indifferently, so why stay with him and cling to him?

  • The disappearance of attachment

This is normal, if you want to sleep with a neighbor around the room, but if you want a serious relationship, then there should be affection in them. If you do not have this and you look at others, then it is better to part.

  • Physical violence

It doesn’t even matter what circumstances led to this and that they promise you to do this anymore. You must get away from this person, if you do not want everything to get even worse.

In general, of course, not a single relationship can do without conflicts. It’s just that you need to share when you just had a fight and calmed down, and when you want to designate the end of the relationship for the second half in this way.

Video: Errors in a relationship with a man. How to build relationships?

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