What states are in East Africa: the situation on the map, the capital of the states of East Africa. What is the eastern African country?

What states are in East Africa: the situation on the map, the capital of the states of East Africa. What is the eastern African country?

In this article you will get acquainted with geography, namely, the countries of East Africa.

Eastern Africa is a territorial unit, including Africa states located east of the Nile River, their area is 7.7 million km² (with the exception of Egypt) with a population of 194 million people.

East African countries: list, characteristics

Position on the map

East African countries include:

  1. Burundi (with the capital in the city of Buzhumbur).
  2. Djibuti (with the capital of the same name).
  3. Kenya (the main city - Nairobi).
  4. Comoric Islands (the main city-Moroni).
  5. Froke Madagascar (with the capital in Antananariva).
  6. Froke Mauritius (with the capital in the city of Port Louis).
  7. Mozambique (metropolitan city - Maputa).
  8. Reunion (metropolitan city-Saint-Denis).
  9. Rwanda (with the capital's city of Kigali).
  10. Seychelles (with the capital in the city of Victoria).
  11. Somali Republic (with the capital in the city of Mogadisho).
  12. Sudan (metropolitan city - Hartum).
  13. Tanzania (with the capital in the Dodom).
  14. Uganda (with the metropolitan city of Campal).
  15. Eritrey (with the main city - Asmara).
  16. Ethiopia (with the capital in Addis Ababe).

The most eastern African state is Federal Republic of Somalia, an area of \u200b\u200b637 thousand 657 km² and a population of 10 million people. Somali and Arabic are recognized as state languages. The second known name for the peninsula washed by the Aden Bay and Indian Ocean is the African horn.

Residents of Somali
Residents of Somali

Flora in this region is quite poor - on a significant part, savannahs and semi -deserts spread. The fauna, on the contrary, differs in diversity - here you can find giraffes, zebras, buffalo, jackals, wild donkeys, lions, elephants, leopards, gorillas, rhinos, antelopes. Hippo and crocodiles are found in the rivers. Coastal salty waters are inhabited by many species of fish. In economic terms, Somalia is very far behind today from other countries, having a lack of mineral fossils. The main occupation of the population is livestock.

Eastern Africa is a patrimony of about 200 different peoples, 4 groups of languages \u200b\u200bare concentrated here. Significant cultural and social differences in East Africa led to the emergence of many confrontations that develop into martial law, not stopping to this day. There were no clear boundaries of many countries, taking into account the culture and features of the mainland, which negatively affected the development of the region.

A lagging country
A lagging country

In 1967, the "East African Customs Union" was formed near the East African states. Many anthropologists consider the East African region a cradle of mankind.

Video: vacation in East Africa

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