What names were given to illegitimate children in Russia: the history of the origin of the names, which have survived to this day

What names were given to illegitimate children in Russia: the history of the origin of the names, which have survived to this day

Many surnames went just for a reason. Let's study as in Russia they called children born out of marriage.

Today, independent women often give birth to babies not in order to save their family or hold a man, but simply for themselves. And the surname to a daughter or son, as a rule, gives their own.

What names were given to illegitimate children in Russia?

But so, unfortunately, it was far from always. From time immemorial, babies were born, who were viciously and even indifferent, called "" "" "" "bastards". And all of their fault was that they were born out of marriage.

Until about the 16th century, the attitude to such children was quite tolerant. Russian princes recognized all their children, including illegitimate ones. Born by the keylander of Malusha from Svyatoslav Igorevich, Vladimir not only became a prince, but all his children born both in church marriages and “on the side” were ranked for a princely family.

But with the strengthening of the role of the Church and its canons, it gradually came to the point that illegitimate children were not always allowed to baptize, not to mention the fact that young men could not claim a priestly dignity, and the girl did not even have the right to become a bride in the church. It got to the point that illegitimate children were perceived as a shame for the family.

Surnames of illegitimate children
Surnames of illegitimate children

In Russia, it was customary to “brand” such children with certain surnames, in which information about the origin was laid. At first, shameful surnames could not even be called such - they were rather nicknames entered in the official metric. Dialects of the Russian language have many definitions for descendants of illegitimate connections: from the already mentioned baystryuk to Kurvenka, finding, walking. A very unambiguous definition "Semibatchik" Or, for example, "Probludysh".

Bogdana and Fedota

Many of these definitions became the basis of the name for the child born outside the marriage. Especially often used options on behalf of Bogdan, say, bogdanych or Bogdanok. And this is understandable: God is given - a given God - this is how this name was interpreted and also literally gave it to almost all the foundings. And the hoods are most often not by the heirs of the loud noble titles. So it happened that they became Bogdany and Bogdanov Children who are not recognized by fathers. The people said so: "Bogdanushka is all the priests," or even "if the baby is not baptized, then Bogdan."

There are their “Bogdans” in many noble and famous dynasties. For example, in Turgenev’s family there is a line of Bogdanova-Lutovinova, the artist Bogdanov-Belsky spoke of himself that he became Bogdanov as an illegitimate son of a beaver. The Czechs made interesting observation, which noticed that on the island of Sakhalin there are many illegitimate, and no less large number of Bogdanovs.

By the way, perhaps that is precisely why Bogdan is not in the saints, and his analogue acts Fedot. And as an analogue, it was also often used specifically for "stray".

Fedot or Bogdan
Fedot or Bogdan

Sometimes the priests who, recording the baby in church books, could marry them in such a way that Christaads or Juda, also made their contributions to the creation of surnames for illegitimate children.

A little later, the attitude towards such children in society softened a little - they began to be considered legal half. So in the metrics for lack of patronymic, they recorded: if not semi -resident, then just Polkin. They could be repulsed from the name of the mother, and even the godfather was remembered, but still the "halves" in the surnames were present: Polustroev or Polopyanov.

Half blue blood

They treated their illegitimate offspring a little differently among aristocrats. Children were often trained in sciences, property benefits were determined, but they did not dare to give their surnames. They were limited only to part: So from the Golitsyn, a new branch was obtained - faces, and from the Trubetskiy - Betsky.

  • It used to be at all to the anagrams, and then the son of Shubin was already becoming Nibush, and simple Petrov became a ropet.
  • Pnin is the son of Field Marshal Repnin.
  • Agin, illustrating “Dead Souls”, himself said about himself that the beginning of his surname was not supposed to be, since the mocking father could not legitimize his relationship with his serf.
  • The grandmother of the writer Polonsky was smart, because the illegal daughter of Count Razumovsky could not be bear his last name. The pupil (often this is the name of illegitimate children, if his father nevertheless took him to his family) Count Golovin was called Fedor Lovin.
Half -gloss blood
Half -gloss blood
  • They recalled the family estates (it was Bobrinsky who was recorded by the son of Orlov and Catherine, from the name of the lands in beavers), the long -forgotten branches of the genealogical tree (Ekaterina Dolgorukova and Alexander II baptized their illegitimate children by the Yuryevsky, from the nickname of the Romanovs). In honor of his beloved regiment, Prince Nikolai Konstantinovich named his offspring.

Educated nobles could give their children surnames based on foreign vocabulary. Turning to the mistress “Mon Amant”, the prince born of her could well be called Amantov. And the surname Herzen turned out from the German “heart” (Herz).

Soldyushki - brave guys

In the XVIII century, a regular army began to be created. 25 years of service away from the house where the young wife remained. It is not surprising that upon returning home, a soldier could meet not only a graying wife, but also several “Bogdanchiks”. And it’s good if they lived separately.

Often the daughter -in -law remained to live among her husband’s relatives, and then the fate of children could not be envied. The sons of the soldiers were often called "seven -batch", and in the best case they could count on the same service in the army, and, often they went there before they became adults.

Soldiers were often born illegitimate children
Soldiers were often born illegitimate children

The children of soldiers could be called, starting from how they turned to their mother. Ivanikha (i.e. the wife of Ivan), Strelchikha (wife of Streltsov or Sagittarius) brought up the Ivanikhins and Strelchikhins.

"Wrong" children

There were many other approaches to distinguish illegitimate among other children. According to Kostomarov, they could give them rare, little names. Many examples can be found in classical literature.

  • So, in Ostrovsky we meet Islomov, who does not know his origin. Nezhdanov from Turgenev’s “Novi”, whom his father simply did not expect, Dobchinsky from the Gogol “auditor”, asking for recognizing his premarital son as legitimate, Katyusha Maslov from the Tolstoy “Resurrection”, bearing the name of his mother.
  • Sisters, Paratchkin, Avdotin - So they could call the child not by the name of the father, but for family ties, profession or mother’s name.
They gave rare names
They gave rare names

But all this is in the past. Now children, regardless of whether they were born in a full or incomplete family, have equal rights. And the recognition of his child, born out of marriage, fortunately, is increasingly becoming an ordinary male act.

Video: The story of the appearance of surnames in Russia

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