What household habits make us unhappy? What is time to refuse?

What household habits make us unhappy? What is time to refuse?

Many do not notice, but daily a person repeats many identical actions. Some of these habits can pull a person back, preventing her from achieving their goal, because there is no time left to do important matters. Especially a person is made unhappy household habits.

The labor -intensive processes that were committed in the USSR, in the struggle for cleanliness in the house, demanded a lot of time and effort. Women who did a lot of housework were considered a good mistress. Not only did they work as a full work day, like men. Also at home, the artist was supposed to redo all household chores, such as ironing, washing linen with household soap manually, sniffing sheets, duveters, pillowcases, etc. Now some Old Believers still have everyday habits, not only do they spend time on them, but they are imposing on their daughters and daughter -in -law.

What household habits make us unlucky - ironing underwear

Many hostesses from the thought that at home after washing is a whole foot of crumpled linen, which must be re -seated in the evening after work, and throws into discouraging. Again, all free time will have to be devoted to everyday work, and time will not remain at all. Indeed, these household habits make many fair sex unfortunately. Yes, and as without ironing, because experienced housewives of the old hardening always argued that due to the heat treatment of fabric, you get rid of all sorts of harmful microorganisms.

But there is one thing - but. In the course of research, scientists have established that after ironing, the material is compacted, it "does not breathe." Yes, and ironed underwear is not so pleasant to the touch, it becomes a little tougher, elasticity. It is not surprising that a person sweats after contact with him. The first thing you want after such an unpleasant sensation is to take a shower.

Better to wear material that is not very riding. The following fabrics are suitable for summer:

  1. Silk material - This is a wonderful natural representative of fabrics. It is worn both on the exit and is used as bedding. Matter is wear -resistant, it is recommended to iron not at high temperatures, otherwise the product may deteriorate. But steaming silk is a pleasure. You can still wash the fabric without twisting, and then hang out for drying, straightening it well. In this case, it is possible to iron a thing and do not have to.
  2. Coarse - Very super -resistant matter. It does not even need advertising, as it serves for a long time, without losing its qualities. But the begging needs to be careful. Material with air conditioning should be washed, and not dry under the straight rays of the sun.
  3. Satin-Jacquard - Also durable, durable material. If you do not click the fabric, then even after washing it does not break.
Beautiful dress from Khuzi
Beautiful dress from cotton fabric with lavsan

But it is much easier to do not by ironing with an iron, but to process the rumpled fabric with a steamer. Less time will go to the process, the quality of the fabric will not deteriorate, and harmful microorganisms will leave the surface of the material.

What household habits make us unlucky - boiling underwear

Boiling white things from x/b - This is just a nightmare for women of our time. These household habits can ruin the mood not only to the mistress, but to the whole family. Because the steam, which falls from a large loudness during the process, settles on the windows, increases humidity in the house, also smells unpleasantly with a click.

Thanks to boiling, laundry loses its strength faster. His fibers are destroyed due to the action of high temperature and chemical detergent, which does not spare anything. It is good that now it is not necessary to engage in this hard work, you can restore white color without boiling.

Boiling underwear
Boiling underwear

You can bleach linen with various solutions:

  1. Salt solution. It is enough to dilute 75 g of salt in 5 liters of water. There to soak dirty linen for 20-25 minutes, and then rinse.
  2. Pine turpentine.Buy a pine turpentine in pharmacy kiosks and dissolve it in three liters of ordinary water. Lingerie need to be whitened for 12 hours.
  3. Using vinegar or lemon juice. Soak dirty linen in a liquid prepared according to the following recipe: add 75 ml of vinegar or juice per 3 liters of tap water.
  4. Oxygen bleach. Thanks to the component of this tool (sodium percarbonate), when soaking, the dirt is removed from the surface of the tissues.

IMPORTANT: To use such means should only be under the recipe, and you do not need to warm the water, thinking that because of this, the laundry will be white.

What household habits make us unlucky - wrapping underwear

Now few who use such a process as wrapping underwear. But still there are women who cannot abandon the old habit. Moreover, such household habits bring many difficulties. Firstly, you can pour starch and the thing simply will not bend, it will be difficult to put it on.

Secondly, it is undesirable to starch the whole thing completely, so in a magnificent dress it is enough just to stall only the skirt. And let the top go to the figure. Otherwise, the dress will not sit beautifully in pricking at the waist and chest. Yes, and the starch solution must be brewed, and therefore it is advisable to dry the thing straightened, it cannot be squeezed out so that it does not crush much.

How to starch linen?
How to starch linen?

Is it not better to just take a thing and that it is, for example, lush, sew a height. Or make a frame like a corset.

What household habits make us unhappy - the use of whiteness when washing

White - A fairly cheap remedy, it copes with the bleaching of even too well -worn fabrics. But, if you inhale its aroma, you can immediately cross out all the previously listed advantages of the product.

Why torment yourself with this procedure and inhale to put it mildly unpleasant odors, because you can also use other means that do not smell like that and act at the level with whiteness.

Such household habits were firmly rooted in the minds of some ladies because of the cheapness of the method, but they are unlikely to bring at least some pleasure, except that there are no spots on linen.

What household habits make us unhappy - the use of laundry soap

There are still some enterprises that distribute laundry soap to their employees. And in order to save, they manually wash things with this soap and wash after a working day. Some are just rubbing and added to the washing machine. Thanks to such actions, the machine will become unusable faster, especially if it is an automatic machine.

And not every skin will benefit soap. No matter how it is, but it dries and pulls off the delicate skin. For dry skin, this is just a mockery. Yes, and a girl with a beautiful manicure will have to leave if you regularly wash towels with this soap, other things to whiten a little.

Using laundry soap
Using laundry soap

What household habits make us unlucky - rubbing glasses with a newspaper

Nowadays, there are many options to wash the windows without any divorces. That's just some still can not leave addictions to wipe off, or rather rub the glass with an ordinary newspaper. This requires large energy consumption, time and patience. But you can also replace the newspaper with a microfiber with a napkin and not rub the same place for fifteen minutes, until the strips of divorces are from the windows.

Yes, many people love stability and even if it is bad, they never refuse it badly. But the action has been tested for centuries and it has been working for sure, why throw money away and at the same time save strength, time. Isn't it better to cope with household work faster and leave more time for relaxation or yourself. For example, watch your favorite movie, make a mask on the face, hair.

Washing glasses with newspapers
Washing glasses with newspapers

For some, rest is still considered laziness. And if a young woman devotes a lot of time for herself, monitors the figure, and at the same time copes with all home problems, she is still considered frivolous. It is necessary to work constantly, even if this is a vain work.

Video: What household habits make us unhappy?

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