What is the most terrible, dangerous, poisonous, deadly, big? The most dangerous snakes in the world, on planet Earth: TOP-20

What is the most terrible, dangerous, poisonous, deadly, big? The most dangerous snakes in the world, on planet Earth: TOP-20

In this article we will talk about snakes, meetings with which any person should be afraid.

There is such an English proverb: "Watch out in the grass of snakes". Of course, you should not be afraid of some kind of snap. But there are such snakes, having met which you definitely need to move away. We offer to familiarize yourself with the top 20 most dangerous snakes in the world.

Typan: The most poisonous snake

This one lives two -meter A snake in the homeland of all living unusuals - in Australia. Typan is extremely Irritive, and with great discontent perceives the presence of a person nearby. Moreover, his anger will not be long in coming - the offender of rest and will not have time to squeak, and the snake will hasten to protect its personal space.

Poison with lightning speed provoke blockage of arteries blood clots. Naturally, the blood will cease to enter important organs. According to statistics, thus at once It can be killed about 100 people!

The only thing that can save a person is lack of surprise for a snake. Thapan is similar to the reactions to the stimulus with many other snakes. That is, he would rather prefer to avoid conflict, slipping to the side. However, being driven into a corner, taken by surprise or subjected to persistent persecution, he will attack.

Important: Typan’s danger is that his poison kills in just a second second. Naturally, under such conditions, under such conditions, there can be no question.

Typan - this snake is always on guard of its personal space
Taipan - this snake is always on guard of its personal space

Brown king: The most unpredictable poisonous snake

Another Australian resident is a brown king or, as they also call this snake, "Mulga". The poison of such an insidious king kills almost immediately. It stands out in large volume - so, at a time you can get about 150 mg.

Mulga herself is very resistant to poisons. So much so that it is able to digest another poisonous snake! Her diet also includes mammals, birds, frogs, lizards. Good, forests, meadows Great for this. Only tropical forests are not like a brown king.

Snake, even in a relaxed state, Closely reacts to the slightest movement. The most interesting thing is that she can pursue the victim for a long time, biting her, but not injecting poison. As if amusing a disturbing rest.

Important: the best thing that can be done when meeting with a mulga is to freeze and wait until she crawls past.

Mulga - a poisonous snake with a peculiar character
Mulga - a poisonous snake with a peculiar character

Tiger snake: the most cunning poisonous snake

This resident of Australia is able to show his entire snake entity at any time. She will not crawl to the side and wait until the person passes. On the contrary: seeing the victim, a tiger snake will hide and let it closer. Then lightning jump - And the object is amazed.

The most paradoxical is that it can even attack a harmless person, Which is not going to show aggression at all. It is enough just to appear in the field of view of the cunning Australian inhabitant. As a rule, a tiger snake does not miss.

The unfortunate victim will begin to feel first tingling. Then it will appear Sweating. Next stage - lack of air, The person will choke.

Important: antidote from the result of the hunt of this snake does not yet exist.

Tiger snake is the most insidious among the poisonous snakes
Tiger snake is the most insidious among the poisonous snakes

Ribbon Kright: the most dangerous poisonous night snake

This resident in India and the southern regions of China The snake is sometimes also called "Sunny." The fact is that she loves to hide her head behind the tail, which makes such a modest impression.

However, it is deceptive. The striped striped beauty is very cruel. Krut does not intend to regret his enemies. Especially if there are cubs nearby. In case of danger, one such snake it can deal with a dozen people at the same time!

However, the advantage is that the beloved element of the edge - water. He is chosen for land only with the goal of hunting.

Important: it is especially worth being a guard to lovers of night walks and fishing.

Ribbon KRIT, fortunately, is easy to notice at night - the snake is brightly painted
Fortunately, it is easy to notice the tape of the edge at night - the snake is brightly painted

Black Mamba: the most aggressive poisonous snake

Rightly inspires fear for local residents and guests Africa. She can attack absolutely any time of the day, and completely not waiting for a person to think about the way of retreat.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the mamba happens It is difficult to recognize. She, as they say, is blacker than the night. Skin, eyes, mouth and even teeth in the mouth - everything is black as tar! At night, as you can understand, the risk increases significantly.

In addition, the snake is extremely light - She is able to develop speed to 20 km/h. That is, he moves about the same as a person during running. So the chances of catching up with the victim are quite high, especially if you take into account the effect of surprise.

Having caught up, Mamba is in a hurry to punish the stranger at once a few bites. By the way, one such bite is able to kill 25 people at once! The victim The image in the eyes is undermined, speech and consciousness are confused, foam and cramps appear.

Important: in the absence of help, a person flows into a coma and dies in 30 minutes.

Black Mamba is a snake that does not know pity
Black Mamba is a snake that does not know pity

Sadel Viper: The most painfully killing snake

Other names of the snake - "CENTER", "Swamp". She lives in Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Cambodia. It is difficult to notice it, since the viper creeps to hunt exclusively in the dark.

The people who notice it are often touched by ignorance. The snake is very elegant: long - almost 2 meters - And bright. A motley drawing It causes a desire to admire beauty from close range, but it is categorically not to do this.

If you feel the danger of the snake, of course, it will not forget to sting the person. One dose contains approximately 260 mg, however, this is more than enough for a person. To kill one person is just enough 60-70 mg of poison of vipers.

Fortunately, the Hindus have developed antidotewhich is able to save life. However, if it is not accepted, a person will experience terrible torment - he has strong bleeding will open, vomiting, dizziness, swelling, renal failure will occur. And all this lasts whole 2 weeks!

Important: those who wish to learn more about the habits of this snake should pay attention to the story of Arthur Konan Doyle, motley tape.

Russell viper - a snake that kills painfully for a long time
Russell viper - a snake that kills painfully for a long time

Sandy Efa: a snake with a large mortality ratio

This small one is all 90 cm in length - The snake kills more people in its habitat than all other reptiles. And given the fact that the habitat is wide, there are many victims. You can find the baby in Africa, South-West Asia, Arabia, the USA, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan.

An important role is played by the fact that the sandy efa extremely irritable. She will not put up with the creature that were distinguished, but will try to quickly and accurately deal with him.

You can notice it rather not by bright coloring, merging with sands, but by a characteristic way of movement. During it, the snake makes zigzags as if. By the way, on this trace in the sand and you can navigate on the ground.

If you do not use the antidote after the bite, occurs death from suffocation for several weeks. The victim feels Decrease in pressure and rhythm of the heart. The fabrics around the place of the bite die off.

Important: it is especially worth being afraid of EFA immediately after the rain - then it is extremely active.

Sandy Efa is a snake that caused the death of many people
Sandy Efa is a snake that caused the death of many people

Royal Cobra: the largest poisonous snake

On average, the length of this famous beauty is 3 or 4 meters. But there are more impressive specimens, reaching practically 6 meters!

This thunder lives in India, China, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, on the Malacca Peninsula. In this territory, a cobra finds for a diet of small mammals, birds, lizards and even his relatives.

Cobra poison is not very toxic, but there are a lot of it. One spit fills about ¼ pile. For comparison: this is almost five more than a black mamba produces. Such a volume may well kill a person or even an elephant literally in a few minutes.

However, fortunately, the queen of the snake seeks not to come into conflict. If it is possible to crawl with the world, she will certainly use it. According to statistics, from the poison of this snake dies no more than 5 people a year.

Important: a cobra is inclined to warn a person about his attack, which is useful to consider when meeting with her. So, the snake that is preparing to share the poison first raises its body above the ground, looks into the eyes of the enemy and hisses.

Royal Cobra is the largest of the poisonous snakes
Royal Cobra is the largest of the poisonous snakes

Eastern Aspid: The most deceptive poisonous snake

This snake is also called "Harlequin" For a bright attractive color. She is not big - from 40 cm to 1 meter. Black, yellow and red rings attractively encircle the body of the snake, inviting to admire such beauty. For some reason, this species gives people the impression of harmlessness.

Probably, the curiosity of people is also due to the behavior of the aspid. He hides underground, leaving only a bright tail on the surface. This tail is spinning and clapping, which sometimes causes the desire to get it and see what is the matter. What is a deadly mistake, since the head of Harlequin will not be long in coming.

The poison of the snake will inject quite a bit - just 1/1000 teaspoon. But this is quite enough for death, if you do not use the antidote. After 8 hours or a day the victim’s speech becomes tangled, fog appears in the eyes, breathing is difficult.

Important: the insidiousness of the aspid bite is that at first a person feels just a slight injection, like a pin.

Eastern aspid is a snake that deceives with its appearance and behavior
Eastern aspid is a snake that deceives with its appearance and behavior

Gremie Snake: Snow-Diplomat

Unlike some of their relatives, this snake he will not attack instantly. Faced with someone, she prefers to begin to notify her dissatisfaction. To do this, at the end of the tail there is a kind of rattle, which at the moments of the particularly nervous state of the snake cracks.

Crack - The signal that it's time to quickly move away. Otherwise brought to the limit by feeling of the danger of a snake he will take the enemy at a distance equal to about 2/3 of its length.

What is curious young individuals attack more often. More adults and experienced come to the conclusion that your unique poison should be taken. The poison is really powerful, because it is able destroy organs and tissues, make blood unstable.

Important: a medicine, even given on time, is able to save only in 4% of cases of a bite.

Rattling snake - a snake that prefers to agree first
Rattling snake - a snake that prefers to agree first

Belcher's sea snake: the most toxic snake

According to studies, the poison of this snake, no more or less, 100 times more toxicthan any other poison. Only one drop is enough to lose their lives of 100 people! And a couple milligram And that is more dangerous - more than 1000 people They can quite be destroyed.

Fortunately, this snake is quite modest. In order to get a deadly drop, you will have to try hard. If possible, a dangerous find he will try to hide.

Belcher's snake lives on the territory of North Australia, Southeast Asia. It is worth noting the fact that she lives mainly in waterTherefore, most often sailors and fishermen became victims.

Important: a fatal outcome is far from in all cases - about ¼ of them.

Belcher's snake is extremely toxic, although it does not always kill
Belcher's snake is extremely toxic, although it does not always kill

Viddle -shaped deadly snake: the fastest paralyzing snake

This resident Australia and New Guinea calls the enemy with his bite lightning muscle paralysis. He, in turn, leads to the fact that a person completely loses the ability to move.

As a consequence of this, arise shortness of breath, failure in breathing. The heart can not only go astray from normal rhythm, but also stop at all. If you do not help on time death will occur within 6-28 hours.

A snake can be considered cunning. The fact is that her diet includes birds, small mammals. And they still need to be caught! To do this, a cunning hunter curls in the form of horseshoe in the grass and slightly moves his tail - attracts the attention of all the curious.

Important: the attack is lightning fast, so at the slightest suspicion of meeting with this snake it is better to calm curiosity and step aside.

The viper -shaped deadly snake paralyzes in the blink of an eye
The viper -shaped deadly snake paralyzes in the blink of an eye

Viper: The most famous poisonous snake

When talking about poisonous snakes, many first remember the viper. And it is not surprising: the habitat range of these snakes is quite extensive. They love forests, river shores, swamps, lakes. Even in the mountains You can find viper!

Given the love of a snake for moisture, you can calculate the time when it is really possible to meet it with the greatest degree of probability. This is a period Immediately after the rain season. She also likes night time of the day.

The bitten viper first feels pain in the injured place. This place is often swelling. Then blood pressure drops, the heart is reduced less often. It happens bleeding from gums. After a while, at the site of the bite may appear necrosis, and on the face - edema. Sometimes it arises vomit.

Important: if you do not help on time, the victim will die after a day of the day-14 days.

Viper is a snake that occurs often
Viper is a snake that occurs often

African Boomslang: a snake whose poison quickly destroys

The difficulty in the bite of the boomslax is that its poison does not come to his senses. Literally immediately after the enemy enters the body, he is engaged in destruction of cells.

However, if you give a snake a chance hide without an attack She will do this with great pleasure. Despite the terrible poison, the snake is not endowed with special bloodthirstiness.

He lives in some African regions. You can not be noticed by booms On the branches of trees - From here, in fact, the name occurred. What is most interesting, it can have different coloring Depending on the place of residence.

Important: it is recommended to read the notes of Karl Paterson Schmidt - a specialist in reptiles, who was not lucky enough to be bitten by booms. Until the last moment, the scientist recorded his sensations.

African Boomslang - a wood snake that destroys the enemy cells in an instant
African Boomslang - a wood snake that destroys the enemy cells in an instant

Kassava: a poisonous snake with the longest teeth

This thick snake lives with a big head on the territory east Africa. It is also called "Gabon viper." The first glance on the snake can cause charm - it really is very pretty.

However, beauty is deceiving. Kassava is enough tooth - her teeth the size of a matchbox. That is, they reach approximately 5 cm in length. This is enough to get deep into the body of the unfortunate victim as deeply as possible. Accordingly, having attached in this way, the viper can inject as much poison as it considers necessary.

Important: if the traveler notes the Gabonian beauty, it is better for him to take his legs faster - the snake is not fond of persecution.

Kassava - a poisonous snake with the longest teeth
Kassava - a poisonous snake with the longest teeth

Nosy Engidrin: the most nervous poisonous sea snake

This marine resident can be found In the waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Snake specialists called her "Grumpy and wild", since more than half of all bites by sea snakes falls on it.

However, man and Engidrin have been entering into a deadly battle for many centuries. Locals are very fond of eating the meat of this snake. Agree: there is something to be grumpy from. Engidrina successfully pays what poisons in the literal sense of the word life to people. Only 1.5 mg of poison - And the person goes to the bottom.

Important: there is an antidote, and it is made from the poison of the same snake.

Nosy Engidrina - the most dangerous sea snake
Nosy Engidrina - the most dangerous sea snake

Bushmeister: The most mythical poisonous snake

Bushmeister or, as it is also called, "Surukuku", acquired almost mythical status. The fact is that she it is extremely rare. Prefers reservoirs And it has enough calm character. Moreover, the Bushmeister is cowardly, despite the impressive length - 4 m.

However, if he thinks that life is in mortal danger, he is ready to defend himself to the last drop of poison. This poison is dangerous and can lead to death.

Important: however, death occurs only in 10% or 12% of cases. More often, the bite causes just paralysis.

Bushmeister is the most rarely encountered poisonous snake
Bushmeister is the most rarely encountered poisonous snake

Australian Shipchist: A snake with the most quickly neutralized poison

This snake inhabiting in the territories New Guinea and Australia, can be called insidious. She has a habit ambush. And not only on people and their food, but also in relatives!

The attack will take everything 0.13 seconds. Of course, no one is able to defend themselves in this case, except, perhaps, of the studs themselves. Total 100 mg of poison enough for paralysis, including paralysis of the respiratory system. Death occurs under the most prosperous circumstances and without lack of assistance through 6 hours.

Important: however, the poison of a spikhwost is considered one of the most easily neutralized.

Australian spiker line is a snake whose poison is the most quickly neutralize
Australian spiker line is a snake whose poison is the most quickly neutralize

Malay Krait: a snake with the most stable poison

Australia, Southern Regions of Asia, Malaysky Archipelago - The places in which there is a risk of meeting this reptile friendly. Particularly loved by the top of the place dast - There may be shrubs, jacks, holes. It is from them that attacks are made.

The snake does not differ in large sizes, so noticing it is not so simple. She is rather average - about 2 m in length. The color is also not particularly noticeable - white and black alternating stripes.

Important: unfortunately, even the antidote does not always protect from death.

Malay Krait - a snake whose poison is difficult to neutralize
Malaysky Krait - a snake whose poison is difficult to neutralize

Harraraka ordinary: the most sensitive poisonous snake

Every resident knows about Harrakraca Brazil - There, the largest part of the attacks of snakes falls on it. Namely, 80-90%. Fortunately, there are not so many fatal outcomes - everything 10-12%. And then in those cases if you do not provide timely assistance. With the help of the chances of surviving, increase by more percent.

Harrarako can be called aggressive. If she considers someone a potential victim or a source of danger, he will attack immediately. At the same time, he will not forget to put poisonous teeth.

It is pointless to step aside - snake focus on heat. What is noteworthy, even in the moments of rest, the heat does not forget to observe, at any time preparing to attack.

Important: the traveler is especially intently to look closely at the trees. It is on their branches that the snake loves to be, not on the ground.

Graceraka ordinary - the most sensitive of the poisonous snakes
Graceraka ordinary - the most sensitive of the poisonous snakes

From ancient times, the snake was endowed with mystical properties - some peoples were afraid of her. As practice has shown, it is definitely worth being afraid of snakes. At least some. We hope our list will help lovers travel.

We offer to get acquainted with the video about the most dangerous snakes in the world:

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