What is the difference between stinginess, greed and frugality?

What is the difference between stinginess, greed and frugality?

Leaning, stinginess, greed - what is common and what is the difference between these concepts?

Today again, reasonable frugality is in fashion, as well as the ability to save. But still, the stereotypes of past generations, as if chains are overwhelmed by people, impending a wasteful, non -creative life. In this article we will tell you what the difference between stinginess, greed and frugality, and we will also analyze each of the concepts separately. You will learn that reasonable consumption is a path to happiness and new heights.

What is frugality?

What is frugality? Considering the difference between stinginess, greed and frugality, it is worthwhile to make out how these points are different and why all this was considered synonyms for many years and had a negative connotation.

Leaning is a skill acquired in social circles due to which it is imputed by the sane consumption of goods and services, as well as natural resources. As a result of this, money and natural resources are consumed measuredly and in the quantity that this person really needs.

Please note that each person has individual needs, and, accordingly, a single formula of life and expenses simply cannot be.

At the same time, our society has an overabundance of goods and services, and there are also a lot of things whose value is exorbitantly overestimated. In order for everyone to remain in their places, the rich are enriched, and the poor obediently worked for the benefit of the rich, false concepts are artificially introduced that make people unrestrave a new one, as soon as they achieve something.

Also, people are suggested that a happy life is a synonym for a wasteful life, so that the cursory and frugality be common concepts, and the wastefulness and life for one day was a dream of millions.

A striking example of frugality
A striking example of frugality

Let us give an example of frugality in the context of everyday life:

  • A person takes a shower instead of a bath to save a natural resource, as well as his budget. Moreover, if he is a freezing on Frosty Street, then he will probably be ready to pick up a hot bath to prevent a cold;
  • In the store, when choosing kefir, a person gives a choice in favor of a product with a low price, but with the conditions: the short -term shelf life, the freshness of kefir, as well as the packaging of tetrapak or glass (as it treats nature and refuses plastic, even if it is cheaper) ;
  • It acquires exactly as many clothes as required for wearing. The cabinet of such a person does not crack from an excess of clothes, since there is no need for this. And even if there was a thing in the closet that a person realizes that he does not want to wear (the fashion has passed, the size has stopped, the size has changed), then instead of the trash tank, the thing will go for sale or charity.

A careful person respects his money, does not scatter it, but does not put them on the top of the pyramid.

In the offices, thrifty people are the first to refuse paper documentation in favor of digital technologies, as this saves both monetary and eco resources. At the same time, consumption remains reasonable, and if necessary, a person easily carries the necessary additional costs, for example, to print the necessary documentation on request.

One of the vivid representatives of frugality is Steve Jobs. He took most of his life in the same jeans and turtlenecks, believing that his lean attitude to clothes, time and money freed space to open new peaks. His housing was large, but modestly furnished, exclusively as required for the family.

What is stinginess?

So, we approached the second definition - what is stinginess? Many do not understand what is the difference between stinginess, greed and frugality precisely because they do not understand the true meanings of these words.

A stinginess is an excessive desire to save on everything. Many people call stinginess excessive frugality, and this is also a true concept. A stinginess can be considered one of the steps down, thanks to which a person refuses the joys of life and turns into a slave of his own monetary illusions.

A stingy person buys clothes only after holes form on existing things. But even in this situation, he does not experience positive emotions from shopping, but on the contrary, begins to experience stress.

A stingy person is rarely chosen on vacation, and then only under the pressure of a family or team. After all, these are “empty waste”, and instead of euphoria of vacation, a stingy person experiences a lot of negativity and everywhere sees “evil” that wants to lure money from him.

Arithmetic of stinginess
Arithmetic of stinginess

At the same time, stingy people often suffer from their image of thinking, and even spend more money than lean, and possibly wasteful! One of the striking examples of stinginess is the purchase of expired products or partially spoiled. It is not only impossible to get aesthetic pleasure from such products, but you can also be poisoned, which will entail a deterioration in health and, of course, additional treatment costs.

In the section of frugality, we considered an example with kefir. So, a stingy person is ready to buy the cheapest kefir in the store, and it does not matter that the taste and composition of such a product will lag behind, and the plastic bag will not benefit nature. Here, the desire to spend less drowses all other thoughts and feelings.

One of the brightest representatives of stinginess is Michelangelo. The situation is simply odious - the sculptor lived in a cheap apartment, dressed poorly and often walked dirty clothes, because he claimed that he had no money for a laundress. Worse, he was negative to build a marriage and did not make sense to get the heirs, because he said that he simply had nothing to feed his family for.

Even during the life of Michelangelo, rumors went that something was wrong in matters of finance, since he received recognition during his lifetime and received huge fees for his labors. Michelangelo's numerous relatives lived poorly, and often ended in a line of poverty, referring to a talented and successful relative with a request for financial assistance, but he said that he was barely surviving in the realities of life. At the same time, after the death of the great creator, the old, moldy chests were opened, and what was the shock of the heirs, since they were full of paints or gypsum under the top! With this money it was possible to purchase a palace and keep it for many decades (Michelangelo would have been enough for the life of Michelangelo).

Please note that Michelangelo refused to spend money, saved on resources, but earned money with honest labor, and never crossed the line of irrevocability and did not cause harm to society with his behavior. Therefore, it can be attributed precisely to the category of stinginess.

What is greed?

What is greed? In the consideration of the issue, what is the difference between stinginess, greed and frugality, the category of greed is a “cherry on the cake”. This is an indicator of how a person can fall low without the help of society, and possibly proper treatment of specialists. After all, the consciousness of a person on the one hand cannot be touched, and accordingly and quickly understand that a person is sick, and on the other hand, it is very difficult to adjust and treatment. It is much easier to cure a bone fracture than a broken consciousness.

Greed is an extreme degree of scrupulous fear of spending money, time, resources. At the same time, a person is so stupefied by the desire to save (and note that it can be not only money, but the essence is reduced to enrichment), which is ready for crimes, both before relatives and before humanity. The unified goal of the life of such a person is an accumulation of money.

A greedy man is ready not only to rarely take a bath, not to part with old clothes and furniture, everything is much worse - a greedy person is ready to go to a crime in order to take possession of additional means.

As an example of greed in the family - to get sick yourself, or look at sick relatives, have funds for treatment and refuse expenses, knowing that there can be complications without treatment and even death! Greed is to refuse to support their own children, or keep them behind the poverty line. Do not pay for their development and education, while saving money for the future.

Greed at work is a colleague’s “situation”, only in order to take his income for himself, albeit with a huge piece of work. The greedy business owner will pay meant wages, do not update production technologies, turn a blind eye to lack of safety and at the same time, so as not to pay fines, not only violate the law, but also to step on the road of crime, only not to part with money.

One of the brightest representatives of greed is “Witch with Wall Street”, according to Henrietta Hawland Green. Her lifestyle was not only household chores, but also terrified the public today. The little Henrietta was born in a rich family and from childhood was surrounded by money, all the benefits of mankind and many excesses. The Henrietta family not only succeeded in business, but also actively helped society. But the grown Henrietta had a different opinion, and as soon as she began to help her father in business (in adolescence), immediately the workers felt changes. Perhaps if the father attached a meaning to this behavior, she would not have slopped into such an abyss of greed.

Henrietta Hawland Green is the most greedy woman in history
Henrietta Hawland Green is the most greedy woman in history

The girl began to actively reduce expenses, and send free resources to the development of business. But, even having reached the heights, she did not improve the situation in business, but only began active accumulations on the principle of “dollar for the sake of the dollar”. But the first significant trick was already in adulthood, when Green found out about the death of aunt, and her decision to send the acquired wealth (which, by the way, was not suitable for Green's income) for charity. Mrs. Green forged a testament, and tried to select money from the charity fund. A fake was revealed and the lady was depressed. But if you think, her views changed after shame and universal conviction, then you are mistaken.

Henrietta Hawland Green married a multimillionaire and was able to unsubscribe all his money to herself, and new rules reigned in the house after that. They could afford palaces, but lived in cheap apartments without furniture and heating. The food was heated in the office on the battery (heating is not required at home, because there are no customers who need to show themselves at least somehow), and the children studied in ordinary schools for the poor (despite the fact that Green studied with the best teachers). She wore mourning black dresses all her life, as they were less curtained, and dirt was not visible.

One day, the son of Ned broke his leg, and his mother flatly refused to show his doctor (the same expenses!) And treated it on her own. The servant took the boy to the hospital for the poor, unable to withstand the baby’s torment, but it was too late, and the boy lost his foot.

A cherry on the cake was a litter with a cook, who bought supposedly expensive milk (what's the difference if you are a multimillionaire?) And the 81 -year -old Green died of apoplexy.

When the next time you want to abandon anything, think about whether this applies to the basic needs? Do you lose happiness by refusing a trifle?

What is the difference between stinginess, greed and frugality?

And we approach the main issue of the article, what's the difference between stinginess, greed and frugality? As you noticed in the analysis of the concepts of stinginess, frugality and greed, these are all derivatives of economy. And if in case of frugality there is a positive dynamics, but with stinginess and greed, grief and suffering, discontent and depression follow.

The main difference between frugality and greed is the balance and understanding of what is required for a happy full life, and the ability to abandon excesses, but not crossing the line of renunciation of the necessary things.

A careful person will always help destitute, support his family, and also extend a hand of helping colleagues and friends. Leaning and desire to save helps to look for new ways to implement the most difficult processes, the development of new technologies in all areas of life.

Lean or greed?
Lean or greed?

The stinginess entails the restriction of the budget and blocking the possibilities of developing its potential. But greed! Greed entails a loss of energy, rejection of a full -fledged happy life. And in addition to his own discomfort, a greedy person receives censure from society, but a person is a social being and needs as no one else in approval by family and society. Without this, it can exist, but not to live fully.

Psychologists are sure that frugality, rejection of excess consumption is a healthy dynamics of our future, where all nations will reconsider their views and learn to observe the perfect balance of needs and opportunities. But as soon as you see the symptoms of stinginess in yourself or the loved ones, and even more so greed, refuse these vices, because the deeper the person is in vice in greed, the worse his quality of life, as well as his environment.

Video: greed, stinginess, greed - psychology of greed

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