What bird brings the chicks in winter? Why do the rolls build nests and withdraw their chicks in the winter, in February?

What bird brings the chicks in winter? Why do the rolls build nests and withdraw their chicks in the winter, in February?

Who is the clown? Why does the Cleest lead to its offspring in winter?

There are whole legends about a small bird. Despite its small size and similarity with an ordinary sparrow, it boasts a number of features, and sometimes weird.

Wintering bird Cleest that displays chicks in winter: Description, photo

Description of the bird Cleest
Photo of the bird Clot
  • Clest belongs to the detachment of sparrows, the clan of the crops and the Burkovo family. In size and shape of the body, this bird is really similar to the sparrow. However, she has several visual features that other birds do not have. Such wonders are its color and beak shape.
  • Thanks to the unusual beak and coloring of the crop, the “northern parrot” is also called.
  • The males of the cuttings have brown, bright raspberry backs and wings, but their tummy are painted in gray-white colors.
  • In a female fur coat is much simpler-they have a gray-green plumage, with a yellow-green tint.
  • In terms of size, the cutting is slightly larger than sparrows, but fewer starlings.
  • The clown has a rather large head, a powerful beak and strong paws with tenacious claws.
  • Strong paws are necessary for the Northern Parrot in order to hold onto the branch during a meal - very often it is refringing upside down.
  • Tenacious claws also participate in the bird attachment to the branch, but are also necessary to capture the cones.
  • The crop beak differs from all other beaks of birds - its ends are twisted and form a kind of cross (such a feature was due to the very name of the bird).
Description of the bird Cleest
Description of the bird Cleest
  • There are 5 types of cutting - mainly their differences are in external features or in food preferences. In Russia there are only a cell-barrier or a coatman, as well as a white-winged cell.
  • As mentioned above, these small birds feed on the seeds of cones. However, their diet is not limited only to these products - the clown can also enjoy the kidneys of conifers, their resin, the seeds of ash or maple, aphids.
  • It is difficult to call a crota a sedentary or migratory bird, most likely it is an eternal nomad that wanders in a constant search for a source of food.
  • Another unusual feature of this kind of birds is the prolonged safety of their corpses. The fact is that, thanks to their method of nutrition, the chicks absorb such a large amount of resins in their entire life that their bodies are mummified over time and do not decompose for decades.
  • As for the singing capabilities of the chick, he is still a mockingbird. In his trills you can hear echoes of different birds. In the wild, the CLECT uses its voice capabilities for roll calling with brothers.

Why do the rolls build nests and withdraw their chicks in the winter, in February?

Why are the chips nesting in winter?
Why are the chips nesting in winter?

The crossed beak, the imperfection of the ashes and the winter offspring of the crossbills gave rise to a number of legends around them. It is believed that this variety of birds is a saint:

  • According to the biblical legends, the clown was the same bird that tried to free Jesus Christ from the nails driven into His body. It was precisely when the Clest struggled with the nails, his beak sparkled and took the shape of a cross.
  • Thanks to the courage and devotion of the “northern parrot” to the son of the Lord, immortality was granted to him - that is why his body remains imperishable even after death.
  • And his offspring “Holy Bird” leads in the days of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

All these legends, of course, have the right to exist, but they also exist a scientific explanation:

  • The beak of this form is necessary for a crown in order to remove the seeds from cones.
  • The corpse of a bird from decay is protected by coniferous resins that have accumulated over the years in it.
  • The offspring of their crows lead in winter because their main source of food appears at this time.
Biblical legends about the cutter
Biblical legends about the cutter
  • It is worth noting right away that not always and not all “northern parrots” nesting in winter - some birds give their offspring in the spring or summer.
  • In the winter period of time, only those chips that live in coniferous forests are acquired by children. The fact is that the seeds of coniferous trees ripen in February. That is why the father of the family will be easier to feed their family at this time.
  • Also, in winter, Klest no longer have competitors - other birds fly to warm countries, and fur animals lie in hibernation.
  • It is also worth noting that the chicks are beautiful parents.
  • These birds build their nests in such a way that they are covered with spruce paws on top, and with below are insulated with feathers or animal hair.
  • Father is taken to feed the chicks - he brings them food in his beak and throws it into open, greedy beaks.
  • The female Kleta will guard all the time and heats the chicks until they are opened and learn to fly.
  • By the way, the beaks of babies at birth are not similar to the beaks of parents - they have even ends. Only at the time of complete ripening, when the chick is ready to independently get food, his beak begins to bend.

Cross: video

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